ince and children and teachers i Prince Rupert Daily News Friday, February 8, 1952 .,-,i... ....... TV jiiom .mmm would work lot-ether under one deparement in the interest of all," the association said. MATTER FOIt DISCI SSION - r , x Hj :d ,;u tu' "ie fcasi N Dally exnc)tSu r"m I he I a,tJ , 7' Mr. Straith said the proposals merited discussion but no action has yet been taken. Nov. 18, Reginald Paxton. sec Separate Schools May Become Issue 'Continued from payc 2) for1 rs?zrza?s - z?:z$ irh reious inuc- PubhcUoo, system d 1 " be in church the .Pen Closing of two s,hnn, Arab Demagogue Wests Headache By STAN SW1NTON TRIPOLI (APi An Arab spellbinder named Beshir Bey Sadawi professes friendship for the West but harangues Libyans with bitter attacks on Britons, Americans and Frenchmen. Sadawi believes his National Congress party will sweep newly independent Libya's first national election Feb. 19 a;:.l take latter often mind have ve hear; h retary of the Education Association, told a public meeting that B.C. Catholics now are willing to "integrate their educational system with that of the province." ------ . - - -i ifs I . -1 " ----- - ..-: . - ft tJfU'H 4 . jiw nome. "hinged on bus transnn,-": There the matter .w UnH a .imit .i" . . I The 1,ie Canadian vanaaian Press "ess reporte reported I In March. 1950, a special dele- fall at Port A berni onVancou 1 P"Xt0n Sa'd. CalhoUc eation of Cathnlie. n,.. , vPr D" l"'onv?nc?.u-! schools were prepared to use the over the government. petition to the provincial cabi" claimed hat bus taMZIn "ansponation T ""L ",puW1C Ml"Bb . ....".. -.--v-""""" and would woi accent net net requesting renen tax t t j , .u... non-Catholir His opposition comes from t.h be provided free , , should teachers, uts dispatches failed school Vr",itrib t0 mention QualMcationa listed ft. PhS; s uden 0l,r;Slrthsaicl Mr m fay Mr. Paxton: Catholics would! late, that at' ,,, LPU" wam some of tllf,ir own text- ""y. Pu"c Khool books, such as history; non-students student, may be carried in Cathmi,. traehnr. u,,h k. ""v i.lo;a I western influence 1 foreign aid plav fer role in Libva t T 'foreign Oil ruvaH,11 There Prcmi Pelled Britain m tionallsm virtual bankrupt, J Sadawi hPtys. isns that he wal same thing here el" "verts to a medc hungry nomads. Like Mossadegh h. ' population-more fhl" tenths of the 1.31 llliterate--wlUl Ottaclu nn foroi.. The best cstinte';., Sadawi win mu)(e"i showing i lhe probably will fall lur a majority. ' Only 48.000.00 total 251,000.000 acrC .andlnd.aare, would benhfT ,erC tecl '"y Objects as1 exemption of school buildings, health and dental service, free books and bus transportation. The delegation said operation of Catholic schools, with 6.000 pupils, save le province $1,000,000 a year in education costs. Education Minister W. T. Straith announced soon after-Ward that textbooks would be provided free for separate as well as public school -students. i Last. April, two Catholic schools in Maillardville closed. laiiiiriiaiiiiii children jjo-ng to otner scnoo ., non-party administration of pro-western Prime Minister Ma-homoud Bey Muntasser, assailed by Sadawi as "a British puppet government." The West has a major stake ln the outcome. Mushrooming Wheelus Field, U.S. air base outside Tripoli, Is the biggest American installation in Africa. From Its newly lengthened runways bombers could range over Russia. Britain has land forces based here. France has a Small base in Fezzun Oosis, gateway to equatorial Africa. Sadawi sings one tune to ...r. Paxton said Catholics would siiii that met children be given religious instruction in me