n tut A 1 1 r ' Monday, May 11, 1353 Ti! 1 I 4 Banquet Cancelled Canada Life Wins Playoff Spot .nada Lire won a three-way' 701 for ladies' hli.h three. For fires 11 Troopers 8 Spares 8, tiebreaker C for sixth playoff place the men, Alt Muron of Acme Sharks 7, Lucky Six 7. Comets 5, LAUYKM1TH, Be. ((pi. 01 the Mixed roiicn no ur men .1 ihkh -" i in "A Division 'ule the bowling world hC;( 99 and Tom Naka of Booth topped ,rn Rawlina League by downing The annual Lirtvt... World Depression Feared By Canadian Trade Group fJtj,i. liy The Canucliun Press ; OTTAWA. Fear of a w orld depression, perhaps within two years, is held by the Canadian Importers and Traders Association, embracing about 400 im ihro. rilvkinn with' nunrutiv cngiaiiu w-r n j , 1.' T....,ll,... All I lia M.rK thE 1 Ing Assoniai- u... ' ' iuai .. ..... . j nn v.i.fh rc;l or 11 noies was round in a - ".vii uHnniiAi 7 . . . u,(v,o (-!., nair of trousers amoniz sumlus ... iuc r.fc had 45 points auer me lpninie eame last week. f,, i-,ih t..ain clothlne donated to east coast a jch,.r.... shortaco . ys m J..v .v.,. t,,,c ,. h nini, nfr tn-1 counted ..j 3432 m 3? . . tf three-game score. j "7 ."""". reasjii. Hi,h 7;' . , ..,,, ..,. i that a housewife may have un- are emrnroH ; ' rw U ' were Final resu game .,ttlnR,v (1onatcd hJ husband's 12 ! night at 7:30 for the cnampion-shlp are Headpinners, 62; Pu.--h- 53: Fashion footwear a-i. overs default: raaV hoard. for gum T f 4, sittlng. Shentons 51 and Bruadway Cale 1 mm m m wmmmmmmmmt mmmu 49. In the final league (jaine, Iso-j bel Caswell of Ocean View top-! ped the ladies in "A" Division with a 2B8-single and Marge Pushovers 0: Ocean view J. ur-; phans 1; Mlt'.cr Bay 3. Headpinners 1 1 99 Taxi 3, Shentons 1 ; Canada Life 3, Cooks 1. It Division Harolds 4, Daiiy News 0; Northern Glass 4, Jerseys 0; Booth 3, Hills 1; Bulgers ELLBS Phone 245 Office oppose ps Off:tc Laporte 01 Penguins established high three with 739. For the men, George Bradley of Broadway lOileu another 280 for high men s single and Ian Dunbar of Pu.sh- I.T.-GKN. CH VKLKS FOI LKES, chairman of the Canadian chiefs ot staffs committee, presents to Burgomaster de Niet and the municipality of Wageningen, Holland, a copy of the surrender documents signed by the German General Blaskowitz May 5, MONDAY VEDNESDAY SATURDAY owr.s rolled bdl lor nign lareu 3, Thorn Sheet Metal 1: Hijackers 3, Jerry's 1; Acme Clothiers 3. Conrad 1. SI'ltING l EACil K . Some hlh scores 'vrc ncked up by Spring League bowlers last week. Art Olson rolled a high 1915. at Wageningen. It called for the surrender of all German Bloadway counted 12R8 for liiuh port firms. ' Tn a briof to the Si'inte tracU trillions commi'toe. the asso-ciHinn suggostrd Canada tak( Uip lead, partlpul-irly amonr North' Atlantic Treaty Organi-7,ntion countries, in advocating international control of trade and ' tariffs. Thomas Oakley, past president of the association, said Uiere are Ei-ins of slackening ricfciKO spending iininns West-e;;.i countries. This would result Ln rteercasins world trade. ' Mr. Oakley said another world oppression "will probably brlna mbout another war." The only 6MosithO!d Divorce 5ef Aside team single and Fashion added ray out of the cycle of war. 'oom, depression and war was hrouRh international co-opera-ion on trade matters. Another approach to world rade problems was suggested by he Canadian Metal Mining Association. It proposed: 9 Continued negotiation for he removal of obstructive trade jarriers; FneouraRPmrnt of i 11 v e s t --ncnt in Canada by countries of he sterling area; 0 Maintenance of stable cur- ency relationships and an in rease in the price of gold "as me measure towards creating iriequate national monetary re serves and currency convertibility." The association S 'ii C'i iiikI.i ': eld minine, industry is in danger of extinction. Member coun-iries of the International Monetary Fund restricted international rxchaiiKe of gold. forces in the Netncrlanas ana normwesi uerniaiiy w uie rirsi Canadian Army. three games for a high of 3ii32 LINES Prince Rupert to KETCHIKAN In "B" la?!