Monday, May 11, 1353 Prince Rupert Daily News IT COMMU NITY PAG THE 1 1 . RADIOS APPLIANCES RECORDS FLEETWOOD RADIOS CltOSI.EY RADIOS ADMIRAL M K KRtZ REFRIGERATORS 9 EASY VrASiiERS PRESTOMAT WASHERS obi e 5 Phone 101) Opp. Totem Theatre FRIENDLY NEIGHBOR!. Y SER VICE It's a pleasure and common sense to shop in your home lown because when you spend money in your own community some of it will find its way back into your own pocket . . . Let's all buy at home and keep our community prosperous and thriving. Read this page and if you find your name you will receive absolutely free two theatre tickets to one of the loccal theatres. And if H does happen to rain while you're downtown, the GALLEY Is the place to pass a pleasant few minuces drinking a not cup of the best coffee In town. , "MEET ME at the ENTKAE" Quick Businessmen's Luneh Italian Dishes a Specialty Friendly Afternoon Teas After-Show Snacks IpIISj CENTRAL CAFE Galley Cafe THE SPAGHETTI HOUSE T. M. C. TRANSPORTATON SYSTEA-1 LIMITED OPKKATING: City Bus Service Messenger Service Eric Kries, HG1 PiRBott Place Trucking, Coal and Kindling Phones: 640 - 530 Insured Carriers McRae Bros. Ltd. "The Store That Service Built" HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCES jfcStoves Refrigerators Woshcrs -fc Records Table Tops . . . Mirrors . . . Auto Glass Window Glass . . . Plate Gloss NORTHERN GLASS CO. I HIST AVENUE EAST (Next to Industrial Welding) Box 1621, Station B Phone Red 834 "Her Fido let' qo boy." 1 DID YOU KNOW?,V Holiuays in Mexico and' the Caribbean are incxpensiver ' I nquire The t'omplett Travel Service For . . . Expert Workmen, Complete Electrical Service CONTRACTORS '13 I'irst Ave. .VVe'SJ ; n lit: BOWLING We have open alleys every afternoon and evening, with the exception of Monday afternoon and Tuesday and Thursday evenings. Phone Red 709 "There Is hardly anything In the world that some man cannot make a little worse and sell a little cheaper, and people, who consider price only are this man's lawful pre)." John Ituskin. Art Murray's Men's Wear Jm TUCKET: GRANV and NEWTON IIMITHi ELECTRICAL Phone 2i9 I Tl M- Maori 1 wave jlowed To Open Iter 300 Years i!v ci.KXMi entitle IsCON 1 Reuters' The City tVuluii stayed up late last I (,r the first time In 300 ..idoiial theatre, expelled The area by the Puritans In T ....... rntprtnH tit K Lmiclon'.s financial district tiuiisancLs work but only ' j:ul caretakers live and jionnally is deserted after '.e ol business eaeh day. ihtatie permitted to open Cr.y is the "Mermaid," an i-tnen-style piuynouse Dunt :iiard Miles and .set up In 1 . (i cuurtyard for the sum- k, uun. ir nil inr:ii(lfK IUI"h L, as the opera "Dido and ,; ' Shakespeare's "As You and the play "Eastward Imli hasn't been played inii.iliy for 3UU years. ! 1 0.1 11 llii' Mermaid's seals .11 .i'M out fur each of iic iicliliy shows and the have praised the Venture. ulio expects 10 make I l.'i.wto on the season, h;us I (l a coiopetent company 1 11-5. dancers and singers. J Kij.sten Flanstad. who 4 limes has sunn his "Dido was," U Wis big draw. , Mermaid started us a $ p ivate venture In a lot js.. Mhe-s' home in the north 4 . ri section of St.1 i wood. ! ;irame so popular he lie-, I .1 spread out, starling with' 1-atre-levi City. iv have been the heoiniiis-ervative productions that id the city authorities to e the Mermaid. In any they slaved a big civic ' lor the actors. cnlerin'4 Into the .spirit of tney nave Miles this lie- . ,nrd rraynr and aliler-: tiic Chv of London, at ahli'mp'atlon of the let-: liernaid Miics and other nn.ird to the season i:ut ller ,.iujesty some-takes delights in such :ic.s, do welcome the said rd Miles and his Mer-Thra-n; Company to use xrreise of playing at the : Exchange and nowhere i!hin the City between :nt of Easter and Lam-i.iy r.ext cjmlnK, provid-liey p'ay not upon the ith Day, nor play any r trendmi! to the dis-of Almighty God, nor to miet peare and govern-ut the Citv," htal Units v Smithers 11I RK Constant demand Ud units was expressed at is Village Commission 5 Monday nlnht in answer ''-.rohdence from Smithers l Senior Chamber of Com-H was considered that ground for a housing "oiler federal-provincial s iesislutlon was available, oimmssioii is to get all ''is wilh a view of ron-3 a rental housing pro- flunk! ' YOUR FAMILY WHEN YOU BUY TIRES til peace of minii thnl 'torn driving on tires that ,he lwer to stop in time. ENERAL pNT SAFETY man r action SAFtR 2. SAFER STOPPING 1 -. Hrw TRACTION I iS.