rnr 31 L'L National President Monday, May 11, li53 Breakfast Club Members Name Delegates to Meet Convention and conferences were the main topics of discussion Saturday morning at the regular meeting in the Broadway Cafe of the Credit : Speak Here Wednesday !rs Fred Drake of Regina, national president ,, Catholic Women's League of Canada, was ,ajm.(I in the Pink Room of Annunciation School tea hour Sunday by local members of the CWL. Ten labioi ! At CWL Party ? Fortv olavers met at the regular Catholic Women's League card pariy ia.s: wees. The following were winners. Mrs. H. F. Glassey and John Rosedale, bridge; Mrs. J. Cloutier and A. Astoria, cribbage Mrs. Feed Orimble and A. K. Chilton, whist. Convener of the party was Mrs. H. Rou.e, a-si'.ted bv Mrs. O. R.a Urett and Mns. J Bugyinka. Women's Breakfast Club. Jocelyn Bolton of Rupert Mo- ! ft', ? if - ,N1 ; tors and Catherine Laurie are tc he rhlh rpnrspnt.fltlvis fcl t.h m vl i "Hh annual convention of the Pacific Northwest Council of Credit Women's Breakfast Clubs ! j to be held in Victoria later this month. Door prize for the convention i Only book means that knowledge of the Job is paramount; the links symbolize the friendship that exists between clubs around the world; and the stars are symbolic of the Ideals toward which the club Is strivini. The shield :s a material witness and a lovely tribute to the aims and objectives of the Breakfast tlo). Catherine Laurie of the Credit Bureau conducted the meeting in the absence of President Jocelyn Bolton. Birthday corsages and best wishes went to Maiesa Wlndle, Joan Mintenko and Rusty Thain. A "welrome" rnrsaee was pre- The hall wa tastefully decorated In League colors, with a welcome sign In blue letters on one wall. The tea table was attractively arranged, the general effect being heightened by a delicate floral centrepiece of pale blue and white Iris.. . . . Mrs. Brebner, CWL president, Introduced Mrn. Drake to the ladies. Father Rayn-r was present at the meeting. Mrs. Drake said she was glad to be In Prince Rupert, her last post of call since starting - a Canada-wide tour from Montreal shortly after the New Year. She said, "the chief objective of the Catholic Women's League 9Hr.55Min to m From Terrace 3 has been donated by Rupe rt Motors. Dorothy Lugrin " and Diane Kennedy have done a lovely job on the scrapbook. This beautiful book, leather bound and carved, giving in detail the activities of the club since its founding, will be entered in WINNIPEG . A i (J ii f H lt ..A $11205 4 U : competition witn otner scrap- books from other Breakfast I to a new member-Elea- S. .1 M 1.1 1 IS W ROSS L. DOBBIN, MEIC, president-elect of the Engineering Institute of Canada, will represent the association at the Coronation. Mr. Dobbin will succeed Dr. John B. Stirling, M.E.I.C:, as president of the Institute at the 7th annual meeting in Halifax, May 20-22. Immediately following his induction lie will fly to Ixmdon. He has been allocated a place In Westminster Abbey for the ceremony. f-ane( JefecleJ Jor kroathasl Final night in the series of panel discussions sponsored by the Pulp and Sulpiiite Workers j mil ii nor Botsford of the Credit this year, Is to clean up the news stands and make them safe for i the children and youths of Cun-! acla. 1 . f'. l!S. I KI D KltAKK . on visit here i for the Home "We deeided to really go Into action in this matter. - We have presented a brief, protesting the Bureau. Plans for the "Bosses' Breakfast," to. be held in June, are welj under way with Betty Seville of- Sweet Sixteen as the chairman of this committee. Mr. W. C. R. Jones of Columbia Cellulose Ls to be' guest speaker. Business and breakfast finished, members enjoyed a "spelling bee." Coniult your Travel Acnt Canadian Patiftc Airlinai, Phon 795 MRS. III'CII L. AI.LWARD of Toronto, IODE national hospitality convener, will represent the Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire