prc :i - Lie d OMORROW'S PROVINCIAL IIS3ARI, -TIDES 113 :.;,(l:iy, June , 1K53 VICTORIA, B. C. . I'acilic Surdard Time) 17.9 feet 21 4 fed 2.7 feet 7.5 feet e.Lc;tonday VOTE as you like But . . . VOTE ORMES DRUGS 11:57 23:42 5:40 17:35 NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Published at Conoda'. Most Strategic Pocific Porr-"Prince Rupert, rhe Key to the Great Northwest" VOL. XUI N. 132 PRiNir:is Brrppo-r n r unumv rr..,r. - . , ... I( ,t ly3J PRirK yxvv. raiira -wr, v .'-'"-: , : - , y.'r ' ' ' jpXv " ? Postmen "7 jrm :-vi':,.v.-:' Begin f . fc'Jff n Eisenhower Indicates Truce Imminent By The Canacian Press i , PANMUNJOM. The last big stumbling block to a Korean truce was swept aside today with the signing of the prisoner-exchange agreement, " but South Korean opposition shot toward the boiling point as their leaders vowed to continue the fighting. ,-,..,. ,...,, ., - , , . s Seven jeven Carriers carriers i . x. I ihu w u i it ; , i Being Being Trained Trained : Vi I ? ; Conference Site Aim n L IK! ( ttk i rr... neicciucui uii a iuu armistice; House-to-house delivery of mail starts June 15, postmaster Jack Burgess announced today. Parcel post delivery will begin t. The meeting, originally scheduled for J ne 17 , f ?' thFrnch Bover"- in me tnree-year-long war could come tomorrow when Allied and Communist negotiators meet at II a.m. The Red . Chinese radio nre- dicted a "complete cease-fire Rhee Not Injured in Plane Raid SEOUL Kfi Nine Communist on the sanie date. bters to Decide Tomorrow and armistice" in Korea "without further delay." However. South Korean Presi Mr. Burgess -reported that twn dent Syngman Rhee said "the postal authorities from Vancou- teen Murray Hills, Brown Korean people will pay no attention" to the lmnenrlinir or. er are In town to supervise training of the seven earrter mistice.' who will handle delivery of the iw -June 9BC. vol ' -mill m y B i : Prince Rupert riding planes bombed Seoul tonight in the biggest Red raid of the war hectic clec- The South Korean cahinet man unaer the new system, and to ensure that the Rervtc pt. Hon cam and National Assemhlv crisis pa i n in off to a good start Thev are .1 narrowly missing President Syngman Rhee's residence, killing two persons and injuring eight oth Arthur Bruce Brown, Liberal. Their fate will be decided by the preferential ballot, last year esallzed in this Drovl committee resolved to disregard any truce under present terms II decide which of four il panics will form the ivonmunt In this prov-iirt in Prinrfl Rupert the three candidates rests in wi the voting public. v o 1 ? i O'Connell and J. Taylor. una Keep lighting. To facilitate operations, all ers. personali-r 1 ties a n di persons residlne within thn The prisoner aereement nrn- possible 8,303 voters In the rld- One of the eleht iniured was a Vldes that Of 138 (KM. Allied nnH r names will anoear on consider e d t , one of the'.'" hiost bitter " Life photographer, Michael Rou-gier, hit by flying glass. Red captives, those wanting to iiR, ot which 5,595 reside in Prince Rupert. The balance are residents in Ihe district. Elsewhere in B.C.. m.iinlv In in B.C. pol-ir Raiders swept in Sow and laid the first bomb 1.000 feet from return nome will be exchanged within 60 days after the truce is signed. proposed letter carrier limits are nsked to fill out cards now being distributed giving their name, address and present arrangement for receiving mail They are also asked to advise correspondents of their address so that mall can be handled Hut in the following or- .)in II. Murray, Soclul ;e Mills, CCP Ktandard-anrt year's MLA for Rhee's residence while the cap Communist n r 1 S n n p r a orhrt the lower mainland, charges an'fl ities. In Prince Rupert such wits steadfastly refuse repatriation ital lights still blazed. Rhee was unhurt and unruffled. ounler-charBCS have marked a will be released as civilians in not the I South Korea 120 days after the promptly. ' UKORGE IIII.I S . . . CCF case. No personali -KT HOI SK NUMBERS