schools but this might be after school hours. The B.C Teachers' Federation, which is ouuosed to the nnthn- SEVEN-POINT PROGRAM Next step in the dispute was last fall. The B.C. Catholic Education Association submitted to the provincial education department this seven-point pro lic Education -A.ssnHMt.inn' nm- gram to solve the difficulty: i. fioman catholic schools 8 0DJects to expenditure of llllblic flmrit; t'nr tho oiH rtn ,, would receive the same finan western newspaper men and another to Arab audiences. The , w support of religious or other sectarian schools. It said: "The action of the (Federation! executive is based, not on prejudice against any particular religious creed, but on the con- cial aid and other benefits available to public schools. ("What we are asking is that the education department take our schools into the public system in SUCll a Wav that we ran UP SHE COMES The dragger Fort Louisburg was towed uhdor water to the beach at Halifax when the ship went on fire and sank. Salvage operators almost managed to raise the dragger but it got away when a stay snapped. They de:ided to abandon the raising attempt when it jas feaivd the crane, capable of hoisting 80 to is. might topple into the sea. (CP PHOTO I ' 11 was economically unsound ..t inn r ,, f rlsl . !s With mill buildimr now hei,,,, I , . .Ah" C10P to log and handle any timber DririiT rirTTIJ toe V'sH retain the me Association tion religious character " j vlction lllat a healthy -and President Patrick cielnoclaUc school system cannot . hP mn illt a ImiH mi nlhnH fl Power -i,4 . said, i TOTE ' wii uiuci mull a secular basis." The Federation action so fat-has been the onlv nrpaniprt roofed in and machine.-,, in.tai.' . "."". ay ln lne lower than too crude Onlv thj 2. Such schools would submit to inspection by the Department of Education. n,nLSKl;a"inR thl! "!?"' Cro- dent of Pacific Mills Ltd'.'at LJ Tre 80Od 1 ivmj 3. Catholic teachers u.nnvi statement of opposition. Wf. ..... uwnic mines ill uie omun- ins to the Pacific rnast hrnnrn ' maimers district anticioates nrnrine. - ,.cfst br.anP11 facturing methods met market qualify under the law and be 1 . In October, the first conven presented for by, . v-auionc taucation As sociation passed . a resolution tlon will be reached in O-nerally speak. April ; ?e- technical sec ion of the Cana A sales contract for output dL,n Pulp and Paper Assoda '"8' "erybody was satisfied, has been completed with British tion I "Increasl"g csts. highly com- catholic authorities. TODAY I Sffi Kveninfsl-) Matinee SaUrfo' peuuve markets and wood sub meiais ioio. uanar a I Tim p.- j r. , 4. Catholics would rent their sjymg a was Prepared to take schools to the department for, Piitioal action if no present an agreed rental. Financial aid, ! llarty would champion public the agreement, the purchasing 'integration in sUlules eventually forced the forest ' industries firm has undertaken to make was a sure i"n of . w.c the oroVre emP0"raent of ""Proved logging . pb. arlvanrec in mi'i.i i methods and wnen new schools werp were npep- ip.. . suppori ior catholic schools one- delegate suggested ouggraicu for sary, would be given by the pro lur- wj w MvitvaLiuu ui oi tne lnciustrv towards th ' ... Roman Catholic shipment, if needed. maximum utilization. He sug-1 6 ,mechtAncs manufacture. vincial sovernmpnt a (.