icFLlCTS Prince Rupert Daily News and KEMlNlSCr ' ' if Wednesday, September 23, 1953 As I See It Clmore I.nst wtek of Daylight Saving. ' Urge audiencei i It j been easy. We'll say that been to'd by a v7 much for it, even it the same ' this rmmth tht 8 ! . Aet , k UL JSlMf An lndenitt Jlly nmspaper deroted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert and Northern and Central British Columbia. Member of CanadMn Press Audit Bureau of Circulations i Canadian Dally Newspaper Association. PMbMshWI y The Prince Rupert Dally News Limited, J. P. MAGOR. President H. G PERRY. Vice-President antiot be declared for others, j larly, art having heaitU a Everyone i,. . Anyone born in January is good leader, declares astrologers. ' Small wor.der, i Svtbsn-toUon Rates: yes. but think of the start. Pn rrrfrd-hr tf- tvr mnnth Ml fin- npr vpnr felO.OO. Rv mall Per month. 75c; uer vear. S8 00. Authorized as second class mall by the Post Office Department. Ottawa ....Ui-r ail mat, heard the preceding 24 j IT IIAPPENUvP" I The hundred to onf. ! more than a fi, ' LETTERBOX RAT MENACE TS! ilt's actually happenrtaj The Eclilor, The Daily News: , . ..,,: nupcrv at i I have been told several times Ouastaferri concrete of the spectacle offered at the dent while fishinc lr 1! City dump, and finally by my , mat river lost his ew wirea nis wile in Mo spare pair. His plight, visit me In what I am now pleased to call "my home town," and In case your nose isn t working cheerful, he cast his a ihtit? i., k lor all to sec-! river akalii uki -Now Entering Pnnce Rupert!" glasses, washed don . A.- one vitally interested in the ; damaged, and coverm , welfare of the youths of our city, j The story would kick p,. I have to make a protest. My ! paper and that intij letter will leave you unmoved, lomineca Herald. but, pare nts, citizens, for the j , sake ot your children and the I Everybody admire,s health of your community, he-' except his wile Pm Bets On Dior Skirts A FRENCHMAN named Dior has decreed that the better half of humanity is to wear shorter skirts. Every now and again you soe iome newspaper story whirl) ssys (hit tlie girls have rebelled that they just wont wear the shorter Raiments. But that is a laugh. That is one of the rit-ualistlp motions which the female of the species always make even when she is petting ready for a big switch. It is like the half-hearted brief, resistance which a sweet young thing puts up at tier first kiss from lier first boyfriend. 11 won't last TOO long. So with the switch in women's fashions, it in now just a question of time till the girls from 17 to 77 will all appear in skirts about half way between the length of the bathing suits that grandmother used to wear and the kilt which granddad wore in the highland band. IT MAKES me realize how I am getting on in years for I clearly remember the other two times that "they" cut off about Make The Plates Work BONNER'S recent announcement ATTORNEY-GENERAL of a return to" annua car licence plates carries with it an unhappy admission of failure to meet the problem of identifying current year tabs in the case of theft. .;. It is hard to accept this lack of ingenuity in overcoming what scarcely seems a major difficulty. ' Provided the annual issue is resumed, the benefits of more permanent identification of cars by the one number is iost, the inconvenience of fastening on new plates is revived and the presumed saving in material by having a long-term plate vanishes. V But if plates are to be renewed every year, the authorities might consider expanding the individuality the imprint of a totem pole recently added to licences. M"any states and some provinces use the plates as mobile publicity media. If, without offence, some regions in North America can advertise themselves as the Wheat Province, the" Evergreen Playground and such, might it not be worthwhile to list British Columbia as "The Land of Parks" or, in some other wording; draw attention to the attraction of this part of Canada to the tourist? .. ?'. : V I fore you fontt-t It completely as Angler. I did, and the results will not; leave you so. Drive out to our i OR WAS HE? NOW COMES TIIK TEST by Arch Dale In Winnipeg Free Press icily dumpdrive right in slowly What amount.; ttt I put vour hnrtl!"hts off for a has been recovered .