Prince Rupert Daily News Wednesday, September 23, 1953 Lla-Lewis Nuptial Vows Said Correct Use of 'Esquire' and 'Mister Sparks Wide Controversy in Britain etty Candlelight Ceremony Here r By DONOVAN BESS bled in a letter to the Sunday . an "Esquire" were vividly out i I Timpfi lined by George Fearon with this Large LONDON (Reuteri)-An Increai- His ietter touched off a flow Incident: Thirty years ago he visited a mgiiumoero! onions are iaiung:of correspondence The anti-npn in hand te imn a lptt.prs-tn. i 4i. i Medicos ih...Hifrntr..rJ, ""c '""I "lc 1 town In Holland where he ar At an impressive candlelight service in St. Andrew's Cathedral here Saturday night, two Prince Rupert families were united through the marriage of Victoria Laura Lewis, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Lewis, 226 Fifth Avenue West, and James William Intermela, son of Mrs. T. Dennis, 1060 Seventh Avenue East, and the late Mr. Inter ""- une ietier-writcr, Kev. Stanley ranpfi tn ni, n ni5 maii ,t ' rangea 10 piCK ,.p nis man lem everv man must far-o- rvwji: ... . j .' , j Meaue. savs me l raLiice i un- , i ..i ; t. .. i n .... t,, i a tP- British coi. democratic and "I return all caUed but thfc cierK aiways fiaiu. he want his mail addressed tc him as "Esquire" or Just plain "Mister?" In Britain the "Esquire form iei.w;r seni. wj me cauuig me , "nothine " . J fayp oeen auvujcu ,8.s in larger quan- 'Pc. i Finally' he 'TlikV. whether tlr , )VC UIWllIUS cvuir but Newton hadn't had things all his own way. He has svm of address is favored and most mela. letters had been filed under Esq. "Ah," said the clerk. "There is a popular go.itleman who nev- letters are addressed "John Doc, iiiun a.s mane iun- been taken up for his statement that "nothing U more repugnant Esq. This is ' pompous and outdated," Charles Newton grum- The Rev. Ca.lon Basil S. Prockter officiated at the rites for which the bride; given in irmary committee, he convention of MeJiral Association The report also h ers' We haVe to an American than to find r cfe h''ndreda for hlm himself addressed a., Esquire." . Mis Louise Carter recalled! , V ' ' ....- . - , ' " : 'v! ' !,. - ) jr- , tV 4 '.A v I 21-; A''1 7 V -;f-i' J ' ' ' t " t , v w , 4 ' ' ' i Jif- " ft L.-.... ' .-- -f marriage oy ner lather, was charming in a ballerina length Loi5 attempt u gown of white nylon net over r'Ui,s by avoiding ,y nii'vcs follow a ,.jiC British Colum- ,..;uiJiice brnern the tarieta, featuring lace inserts. A pearl and net tiara secured her fingertip veil and she carried a Colonial bouquet of red garnette roses. ATTENDANTS Bridesmaid was Miss Jane Intermela, sister of the groom, rf.lui-twa in WATER (Continued from page li taxes and had been penalized for using the greater amount of water. , - Lost Money Mr. Brills said that the rom-pitnles had tried tn keep Ice-making down to cost and" had lost money doing it. The fishing companies Just couldn't absorb another Increase, he said. The cost of ammonia, calcium chloride and labor had Increased and ii the water rate was raised they would have to pass the boost to the fishermen. Mr. Gilker aborted that th companies couldn't pretend that the proposed water boost was the that two Americans who rented an apartment in a block here advertised their presence with a card saying: "Mr. L. , Esq., and Mr. H. i.. , Esq." Iain MoncreiJfe, owner of a 600-year-old estate in Scotland and an authority on heraldry and titles, suggested that only university graduates are entitled to be called "Mister." It Is "arrant snobbery to assume the style of Mr. when all one may be entitl"d to Is "Es- Local Teachers Elect Officer R. H. Davidson was elected president of the Prince Rupert Teachers' Association when that group held its annual meeting at the Civic Centre. Other officers named were: G. E. Freeman, vice-president; Miss J. McLellan, secretary; D. Fraser, treasurer; Miss J. Burns, . ronvpiitioii open-oW'tlmi of now H U. Lare, of rw elected prea- ti-34. succeeding ur. . Ami Jf- 13 attired In a pretty ballerina frock of pale green net over taffeta, with matching hat, elbow-length lace mitts, and carrying a Colonial bouquet of pink and yellow carnations. Best man was Mr. Oie 8kog and ushers were Mr. Alfred ouire, wrote the blue-blooded chairman salary committee; H. Scot. Power, Civic Centre representa n, of Vancouver. n are: Dr. F. -. :njver, presldent- Omiton Johnston irmi'n o( the gen-ir. J. A. Sinclair, -titer, secretary- mi reason for increasing the price ueane and Mr. ThomaS Boul "it is possible to be an Esquire by birth, but ncbocJy can be born a genuine Mr., lor yr. is correctly the styl-,- qf a university graduate . . . ." The practical defects of being of Ice. He admitted that It "may j ter. Organist was Mr. Peter have been the straw that broke MISS FRANCES E. WILLIS, recently sworn In as the new United States Ambassador to Switzerland, trims the rosebushes at her Redlands, CaliL, home. Miss Willis is the first woman to work her way up through the ranks of the U.S. Foreign Service to become a full-fledged Ambassador. Lien. tive; F. Moore, G. F. Durose and K. Wilkinson, trades and labor representatives: Mrs. G. Calder-wood, music and drama representative; G. Calderwood, public relations representative; Miss E. Jack, program convener. Northern district council representatives named were R. H. Davidson and G. E. Freeman, and t r' i i Group the camel's back" so far as the fish companies were concerned, but the companies couldn't blame the city for the raise In the cost of ice to fishermen. Mr. Long pinned representatives down to the fact that .In 1934 the companies sold Ice at Gracing the church for the ceremony were white chrysanthemums and pink gladioli. RF.CEPTION For the reception in the Canadian Legion hall, parents of the bridal pair assisted In receiv 'repares Co-Operative Effort Brings New Road Outlet to Coast auitors " are J. Goscoe and T. Naka. i Members expressed satisfaction , j y,- , ing. The bride's mother chose Rally Missionary Fcd- $4.50 per ton and today it was $ a ton, an Increase of 33W nor i ,or tne occasslon a two-piece ' ' that the Trades and Labor Coun- VICTORIA (CP) A CCF mem- Speaking In the throne speech 1 Cil -scholarship, awarded earlier ber of the Legislative Tuesday ; debate, Mr. Gargrave said the this month, was being continued, cent. "Yet you have been getting 1 dress of nayy blue gabardine your water at the 1934 rate," he i wiln ouky pink accessories and Evangelical Luth- announced that a third outlet road has been built entirely by and emphasized that the schol local labor with financial as to both boys arsliip was open and girls. in Prince Rupert play host to the lie Pacific Circuit, the big clay for illy at which offl- Vancouver area guests. to the coast through the coast range Is almost complete. Anthony - Gargrave (CCF MacKenzie) said the road which will connect Bella Coola, about 200 miles north of Vancouver, with a road to Williams Lake, sistance from the provincial government. . Residents around Bella Coola collected $6,000 among themselves, and later the government I a corsage or pale pink roses. The groom's mother wore a frock of black silk with red trim and accessories and red roses en corsage. The bride's table, covered with lace cloth, held a three-tiered cake flanked by pearl-trimmed glass candlesticks and sprays of red roses. The toast to the bride was proposed by Mr. N. A. Pett and to the bridesmaid by Mr. readers gfive them $50,000 to build the said. "It's about time you caught up." Mr. Thorn said the fish companies realized that the city was faced with increasing Its