rTince Kuptrri UGiiy HCws Friday, April 2, 19h4 Presbyterian Tea Success GEORGE PAWES AUCTIONEER Phoiie ItlacW KIR and lied 127 ! The First Presbyterian Church 1 j hall was bedecked with spring ! flowers yesterday afternoon for1 i the well-attended spring tea and I ! uirsTri bv lhe Presbyter-! r B l U ir 5 1 V N IPrr ESS ' Ano A i j Mrs. Norman Moore house, vice- PROFESSIONAL ! Kyi "Xr ! I- (fed j infill i-ill. irtnytu KUl'SU. at Hie 111 kuccesstul affair which included j , sales . of home cooking and ! aproi .s. j Mrs. H. C. Halliday, president, i : was convener of the tea, at which I Mrs. W. D. Vance, Mrs. Robert LpUNE FOR CLA',fJ5p.PYLER.T'SNG 4:30 P.M. DAY PREVIOUS NEW H EL TANKS 550 Ttal. Tank HtlO.OO .'175 :t. Tanlt (I0fl S76 oai. liuk . .. Voe 12 tlnuu.e 8UW 3 Kxtrij. 1NDI STRIVE VVEMtlNG (tO. Gri-en 84 - 221 It Avi. E. J iffiiiii . fi.4 Pta Cameron, Mrs. W. H. Taylor and Mrs. M. Stewart presided at the tea table. , . i Serving were Mrs. Robert Parker, Mrs. Martin Ericksen I 4(1 BCSINESS OPPORTI'NITIES CAFE for sale. Good location. - Modern equipment. For particulars apply Commodore Cafe. "THE DAILY NEWS" "CIRCULATION-TODAY 3459 YEAR AGO .V. ... 3312 Mrs. Rowe - t DRESSMAKING 234 Third Avenue East, qver Rupert Battery Shop. PluMie Blue 126. " K : ,. , if V 1 i ( pra W prerfom ,fl,B Nntlcn. runera ,, ,nd Kngagement double prlo. Jrii ImertM Incnrrwtlj TLh ermra u received Phone 17. 628 3rd Ave. West. (83) 47 AtVlOMOBU.KS t '47 DODGE V2-ton, panel, 1954 licence. Heater, good -tires,! very reasonable price. May be , seen at 415 nth Ave. East. 178) i 14 Bl'SINESS Pr.RSON.VI.rt 33 BOATS AND ENGINES if. i and Mrs. T. W irown while in j the kitchen were Mrs. William i I White, Mrs. W. W. Bowes and i Mrs. Harry Robb. j j In clurso of the apron sale ' J were Mrs. Albert Wood and Mrs. Ray Fossum and at the bake table were Mrs. William Brem-nef, Mrs. Ed Saunders and Mrs. ! John MeI,eod. i A lovely silver vase holding bright daffodils, Japanese iris ; and pussywillows, centred the ! serving table while miniature , I sprays of daffodils and pussy- I willows with green leaves graced j the tea tables. 32-PT. trolling boat R.N. Chry- r engine. Can be seen at New Floats. . ,79P) 'uounollni inter tiaa. OP1 OMETRIST f KEITH H. TUCKER 210 Fourth Street j, Phone 212 t:: J h ' rJ - h life:- br?V-; 1951 PONTIAC 4-door Power. Glide, in good rendition, liwl price for quick sale. 233 9Ui i West, after 6 p.m. ,(79pi j 1949 CHEV. Sedan Dc-liverv, e.oixl I rubber. Phone Green 469. ! ANT AD PLUMBING, automatic oil heating, sheet metal work Phone 543. Call 630 61 h West. Utour-nr-au. c) WORLD'S FINEST CLEANER ELECTKOl.UX. Phone Blue 970 for farts Rales Service. ; JO CHIMNEY,- furnace; stove cleanT ing. Repairs, chimney built. Phone Blue 331. - 82pi WILFORD KleetrleHl T wTr"s Uealer for Ekollte Sounder. (89) (82) MIES . i ROGWOMEVS FASHION'S inCluria these .shallow-Water diving 32-FT. Trailer "Fisher I." Ace Chrysler engine. Phone Blue '2i (79t 36 ROOMsToil RENT 2 SINOLE rooms. One double, twin, beds lor working -men Meals if desired. 