-,,vI.''..-.-v . general) NUTSON'S f'W SALES AND I'-um r SF.RVICE Starts Thursday, May 14 Capitol Theatre "TREASURE OF THE GOLDEiN CONDOR" Starring-Cornel Wilde and Constance Smith This pag2 is a regular weekly feature cf the DAILY NEWS and there will appear in the advertisements names and addresses ot people living in Prince Rupert. Reod the advertisements carefully, and if you find your noma, clip out the advertisement and prcsint it to the DAILY NEWS office and you will receive absolutely free two theatre tickets to your favorite theatre with the compliments of the odvertiser and theatre manager. THREE LUCKY PEOPLE WIN EACH MONDAY Let's aU "Help the Kinsmen Help the Kids' ENTEK THE KINSMEN CORONATION CONTEST ATTEND KINSMEN KIDDIES' SPORTS DAY MAY 18 Acropolis Hill. Sec Van's f or . . . Tender Loaf, Sliced ENRICHED Bread. VAN'S BAKERY (ill 3rd Ave. W. Phone 100 LOOK FOR Lyons Fine Foods "Independent I'ood Stores stock only Topuality Brands" Phones: 250 - Red 465 INDl N t'HAFT SnUVKMHH Phone Blue 615 McCuCoch Chain Saws ( UKIS-l K.U T BOATS Pacific Electric Phono Blue 992 YOUR NAME Rupert-Butchers ond GROCERS LTD. Phone 21 "liilc)cnflciit Food Stores provide Free Delivery to ull parts of the City" THE VARIETY STORE "Where your Dimes are l.iltle Dollars" ' -I i You'll Be Safer On... DUNLOP TIRES Skeena Grocery 'One of Your fnilrpriiUent Fixk! Store." Phone 581 or 582 R. E. MORTIMER REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE Phone 88 J53 Third Ave. West SPENCE and MATUIK Painting Contractors For the Best in Paint Jobi Phone Blue 881 SEE US WHEN MODERNIZING Aildlni; new eoiivenl'-nec und new beauty to your home? Then be sure to call us Tor the most a complete Information on how our up-to-date plumbing and heating equipment bring -you bonus.thilft. Phone 174 Smith & Elkins LIMITED P.O. Box 274 We carry a complete slock of tires und tubes and maintain a completely equipped tire repair department. YUKON JEWELLERS EBY & SONS LIMITED GENERAL CONTRACTING - FINK HONE CHINA KI.ATE TOTKMS BOB PARKER LTD. PHONE T3 PICKET FENCES Contact us for free estimates on construction easts Sliop I'lione: Itluc 151 Residence Phone: Itlue 3'Xi REPAIRING OUR SPECIALTY Midway Grocery "Shop at the Independent Food Stores for Quality and Service" Chas. M. Atkinson, D45 Third Ave. W. Phone 659 WRATHALL'S PHOTO FINISHING Phone Green 136 NEW!. BROWNIE MOVIE CAMKIt.t Costs On!; $50.00 , The ELECTRICIAN Douglas "Guy" Guyatt Phone RED 165 14'J Ninth Ave. W. FOR THE SPORTSMAN . . WADERS Olive Drob Sreel Shank m,;; fa CIcotcd Solo J. Alexander, Prop. The STORK SHOPPi L STi.i!..iiif In INFANTS' CHILDREN'S and MATERNITY" WEAR p.o. iox mi rii. nine mo PAIR 'Mir answer to all your problems about A Selling k Renting Buying Hiring Daily News Classifieds FRED SCADDEN Pointing and Decoroting l'iione v;reen !li I'.O. Hex 5(iS HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE faiiilini,' and UecoratiliK General Cnnlroctors Mildred 11. Olsen, 235 Ninth Ave. W. . Building and Hepaiif of all kinds. P.O. Ittix 1:0 l lmne Red Kill 16 & Sons Ltd. ! George Hill Third Avenue GREER & BRIDDEN LTD. (Next to Commodore Cafe) GRANTHAM Eleclrh Electrical Contractors NEW CONSTRUCTION See us to discuss that new construction BLACK & WHITE TAXI CO. PHONE 65 "EVENTUALLY Why Not Now?" BAPCO IRONOIL ... has a ea-eat variety of uses both as an Individual finish oi mixed with paints or varnishes. Dries with extreme hardness and rich lustre. ' WHPSOH HJMRE CO. UD. For Wonder Brite Cleaning Superior Laundry Call PIONEER CANADIAN LAUNDRIES Phone 8 , Phone 118 REWIRING OLDER BUILDINGS 844 Summit . Phone Blue 293 i TIRES