-. if n l I ; moment and then put them on wreck of the steamer F K.. i A llihlll isuddenlv! You wUl see a sight terprise lost olf the VICTORIA REPORT v J (' you will rot forget for the rest , land some years ago & nml tn show the Ub rais 01 your nie., 'uu m wuu imhksil that they're of no Importance you will he In a sc? of living, i OOG. The plucky ste .n more, nf no importance, that movlnsr. rotting filth' and this ' stayed by the founds VICTORIA The alternative Crediter was elected on first system of voting is doomed. It count, which, under the old sys-will be thrown out at this ses- tern which is coming back, U slon of the Legislature. final count; in Oak Bay Finance Social Cretliters don't like it. Minister Giuidecon would have i ii j ,! ..ir.ti- in Pfiinl fir.u F.flllCfltlon te ir, tho Rnclil credit boo. uithin wtilkinn distance, and '.until h ' sin to : However, M'. Speaker Irwin .a 'ea.sier hlkin di' tance. of your ; never dmibted the w ! ....nnhli. oei.ia' man. why. children xvnoTonie oiiniui uer- r - - ; years after, just whra aim uriuirr uu -v.r.n. .m , . ' "ijl ill,- K,.rr Inellna hee U they're the important people m . yu ; '""ZremieL hav-vo to take pot shots at ; come in, as a thij liTi olnrp 1 OeUL LilOei Ul if.iurr rvii.iiwi i.nwt ii.o tr- I '- . .... miss, i some of what na, m. V. .... . ,, . ... Tin.,,.,. iji-im . iithr.ui,ht th n.aitcr over. uuU. hut n v cun i possioiy eel? All pontics I ne uoaimon uov- urns, m. back . th, b And H u .us u s m. not ir t re'il danirer danger ernme brou the alternative Rupert, CCF'er, could have won, gave he Llberf four inches from the ladies' skills. In both world wars they : said the real reason was the system of voting in as a political insteaa 01 ocera;s. ine niu ,'.,., .... nffsPt anv cx. , It's a century this me expedient. U was designed House, under tne oia system oi,mi. '-k ' f, h,w it Bubonic the Invention of the mc Bigger Breakfasts make one of the Coalition part- voting ju.i one wouio now oejmue ".onP iibp something his Chicago machine & least he hn i It to hln.s... plague ith the excep-but at ,f"Min new the government, the othr SC. and C.C.F. otis. during Septet turn an:l tion of Mr. Uph.il. jTheb ' "here firlc the opposition, taking rnJ" . fashioned the . .Intv lv WhPrer wherever turn about, as government, arid The two party .system would ho d 20 peop e-and theio a e ,mo top... ... .... i i , i 1. tv. hnn.tnnu tnrpp lonclv Liberal, L,loera'i ta u Rre are rat.,. i:u.. then opposition, ana men gov- nave urai . .ci-- i -j - it - i .hnf.!'iir lnnnrt lltl 'lathe and a cmpan nr;.v. v i'" . M.wf. .-v. .'i -r , . prUi ernment again, as In the good party system mc coanuon noyi-u i i.u..u ' i. , l ,1. tl.u neat 1 ' lift lllUl ll.ll shortage of cloth. But that was a laugh because, when the New Look came in a little later, the scarcity was even greater. A few years ago the letter columns of this paper were full nf complaints about the New Look. Remember? The girls swore by all the gods they never would wear those longer skirts. Not that I have any complaint. However, the lacnes want old days when Liberals and Con-; tor when it Di ougiu in aiu-rna- aS 11 lli'S UCUII uuiiiiK iL F-'v , Social Credite.s Percy Wriij'.it Pflr tio advent cf European rats pany marH l' animer- ARTICLE in Reader's Digest says human AN beings should eat bigger breakfasts. The writer contends that those who make themselves eat first thing in the day will consume fewer calories throughout the day, and thus will not be liable to servatives were supreme. The tive voting alternativp vteia so the Coali-i Ah politics! Uhnrals and con-, or Victoria anu nay mun-. .n ,Xa ouervrrlient ureeoing mroii.iu i a uirec nuiuuu uw tion horwd would wine out the servaUves brought in alternal ive Fort George, the mover ana sec-, aounlr, the dunwr. There are ,staiauon ot 27 mt pt C.C.F But along came the uo- voting to keep the C.C.F. out, onder of the Addrts. in Kepiy io th0,...r.cIs ot yit-ye rats that New York buUdir ctart ' 5,v.iai r.odit and fouled and now Social C-edit is throw- the Speech from the Throne d.d , ,,,, v,. int0 our homes, i put on extra weight. thines up VI VJ . The 1IIT result i'"U'V v of the mic al- '"T Ing out alternative " voting in ine, nice " - a. i bv,eier"K. r.