812 2nd, West ' 83) TWO rooms furnished, Black - 814- . (82pi SLEEPING room. Apply 100 4th holding replies CAPLING TRUCK LlfslE .eaves Pr. Rupert for Smlthern Every Tuesday and'. Friday. For .-onnectionr Phone 3 ' .--.J 1051 Faren Pickup, pood eon-! dltion. 1524 Second Overlook.! between 5 and 6 p.m. (78pi i 1950 Chamnkm Studebaker. Re- i ply Box 924 Daily News. (79pil AUSTIN Pickup. 724 Alfred Si. j (82p. following Newi suits worn by Lucille Cain and Elinor Erheldi (right l. The form-fitting suits are made of unicellular : foam neoprene and are designed to keep the wearer warm and protect him against abrasions of coral and rocks Called a Sub-Mariner, the suit comes in the forms shown, with helmets, cloves and socks also available. cs: PAINTING. If you want your house and chimney clean luxury Steamer Prince George SAILS FOR VANCOUVER and Intermediate Ports Each Thursday at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN 2911,918 wcsi. (Bon) phone Blue 418. '88t i ARr.p LEGAL NOTICE front bedroom ie must be 1141 (81) Beach Place. Blue 433. PHOTOS taken at home. Any-1 time. Phone Green 389. Chandler's fitudio. (84) d for in person 3. SI ITES I'OR RENT IF YOU WANT A i- . CINDER DRIVEWAY ROCK OR CONCRETE WOTcrC Rent of Truck and Equipment Ph. Blue 939. M. i. SAONDIptff HUM. HI MS 1 wn JORD Electrical Works. Mo-, SIX-ROOM furnished suite WEDNESDAY MMnfeht Comfort and Service .. . .'! tor bought, sold,, rewound (three bedrooms). All pood Kf"f i'.u'ir I and Paired. (96) furniture. H, G. Helgerson Ltd , April 2nd. - v, Friday. - - Phone 96 ira! 1 (Ml I1U.IVIKV ACT I He: crl ill. nil- or line Nn. ; of l ot Hi. ;, k III, herllun ' ( III ir iTIh.e IIIMHTI. Map .;:l. ' WIIKIIRVS sutl.sf:ut.ity proof nt )ofi; ol tilt- nbovp Cer( ll Iciile of 'i"ll lr- l-sufd lo Uii- riiiiHi! of Ali'ri'U An- j noilrt- u rw-n-by (liver, thut I vhnll. , at thr expiration of on1 month from . tho l:a. of tin' first fjuljlii litnm j r:prpof, Isfiuo u (rovisionfil Crrttti-. ent. of Tin, (n lli-il of rami inst : t'crtificnu-. unlcHu iii the 01(011'" I vnlirt oljie(tlon toe made to nie in J Pnt reservation write of SEAWAY LEGISLATION FACES FURTHER DELAY WASHINGTON i Supporters of United States St. Lawrence seaway legislation triced a new delay today in bringing the controversial measure to th floor of the House of Representatives for final action. ' , The House rules committee, after a lengthy hearing on Thursday, decided to postpone further consideration of the bill until the House returns from Its Easter recess April 26. The committee decides which legislation shall go to the House floor. urplf Rum.i.aue Sale, contractors. Phone 101 -da vs:! 4 FURNISHED rooms and hnlh" Wr'1J !Blue 881 Evenings. (96) room.. Non-drinkers Armlv will City or Dorot Office, I Prlnpc Rupert. P 0. ihtmhion' Show, ! MAZWEsTNeuiik tddle'i ' 1461 P,s8itt-ace: 'Jl I News Stand. icj 1 2 ROOMS. Red 984. (90) Scott McLaren JHiRTERED ACCOUNTAJT James Block, 608 3rd Ave. V Prince Rupert, B.C.