-, final game I iSinlc ,or 334 anil came Dat.k l0 didn't alter the playoff positlonsartd Uirf,P ganlpS ir high score Only One Legal Entry Made oihI the following teams me Uif 780. For teh ladles, hiuh three Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. to decide Uie champions; Jerrys 57. llar- WRANGEL - PETERSBURG - JUNEAU ond other Alaskan centres In Salmon Derby on Sunday iliis 53. Northern Gloss 53, Acme and single were rolled by Olsa Newton, scoring 727 and 300. Team honors went, to Sharks rolling 13(14 and 3''.2G for hlyh single and three. Itcsulls - Lucky Six 1. Sharks 'lothlers 46, Jersey Farms 45 iinnual anil Bulgers 4.. will climax the Ideal hoal.i.s weatlii r yestcr-; 10-21. I:!V '''11' s' -'rs of ishislers out to 1 FVC,,t' f In the filial le.-igiie liiht. n-t- with connections to SEATTLE ANCHORAfif WHITEHORSE Hto Your Locul Travpl Aki-iiI Official w-it'liing station is at ty Wade ot Hi. Is lolled Z'.m 10:3; comets i. hpares i iiot.snois the Yacht Club, Cow Bay. where 'top all siiule game scores of the 3, CPA 1: Spitfires 2, Troopers 2 derby tickets are available. Icvenimi. Bosio l);ivies totalled I SlandiiiRS Hotsliots 11, 'SpU- TtANCOUVFU CP) A divorce :e! l Record Grain ihtained .six months ago by .lalnarv man, since remarried ,v. set aside in Supreme Court j ljci'c after a lawyer said "it is the i il.,.r..if rtoca .if norinrv Shipments IllUOt,- ll.liu.ii' l HJl vi. f'J'Jt' m I'omprlc in the annual Hod fi G'jii (,'liil sprins siilninn derby, now in its third week. Itli'uiRh several salmon were hooked some loi;t, some laniied mi commercial tackle- only one entry was made i the derby. The salmon, w::i;'.hin'i Hi nmind . eiht ounces, was. weighed in by Larry Stanwood. Thc red spring " s hooked in the vicinity of Seal Cove at 6 p.m. durir.a slack water and boated half an hour later. The trolled lure was a No. 7 MeMahon spoon. Ta 'k!e roiwl-.Ud of 2'I-"i-.ur.d 'est b":iiil"J nyior. line, 15-pound monofilament leadrr, cir.ht.-ounce led .'inker, a homemade Calcutta bamboo salmon rod and a Penn star-tlrn vol. Witness to live catch was Mr... Lil'i'in Sjtamvoufl. The annual derby ends June conspiracy and malicious abuse ( Wfprflffc-n of the courts 1 have encounter-j I I CUUCU c-'-' , I VANCOUVER (CP)-G-ain ship- Ralph Clyde Wallace of r Cal-I mcnts tnrougn the West Coast -ary did not appear in court to ports wm reach a record U5. dispute the statements of his bU0 000 busheis this year despite lust wife, Elsie Jean Wallace, thc 80.da strike which tied up ihat she received no notice of the fiye m;Un plcvator-5 hcle and in jjroceedlngs and knew nothing New WestmiJ1;itcr; 0tZ Mw:'. A. H.I Hoy Milner, government trans- Titi port controller, made th pre- ol grain A D Macfar!.;,; to' rcfe.- the Action as the 250 strikin back to , ,,, .( ,. Mm! handlers Dcaan nuns J ' British Columbia's ex-.. their jobs. 1 jte , .de the divorce J "...J. ..... nnrt era.t vjlume would be up jon uie 6 grounas inai mis. nauacc ; . - t v, : 1. 1. Prizes 111es will m be oe kiv-u Riven mi for thc mc r" r" . ,. . 1 3.800.000 ousheis over 19a2 at the , , ... ....... .u ana tnocn uooauii, iiuuieu - , , ,i o. . neavicsv eiu eacu ww. ounus correspondent, knew nothing of end of Wie crop year on ju.y Jt. pi;,$ w, be awarcied for the, .petition. He said he was not con- "Without a strike we would ,i,ree hf.a.st fish cf th sea-; crrnoil with Wallace's subse- have moved between 140,000,000 son and a three-day derbv. June qucnt marriage or any change and 145,000,000 bushels through . - 1 which might result from it. , West Coa.it ports this year." , f .., 1. - a - ; ?!--: -'; , . 9 I' :: S ... . K. i r M - -, . 1 - .. . e: - J- .... - j""". ' 1 ..- I i T- f" .. i ' x . , .a - Hefty Baker Dons Big Boots j0 pFOtec! To Become 'Ashcan Jumper' n ' MELTON MELTON MOWBRAY, MOWBRAY, England England between the town council and 1 1 Vf 84 I , It is not in thc pu'iic interest to permit continued depletion of our natural resources without thoug;;t of the future. r Your Social Credit government wi ot all times encourogs or Reuters Harry Beaver. 