at the Coronation. Mr. and Mrs. Allward will be seated hi Westminster Abbey during the Coronation. Color re Clubs in the Pacific Northwest. "Fish Tales," the Prince Rupert club's monthly bulletin, Is also going to be entered for judging. Going to the convention too is the shield donated and made by Mr. S. Hunter of Rupert Motors. This highly polished, .beautifully made shield is to be on display in Victoria. It has been In the Broadway Cafe dining room since it was donated to the club by Mr. Hunter. Made from mahogany and IHillshed to a high lustre, the shield has suuerimnnsed iinon it. ! sale of Indecent and Salacious' i literature, to the special Senate I committee. . I , "The brief was weli-received jby the Senate, they thought It 'was sane and practical, bin the Brighten g Fashions Union at Columbia Cellulose i ; Legion Auxiliary Completes Plans for Tea, Fashion Show H I NOKK 1.1 S I Kit government moves slowly in ,. are likely to outshine j "e t has to sift ,,, In the fine feathers I Information with care." IORE Members To Visit Two Schools plmt will be heard over CFPR tomorrow night. Appearing on the program will be; Aldermen Mrs. Kay Smith, George Casey, Bert Glassey and Mike Krueger. Students are: Phyllis Nystedt, Margot Brown,, Elsa Insulanler and Penio Penef f. , i 'hi'- ,iiiiin iiihI sum- -'""-miiucii vuimtuuns ac tne monthly meeting of the! Three new members initiated i the Olobe, the Book of Knowl-Leijlim Ladles Auxiliary, final! Into the .lixillury were Kits. ledge, the Links and the Stars plans were made for the tea and; Helen Gable. Mrs. Jean Steven-! The shield stands for the pro- are concerned with this problem ,-L..tlll,4l,Jt. The Complete iTavel Service son and Mrs. Margaret Me- lection of employers and cus-Grelsh. j turners in the world of credit; The Coronation Day parade Uf', globe shom thut the cll,b ' International In was much in discussion during scope; the vhildren's fashion shtw to be hfld this Wednesday May 13 In the Legion Auditorium. Children's spring lailons and ladies maternity wear from the Stork Shoppe will be .shown. .,.ti.' "We "Pend millions on health and ri ..ovetty paiieni , ftnd wlfure I1Z1. mr new mens aboul proUcU our cha. Aim rican designers ren f lh k j I s!) ,- s, out.s haunting morttl I awali, Mexico, ,bn,i. ! somc , these objectionable hubs, Florida, Arizona booj,,, . . . Mexico for new ideas. ",,..,. . . . Hie and Mis. G. V. Hanley was made convener Ii i.Elks Hold charge of decorullno n lluat. Her fommiltep will consist nf Mri be.a looking and pnl,ri , llr ,lMH,0B " the Civil Servants Norma Lewis, Mrs. A. Holbrook, 'Successful '!'"! ':"" "L.l.hlflr,',.s,,'omeihlng fast enough.' I wonder Mrs. W. i-Uiiu.m;. aiv.i Mr. It.) Mcuro'V. M nave wr,, m-( ' ,f; 0r , , their k I H I 1 t:Z; p-t-twe m-Name Delegates t- Box Social The niontlii prize, a hand somelv embroidered imir of nil ij ai n wear, ana ngni- ' Mrs. Drake then explained the To ff"M"l VOntinn Itrln of of Hip the fnihniio Catholic un-. Women's 1 I W WllVCIIIIUII A visit to Borden Street and Annunciation School in connection with Empire Day wilt be made by members of the Queen Mary Chapter IODE on May 15, it was decided at the regular monthly meeting. . Other business included distribution of invitations for the Coronation Ball to be held at the Navy drill hall. Tickets are obtainable from members. It was reported that the Daffodil Tea had been successful An interesting paper was read, entitled "British. Imperialism," as seen by a German-American. The chapter will Join other IODE chapters in the annual church parade at St. Andrew's Cathedral May 31. Mrs. W. . Graham, first vice-regent, conducted the meeting. box social low sliixs was won bv Mrs Heli-ii' An old-fashioned origin msleil .suits. Odd jackets , :md lightweight wor- conducted by the Ladies of the Sparks. League. It was started In Europe At the conclusion of the meet-" Roval Purple held in the Elks lamrett. a.,, .