- t Phone 347 P.O. BOJt.S .lighters Easter lea, CARS? Boh Parker's of Course 3-ROOM unfurnished apart- imtkd nt thp" i,i,nd Kfstry or-; (95)1 rnent, suitable for couple. 1 rice. Prinw Rupert, nc. una 22nd' Auxmarv Rummage N ...... ,," jOJ iii vuve i. rnone ureen lutj. " . " - j on, Alicln-w 'Ttl';inf.--.1. , i LHtmiv Uii-isirur of, TiHn ' " ' - Street. 10, 206 6th i St BLONDIE Dithers' Pound of Flesh. By CHICK YOUNG t ofj ' LOST" M HOMES LOR KALE J - '' M" .eptunt Sale, W.A i?'!l !0 owtojjf wriHiwaicn. name! 1 wu aftciAlS HE CAN'T BE :si PtS'ON BUT, HE'S PROV.OE3 SCMHTHIIJG "Clara" inscribed back on PADTO DIAL 1240 KilocCleg CFPR taaar. .aril 14. , Phone Green 723. (79) r? lKACTICALLV THE SAME AC Three bedroom home in beautiful condition, polished floor in living room and dining room. Fully modern cabinet kitchen lT1- ? F ! i- -also a'recokoing OF 17 I'LL LOOK GAJftAfi.'.V ;j t20&t?Ji)u SPEECHES -ONE TOR HIGHER V DlftEC- ' r T -' f VwtV TAXES, AN' ONE FOR LOWER J TIONs.' ' NV':7 l t'i - - V I BOTH -.Ah ',1-1 ' i4 &?Vif(J) Pssr.?- which soef verv - VINC,N6!r HIMSti-F II LLP W A NTl: I EM VLI el tv Moose Spring; 20 ll Mrs. Fred Grim-1 fc-.:'i-;V ' K'irprl for ilrtri mnna lr.mn , Mir. Vest. Aor'l 15. GENERAL Office worker (Subject ) Chanse) ' FIIUMT Ond ' kMoLhcl 1.-1 ..1. i ... ...,.nllnnl,4 M..l-n.l IUn 1 bmw.'u i.ivr. nub mi iiiiiiiM-r ifian-i- r2 ' ' l"1 In basement. Price reduced for A, nVr ' 1 Prince Rupert. Applicant mustl . ; f-'..-i state qua!lficatlons and "rl-1 dQW montH,v. toar, -pril 22. iTl.C"??." ."'1"..'? iT' lor this five-room bungalow 1 r I WL ; si -1KE4' - Secretary. Civic Centre Associa te Patty April 14,ltion. (79p) ! STENOGRAPHER required for with two extra rooms In attic. Price only $2950. Exclusive listings. II. O. Hfcigcrsori LUl. 216 6th St. Phone 96 E'r h-if -" S,ow l'aw oitec Previous expert-1 ' "" ' . Uav 1 ' 1 encp desirable but not essential. Phone 14 to arrange interview. il Rummage Sale, (78) ' , , , j or LI'L ABNER By AL CAPP I F. Wilson, Black 197, even'"" (79) - 1 WAITRESS required. Apply Din- , 8k 'ag Banart inn' Room. Prince Rupert Ho- " EXCLUSIVE ; BUMSTEAD.If tel . TJ (ft Tm'hiaculate family home, close Day lea. 'n7iVrSTrtrti'i-l 10 evrythlng. Spacious floor l II.DING MATERIALS , piun dlt;piayS iarge hving-dining P.M. ,.' fi:ftft Supper Serenade (1:1 Smilcr lliirnetie slimr fl:4f aniirlft uv WfiVk 7:0CI -TUB e " ' 7:16 CB; News Rrur.lMf . 7:30 Toronto Ej:..liony "PofW;' , Concert P:ft) I'oiil 1he:i:re 0:10 John Ki-.her 0:45 Titles from tile Pacific Islands- 10 00 CHC News 10:10 enc News 10:15 cnimami! bnort .stories 10:30 F:ir-jli' of Choirs ll:im Heather UefM.i MUhlc tilt Midnight l?:iMI fisii-olt SATURDAY , AM 7:00 Milltiral Clock 7 SO C'BC News: Weather Ml", Musical (hHk 7:4"t. loriilu llctiif limit 11 CHC News 8:10 Here's Bill Good 8:15 The Oxtord nnd Cnmbrldue Boftt Race A:3A mioii 1 HM-k 9KX) BRO News mid Comty. 