t- Householders 11 n r t, a In .nf ties were even.QuestiujiecTla the i in ineu- nmise number can receive' local election eampalstn evi ccase-nre. The agreement reads that "no force or threat -of force shall be used again prisoners either Allied or Communist-held." Of 121,680 Red prisoners held by the UN, 70,300 North Koreans and 5,000 Chinese dence of high calibre of the Russia Ends Controls In Austria VIENNA ft The Russians inls information on application o city hall. Placing the number on the house is the responsibility of the householder. Under the new system hnut. candidates . themselves. Notable everywhere in . this ki T, (7:' ' eltctlon campaign is the sive stand both the CCF and the ness firms may choose dellverv THIS NEW FLAG is attracting attention as it hangs outside the downtown Toronto office of the Canadian Military Journal. It is design for Canadian flag recommended by the Quebec provincial convention of the Canadian Legion. Field is composed of 10 blue and white bars, with fleur-de-lis superimposed on red maple leaf. suddenly ended eight years of either by letter-carrier or through post office boxes. Residents outside the letter -rflrrfpr Liberals have taken against th? Social Credit party which formed the minority government after taking 19 seats in the election last June 12. I want to go home. A total of 14,200 Chinese and 32,180 North Koreans in UN prison camps have indicated they will refuse repatriation. A last-minute nwiigm. f,. control in Austria today and abolished all military checks of identity papers on the border -lelivery area and those with no fixed address or emraperl in " ...... of the Soviet zone of Austria. Motorist Fails in Attempt President Eisenhower to Rhee said he felt the UN and South Korea were "reoulred" tn onront Ever since the war, armed Russian troops have maintained control of all trains, cars and There hiis bewi little fighting between the Liberals and the CCF locally. . , Throughout the province there arc 229 candidates seeking 48 seats. To Beat Parking Charge present terms and warned Rhee pedestrians moving between transient occupations may enn-lnue to receive their mail 'hrouph general delivery or through post office boxes, preferably the latter. Mr. Burgess explained that if i house is more than 40 yards from the street line, the householder must place a mall box at r close to the street line at the igamst any "reckless adven 1 ture" by the South Knnn' Police court activity this morn on Second Avenue and was fined western occupied zones of Austria and the Russian zone. An official Soviet announce 1 i In Prince Rupert, 74 voters ! already have cast ballots. They ing was highlighted by a city motorists derence of a parking ticket and his subseonent con S15 and costs. Police evidence was that the motorist had sped up to 40 miles an hour in a 25-mile-an-hnnr MtlTK BKOWN . . Liberal BILL MURRAY . . , .Social Credit viction before police magistrate ment tonight revealed these controls would be , abolished as of Tuesday morning. The unexpected Russian gesture came one day after a division of military and civilian control over Austria by the Rus zone, which Magistrate Vance Comic Strips Added ew entrance of his property. He Hdvised that the box be equipped with a lock. Installation of receptacles necessary for house-to-house delivery is well over 90 per cent. laier aennea as a zo-mile-an-hour zone, on Second Avenue between Sixth Street and McBride. Majority of 15 cases heard Involved drinking and in one case, Magistrate Vance criticized a sians. armed might. In Washington, government officials were reported gravely concerned whether South Ko'rea would observe the cease-fire in a bloody war that has cost a total of 2.300,000 Red and Allied casualties. President Eisenhower told Rhee the U.S. would work toward unification of Korea in a political conference following a truce and in the United Nations, but pointed out: "We do not intend to employ war as an instrument to accomplish world wide political settlement to which