- mauon of a EQiiimTTtr'n lor puDlic schools. I provincial political party and C. Kutherford has been an- Bested that t-hni-iiu hp . "J,"U- .""" anai pointed general manager and imaginative and darlmr to ni.i : nan"n8 melhods Navot hordm on Hi woro." aT&Iii roppd..,at dirt landi rwitml These were the first sicnx of C. F. Medhurt as minp imnsmr in this policy for the elimination 5. Catholic schools would ' saa Ul&t a Catholic party would follow the curriculum laid downelect "at least 12 candidates" to by the education department tne 48-niember provincial legis- with necessary consideration, , lature- however, for Catholic textbooks No anounced action has yet what was then the far-off age' of Integration." ' un ceriam subierts p o hie. : i lasen dv Koman Cathniif s R. L. Clothier continues as vice-president while J. M. Taylor retires as vice-president but continues as a director. L. C. Creery, president, says that the mine program is well in hand and that there will be tory." m me political field. " tilt 8- The question of Catholic IRIAN DOHLIVV lepiescntaiion on' school boards! The butcher was weighing a up a " ample ore to feed the mill on great tradition of line furniture a inatLfi oi negona- . ., . . 616 V0UK6 VltGiNIA GBtY m t.on." , ! XspLpn . WnenhlS cust0'n'-,r its completion 7. Catholic schools and non-'0b.iCrved .Sa?. you're giving me ! 1 2 Not Just Gloves " But KAYSER Gloves i "The Place To Go Fo. the Brands You Know" I WALLACE'S ; DEPARTMENT STORE 2 AN0V DIVINI I0IEIT NJTT0N -w, Mm CiUYSOM profit educational institutions to " f.v, n r '.ren 1 yU?" be free of m not' answered property tax as are '.v. public schools,P aLo ee tex-'rpn,bUtCher-,TU're paying 99 CC"tS a OU"d tor lt" books, free medical and dental . -timaTeWTuaidings I TODAY nd SATURDAY Television Of Fishing 01 waste. Mr. Cooper referred to plastics, alcohol and cattle teed, which could all be made from the forests or B. C. He said this was a contrast to the beginning of forestry when bullwhackers and ox teams pulled out only the choicest Douglas fir. Other developments he touched on were pulp, and paper plywood, laminated structural timbers, line papers and yarns. ' Pulp and paper is the key development in the forest industries that to date has largely influenced the rapid trend toward complete utilization," h? said. Plywood manulacture marked the second stage. By the end of the war, in 1945, B. C. had the makings of Integration in the existence of three well-defined sections of .the forest industry lumber, pulp and paper, plywood. He told the technicians: ' This is a time when all pnunnri m Plus ' CAKTOON -m- EveninqShows7-! Sat. Matinees 2 CAPITOL A I AMOl S I'l.AYLRS THKATltt . oneschool sm i. i , .. .ae"lro. . n the great NEW YORK--A now anrt f.ul - v n" ago ure or 1871 1ll!llllP,'!l!!ll!!fp,N(i ."lili.illliaililiaiiullJrailll . ! moving motion picture of sport IIIC'li. iiiii:..wini.i ',..!,; ... , . BBS IIIKII!"!!....! i!!rlill!l. In 'I,,'1' illuillilililili NlllllllililllllllllilllllSllfillilllSilill ..Ulllli.lia.WI:.,,!;,!,,, f f-r. 1 . ; p. ; 1 , . : , . . - , IT'S THE NEW When You Should Stop ; J1.-.1UHK m v;anaaa irom foundland to British Columbia, "Let's Go Fishing," will be given its television premiere in the United Slates this evening. The picture was made and released by Canadian National Railways and is filled with action throughout. It is hailed by New York T V. reviewers as a cinematic . guide for all type 1 bv , 3-SPEED RADIO-PHONO of Used Trade-in Furnih of anglers, pointing out the best 1 supervisory work need to under-places in Canada for everything stand the relationship of their from record breaking tuna to ' particular manufacturing -oper-pan size trout." j ation to the full line of many Next' week the CNR fishing i woott Processing and manufac-nlm will be released for showing j turing units which, properly re-over the American Broadcasting ' laled 'ie to the other, will very Company's Television Network iso"n bring about complete utih- rcaVictor zation of the forest cron Truly lint furniture and truly crcai radio and phonograph perform, ame! The new V-4of hat Kf A V t,.r'. .,,. w inuuptnaent stations in the midwest and Pacific Coast states. 