-inHiis, snua, them LllCill is Ifl fine with Willi me. 11 If they LllfV 1 y, nrn coiu v-ciHii1 i""' However, the article, contains one intriguing jwant them short, my attitude native voting system wa tha Queen Char! I don't know who is responsible bit of advice for those who camiot face a big break ak" is tnat oi uooa yueen Bess wno mis province nis uecuiur pir- au.c. ,.... s, - , .... Eaa . , : started tarted the the Order Order of of the the Garter Garter Klominantly ;lominaTitly S.C. and C.C.F. One, to the BC. Legislature. ; rehearsed themselves wei f, nr i i mexs. or wnu..riitiuiu spoke -" forthrightl'.', k'" clearly, not - ,..,,. 1n0 ,rovr. to clrnn it up n-hon on,oWr,rf nni inrinprt ujoiirl think s C ers anrl i auiui wuu i &wv an uiiCA- -i " . ...., i 1 Ti,.. VnH a irtfn . . .. .. - . fast. The tip is to take moffg'rate exercise before the meal. C.C.F.ers woui't like tne system.: ine uauiy-anuuucu - ----- t,,,, A ml k:,.ivi r r.i ...v. pected peek at her royal less. thpm an.-, now have, tneir Oiager legisipuve Bi"i- , m invw srhoo s. better sireeis, urnci "Honi soit qui maiy pense" i It certainly didn't do Airlines Schedule trips to. Kitimat and Ksm Tursdati vA Saw j quarters back. When leader Laing speeches that was evident. Mr. mn r()Iition.s. so let's start ' The intriguing aspect of "this recommendation jsays the royal motto, which i harm. OBI- froeW Intor-nroloH moons "mViat'et But But they have so much now,' and his three supporters arr'veu wiiiwwm. '""' : yelling until we make It not ior lies in the fact that in the hustle and bustle of 1953, wrong with legs anyway?" SC. and C.C.F., that they want here they were g:ven a nine iieHBviuiiw,i : those who can cto sometning V:.-.r ! i i it -. -. J: 4 -v. V ' 1 L V ' v . 1 ! v . ,1, , , i ' - i 1 t A. a .... so many people -find themselves crowded for time to jut breakfast', let alone toi take some exerc'we before breakfast I THE MERE male should remember that there is a fun-jdamental difference between more They want the entire, room, looking Into a well, ana canon, ana you ci-um ,.,.- about u House to themselves. If the old1 therefore gloomy and airles. worried, being a teacher, abou,, ppnt,....! rtmlipnee vou stop system of voting was used lat Usually, a party leader has an the future of education, and that f()r a 1 irom boiling your June there wouldn'i be a Liberal office to himself. The Liberals he fears the standards of th-j ;bot)jp,. holtl.s washing your or a Conservative in the House.! were, naturally tnou?h, hur' ; teaching profession are dropping rhlldrPn s clothes making jun-In Nanaimo, Dr. Larry Giovando, about this treatment from the The strange cas of Percy jor wasn ,ls hnnris before he now represented bv the lone Con- Social Credit on-high, and ant!- Wright has tin legislature in- eat, etc an(j f0 out and see the Stewart and Alice IWontlayn and Thurvsj servatlve in the House, a Social Social Credit go.-vlp said It was trigued. Ml". Wright is the n.t- DPStilent mess they are living sistant city clerk at Victoria a nPXt door to. AND THEN VOICE Scripture faMatje or Jotlay "There has not failed one word of all his good promise." I King 8:56.' Ketchikan Tuesdays, ThursJat1 Fridays. : City Hall. He asked permission. youR PROTEST. the sexes. Take furniture the male wants it left as is the female wants it moved. Take clothes. The male would rather be caught dead at a formal party dressed differently from the other males. The female would almost die of mortification to find that even one other woman, much less two others, had a dress just like her 's. The female likes new clothes. New Zealand Presses Development Of Natural Steam for Electricity Charter Sri of Mayor and aldermen to run in I the election. Tlu-y said sure, : ahead, and good ir.ck to you. Mr.j i Wright ran; o did the Mayor.' I Mr. Wright won, the Mayor lost. ; Later, a Social Credit alderman . A. J. MITCHELL, . .. ' Scoutmaster. liAN(.i:Pt(VS PRANK MONTREAL CP Children released the rones holding a print Contract Aeenls: rRAWFORDMC flv J. C fiRAHAM cal operation. OTTAWA DIARY By Norman M. MacLeoa Canadlnn Press Correspondent