we are dedicated and tor Daily News Readers Walter Vance. Eric S. Martin, city accountant, told court that his was a borderline case and that police did not have conclusive evidence that he had parked for more than 30 minutes on Third Avenue West last Saturday afternoon. But Martin's request for a dismissal was disallowed. An hour of evidence by two city hotel for cerving .beer to Alaska Fire persons already intoxicated. An Indian, who first Dlearieri Spreading not guilty, then reversed his de '"i tomorrow. Tim Dally and all the rest of the Dogwatch ill carry three top-notch i clan. wiic strips in addition to j The Heart of Juliet Jones Is a comparatively new strip which is ' "HI be: L'il Abner, The making a big hit. It descri!es the ' Juliet Jones, and King personal drama of an attractive yul Mounted. jglrl who has not found the right murh need be said about' nlan whose teen-ngcd sister attended me advance polling station opened by Scott McLaren, returning officer In this riding, for voters who will not be anywhere in the province tomorrow. Of the advance voters, 54 were from Prince Rupert, balance from the district. Fulling stations are located in the following sections of this riding: Prince Rupert, KodEf Cove, Masset, Port Clements, Port Simpson, Bute-dale, Queen Charlotte City, Port Edward, Skldegatc, Aero, Hunts Inlet, Inverness, Oona River, Oslaml, Sandspit, Tlell, Masset Reserve, Kkirieate Mission, Pacofi, Miller Bay, Hays-port, Kleintu. Humpback Bay, Mellakatla. Kitkatla, Juskalla and Sunnyside. First choice votes from the entire district are expected to be tabulated hy noon on the day following the election. Ru ne nf t.hp transferable Typhoon Eases After Killing 21 Japanese vE TOKYO ft A tvDhoon which cision said he had been "picked up' as soon as he left the beer FAIRBANKS -'(Pi A forest, fire police constables, a witness for the accused and by Martin who parlor burnine between Chick en nnri which we believe to be Just." spoke in his own behalf, showed j THIRD OFFENCE that on or after 3 p.m. Saturday, npr. recently married son killed at least 21 Japanese and left hundreds homeless in south Eisenhower indicated that a truce was imminent when he told Rhee: "The enemv has nrnnnserl an Tanacross southeast of Fairbanks, has spread over 15 acres of valuable wildlife range. A division of the forestry office said the blaze, out of con and western Jaoan Sundav: but armistice which involves clear broke up harmlessly today as it trol, was tumping fire lines. a constable had marked the tires of Martin's car. At 3:40, another constable said he had noted that Martin's car was still parked in the same place because the marks on the tires corresponded to marks on the sidewalk. Then he issued the ticket. i u icinpesi or trouble. King of Tlie Royal Mounted Is an exciting adventure yarn, well-known and avidly followed by comic readers. With more to come as soon as space permits, The Daily News is building up its daily comic section and discontinuing Its Vokuni family, who Is at Parading ns a female 5 Partner fr the cham-iy wrestler from Lower "" Everyone knows about ls nia and pa, Daisy Mae, ' Puoggnorn, Marryin' "inrsilllie Pfiter-nt D.iH PhotocraDher Jim Dnnthll. nf abandonment of the fruits of aggression. An armistice would neadea toward Tokyo. Floods from torrential rains the Fairbanks News Miner flew leave the Renublle nf Knren in Another native appearing or his "third offence" of an intoxication charge since last October, was sentenced to one month in jail, despite a pica for clemency. Joseph Sankey said he was "all fixed up to go fishing" and hoped His Honor would issue a fine and allow him to be free by June 20, opening pf the sockeye season. Said Sankey: "If I can go fishing I can make a stake not much, but enough to support my over the area and said manv and damage from winds up tc 100 miles an hour left property losses at around $20,000,000. ac acres or browse used bv mnnse and caribou were being razed. J"e, Moonbeam McSwino undisputed possession of a