water ratct to try and maintain the precarious city water system but "the council picked a mast in-npportune time to boost Its rales." No Profit Mayor Harold Whalcn said some people had the mistaken Idea that the council was In business. "There's r.o profit In our financing." he said. We don't he rally is "Show about 200 miles to the west on 30-mile stretch through the Canadian Legion card party Wednesday, Sept. 23. (2231 the Cariboo Highway, has only 500 yards to go. - mountains. The government had declined further aid" and Mr. Gargrave said laborers are working with Annual badminton meeting. exciting new recipe for Creamad Salmon Skog. Disog. Music music for lor the tne reception reception " and sessions will Thursday morning, president, Mrs. J. New Westminster, "tit secretaries and n the Vancouver . ive here by bont riling. Other dele- election of officers, Common ! Lounge, Civic Centre, Thursday, , -y- H T A was provided by Mr. Dyke Mc- grraCO I " I A Millan, pianist, and telegrams j . congratulating the young couple.) UAUC AiAcktinn Including two from England, 1 IIVJIU5 VVCCllliy out any guarantee of wages. They need another $5,000. The other outlets to the coast are down the Fraser River valley to Vancouver and down the Sept. 24, 8 p.m. (222 W.M.S. Circuit Convention sell our utilities, we supply them because we're asked to. and we w"e. r!ad, b.LMr;M.elB.ussc.y' I terrace- At the first f beginning in St. Paul's Lutheran , Church tonight at 8 p.m. Thurs River valley to Prince '. from the Terrace HEram will Include its as well as busi- provide them at cost. All we're J HaU S" Skeena Tn meeting in the Cr -dit Union , en , u up residence mence " the the Aneus Angus , trying to do is to keep even unUl the Parent.Tcvher AssocU-Rrt day sessions 10 a.m., 1:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. (Hi Mr. Gargrave said it will we are In a position to borrow a I tkm. a larue Catherine was told " .t"'. "".: J . . . , ...... . . Z, .... 1 , their honeymoon a? - a later date. ."V t large- sum of money. poMibly of 4UCCCisIuJ jcuvittes In the past Among Among guests guesw at at the me wedding weoaing ' $1,500,000 to completely renew ar and a bunt balance- cf the Prince Rupert water system." were Mrs. Leslie Parks and her I $144.29 was rjporied. . ission periods. The 'I which Mrs. Har-is president, will r the delegates, the one-day rally delight service in Aid. KrueRer pointed out that , Hster, Mrs. Harold rants, Do'.n A committee was appointed to If you don t want it, someone else may. Anyone wanting to contribute articles to Job's Daughters Rummage Sale phone Blue 395 or Red 430. (It) Enrollment for Merry Morn council couldn't take the cost of bring Prince George 200 miles closer to salt water than at present and will "bring tidewater to the Cariboo and promises to change the direction of c?ttle shipping in that area." While Ki'r. uargrave was talking. Works Minister P. A. Gag-lurdi said: "That's private enterprise." Mr. Gargrave replied: "no, that's :co-operative effort." of London, England, and Mrs. L. D. Kendall of Los Angeles, Calif., who Is visiting in the ilty with her sister, Mrs. J. Judge, 748 Taylor Street. convene a meeting representative of all Terrace organizations to arrange for the purchase of projection equipment lor school and general Mnmuinit;' use. Principal O. K. Bennitt presided for the eirotion of officers ing Kindergarten may be done the morning of Sept. 28 at the fell-Preserved Regular Baptist Church, 629 6th 1 it4 f RTH, Entthind (CP) East. (It) Chapel in this village now has maintaining the water system out of general revenue to subsidize the utilities, and urged the fish companies to curtail their f-xpenses somewhere else rather i!nn take the Increase out on the fishing fleet. Mr. Thorn said thev could do 'rnt bv 'u'tin down i"jthe free supply f water to the'flsh-f fleet by washing down the docks with salt water and bv re-movlnn the hoses from the docks. The hoses were often left running, resulting In a terrific wastage, he said. Council, which had planne:! on ,rth year, .still a-oll Parenthood Week Marked By Local P-TA and conveners as follows: Mrs. H. M. Harper. President; O. K. Bennett viee-Presklciit; Mrs, Floyd Frank, secretary; Mrs. Howar.1 Bu.