9:15 Buddie Serenade 0:3(1 CBU SUmp Chib 9:45 Musical Irogrum 9:59 lime ft.nai 0:fHI MeKise Prrloil til:!.-! Mii.i-;U I'nigraiit 10:30 World Clum-n News 10:45 CDC News: Wenllu-r 11:00 Metropolitan Opera Carmen H:S EVEM'NiSO ) f 1 S 'I.- ' WAVE TO SHAVE - M THE CPF'CE rK i the r.a.Mi-rn . Star PUILPOTT. EVITT. CO. LTD. r"v;"' El c." Phone 651 or 652. 1 .to,- x ! nook. """"v Den " (or extra bedroom) r Bazaar, j ( I LiKc TO LCCK KV BES1' j 7 I VHEN ITAKE BLOMOic i ::v':vyV.:-: Purpl' Spring f. Hay 15 Inquire about our budget plan lIiV" Z V balh' complete .the main for tour linme lmnrnvenu-nt Pnd No dwn oavnTnt S W S fl"r' Carpeted open stairway ? is") lnto tw0 bedrooms 0P''ns Toomy 6 to to 24 24 mos. nioso 10 bi'v pav. ' i Lnd washroom. Full basement. 27 IT EI. Hot f'r heating. Asking price $8,000. with terms. . Try MmVvTT Hot ' Armstrong A irenck-s Ltd. In Your Fireplace. Cookstovc ! Phone 342 Eves. Red 958 - ; -run Missionury Tea (122) '! Spring Bazaar, 1; p ' fear M.iv K7 or lolrnftrp i i iwi Tta, May 29. on May'wth" (79) THE HEART OF JULIET JONES Bv STAN DRAri '.' $24.40 Ton Delivered ALBERT ic McCAFFERY. LTD. Phone 118. 117 or 58 Your Agents for McLeod River . ',, . Hard ' Cwl :.. '. - - ".-'-is' .?' sl.jr( 2 -BEDROOM house, fully furnished. Part, hasement. $5r00 cash. 308 6th West. Call alter 5 p.m. . : - .. , '?) LARGB rVye-riiie home' Cntral ly located. Box 921 Daily News. ....... 1 (80) !rt 'DoatuvK-yerdt . ; i I 3:00 Bullet, flllh ' ' : ! ff-KSl)N.M.S v I ' strain of the .nirPs PV,ry Frida 'Eh hall. Admis- FOR YOUR PUEI. 3:00 3:10 CISC 'News Week-end .;..te niiii? 1 ! ii f JW5 . 1 '. IOVYc5ll Si.-Sf.Ji.lie... . - -""sfV 'ii '4 ' '..."CO W WeiT7...WlTW TTl :tj.-5Ti-s5u tir-'zsrm i vnceesxiuo "i.ou nuNidNO iwat TK4T TVS i-'n U V TO 60f THSV MIGHT EVEN ' - -v y" e.ssEss eec-sjf i.':irj ' 7 vke 4 so op it.' . -Ti S j5-4sD V?J 'V 7 ' V-W . . y ' vorted ladies ad- Oil "Shell'' SUve and Furnace. ; NEmv 2-bedroom house. Washing jwiorp 11 pm. IT MWfEKS()"NATS i.oai roouuim nria nrjan nam.: room ln basement. $5400. 126.1; Gns "Pacific" Propane. I Park Ave i83pl , PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LTD. L. . Phone 651 or 652. (02)iSMAII. 4-room house. Reply j irrTRMTi'IlTKW M ! - JJP-i i ; 40A Mouses Wanted to Buy DINING room table and six . .. . j chairs. Other furniture. Call CENTRALLY located home, at 217 8th Ave. W. - 78li preferably with cottage or, ,li;;i1i;;mm " suite for revenue purposes. No, 9A SLWINl. MAI II1M.8 j a8ncles. Black 814. (79p) i 8 CREPE PAPERlo; a CHOP SUEY . . . . . . CHOW MEIN Open 6 p.m. - 3:30 a.m. Hollywood Cafe For Outside Orders Phone 133 SALES Repairs, Rentals. Singer, REVENUE House, sometime In i ,.. in, , nt;.NivT Sew'lne Centre. Phone 864. SHERLOCK HOLMES By EDITH MEISER and FRANK GIACOIA near future. Phone Blue 814., (79pl I,:,lalis' s riTf (c Unit .:... Skr .,.. .!.; 1 20m) ; J2 2 HK SALE Misc. THEN HOW Pit? TUB . VP T.n, .... .. . - 'V,TA. l.