"" " nMrt !"""T ' n ufA (i PP.CVISCIAL LI3..?.T, ItORMES 113 , 1 ' --DRUGS f MSum iiri DAILY DELIVERY NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pocifie Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Greet Northwest" Phone 81 I VOL. XLI. No. 33 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1952 PRICE FlVE CENTS Ul iv, i. ' i-!1 i , ' 1 a. t mis (EM! PAGEANTRY ITU .V i-'jW v:.t jyCABS I DISPATCHED ' , .1 . i I f Estate. Folk Pay Tribute Young Monarch Assumes Heavy Duties of State Six Crovned Heads Going To Funeral E . W ' i t ...,' 1 ! i r t Solemn Scene at Sandringham Queen Elizabeth Arrives SANDRINGHAM Oi 'Senior 'oyal servants tiptcred past the c:'.r.ile-lit bier of King George VI today, paying last respects to Coronation Not Before August LONDON (CP) Queen Eliza t . t V) m Wan but Brave, She Utters Her Resolution in Clear, Ringing Voice LONDON (CP) With trumpet fanfare, roll of drums and 83- tion read. She had made her way to the ante-room throne room at St. James's, through a private passage from licr home I at Clarence House, unseen by crowds. With her went her husband the Duke of Edinburgh. 4 Jv V.k beth will probably be crowned some time between next August and the spring of 1953. There is no set interval but there Is one fixed rule It cannot take place until court mourning for the- dead monarch Is over. i V it i LONDON. Six crowned heads are expected to attend the funeral of King George VI next week. They will include the Kings of Sweden, Norway and Denmark,, the Queen of the Netherlands and the King of Iraq. King Farouk of Egypt will be repre.sen;ed by his cousin, Prince Abdul. President Auriol will head the French delegation. Secretary of State Acheson will represent President Truman of the United States. The Russian ambassador will attend on behalf of the Union their dead soverign. On the bier in the dimly lit downstairs bedroom of Sandringham was the plain oak coffin. In It was the King's body clad in the uniform of an admiral of the fleet. Of all the uniforms he wore, It was the one he loved best. Late today, after Queen Elizabeth II paid homage to her father, the body was carried 200 a'ds to thj little -16th century Royal chapel of St. Mary Mag-ialent. The-e. it will be guarded by gun salute, Britain's young queen today was proclaimed Elizabeth II, by Grace of God," in a glittering pageant dating back a thousand years. Bright, wintry sunshine lit the city, heart of the BritLsh Commonwealth, as the proclamation was read at historic St. James's Palace and all the cities and towns in the land. . An hour earlier, 25-year-old Courts, Banks, Offices Close Provinces Will Make Own Proclamation Regarding King's Funeral Day OTTAWA H Only courts, taankit and federal eovernment As she read the declaration in a clear ringing voice, she was watched by the Duke of Gloucester, her father's brother; Lord Woolton, Lord President of the council, and the Prime Minister, Winston Churchill. She resolved to follow her father's "shining example of service and devotion and to work as he did to uphold constitutional government and advance the happiness and prosperity of my peoples." Guardsmen, In grey topcoats and black bearskins, their flags draped In black and. with drums covered, guarded the approaches to the palace. In spite of her 19-hour flight from Kenya the Queen was up early and attended to state and eight gamekeepers and beaters i-ntr had served the hunt-loving Elizabeth, pale and wan at the death of her father, had told 200 of her privy councillors: "I pray that God will help me to discharge worthily this heavy task that has been laid upon me so early in my life." of Soviet Socialist Republics. The new Governor General, Rt. Hon. Vincent Massey, and Minister of Extermal Affairs L. B. Pearson will represent Can k; Sir- king longest. At the chapel, the Cing s people his farmers, game Uppers, woodsmen and villagers --will take their last leave of the ada. , , Before the Privy Council offices will be required to close I man they called their squire. royal body of advisers she stood Queen Elizabeth arrived at her CHIEF IN KOREA Lt.