The first eto of the Cha- teau de Ramez y in Montreal. SCREEN FLASHES 8 Prlnre Ruprn D Today to WCUW museum, was I now a historic;, 'laid in 1705. Ceda Pavlovic Has Difficulty Convincing People He's Alive - j Wallace's Dcph Store j By ai.ex singleton i i i ; ' Ov4 II J SN I Women are women and men French or FnglUh or Latin males, are men all over the world, and "Thry'ie all alike they're aH it's high time that newspaper men!" insists Marta. "What am and magazine writers got onto I to say? If the men I meet are the fact, according to lovely very handsome, and if they are Marta Toren. The actress, cur- witty, and if they like me, I like rently starred with Dana An- them. If they are not any of drews. George Sanders and Aud- these, 1 don't care if they are ; BELGRADE (AP) Pity the plight of Ceda Pavlovic, who i awoke the other night in a ccm-jetery fully dressed for his own lormal funeral. Ok - - pr - rey Totter at the Totem Theatre Swedes or anyone else, you can in Columbia Pictures "Assign-i have fhem." merit Paris," offers her com- Marta, had an opportunity to physician pronounced him dead. His body was carted off for burial next day under government health regulations. It was lodged in an ice-chilled vault beneath the cemetery chapel. Pavlovic awoke to find himself in a coffin. He then nudged the lid of the coffin. The lid moved upwards. He climbed out. only to find the vault door bolted. He cried for help. Frightened, a cemetery ;uard above fled. A 60-year-old retired Jurist, Pavlovic pleaded his predicament at the top of his lungs. "I Poor Pavlovic had tnken a hot bath earlier In the day. Forgetting his schoolday physics lessons, he reached up a dripping arm to snap on a light. Water serves as a conductor for elec-viicily. His wife found him unconscious. A hurriedly summoned MART I U K GEORGE I I 1 AUDREY U j H mcnt on the journal l.stic ap- ; judce the n. en of several nation-proach to Interviews only lw- alliies during production of " she is always a.sked to signmcnt Paris," which was make comparisons. The fact that filmed in Paris, world capital of she plays a reporter in "As.sign- , intrigue, where she met and ment Paris," a girl whose beat; worked with an admixture of is Budapest, has nothing to do American, English, French and with Maria's "complaint." j Hungarian males. "They're all According to Miss Toren, .she I alike they're all men!" never meets a writer who d'x s j ' not ask her til compare Swrdr.h j The fore:t product.! Industry and American males, or, If she j worth $IM) .000,000 Ik the ® iias just been to Paiis or Lundun .Jnn!c ttr.pluycr of labor In New or South America, American andF!runswick. am here by mistake," he shout-td. "Let me out." The guard Youcaniqo finally crept back and released him. i From 2-ycar-old Through Teen- ALLOUl If you feel K Age ALHN r O Si I ii i ' i ii i ii n i i m (In nilm in i i iilw ciuiwlili Pavlovic hurried off to the nearest phone to report to his wife he was coming home, hungry. He was in for another shock. Under the strain of the day, she shrieked. Then he hung up. Then she fainted. Pavlovic tried next to re-establish himself with his neighbors. Answering his knocks, they, looked quickly, shuddered and slammed the doors. Finally, he found an acquaintance who had not heard of his "death." This one served as a 1. 1 t mi History's Most Seductive Woman! The Screen's Mightiest Spectacle! "CLEOPATRA" . STARRING CLAUDETTE COLBERT WARREN WILLIAM HENRY WU.COXON . - "-us TODAY and TUESDAY Sl'ZANNE BL'TLEll, 31-year-old Ottawa secretary finds writing "fun," especially after her first novel, "My Pride, My Folly" brought her fame and about $15,000. The book, about a 10th century Canadian heroine, Is a best-seller in Canada and the United States. One-time Montreal school-teacher, Miss Butler spent five years on the book and says it takes must of a lifetime to write a best-seller. Shorts Shirts Rlazers Caps Jeans Bathing Trunks Sweaters Tee Shirts Pants Windbrcakers Thee day mot people work under pressure, worry more, sleep leu. This strain on body and briin nukes physical fitness easier to lose harder to regain. Today 'a tense living, lowered resistance, overwork, worry any of these may affect normal kidney action. When kidneys get out