Mr fiixiMliBll savs L'CotllPrmal . tried for the Hou-.e of Commo ers '.can nn irom tne wee vt prr AUCKLAND, N.Z. (P-The steam can be made available Jf' Tc2 VtV TRAVEL AGENC One view in Parliament Hill Cabineteer whom they identify The male likes old clothes and natural safety valve of the geyser ! produce power at on!. $0 to $9 duUes to slt in ,np Legj8latur-; f ..' un0CCupied auto parked Phones ? M ' political circles of last week's with the monthly family allow country, which lor centuries gave a Ki.owau outlay on construe-i tn Mayor and .ll(ermen sald ne uuii, nBuii.iv-11 ......i - i couldn t have leave it iookea as Maoris a constant hot water supply may help change the watt needed to bulicl aama lor though some Council noses wei in our house son and I have to rtand guard and even retrieve cr.r f.tvoie old clothes from the garbage can when the lady gets that determined house-cleaning look in her eye. hydro-electric power. ance and old age pension cheques. That's Hon. Paul in person. But next to the Santa Claus Health and Welfare Minister, .th.? minor cabinet shuffle is that it could be the herald of a new star in the Liberal firmament. The basis for such an opinion is the promotion of able, likable, dynamic, Hon. R. H. ("Bob") Winters Jrom the portfolio of Resources' and Development kii Hei'e comes help ...ice-cold Coke economic future of New Zealand. The government's spectacular gamble in spending big sums in digging into the ground to find natural steam for electricity will pay off, say Works Minister If the girls want crazy hats Minister of Public Works has the out of joint at Mr. Wright's sue-' cess. Mr. Wright took leave any-! way; now he doesn't know whe-j tlief he has ? Ci'y Hall Job orj riot, ' !(.;' ., ,!, ' j j Wwa'q inter :s.,' o wat.;U.:j, and to listen to. Percy ..Wrlgnij in the cLglslature, be i.so ubrji 'Bad Luck' Girl Lives iii Palace i best chaiice of Brpmotifig hIownthRV will have therrwand why 'p6rAilari'ty. He 'is fhe "'major ; nut? 11 they wsmt long skirts me important portnuo oi I'.i'i-1 source of public expenditures in lie, Works. most constituencies. And you shortened, or short skirts Stanley Goosman. ' ' lengthened, they will have them For more than three years en-that way. The Fig Leaf was gineers have been boring for snnnipnuc hpi i,,nir From the standpoint of prac- don't make people mad by bull sequlous, so punctilious when he Vilfntever your work, it h ritj-t, easier when'you pause ! ov and tlien for on ice-V eoldboUleufOoca-Oila. Yes, sir--Coke Mpa plenty ' 7i A tical politics and making friends lng them new. wharves, bridges, ! Eve's idea- and if Adam had steam, producing dozens of man- jhiam-chu .a "bad luck" Chinese appears before Mayor and aldermen in City Council chamber anu lnnuencing voters, the Pub- post-offices, customs houses, "or ; l"cu lu "c iuve maae geysers which uwan uic ;baby !flrl Dorn tw0 montrLS ag0 ne worKS portiono is ratea in I other public works I "au a mu o" ncau i age-oiu natural uuea in mr and now, in the House, bold.y ' in a Singapore slum, will be rear- the Cabinet as second in desira next time he slept orW rufreahod. . under the in the centre of thermal region et, ln a palace. The Suitan of setting forth the needs of Vic Actually, the basis for Win-1 j apple tree. ""'" iKelantin legally adopted her yea- Now, Mr. Goosman says, the )nr,tv , A fortune teller warned the aPPintm,'nt needn't be at Welfare spot held by Hon. Paulilrs' Martin. ! a" political. As a highly quali- The theory Is that the voters , f ieu engineer, he is a logical f-e; most warmly towards the i choice for the Public Works port- 1 folio. Especially is this the case been going on, has been shown toria, far outranking, as an M.L.A., Mayor and aldermen, and they evidently don't like it. Yes, young Mr. Wright .spoke for more than an hour and fipoke with all the aplomb of a mayor or an alderman. mother that unless the child was to, have the highest geotherinal ! gv(m away lt wollrt ,le and bad Loggers Voting ntram H'"' " ' r ,(.k W()U( faH on tl,p famUy be investigation period is over, he'PBUse sne was Dorn on July 22 !n view of the somewhat unsavory episodes in this department says, and New Zealand can press an evil day; Mt