1 OAK l)IMN(; III H KT R I DIXINti ROOM vSl lTK 6 chairs with oak lrather dining table with two leaves; 1 buffet. All in good condition 1 2 -I'JIX E ( IIKSTI HI IFI.l) SI ITK P 1 2-nr.C E t MKSTI HUKI l St ITE Integration, whicn Mr. Cooper described as "multiple unit operations comprising sawmills, shingle mills, plywood plants. PUlp mills, harrlhimrri r,lr.r,l plifu-d 3 Speed Record Playing Syv (em . . . powerful f-tuht radio for loth ftandard and shor;wave rctc-tion . . . famous "Golden "I broH" lone system . . . generous record itor-Kc spare. In selected heart-walnut A. MacKenzie Furniture Ltd plus various directly related secondary operations consuming leftover wood, bark and similar material . . . is chiefly the direct result of the political and economic pressures of our time," he said. Mergers of companies were a direct result of these $299.00 Just a few suggestions to the man who feels his business ond h name ore so well known he needs no soles-help: A Ootid Place To Buy For Over a Quarter CcntOT 327 3rd Avenue phone John Scarlett, Formerly of Stewart, Dies The death yf John P. Scarlett, serving for many years as government agent at Powell Rivnr Is reported. Mr. Scarlett, who had been 111 for more than a year, will be remembered by many old timers In Prinr Ru. n ii, V - 1 1 ai'" ""''' L f"""''l 1 'larly- ' . : filer id mdltotMttf rt ' .VT i f ' M.I I i i rl or limrd ,t Wll man becomes a creature of habit so thoroughly he certomly buy th.s year where he bought last year pressures. i "In the old days," said Mr. Cooper, "it was strictly lumber-ing.The waste of wood ln sawdust alone was shameful, quite WHEN WHEN ayjn nom me ends, trim, and PL't. He WaS for snmp usare Ir. 'hurt thnl ,11.. Com In for a demonstration TKAOE-IXS ACCEPTED - SI' Zncerne, in your line cease at nr. Stpuffipi Stewart. . i. , " cated burners. away thrm,oh aKmg your customers rnrough apvertising . . ." McRae Bros. "Even the constant fires of the burners were ' waste. They served no purpose except to consume the clutter of debris in me mill. VAST INDUSTRY Chemical and allied trades employed more than 700,000 persons In the United states in 1950 UUCkl to STEAM tR WHEN fehS "".ho. or Prince George 4 I ft " 7 ii 1 1 ; - ,1 Irhfccntj SAILS FOR Vancouver and Intermediate Porta Each Thursday ,al 11:15 p.m. Fcr KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGIIi Luxury at Low Cost For Reservations ExSQTICE Fashion Footwear will be closed for renovations from MONDAY, -FEBRU- ' ARY 1 1, to THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 14th, inclusive. ' Big Shoe Sale Continues To . Saturday 9th FASHION FOOTWEAR "" nW "d ,0rever 9Ct hettor buys f ramu ,WHEN &St?-z-; WHEN ZIXZ w WHEN MteJTsr.'.' w ,0M ,h" The ullimots In real Rye Whisklej full-bodied, full-flavoured. Distilled in the ancient manner and fully matured in oak casks under controlled conditions fROM COAST TO COXST IT'S MELCHERS aupayjnragel See that yon get it. Wrlie or Call ITV OK DEPOT OFFICE WUNCE KUI'EU'l BC. ; t I .( 4 s. : is- 5 .i; 1 'it, i Meichers -Distilleries, limits lf'lll!m!l!l.'!IIi'!l!llllli!!lffll',!ll,,l!l'li!iiiiwi:iii Nilial!,l!l!;l!!!l!;ll,!!ll!lll!;blil1!i, This advertisement is not published or displayed by the liqu vunnoi coard or by the Government of British Columbia.