-Gen, O. O. Sim nd , extreme right, Canadian Army Chief of next Friday, February 15, day of the King's funeral, under federal in black mourning clothes to read the solemn declaration of accession to the throne. After tofiay's swearing in cere Tribute of Churchill shown climbing a Korean hill to visit iorwaid positions of the 1st Battalion of the Pallida's Canadian Light Infantry duiing his tour of the battle-front. With him J. M. Rockingham, second from left, Commander of the 25th Brigade, and Lt.-Col. Wilson-Smith, extreme left, Command ng Officer of the PPCLI. Other men in the iid were unidentified. (CP from National Defence monv Elizabeth and Prince country house, Sandringham, today to join Queen Elizabeth and Princess Margaret In mourning it the coffin of her father. The Duke of Edinburgh drove the big black limousine part of the way from London to Sandringham but, about a mile away, turned over to a chauffeur and proclamation issued yesterday. The proclamation appoints the funeral date "as a public holiday to be observed as a day of general mourning by all persons throughout Canada." Under law, it is binding only -in banks and federal institu- Philip left by car for Sandringham to join with her mother domestic affairs before going to the ceremony. , More crowds surged against police barriers guarding the car as It pulled from -Clarence House driveway. She waved slightly with a faint smile on LONDON, (CPPrune Minister I ster Private mourning i before the cotlin is removed to Winston Churchill last night at with the Queen in the back paid tribute to the late King I i'0"0""- Coarse Grain Barley-Coming To This Port for First Time Earlier, a thousand of the Pact Is eluded 1 tions. f Officials said it would be up to her face. Philip looked gravely Queen's subjects waited in the chill wind to hear the proclama- straight ahead. seat as they speeded the last i George VI as a "model and lap. ' I guide to constitutional sovcr- ! Two hundred villagers assemb- j eigns throughout the world to-lpd in cold, rainy weather to j day and also to future genera-await the royal arrival. Hons." The Queen will likely remain j His simpie dignity, his manly here until the coffin Is moved ; dualities, his indomitable cour- . Luc piuniuLTi auu ui u i uijaii kICD For the first time coarse grains are to be shipped t tsue tl"lr own proclamations r, , , , , ' -requiring the closing of their Johnson Well inrougn me rrmce nupen eievaior. lowarus me offices and stores and other busi-j J With Outcome of very rair ueai, iays close of the season's shipping season three shiploads establishments, m British ions ai uuawa to London for the start of the j age and his qualities as husband I The barley will that schools will stay open with of barley are to be handled here, tf-British Colum- ouiciai lying-m-siaie on iwon- an(i father had endeared him day. Ihe federal government not only to his subjects but to I Mayor ot Power Plan probably commence arriving in March and expecta-, sPpclal memorial observances. The - Queen --v... ... Mother ....... and Prin- me woria. , , , lit i it a i ix in nauiui mi vcitiiiunj iu - iuded a new taxation is was announced to- lion lis mat out; emp win "e iuau ijiu u."u ""observed here at the national ( cess iwargaiei nave nepv luneiy m his eulogy, broadcast to the in Mav ' ; war memorial on wc aay oi ine viSu u mc wi.u. .mw uc.n. , TOrld durchu, tatt(i that. ; of the King. today he thought hV".-VV "' Power Co. Ltd. to V V U,' j Mayor Harold Whalen said the proposal by Northern" B.' C iuiu.. i-- r ... . - i Ln aiuna naa a uritiui. i.o.unci'ment was made I These will De among rune I Hi the 1 It was the first chance tion that death was near, declar- i Queen had had to visit the bier .'.e Minister Douglas i n d Pie mier Byron , diesel unit "is a v'1 . I '! ?f instal immediately a 1,200 K.W. Grits Gird For Battle ing: "During these last two months I since her arrival home. As her ! limousine' turned in at Sand They have been dis- ther grain ships which are to be here this season the others taking on wheat. The barley of the feed rather than mailing type will come veiy fair deal." "I don't think il.e agreement here for any company could t'c1 r A k ', ' t ' i the King walked with death as Murderess Surrenders ringham, the Queen had a faint Full details are not smile for a policeman standing!1' dcalh w"e a companion, an have acted more fairly." The power company plans to UCqUHllllclUUC W11UI1I 11C ICUUg- With the consensus of opinion from Alberta and probability is j i at salute at the gate. nized and did not fear. i-lieved, however, that!thal nnnaratlon should be t that it will be consigned to Ja- ill receive at Z VVl nnrini Pwt.ta Dai! or India. PHOENIX, Arizona - The f,' 'ittillUlU v instal two diesel units at the dry dock plant, work on the first one to begin immediately. 