-.. Bold striped w.,u aoout tne t f h century, ' , n7, ri"1", "V ,i jackets are worn with . , tag of the Miller Bay local coun- t0 te(.t tne ome d , 'a Jr.sted gabardine orjen, f ..." It ! cli of the A111"1 C'v'' lack. founded .".-''Jr-.Ji in In'lOlO. .ServanU of Canada, the agenda Canada One ln. president Mrs. D. Gomez Home Saturday night proved presented a souvenir spoon to highly successful. Mrs. 8lella Carpenter who is' Games and dancing' were en-leaving Prince Rupert to take joyed followed by comic musical up residence In the south. i acts by the now popular comedy Mrs. Carpenter will be greatly team of Mel Thompson and Pat of the forthcoming provincial aWniaU are becoming , of its nut lor dutlM U in hln lm. convention, to be held at Chilll-wnck. May 22 and 23, was discussed. - - ; The delegate from Miller Bay will be Ed. R. Green, for the last missed in this organization, as Bolton, who kept the audience ,i :hiuii for all ages and , migrants, welcome them Into the Tiieie are knitted vests community and help them be-:t culin.i with tiny and come good Canadian citizens, ui iiis. and there are "We sponsor the Sisters of Ber-il riannels In cocoa j vice." she added. ' We're also oc-r:iv. hint and green ; cupled with social welfare, llb- well as in the community in roars of laughter by their an- j tici;. The ladies broiiht pailv dec-' orated boxed lunches which were ! auctioned to the highest bid- j tiers. three and a half years a member of the nursing staff. Also attend- V 1HE llO nremen s red. irarles. education and sehnlar- nUils are popular he-ihii etc w mmt nm friuo-'tag the convention Is R. C. Ed After the meeting refreshments were served. 56 Take Part In Moose Whist no coronation liHlu-;away our leisure time but uae, ra"- OI "ne uepameni. or llcisiill checks in black most of It on worthwhile nro- iF'sheries, representing the Prince ; Nick Gurvlch proved to be an efficient auctioneer and a handsome sum was raised from Ills tfewJcMfcfomt(rs mean Greater Coverage Kuix-rt local council, and H. W. Hense! of the Port Hardy-Sandspit group. OOKUTS Miss Sylvia Johnson and A. E. efforts. The evening was one of JXtl CATAU nr in-own and gray jects." i a cream background Mrs. Drake closed her talk by villi almost everything, stating that "mumbers of the :t' patterns in ties are Catholic Women's League march to hrlght but smaller, forward, as auxiliaries to our net patterns. Ties bear bishops, radiating Christian The meeting diseased resolu- Chilton were top priz winners" many social get-togethers be-in the Moose whist drive Satur- I tween the Elks and Royal Purple tinna tn ort hpfnrp the conven tion, affecting the government ua-T "B". wh.h j i;.u,r. , wave meiiioers. nnSHALL-l'JEtlG purtiuipuveu. j mis. cisie nun was convener. Other prize winners were Miss i assisted by Mrs. Marie Boychuk, irs-Ce-lis or circlet pat- principles and ideals Into the services In this area, and en-ii iiii.ud designs. ! society live, rendir-1 dorsatlon was given to delegates ENAMELS PAINTS In which we an endlei chLn mention motif Is ap- Ung VARNISHES 1 SOLD BY WHERE CRAFTSMANSHIP F. Glassey, men's second, and Mis Mildred tine Curne and of the 40-hour, five-day week, ' " m socks. The socks for God and Canada." COUNTS . . . COUNT ON US! in most cases and I Rrebner thanked Mrs. brother Elks, and Godfrey Furness, also by William Pound Madsen. within the service; In line with the policy being adopted by Industry generally. 