A AU Girls Lose VANCOUVER B.C. southern interior lumber workers Monday began marking ballots in a union-supervised vote on ms While during the past Parliament, when It was revealed that lowest tenders for works weren't always being accepted and when an MP had to resign his seat in Parliament as a result of the difficul Nyloi On Navy Cruise ahead with development. LIMITED Sl'PPL New Zealand is not well supplied with coal for power plants, and though a big hydro-electric program is in progress lt is likely that before many years have pasfei all available sites for dams on North island will be developed. It was this prospect that prompted the government to The Straits Times published a picture of the chubby-faced1 babv with her story. The Sultan's wife, who was in Singapore with her husband to celebrate the 80th birthday of the Sultan of Johore, took a liking to her. She sped to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Iong Kum-seng, the child's parents. Ahead of others who also wanted to adopt her. She took Thiurn-chu in her arms and showed her to the sultan, who agreed to adopt her. ties into which the bankrupt Lunan Construction Company landed in Saskatchewan. It was acceptance or rejection of a conciliation board offer for next year's contract with operators. An International Woodworkers ef America spokesman reported that the 2,500 men, employed in 38 southern interior mills, are exnected to follow the union policy committee's recommenda clearly a time for the appointment of a Public Works Minister who would have a thorough technical knowledge of what was going on in the department. tion that they reject the three- take a gamble on being able to At the same time, the theory! ZZT'" If the offer is rejected, the Transitor" use the steam k the thermal areas for electricity. The government will build a power station in the area. It will have only a small output compared with stations eventually planned, but will be used to examine the problems of practi- Beltone h! All Announcing the new than Hon. "Bob" is receiving the chance he merits to go places in the Liberal Party is widely accepted in political circles. Hon. "Bob" has never been wholly neglected In past specula earing Aid union will request a government-supervised itrike vote. Workers in northern interior mills will take a government-supervised strike vote Friday. The greatest- new Invention In 47 years for the Hard-of-Hearlng. tion on Liberal leadership pros- VICTORIA Fair guests on a Canadian Navy cruise recently got a lesson in chemistry as well as a pleasant sea voyage. Their nylon stockings disintegrated suddenly, leaving them bare-legged. They were wives of delegates to the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants In convention here and the cruise was part of the entertainment program. A freak mixture of funnel pases with salt sea vapors turned the nylons Into cphwes. f 1 "We couldn't believe our eyes," said one woman. "I looked down and there were my bare toes sticking out of my open-toed sandals." "It couldn't happen twice," said a naval man. "Atmospheric pressures must have been perfect to mix water vapors . with funnel gases which include sulphur dioxide. Result was a mild sulphuric acid which the stockings could not withstand." j pects. He's recognized as having a good deal on the ball in both No Tubes No"B" ' Battery. personality and ability. Consequently, he has always been amongst those mentioned as a Battery costs slashed 80 Clear, brilliant tone I'p ta 100C hours operation en ene ,"A" hattery. Now on demonstration at RUPERT RADIO AND ELECTRIC CITY TRANSFER LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE FURNITURE MOVING Phone 950 CRATING PACKING STORAGE First Avenue and McBrtde Street possible successor to the Leadership mantle, although he has never been a favorite for the post. His new portfolio will give him a real chance to gain in political strength. Along about 1955 he wo Aulhoriitd 6onif m -'-- NORTH STAR BOTTLING in piioiie Prince ltupert, B.C. may be considerably less of a I Phone (144 313 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert long shot in the leadership race ke" 1 a registered trafre-marlc. Jthan he Is today. if , -V (1