1:102 000 in the first vear 1 J vnr thel Process of handling and ship-ltrunk murderess, Winnie Ruth; Mr. Churchill, in reference to the new Queen whom he likened to Elizabeth I whose reign had marked a bright era in British w five-year agreement " " D.. i ihrBl Aasnelalion : uing barley is very similar to Judd. fugitive for five days, re iriiu v -...t L, . , ...,.., The units would take care oi any emergency or overload of Huge Plane Crashes But Only 2 Hurt SEATTLE. Only two persons were slightly injured when a : with the former $32,- its annual meeting last i mat useo nm win-u wi ....... hrld To Comfort His Mother history as had that of Victoria, I tne normai poWer demand here different sieve. It is cleaned Arizona ouue uosp.ia. ior u.e itself started girding j a ; and immi), evening iiimo" u o , ...mi. ..(,,!,, .j,r,Mni ' TnMin wlirrp slip made her f fth r nfi euro urerA ir. uiui ui it'll v ii.ii a Lcimiii - . f'.V, . , ' j I'leral government gets iMiusive use of the per- ted and a variety of matters of , of dockage allowed. escape five days ago. The sheriff's office reported i cApicoacu. me uum iv waa man-one, sajd t B. Black, general who had .done o In his ! r of the power company, youth, to again sing "God Save; Hls proposai Was outlined in the Queen." The Prime Minister Thursdas DaUy News, referred to the fact that Eliza- nmc. corporation and current political Interest were1 Word received couay at ir.c 'e lonn fields but the ' discussed. Several resolutions elevator is that the fourth grain reserves the right to were passed. ship of the season to cume here that Mrs. Judd. slayer of two, NEW YORK f The Duke of women friends twenty-one years winriw sailed for England last officers result- the Japanese Ataga Maru is ago, walked into the mental in-1 to attend funeral services J beth H, like Elizabeth I, ascend- lor taxation fields at I The election of huge Globemaster plane crashed and burned at McChord Field. There were only 16 pers01ls aboard the machine which has a capacity for 200. usiun ui me agrccmeni. ed as follows due February 14 next rnurs- suiuuuu mune ana gave uerstn , !oT tne man tQ whom he gaveieu '" ":' Rt. Hon.Uiay. She will load full with No. up. B:itain's throne his brother, I sixln year- I 5 wheat for Japan. j She had been the object of a the late George VI. I ; ; i I ' Sr; , "1 1 i ,i ." I! 1 1? 1 p ery gratified with the Honorary President - -- - I widespread search through the He was travelling aboard the naramount interest to Prince Ru-'southwest since she got away liner Queen Mary, due at South- if t lie discussions which nefinal to British Co-said Premier Johnson, -rcrmcnt Is subject to WEATHER - - Synopsis Storm activity In the eastern Pacific continues to cause strong winds and rain over the more northern sections of the British Columbia coast and cloudy skies over the remainder of the province." With a gradual trend 'to the south and east of this ac Saturday ampton next Wednesday. ..ert. Mr. McRae asked and re- trom hospital last 1 His Royal Highness said he was More Czechs To Build Oi! Lines 11 by the Legislature. L. S. St. Lauivnt. Honorary Vice-President, Hon. B. I. Johnson. President, Walter Smith. Vice-President, A. D. Ritchie. Secretary, Thomas Speers. Treasurer, J. J. Judge. Executive William Beynon, Robert McKay, O. C. Mitchell, W. VI" ceived from the meeting an en- night. donation of his proposal that re- construction and blacktopplng of . , the Skeena River Highway east- hrtf RptAMS Put to Death returning to his homeland not only to attend the funeral but also to "comfort Her Majesty, my mother." The Duchess of Windsor stayed behind in New York. rry Racket CALGARY (CP) A company, WUlU ..,v.v .i tivity, it Is expected that in the I westward from Terrace be car Armstrong, Malcolm, McLeoa A. subsidiary to the Canadian Gulf . 