'iMi emblems on the Drake for her address, then on n tliv front. There are hehnlf nf the Indies nresentcH winning In a tie-cut between three other players, L. Franklin, H. Gamblin and O. Stegavig; Lena Amoth, pool prize, and Mrs. George Robinson, door prize. Kaien Co-Op Hardware 251 3rd Ave. Phone 179 DIBB PRINTING COMPANY liit hold themselves up her with a beautiful corsage. . T" n M ks that need I Tea was then served. The I'lcuiUv to show the i tempting refreshments were ins in their iinwilnkled works of rullnarv art. Mrs. Flem Tournament prizes were TOTTENHOE, England CP A record crowd attended the annual women's soccer game here "hieh the 22 nlayers included eight mothers. Proceeds go toward Coronation celebrations. awarded to Mrs. II. F. Glassey, and Ole Stegavig. Refreshments were served by Mrs. F. Good, Mrs. H. Muncey and Mrs. L. Holder. ing was responsible for. the decorations and refreshments. ; Mrs. Drake will be shown About the cltv bv members of the CWL and will attend an exciitlve cad ers fie, tin? Monday; M:Vnieetihs "f the eafeti "at the , . 200 ylllvml UUJhuj JJere 'A charming w :c A i ft look" plttee at the Hrs't Vnlteir 'Church-hir recently when Vema Dudo-ward and Barry Helin were united In manlage. The bride was given In marriage by her father, Mr. Fred Dudifward of Port Simpson. Maid of honor was Mrs. Adeline Mac-donnld and bridesmaids were Arp Jo Speak Here June 1 ' 1 1 Jfl phonic of Mrs. Bretmer tWs after OPTOMETRIST : ; ;. Frcdl!!Dowdie! Room 10, Stone Bulld;r,g ehonc Blue 893 1 1 ANSXvpHmAil XV " vV noon. Later she will be entertained at the home of Mrs. Bert Young. She plans to visit Terrace during her stay and will address a general meeting of members of the CWL in Annunciation Hirll on Wednesday night. ; , at a popular YOU CAN DEPEND 03 Attorney-General Robert Bonner is scheduled to address a public meeting here June 1, it was announced today by the Prince " Rupert Social Credit League. Candidate for this riding, Bill Murray, arid campaign manager Art Murray, are on a tour of Queen Charlotte Islands. George Hills, CCF candidate, returned Elks nieelinrHVh imtil lr,-. ...-..tiftii 'il"'i' -KINSMEN .. Klb-iH(Tr, DAY, - Acropolis I l.m. , (lji " irnuip meeting of 1' League tonight. 8 '"""Hitler Rooms. (Ul lioie.e for 3i)0 Club LV ''" "t the Armories " ( I'll I f'f'R KIliniEH." May ' eiilin Four Dukes Or-n;iciii!- HI to 2. Ad-ii no I,,.,- person. 1 1 13i t Miss Bemice Ryan and Miss Ruby Dudownrd. Best ' man was Larry Ileliti, brother of the groom and ushers were Vern Dudoward, Artlo Helin This Week- f'illensblp Cduneil roerllng, Wbra kidnFYifeii to irtnuive eiom tndi ttd wMtta, mck-rh, iiretl fwhnf, dtAlurbftd ml otieu lullo. Uodd'i KiJney Pill ttuou-Ihvc kidaeyi to tormul duty. Tou (ffl bettersleep rwtter, mxi. betw. lift DodJ'i it ny irom u similar lour iu.sb nini., and Thomas Pilfold Bruce Brown l iberal After th ' we ding, the couple hf -cape for,1'"1"' W 'M on the Bathursf lS nnii ttora, l ou Civic Centre tnntght. I'.xeru-tive 7:30. (enerul R p.m. Hospital W.A. tea, Nurses' Home, May 12. Canadian C i Ii t r n ship Pro-tram Civic Centre, Friday, May 15, 8 p.m., sponsored by Prince Kiipert CKIenslilp Council. Port Simpson where a reception was held In the YPEA hall. About 200 guests and the Port Simpson band were in attendance. r"'fH Hospital fs' Hiinif, May li W.A. 2:30 , . ' m m . k m m ii.i P"nieciM.kiiiR. I V Come and (110) I ""nil. 7 vtcrwf (yea I''-in Legion Auxiliary ' I-'-sliion show. 2:30, I i.V, May 13. Admission I U1H Springtime IS Playtime . -. ' Long Wearing-Good Looking . Fine Fitting SISMAN SCAMPERS UNEXCELLED FOR YOUR CHILD'S "mi Halibut Fishermen I ' large, f.o.sll Skldc-i J-it. now available f;1 Buy. When calling ".sel "Wostiack" (U9I Ubeial leader. Arthur speak t youon May I ''i'l!ion audltorlu.it. ;s important address-f welcome. U15) kZ$y MEUOWEDINWOOO V' OUTILLtBS UNCI I6 9 IV's . . - "impendent Day, ! 1 be celebrated May 14 I1- sharp, 8.O.N. Hall, ail ' P'otfam follow-f,n''"' n Everybody wel-I (113) to listen to CFPR nt ,07 i I fill Miv.il ii irvr A -- i - - l &4zncu&an whisky !) ( "nnn ro.. " A "'" " ' PLAY WEAR FASHION FOOTWEAR '" "mat enst ,,f "The Ask,' lm . : "nginated bv This advertisement la not published Of displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by Oorrnmnt ot British Columbia. t Uni; ViXp & Sulphite HJ)