42, hefty local traders, 'baker who tips the scales at 210 The job is his his until the (pounds without his oversize boots council allows its garbage men 'today began Britain's craziest to empty the ashcans free of 'job ashcan jumper. , charge or the traders agree to He gets 10 shillings a week to pay tne council's new four pence jump up and doftn inside seven levy on every a-shcan emptied ashcans in tlu backyard behind but the first. j the furniture store owned by Melton Mowbray traders' as-j Lewis Palmer in this Midlands sociation claims the levy is un-town. I fa'r and is fighting hard to get i Harry has to cram the week's it repealed. Richard Barker, 'accumulation of waste paper town cierk says his council is '.enough to fill 14 ashcans into fully entitled to charge tout the seven bins because of a feud pence for every ashcan cleared. Bobo Holloman Pleaded For Two Weeks for Chance derly development through free and competitive enterprise and w'!I rigidly pvotsct the interests or oil the people and noJ' a favored few. Don't be misled . . . Mark ycur ballot first chocc. 111 rV -4J ' - . fff ,y!"" 1 . - ' j 1 ' . X , ST lOUiS AI'i ..Rookie Bob. "That's right," confirmed Tloiloman, wlu has banged on Marion. "He's come into my of fice 'the manager's door for two every day asking 'when am 1 ;week pleading for a starting' gorna start?' ! assignment, tiirew the portal oli ' He sure made a bum nit. of fame wide open by pitching a no-j m8 tor.Sght." fitter in his first major league A beaming, sweating I'r.lioman wt for St. Louis Browns. . ..it-s (he greatp.st tHrill of , The 27-vear-okl righthander nivlife" V-8 type engines set today's performance standard. SOCIAL CREDIT 1 In the last live ycjrs alone, six manufacturers did it with fast balls, sinkers and jt was the first lime a pitch'T T1.., fl liv til' lulvrrt i. -mi'iit Is Is ? ; i v-) v r J fJ ,1-iuves-aiiu sume .-iiiciiuiu nuiu- n-Aa tosseo a no-nilier nis Iirst Brlu h Columbia S k-ImI Cre'tii Cum 'lug support against Phlladcl- ume out since Charley Jones did Vw fnmmitu-o. j pma Athletics tor a s-u inumpn lt wltn Cincinnati in 1892, pwiiinwuiiani,. ui. L.u'.fcwy't1 ' wi mai.jiju.u,ii.n i Hint's unmatched in modern baseball annal.". i ' For two weeks H illoman has pleaded wil;i m:ina'r Ma' '.y I IViailUll lU il Millblll UMItll- ( have switched to V-8 power in their more expensive models. And while other makers arc now beginning to Tecngnize thc advantages of V-8 I ngine design. Ford continues to offer V-8's in ull models . . and I ord alone otlcis V-8 in the j low-price held. No other V-8 engine is so well-tncd and pi oven as I ord' power-packed high-compression Mrato-Star V-8. Today, four out of every live V-8's are Ford V-8's . . . for Ford has manufactured more V-8's than ' all other manufacturers combined. . A V-R engine means a shorter engine under ' the hood - more itxun in the car for passengers instant response, smooth, dependable power, longer life, economy of operation, flashing performance. Thai's why Fold is worth moic when you buy itworth more when you sell it. Yes.Tord has pioneered the development of the V-8 for more than twenty years and has constantly improved It until today V-8 power is the accepted performance standard of the ' automotive industry. MAINUNL I L DOR SLDAN illmtriitcil ubine) ment. "1 in not a tnidpcn pith-i or," said Holloman. "I'd rather be ' In the minurs Hum in the bull-i pen." 1 r IS THE CNR AGENT'S 1 BUSINESS! ( our dcNlinallmi niny It im-hi i.-.. ' or far. Siiinr here in ( hiihiIhi fi!( llie 1 Filled hlt-B( l urojie. .(nr I Jimt Kla-p U a vixit in tin- C.N.R. ,,..' j Tii-krt Agi-nl. II;'h the 1.1 nn iili I..,-. $ ol llir intiirniiition vnu rrqiiirc. I -V.y It' his himinpiia anil plmmirr X'jPt, aSCS ' tu '"''l' ih yur plans. n ' , POSVfffiffmtA the finest PMED mtfi the owest 'J,N;.A:4U 75o 'isn::;' $1373 '3 szv .:,M $1000 J h.Ml;.n '48 ;;:::;r,,M"' .. ,.. $030 ,5i:ina '" $1100 Vl.y Mill Til 8 ifrt:iM V"-'0 GOOb !ivrs f.livt VUI CAtf, MAY IS SAfETY MONTH IC' ar-:;-'- STf 7n YOUR FORD DEALER Will GLADLY ARRANGE FOR YOU I For t'fnnatl,n. call or write ( i 1 i -ib j K. I.. KIIHI.HTSIIN. i.VIM. 1 I t I f I 528 3rd Ave. West. Priucp Riijwrt B C f- ! 2 ! f I Phone 260 I j LIMIT TWO WRICKS . . . H removed in 2 days $11). Each "super!or"auto" service ltd. .3rd Ave. at Tark Ave. ; Phone Green 217 ' t ujiLj!jji.i;ilTLflf)' rrmi 1 it n'luii. Mm am tiiji-.v.'1 , IsaMMllWMI)