(IMp-S Stand 41 Bl'SlNESS LIGATIONS 'ci GEAR from boat Myrtle V. Gur- I HHfcN vuu lit r flIKb. v. lUVtL'ft. IHI BKfcATHEPA I RATE -v5ME TKIED IM OPt t I I WAV TO Tut . 1 t l GET CT in IN w-inD Y0UI? Ve i ncisco-HonnhiiTr i . alPS- ironing. nniiDut, tuna, iu , " 'MilMirt , aogtisn nets. 35 sets luies. An- FOR RENT Available after April 22. Store and office presently occupied by Pacific Electric. 718 West 2nd. Phone 2200. Basement, Bus Terminal. ' (81 " scheduled snunT. I fhors, etc. No reasonable offer 0rnsay u'" "H refused. Phone Green 068. (79p) m street or !. fJ I 111 l FOB RENT Offices In the Stone Building, modern, steam GIBSON WhTflPg.WfeWLtJA FEMININE 'TO DEFENSE' HOUSE I' VoVECSHOFi OVECSHOF?, " ' I 5HE Q'B0b ir" fi'r INTUITION! JCH0KeW HEARP THE I- C '""' RELATIONS Wtf f V -rT. 'te!j$C?tf L SHOT. " v7 " f VV " " ! L- .IMTO teWM Wj" : 0 SPOOL Llpsett Trolling Rur-dies. $50.00. Phone Blue 954. H8p) SINGER Treadle sewing machine, high-chair and Lloyd stroller. Phone Black 838. (79) heated, centrally located. Apply Room No. 3. Stone Bldg. or phone Red 593. (83) U tVRrRreen Wans 'flk .rh' rock flower 42 WANTED: TO RENT FRIGIDAIRE Electric, rangis. Apply Suite 4, McBrlde Apts. after S p.m. . . . , (78) ELECTROLUXrRoom- Inlander. (78) -11021 b,s.pfelate,nov- ROOM and board desired by gentleman. Phone 524 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. 78p ARCHIE By BOB MONTANA ( OW FA? WILL ' 4151!, , 7? THAT'S WHAT THVS fflOUMTeY 34 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS CASH FOR ie PB06eE9r My 3t 0rtrtnd,.;h(,stcrtield Neeos' cu(?ieo6 youth APPLYING TECHNICAL " 4 KNOWLED6C Q AMWEC . LET X" Scrap, copper, brass, batteries, j ?J. Mr. j ? Phone EQUAL THE Dempster, 43 LISTINGS WANTED TOSELL "YOUR HOME You will do better at H. G. Helgerson Ltd. Real Estate and Insurance 216 6th St. - Phone 96 PRACTICAL QUE9TIOM "rtDLSMS FEeTILE MIND DCLVIM& INTO AL6CCSA, GEOMtTCTY ANO rmooNOMtTievr QUANTITY? (ion raaiatora. Phone 543 can wu 6th Ave. West. (c) 35 BOATS A-NiTENC.INES 'J k don 8'0.et5' A"y . u no j ,c , ... 4 fHorie Blue 331 35 FT. troller "Thrasher." 10 ft. , f , . 4" beam, with Chrysler Crown F. Wilson, Black 197 evenings 110 hp engine. Complete trolling (iJ) i82p) 'EOT. AGAIN' 1 COSf 104 .HAVE t)W-l.ON . -yV. TILL NlSMT T) .VJ-XL f V PEAkT A wiNt5i.er"r ; ' U-J! IT " :.tiyv' . infiii i nij ltiei.rr H.nn D r..,... lrin. (rear and complete halibut gea U 9ik ,n. Plwtiicai , ma also Christmas Tree. Accom 46 BI SINESS OPPORTUNITIES l-r 'u ftV( :; '89) modation for 3 men. Will hold 10,000 lbs iced fish. New tanks. Boat and equipment in good condition. Terms available to responsible party. 415 11th Ave. East. (78) FOR 8 ALE Modern up-to-date Beauty Salon. Thriving business. Owner leaving for Ontario. Phone Black 913 for Information. (82) This advertittmmt ! mm pwtitiffod ar 4iplay4 fcr t Liquor C !! Cnid m fcr Gtrmm4l l 8i A Columtlt. m 15 1st (90)