substantial territory which the republic administered prior to the aggression. Indeed, this territory will be somewhat enlarged. vote, or preferential ballot, elec Saturday comic supplement as lemperatures here rose into the 80's for the sixth straight cording to Japanese estimates. Five of the 21 victims were buried in landslides touched ofl by heavy rains. Six persons alsc were reported mlssine and Sf tors may make tnree cnoices in Prltina Rnnprt. rirtlnff nne fnr We WOU d not he lusti fieri in mdo Kills inf.h (ondlrint.e In nrrler of Dref- prolonging the war in the hone ninny readers report they see the weekly funnies in other papers before they appear here. The lust weekly supplement will rittnnut this Knt.urHnv nnri nrice erence by marking the numbers of achieving, by force, the uni- others injured in southern Ja 1. 2 and 3 opposite tneir names ncation oi Korea. pan. iamny tnrough the winter." Said the Magistrate: "I'm afraid this case ls beyond a fine. You should have learned some on the ballot. ljl Attending ly Reunion Betty Martin, daughter of accused, gave evidence that it was "after 3 p.m." when she, her father and mother left their Overlook Street home and' stopped at the Court House before proceeding downtown. Martin claimed that because it takes him eight minutes to drive downtown from home and that he stopped at the Court that his actual parking time could have been less than 30 minutes. Magistrate Vance held that the 10-minute leeway allowed bv the The Prince Rupert polling day. Eleven fires were reported burning in interior Alaska. r Manitobans Voting Today WINNIPEG if) Manitoba is voting today in a provincial election. It is the first time in more than a decade that Premier station at the Civic Centre thing by now. One month." of the week-end paper will then revert to five cents as before. Watch for these new features! and others to follow. I opens at 8 a.m. when the first blast of the siren will sound. AM. Neb , 1, -WEATHER- North Coast Reeion: Clonriv y "truck a farm near i 'wrc 10 persons were fi.n lnrorinal family re- today with a few lleht rainshnw- Campbell's Liberal-Prneresslve ers ending about noon. Variable canity killing all 10 , "B the farm place to ound. police (from 3 p.m. to 3:40 p.m.) ' cloudiness and a little warmer Man Injured in Pulp Mill Dies During Mercy Flight VANCOUVER An injured carpenter died In a mercy plane Saturday as the pilot skimmed over the Gulf of Georgia tn a desperate race to save the man's life. ; Dead is Harry Hansen, 71, of Regina, who was crushed in an industrial accident in a pulp mill at Port Alice on Vancouver Island. Pilot Bob Drinkwater was forced to fly less than 200 feet above the water by a low-hanging cover of rain clouds on the return trip. Hansen died when the plane was still 18 miles frm Vancouver airport. administration has gone to the country on its own record. on Tuesday. could have made up for lost time and that the police still could have been richt. so found Martin Light winds, exceot northwest PADDY WANTS MONEY FIRST THEN HE'LL GET EXCITED VANCOUVER 0 A 70-year-old B.C. logging camp worker says he ls "not a bit excited" about winning $27,500 on an Irish sweepstake ticket In England's Epsom Derby. "I've won sweepstakes before and I'll get excited when I get the money In my hands," W. P. (Paddy) Motte told reporters. He held a ticket on the third-place Pink Horse. In the past three elections, it has camDalened on the hasia nf t on the nlof-o " .alrf 20 on Tuesday, exposed areas of guilty as charged and fined him coalition, now ended, with Pro irmRieUcfir1'' who visited the Charlottes. Low tonight and blch Tuesdav " e trees WPro nilnnoH gressive Conservatives. The quiet, five-week Manitoba campaign produced few fire 30 plus 50 cents cost. SPEEDING CHARGE Anothe citv motorist nlearied at Port Hardy 48 and 62; Sand- ;plt 50 and 62: Prince Rupert 50 ; that only stumps stood or two above the ground. works and no outstanding issue. : guilty to a charge of speeding and 64. YU LDCCI BISJTVOT