of order, excess acids and wastes remain in the system. Then backache, disturbed rest, that "tired-out" heavy-headed feeling often follow. That's the time to take Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd's stimulate the kidneys to normal action. Then you feel better sleep better work better. Ask for Dodd's Kidney Pills at ant rfriM" rmmtr. : WALLACE S DEPT. STORE go-between. Poor Pavlovic soon was home again. But a last shock was still to come. His family had inserted & death notice in the morning TOTE, The Pigeon river on the north-' The Prtitcodiac river in New west side of Lake Superior was Brunswick was a favorite Indian mentioned in 1722 as an entry route between the Cumberland SHOWS - 7-9:04 CAPITOL i MMOI'S mVHiSTHFtTl to the west, region and Quebec. - . ... papers, too late to be withdrawn. Pavlovic still is answering messages of condolence. LINDSAY'S CARTAGE AND STORAGE LTD. Established 191Q MOVING . . . PACKING . . . CRATING SIIII'I'INO . . . FORWARDING . . . STORAGE Experienced handling Local, Nation-wide and World-wide Shipments. MOVE WITH EASE . . . SHIP VIA LINDSAY'S" Agents Allied Van Lines Ltd. f'liunc 60 or 68 Cor. 2nd and Tark Ave. Strikers Reject latest Offer At Saanich VICTORIA P The possibility of a settlement of the week-old ;trike of municipal workers in icighboring Saanich faded to-lay with reports the strikers have rejected the council's latest iffer. In a bid to settle the strike f 150 members of the Saanich Vlunicipal Employees Assocla- j ion, council increased its wa'je j iffer but the association voted i iown the offer Friday. Union officials said the new uer, wnicn includes a seven-cnt-an-hour increase for labor-srs now earning $1.24'i an hour, "id a three per cent increase '4 JiV.ti. v ijf .-. t k . '(,., -.v i ' . for employees pBld by the month, was not acceptable. j The association reduced its dc- mands at a meeting Monday to i , ... -ii iiuui ior lauorcrs, it also iT'tncpfi demands for other class- 1 ilications. Council mad no offer to ad-tiist some of (he varies of specialized workers which is one of th" mnin Issues in t.h'j dispute. Aorangi Leaves on Last Trip ' ' ' y I ' J ! , - i ; ? ,:Z:...-:.k.7tst,i ' "IV.. I AUCKLAND, N.5. (P- It was to be a tender moment as several hundred persons gathered at the dock here to bid nostalgic, farewell to the liner Aorangi. . There wvrc some damp eyes as the veteran liner, last seagoing passenger link between Canada and New Zealand-Australia prepared to leave on th" final lc of her last voyage between Vancouver and Sydney, Australia. A farewell message was broadcast over the loudspeaker system and a band played the Maori farewell song, "Now is the Hour." But. as It turned out, now wasn't the hour. A mechanical default prevented the Aorangi from leaving the dock. She didn't sail from Sydney until midnight and when the old lady of the Pacific slipped out, she was watched by only a determined handful of GEORGE HILLS Get Things Done VOTE f' v'. ' ' C 1 . . . I ' V r I S-- ' ' . VI I I II II II I . ,4 After ren'hlng Sydney, the ! : v 'i J siorangi will leave lor Britain to be scrapped. "Do the men gel good pay 7" "Yes, at Inco even a beginner main good money. An time gocn on ther arc chances for working into better and better jobs. In addition, employ, ees receive medical and hospital care for themselves and families at very low cost to them. I'eiisions are paid to employees v. ho retire or are disabled and these are paid for by the company. So you see Into is a real good plac to work." . , CO j The Shorthorn breed of cattle first known as Teeswatcr cattle and later as Durhams, before receiving their present name-are native to the northwestern i section of England , :v - j i if: "Yes, tlicrc arc p.nd jobs and a lot of tlicm in the nickel mine and plants. There is still a certain amount of heavy v. oil to do, hut machines have made most jobs a lot easier and more pleasant, l or instance, the ore today is handled almost entirely by maihiiics instead of by pick and shovel." i UK to . V I .1 HILLS Geo. E. CCF 1 . . MW3UW M I I 111 I rrtl. B mrt f Vift'f 1 M M M IE 1 M I t . Tl t,nl, fcw Ml- l""-mil hr irnl I'n 1 NTif intrrtttM. The International Nickel Company of Canada, Limired U, 25 King StrcstWcstJ