36 hours precipitation will LONDON '(Pi Czechoslovak! British Seat Oil Co., Taxation win sum tuiBiiutuuii tn M.hor spct. uns nf tne has executed five Czechs Mrs. W. D. Smith. John McLeod, j rjet) out immediately without B. J. Bacon, W. S. Bacon, G. P.; waiting for re-routing of the icakia Of rM,t, 1 a convlc- '" Vg- ' age on t j i' V , u j s.Mos- )i f " ted of treason and espionage central section where the high TIDES - - behalf of the United States, LEEDS. Labor retained the Leeds South riding In a by-elec cow radio said Thursday WA (P -J. M. MacDon-i McRae, Mrs. J. A. McRae, T. N.j ini'ial critic for the Pro-1 Youngs. Conservative party, says PAItTY UNITKH way skirts the railway for a distance of 27 miles. F KSOI.I TIONS Prvlncc- crude oil gathering line from the Fenn-Caprona field to Big I .Gales which are now occu -Vallcv field rm alonB tae nortn coa-st mlX Later it will build an exten-'Blacken today as one storm sion of the line north to the '"oves nland but are expected to develop again tonight as an- Stettler field and also construct tion to fill a vacancy caused by Saturday, February 9, 1952 elevation of James Milner to the High 1:03 18.1 feet peerage. Labor candidate won 12:39 20.0 feet pmccessarlly high taxes' t. N. Youngs reported on the i rt :iKi J. A. McRae spoke on the trans- ferable vote plan which he felt ''TVnnn ".7 3.4 feet tlve" 10'000- would be "disastrous" to the ' ; ' -1910 'V " a 12-inch crude oil pipe line, DW"" '"" from Stettler to Edmonton via coast. ,.,,' "ii'nDutc to the spiral of meetings of the British Columbia " ' I Liberal executive at Vancouver Uc-duuncll said the tax-1 in January when H had been de-' ts hit in two ways. . elded to hold a convenyon by you uav extra taxes mm i inm n Thpre had been some The five were condemned last January 12 by the People's Court in Prague. They were Jan Husek, Emanuel Reiidl, Maraslav Dvorak, Josef Llska and Peter Cizek. Three others got life terms. Communist-run courts In Czechoslovakia and other Soviet satellite countries have been prinHtncr 'nut. convictions on TODAY'S STOCKS r.v extra taxes. Instead of j differences at that meeting, par- , the New Norway area, , Local Man on Drug Charge leinperatuita wui luukuiih; mild throughout the province as the flow of moist maritime air persists. " Forecast North Coast Region Cloudy with a few showers today and again Saturday afternoon. Continuous rain overnight and Sat- " iMiionary, as the gov-i ticularly between Premier jonn-' tries to pretend. Instead j son and H. G. T." Perry, but Mr. ing lower prices, raise Youne did not think that this (('uurtcst . I. Jiiltiigtuii Cu. Ltd ia D O " t.' . . .. , . . , : V , i . ft cnarges oi treason ana espiouui;? p Literals. The meeting passed resolutions: Opposing imposition of daylight saving time on a provincial basis unless It was put into effect nationally. f'avoriiig removal of the ban against coloring of margarine. Endorsing a mail delivery service In Prince Rupert with business houses being permitted to retain their boxes in the Post Office. The meeting discussed hospi jimaiiist you." ho said. The I had affected the real unity of TORONTO Athona at. a rapid rate since the passage son wno comes out of this the party. In fact. It might have the lax collector, fnc hrlnpri t.n clear the air. General of thJ United States mutual security law last October. I Jl.l i VANCOUVER (CP) A surveyor, urdav morning. Little change in f r oi finance. For him it I feeling had been that the-sooner t;mcl merrv-Eo-ronnrt HoUnnMii pminri the better and I ike-off out of everything. I that an early election was dc- up. prices go up and I sirable. Soon after the conven- Richard Fielding. 