-:h, treasurer: P. J. Cyr, S3rvcie ! committee; Mrs O. M. Oliver, re-; ; freshments; Mrs. R. Skogland,; jlio chapd retains ... butt ."Soor U - ' ft A aeiicious htUtiMie CHOCOLATE CRE.iH , wmm mm Shi FECK FMN'S XB ' Norman windows. arrh and murals the oldest In Faf Ptaia r "FaiKy" Cookinf Use the Mi!k tlMtWUps! membership; Mrr. K. Wold, magazines; Mis P. Pirdorgast, pro-; cram; O. K. Bennett, publicity; An address on "Why Is Education a Fine and Necessary Thing? highlighted last British schiilar Mrs. R. Skogland. it present ative night's first fall meeting of the j to Northern Convention at 'oal won nn.'lation King Edward School Parent- CARNATION MILK iomhU-neb milk concentrated to th consistenqr of cream. So it's perfect for vout fanciest "comoanT" des Prince George. world ri'rlrg the rates on September of old I, referred the matter back to I ccmmlttee for further study. The Pacific ocean, with 63.000 000 square miles, Is twice as bi as the Atlantic. serts, as well a all tegular milk purposes! IF YOUR RECIPE SAYS "MILK" use Carnation diluted with an equal amount of water. ;. NX' ..i y .u-k...whm you pack I I C. Teacher Association, In the j school auditorium. I Speaker was O. W. Oraham, ; district inspector of schools.; His theme was chosen to mark 1 Better Parenthood Week. Opening the session was the Introduction of the school's 11 teachers by Principal R. 1 G. Moore, and Introduction of the executive by P-TA president Mrs. A. Bell. Membership convener. Mrs. L. Knutson reported a total membership of 78. The group authorized purchase of several items of sports 1 1 71 in ... :' ) This way you have homogenized, heat-retined milk with all of aood milk's food values, and extra creamy-smoothness. ' USE IT LIKE CREAM ... for whipped toppings, on fruits, cereals, puddings ... in most recipes catling for costly cream. Millions prefer undiluted Carnation to cream for their coffee, too. 5JI equipment, books and further records for the school's record library. It was also decided that the executive be empowered to spend up to $10 without thf authorization ,of a general neeting. The prize for best parent attendance went to Mrs. L Thorpe's class, after which re-'-eshments were served. I' ' SPARKLING MEW I ' V- ;. I 1 ' TiOi f ! j- surroundings ,Jkzk, (U v . lA f I lommcaote laie I rmxc-KJ ' rZL i 1 C SJc-'Uri3W MUD' , H iVMXAin f U n ; if; t 1 : ih J lis, . : v ';")?' assira im MIA You Can Better Your Bowling est and CATHY Llnclcome, triplet daughters of Mr. come of Philo, 111., get a lesson1 In the alphabet ,ri Map 1J. urst-grade teacher. Known as the ABC :u Will son know the rest of the alphabet, from D JBl " k1 SI v i 1. CIGARETTE BOWLING SHOES Ladies' Red, Blue and Mack $.95 and $J.75 Men's Black $4.95 and $3.95 O BOWLING BAGS ' Attractive plastic In varied colors zipper closing -ARTAGE AND STORAGE LTD. Mb fcslnhlixhed lilln VING PACKING , . . CRATING "" flavour . .i. fobc . P ""John Player GSont IjC r en th pockog ) your uorint thol f M '- vary ,cigarH U smooth and ffth, CAVyc B l rlavr'a -1.- o - ; nandllng l.rx-al. Natiot. wide nd $225 SEE THEM AT , "esMoshnj tmk. Try a e'9ar,f. you liivc nur.d-wide Shnm.Hntj. can I ""M KASE , . SIM tllP VI4 VM I DOrl, 10 - - .: t mm LINOSA V'8" Line l.lrt Canada's Mildest Cigarette FASHION FOOTWFAR IN YCAKS f-Z 'or .ntt unrt Park Ave. WMMaa. I . . taitoMrasfc&SiawK9!9