31, said to be temperature. Winds South (20i from Prince Rupert, pleaded except southeast 40 in exposed guilty in county court Thursday sections, increasing generally to charges of having narcotics overnight to- southeast (40), In his possession December 20. J .shifting to southwest (25) near Nick Prokoptfmk, 24, a truck 'noon Saturday. Low tonight and driver, with no fixed address,1 high tomorrow At Port Hardy, tion. the coalition, as far as Con French Premier Gets Confidence 'unai revenue goes up. tal Insurance and Its operation servatlves were concerned, had bul ,0'ok no acUon pending the ended. reuort of the legislative board of 30 was Sandspit and Prince Rupert, was arrested. Fielding We Lake ash Fatal PARIS (CP) Premier Edgar fj.'j Faure's government squeezed If ,,, . and 45. J. D. McRur, MLA, justified inquiry which would be present-! Premier Johnson in continuing cd at the forthcoming session, i what he still termed a "coalK a vote of appreviatlon was' tion" government following the tendered to J. D. McRae, MLA, j withdrawal of the Conservatives tnr his work which Included i t.hrni;oh OUgn on on a a vote voie oi of comiaeni confidence c .,.' ' the national assembly early 1 i Vj, . ti. In VANCOUVER American Standard 27 Bralorne 5.90 B R X 04 Cariboo Quartz ..: 1.12 Cronin Babine 52 Giant Mascot 97 Indian Mines ,.. .23 Vi ' Pioneer 1.93 Premier Border 35 ' . Privateer 09 ft Reeves Macdonald 5.60 Reno -03 Sheep Creek 1.68 SilbaK Premier 63 Vananda 19 lie Salmon Gold .: 04 Spud Valley 17 Silver Standard 2. 50 Western Uranium 3.40 Oils-Anglo Canadian 9.25 A P Con 53 Calmont 2.12 C Si E 17.50 Central Leduc 3.10 Mercury 2 Okalta 4.30 Pacific Pete 1150 Royal Canadian 22 ft Royiilite 17.50 acquitted by Judge R. A. Sargent of having narcotics In his possession at that thne but he faces a robbery charge In the police court. Fielding's sentence Is expected to be pronounced next Monday. Aumaque a .21 ' Bevcourt -71 Buffalo Canadian 20 C M & S 42.00 Conwest , 3.85 Donalda - 49 Eldona 18 East Sullivan 8.90 .Giant Yellowknife 11.00 God's Lake r37 Hardrock 133'i Harricana 15 Heva 11 Joliet Quebec -50 Little Long Lac .65ft Lynx - 14 , Madscn Red Lake 1.95 McKenzle Red Lake 41 McLeod Cockshutt 2.70 Moneta l Negus -5 Noranda 84.50 Louvlcourt 33 ft , Pickle Crow 1.53 San Aitonio 2.45 ' Senator Rouyn 20 Sherrilt Gordon 4.45 Steep Rock : 7.85 Silver Miller 112 Friday. He took over the leader-vl, T , ship three weeks ago. The issue i V' r was to decide whether a guaran- U i .. .mli,, lioH In Pint . f. Ill 1 RONTON Two men 1 with the resignation of Minister many small services for Individ-1 killed Thursday at Slave' of Finance Anscomb. Mr. McRae uais as well as for the riding as 1 '05 miles north of here, I felt that the Legislature should a whole, some of which were de-lUictr single-engined Waco not adjourn merely after voting tailed. I", struck power lines on sunnlv but should consider such; e. T. Applewhaile, MP, had a Services on Funeral Day EDMONTON The Primaie, IWU WftC lllllllllllllll, VlV. V vv-v, , f of living fluctuation, would be J ( considered. r i 'ke-off from S)ave Lake important matters as the reports iclter before the meeting ex- y -Archbishop W. F. Barfoot, today ' on Industrial conciliation act, pressing regret at being unable '''"Is of Associated Airwavs ' hospital insurance and work- au.end because he had been FIVE-DAY WEEK STARTS FEB. 23 decreed that special memorial services will be held in all Anglican Churches In Canada on the Black Border on Ottawa Letters i OTTAWA Official government communications will use black hnrrterert stationery durine the erf OTTAWA Banks In larc King's funeral day, Js of the plane, identified men's compensation. i called to a fishermen's conf er- f 'n as. Victor Clark, 29, of I Mr McRae detailed the opera-! ence in New Westminster to dis-ymon, pilot of the plane, I tion of the transferable vote1 cuss the new fish treaty with f imes Adamson of Calgary, ' svstem which he believed would Japan. ?' nf I be put Into effect at the coming The meeting opened with ob- plane strupk tv' nnn,.. ' .i.i i snrvance of one minute's silence Archbishops of the Roman , cities of Canada will start the, Catholic Church in sucn cities as nve-aay wees: on i eoruary ij iota mitroa onri uflnmivflr nflvw nsr,pan or rPDruarv in u.s ui m-t t pci lUU Ul mum 111115 liic iixu moiiun"' v - - - v y fi . portly after it was air-! Declaring that development of, in honor of the memory of the lruui lho runway. j Highway 18 was the matter ol late Kuig George VL IVlXIg UtWfts Vi. v'U'""-" ..w . r ! j n 4: