. - t P r . - , Wednesday, September 23, 1953 -L f GCOciGE DAWES - AUCTIONEER Phone Blisct S46 and Red iTJ 'V . , XL- .', A r STOCKS Mil U V LECAi, AOiicfc IN THE SUPREME OOURT ' OF BRITIKH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE Tn thr Matur of the mm of ROW LAOAARD. o-cm!. TENDERS lor thr purchww of thr troltar 'Ecorr qntppm with radio anchors, trolltnt! gr: approximat lfnRth 3S Int. width 10 tret, depth s tert. tnnn l06i net tomiMie ; powered Wth US Chryalw; m good condition, will be received bjr tr undersigned up to 8-00 pm. on the 15th day of October. A D. 1953 Tin. above Information considered reliable, but not guaranteed. TERMS: Cash. The highest or any tender not neceasarily accepted. The above troller can be Inspected at McLeans Shipyards, at Prince Rupert. B.C. DATETl nt No Mr Uf., . ti till i ru m ADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 4:30 W THE DAILY NEWS" CIRCULATION" TODAY ; 3753 LAST YEAR 3149 I I I Lynx .'. 10 Madsen Red Lake 1. 59 McKenzie Red Lake 36 MacLeod Cockshutt .... 1. 41 Moneta 47 Negus 10"2 Noranda 63. 00 Louvicourt .13?4 Pickle Crow 1. ,20 Petrol Oil & Gas .36 New Senator .15 Sherritt Gordon 4. 10 Steep Rock 6 05 Silver Miller ,72 Sweet Grass Oils .33 Golden Manitou 1 .65 Landover Oils .24i2 Rix Athabasca 1 .57 Nesbitt Labine 1 .55 Boreal 2 .40 1 JWTJfPSSJ I 1 1 L lJ Li Lb uli J IV 1 I 111 k M II II Tkii itVsnlnsmi t M anUuM m UM ) 4W LiatMl Casasl tana at by sVt Gswa s IrMia Cal4i4, m TODAY'S VANCOUVER American Standard .. .11 Bralorne ? 60 B R X Gl Cariboo Quartz 95 Cronin Babine .05 Giant Mascot 51 Indian Mines ' .05 Pioneer r 1.50 Premier Border 05 Privateer 03 Reeves McDonald 1.65a Sheep Creek . 50 Silbak Premier 11 Taku River .06 Vananda oi'i Silver Standard 70 Western Uranium 1.60 Sil-Van .23 Doreen .08 fcstelia 31 Oils A P Con Calmont 1.02 Home Oil 6.90 Mercury 10 Pacific Pete 7.40 Royal Canadian no TORONTO Athona Aumaque Bevcourt Euffalo Canadian 18 Con. Smelters 23 00 Conwest 3 Donalda Eldona 1 East Sullivan Giant Yellowknife God's Lake .86 Hardrock nia Harricana .... .15 Heva Gold .05 Duvex .30 Joliet Quebec .... .28 Little Long Lac .52 WORLD PEACE Chop Suey House 909 Third Ave. West Phone Red 878 SPECIALIZING. CHINESE DISHES Orders To Take Out Open 6 p.m. to 3 a.m. Daily I Steamer Prince Rupert SAILS FOR ' VANCOUVER arid Intermediate Porta Each Thursday t 11:15 pjn. ' " For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY Midnight Comfort and Serviee Pot reservations writ a I call City or tepot ontca Pi-ice Rupert, B O. . BUSINESS And PROFESSIONAL KEITH H. TUCKER OPTOMETRIST 527 3rd Ave. Phone 212 PHONE 458 MESSENGER PIC K-IP AND DELIVERY IF YOU WANT A. CINDER DRIVEWAY, ROCK OR CONCRETE WORK, ,' Rent oJ Trucks ind Equipment Vn. Blue 939, M. J. SAUNDERS 1 H G. HELGERSON LIMITED REAL ESTATE & INSURANCB Phone 96, Evenings Black 839 SCOTT MclAREN CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT ' James Block 608 3rd Ave. W. Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 347 P.O. Box 374 I - "coviiuiwvrr d.Kj.. l 8ePu'mt,er' AD 153 J. M. STREIQHT, 607 Columbia Street. w Westminster. B.C. (2?3cl I t D D RA!-'IO E1AL f Y 1240 KUoeycles vSuhteu to Cliort) WEDNE3DAT 8:00 Neighbourly News Hupiier herenade 8:45 Introduction to Wednesday Night 7:00 CtiO News 7:15 CBC News Roundup 7:30 Btrlni; Orchestra 8:30 Talk S A Sleep of Prl.i:er.'i 00 Oazooka 10:00 CBC News 10:10 CBC News 10:1 5 Recital 10:30 Poetry Read. lies I I -Ml Mu4e Till Midnight 12.0OSign.off THUItSDAT AM 7:00 BC Plshermen't Broadcast' :I.V Mil'lral I Iwk 7:30 CBC News: Weather Report 1:3.1 Musical I'Iih k 8 00 CBC News; Weather d:10 Here's Bill Oood H:1T llllle Concert 8:30 Morning Devotions S:4.V Musical Marrh fu 9:00 BBC News 6i Commentary 0:15 Miistmil MHterpieH B:S Time Signal 10 00 Morning Visit 10:15 Riders of the Purple Sae IU:t Hiiig rrotby Kings 10:46 Invitation to the Waltz 11:00 Your Oood Neighbor Kate Ait-ken 11:15 Kindergarten of the Alr 1 1 :30 Message Period Rec. Int. 11:4.1 Scandium Inn Melodies PM. 'iTtMr l.mln Amerlfnti M.l.u'l., 12:15 CBC News 12:25 Program Reeume 12:30 B. c. Farm Broadctet 12:55 Recorded Interlude 1 :00 Afternoon Concert 1 45 Today a Guest 2 :30 Trans-Canada Matlrae S:l-' Heconlft lor Voil 3:45 Hit Parade 4:15 As Tunea Go By 4:30 The Magic Kayak 4:45 Songs from the Past 4:55 Stock Quotations OPTOMETRIST Fred E. Dowdie I I BUSINESS PERSONALS AGENTS for Canadian Liquid Air Co. Ltd.. for oxygen, acetylene and all welding supplier. Lindsay's Cartage & Storape Ltd. Phone 60. c) WE NEED your old tires. For a Liberal Trade see KNUTSON'S TIRE SALES & SERVICE. 811 Frascr St., Phone Red 5'J8. THE ELECTRICIAN DOuyatt House wiring and electrical repairs. 149 9th Ave. West Phone Red 165. i241i WORLD'S FINEST CLEANEtt ELECTROLUX. Phon Blue for Parts 3ales yervlce (c) PLUMBINO. automatic oil heating, sheet metal work. Phone 543. Call 830 6th West, Letour- WILFORD Electrical Works. Motors bought, sold, re-wound and repaired. - tfi PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. Income Tax specialist. 8 O. Furk, Stone Building. Red 3J3. 20m. MAOAZINES, novelties. fcdjle'a News SUtnd. NEARLY everybody uses St). LOST FROM Shell Oil Float, 17' clink er-built, inboard motor boat. I white with green trim. Motor mounted In stern section. Reward. Phone Green 587. (2231 HELP WANT El FEMALE CLERK-STENOGRAPHER STENOGRAPHER GRADE 2 SECRETARIAL STENOGRAPHER GRADE 1 B.C. Civil Service District Forester's Office, Prince Rupert Clerk -Stenographer Salary: $173 $210. per month plus per month' -Sppcial Living Allowance. Typing speed 40. shorthand 80 words per minute. Stenographer, Grade 2 Salary: $165. $203. per month plus per month Speclul Living Allowance. Typing speed 51). shorthand 100 woras per minute: minimum of 2 years' experience. Secretarial Stenographer, Grade 1 Salary: $180. $218. per month plus $15. per month Special Living Allowance. Typing speed "5U, shorthand no words per minute; minimum of vears' exoerience. i CHOP SUEY... 4i ' -4lf I .1 ...CHOWMEIN Wtfllr . Open 6 p.m. 3:30 a.m. M l tw (Dally except Tuesday) ll ; 1 BUIfj 1 I I PRECISION SAW FILING Hnlvwnnr. Cah TPAhC k 1 A'' J,ypes of QWS ' - - : .' R ft ,. -' i ? h -Jv : . " - . I J 1 ' " ' ' ' ,T jfT- i '. r J 1,' ... H V ' 'rT ; I 1 i: If .:: si 'I- i 1 - V I it- 1 . . ' U. i , I. 1 I , W -v. . 4 t r. Ri J ' ' r- r .,ki ' . 'inv. f a: . .,... i if r .. , J: I j :.; t . -i i .. ... t- -'. . v ' 4 r I f ,r Is l' .T , , ' '' U' " ! - t. r , . ,. j. , . " ' : ' ! I ff - -.- i t - rT s' t 'i ' ' ii Room 10, Stone Building . vn 11 wvm wmi w l -narpenea v v- 34 WANTED M1SCEI.LANEOU. CASH FOR Scrap, cooper, brass, batterlts, radiators. Phone 543 Call 630 6th Ave. West. (el PIANO In good condition for a cash deal. Apply Box 790, Dally News. (223 35 BOATS AND ENOINKS 18-FOOT cabin cruiser, 10 horse Onan engine, 12 volt electric system. Bell variable pitch propeller. Phone Green 469. (227) 36 ROOMS FOR RENT LARGE, bright light housekeeping room, semi-furnished. Suit couple. Central location; Phone Green 241 eves. (226) BRIGHT clean room, single bed. Double room with single beds. Close in. Call at 101 7th East. Phone Black 977. (224) TWO light housekeeping rooms; one sleeping room. Green 906. (224) COMFORTABLE sleeping room. 336 6th Ave. East. Black 910. 223p) LIGHT housekeeping room for quiet gentleman. Close in. Box 796 Daily News. 227p) TWO-ROOM furnished suitefor couple, close in. Phone Red 280. (224p TWO sleeping rooms. Phone Red 417 or apply 132 4th Ave. East. (227) ONE housekeeping room. Blue 626. (227) LIGHT housekeeping room. 701 5th West. (222i TWO-ROOM apartment. Blue 393. (224-nc) 37 ROOMS AND BOARD ROOM and bpard or housekeeping room for gentleman in private home. Box 793, Dnily News. (225) ROOM and board for workine man in private home. Phone! Red 140. (223) ROOM and board for working man. 171 3rd East. (222) S9 HOMES FOR RENT BUILDING Will house two families. One 3-room, one 2-room. at Miller Bay. $20.00 per month. Green 708. (224p): SUITE, self-contained. Can be one or two bedrooms. Working couple or working girls. Green 896. 920 6th East. (224p) FOUR -ROOM self-contained suite, central. Fully furnished. Furniture for sale. Box 7J8 Daily News. (227) THREE-ROOM apartment and bath. 533 8th Ave. West. (226p) THREE-ROOM suite partly fur nished. Green 698. (224 i SUITES for rent. Red 984. (235) 49 HOMES FOR SALE, IMMEDIATE possession Fully ! furnished four-room home. Drive-in garage, full basement. oil furnace. Apply 1548 8th East. (222p) IN SECTION 2 Five-room house with basement garage. on two large lots. Modern kitch en. Phone Green 567. (226) 42 WANTED TO RENT RESPECTABLE business lady desires three-room furnished apartment, October 1. Box 794, Daily News. (223p) 4-5 ROOM house. Apply Mrs. Jenny Sebastian. Miller Bay Hospital. , (222pl 45 PROPERTY FOR SALE li 4 ACRES with lake frontage, on far side L.akelse Lake. Box 787, Daily News. (222p) 47 AUTOMOBILES 1946 CHEVROLET sedan for sale. Fair condition. May be seen at Frizzell Motors. Please direct bids to Bodard Adjustment Bureau, Prince Georo-e. Box 2253. (227) 1950 CHEV. sedan delivery, g.od condition. 148 3rd West (basement). (222pl BEST OF FOOD FINEST OF COOKING FOR TAKE OUT ORDERS Phone 200 Broadway Cafe j I Phone Blue 593 For Qutside Orders Phone 133 ' cEL l "5 It Are. H'. Phone 908 . HNDIE By CHIC YOUNG P.M. DAY PREVIOUS 28 Fl'RNITl'RE FCR SALE NEW FRIDGE, blonde bedroom suite, blonde radio combination, chesterfield suite, fire place, chrome set, washing machine, oil wick burner and other household furnishings. Apply 1421 Piggott Place. (227p) CH l.STERF 'IELD suite, rug 6'9" x ti', vacuum cleaner, double bed, 5-ft. saw, oil tank and stand, Iron. rig board. Phone Black MO (223) !9A SEWING MACHINES SALES Repairs-Rentals. Singer Sowing Centre. Phone 864. (c) MR SALE MISC. FLASH! ",Ht;nt:5"A bulletin Trom ART MURRAY MEN'S WEAR Just arrived . . . the Leather Bomber Jacket to suit everyone . . . These features: 1. Detachable fur collar. 2. Leather waistband and cuffs 3. Lan;e fitting. Colors: Brown and Black. BOWLERS! Have you ordered your Bowling Shirts yet? . . . We have a wonderful range of colors In the very latest bowling shirts with CRESTS to match. SPECIAL CLUB PRICES For Students: The craze in Olive Surveyor's Jackets for showery weather to come . . . Made of High Quality Balloon cloth that wears lorever. SPECIAL THIS WEEK MEN'S SLACKS to Clear at $10.95 ; ART MURRAY MEN'S WEAR SIMPSONS-SEARS CLEARANCE h -SPECIALS 3-Stert Klat Springs'.-v 48-iiu h. Reg. $21.50. .Now $19.50 1 Steel Slat Spring. 54-inch. Reg. $17.95, ' Now $10.30 1 ' Sunshine" Ladies' Bike. RCBUl.1i- $02.95. Now $56.95 2 Brass Fire Screens. Rcguiiir $29.95. Now ....i $26.95 -Heating Pad.-Regiriar $8.95. Now $7.95 - Toaster. Regular $8.95. Now $7.95 1 "Sunshine" 20 Trike. , Regular 1 9.95. Now $17.95 3 Westinfthouse" mantel Radios. Reg. $40.95. Now $34.95 EXTRA SPECIAL 1 Oil Space Keater. Regular $100.00. Now $76.50 Simpsons-Sears 312 Third Ave. Prince Rupert Phone 460 22-410 RIFLE-SHOTGUN com bination, with ammunition. Perfect condition. Price $35.00. Black Oil. (251p) COLEMAN oil heater, very rea sonable. 1022 2nd Ave. West or phone Green 835. (227p) WASHING MACHINE, almost new. Phone Red 417. (227) OIL HEATER, budgie bird and cf?e. Red 820. (It) OIL range, good condition. Blue 360. 1020 Alfred St. (223p) lassified Kates im, 410 pm. day prevtmra g n-nfji or word per rn- mminnim :taTgt SO cents. ttm. 50 cents; Card! of Ociith Notices. Funeral MnrrliiKe and Engagement cciiiph'h. 2 00. 5,iv (i niljle prloa. No lo-funds 14 rwt accept responsibility inl '1s lnw-rted Incorrect) f wrum? ciu&sir.catiun Ulilma n uf sited errors la received lioul ul Drat lliserlliis. ANT AD REPLIES re holding replies ? following News Mes: 970 776 781 783 786 790 .'plies must be od for in person UMISCi EVENTS Church W A. bake sale, '. Anderson's, Saturday, Uauuhters Rummage li-mber 26. . Auxiliary evening fa- iw, Tliur.sday,. October 16 fcal Rummage Sale, Oo- Bi.zaar, Octol" f mist Rummag Sale, 20 .m Tea, October 10 4 Men's Tea, Civic Center f 15, f;i SLar Dance, October . h Fall Bazaar, October $15. c Card Party, Oct. 22. in Lesion Ladles' Aux-il Bazaar, Nov. 4. ''fs Fall Bazaar, Nov- $15. Fall Bazaar, Nov. 13. a Fail Bazaar, Thurs-19. $i 'Tuber 1953. K, all Bazaar, Friday, No- iirple Fall Bazaar, Elks zi. 3 I I Fall Bazaar, Novem- rian Ladies' Aid Ba- emuer 26. or Church W.A. Christ- Dec 3. BIRTH 1 Mr. and Mr' n tr Edyn McNabV-lri " Kupert General Hos-inay. Sentemhar "n Catherine Mary,' 6 -.. iltpl IN MEM()ltIAM"" -In loving memory of -'. naymona Keith a Sept. 23. ins I 24 f comes with deep b, a. ways content anu resni,,H ...i ae went 26 utitul iife, came a n end. lived every- . and uad. (It) AcohnllcS rnone 27 (234) . ' ' " J aUC3 Oil 5 words f0r 3 lJ T $1.35; 13 ZFZ ys 28 News UU5-JU call ( Li-ni' . P'me rr- in "rT, H gniis mtor'I He-Nu!" nt- (Dealers want- Wr bulo ', Series, H- t' lnwnS and une Red R06. '-aSj? and Contracl ,:vi"wana;vcou: (tt) nSfiSE I PSSTTl I? t WAIT A MOMENT I Tf HE STARTS SHOOTING,) U ' HEAP A euPGLAR XEhTnG" 1' iju n( :: -A?7? Mm?1 MJ Applicants must be British Sub trv' - . osioi tv,- , r p v iiwi" rr rue bav a i k irt i k.iTr ',i , ; i ' ; t , - v 1P- r-.: . WHEN AN Wrfafis-?-?-rrT WJ'ri 1 Mt" I l v: u arrow Kvww.--w!.'iifitJ cCmv -n ,n"c 7 --?.v "f. a . " ptti. i , j i 4e-oia.-.-fc'W,?. I ' LI'L ABNtiR Life With Father RAl r"ADi) N fiU-OCfr sT" rWOWJ vo' is "I I vo'CsOTTA Git thin 1 v 1 7 so yo &eltte.r starve T.A I OH,THETPiTii-ui---.t.CHiN 'ik ' rjrri. T HOWQRM.MTSTERIOUS, ENUFP TO SLIP OUTA THIS V. i a LI'L. ' MORE, DEAR.'.' " ZJ ' AN' VOWLIN' tlRPr'- -El ' tarWOCrBuT AH -c"oW?- PlPE.'.'-MEBBE YJ' 1 NOV- , , , . , WONDER EF THARS WE . ( jects under the age of 40 unless ex-Service women. Application forms obtainable from the District Forester, Prince Kupert, the Civil Service Commission, Weiler Building, Victoria, not later than October 5th. Hc APPLICATIONS will be received for the position , of payroll clt'rtc.5 -'-Apply 'Peiforinel' Supffr visur; Columbia Cvilutose 't 222 1 WAITRESS required, -pail-time work. Apply s Dining Room, Prince Rupert Hotel. - (223) EXPERIENCED stenographer for railway- olfice. Ooou salary. Phone 542. 223p! SITUATIONS WTD. MALE MARRIED man, 33, desires steady employment, any kind. Phone after 5 p.m. Red 911. (222p) BUILDING. MATERIALS INQUIRE about our budget plan lor your home Improvement. No down payment. $10000 to $2,000.00. 6 to 24 moi. to pay. PH1LPOTT, EVITT Si CO. LTD. Phone 651 or 652 (229) FUEL FOR your fuel requirements. "Shell" Stove and Furnace. Coal Foothills and Bryan Mtn. Ga. "Pacific" Propane. PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LTD. Phone 651 or 652 (229) FURNITURE FOR SALE PERFECT COOKING TO YOUR LIKING A Gurney electric kitchen stove with automatic oven, broiler, warming oven. In perfect condition. Must be sold by Saturday. For $200 cash. Also childs bicycle and wagon, $10.00. Call at, 802 Borden Street (Upstairs) n CHESTERFIELD, double bed, coffee table, trllight, lamp. Blue 602. (222) THE HtART OF JULIET JONES By STAN DRAKE j 6r IP61Ly if1 JUUE ...a V LjpE 1 YE 60TTEN. V'V H K attTWER.' WO ASK He. " 1 1-' m SOSRY Wl4...f (WTSAV THE THINGS I WANTED V N SWE S5T LISTEN T3 1CU.. 1 I L jl PEEL TMAT IP DU MARRlEO ANYTHINft JL'ST RAiS NS AW UTTLE (V '-. PLEASE. AVDTKER.'.' yA I "I A 6L V.HO REAU.V L0VB PLEASE.? CANT RMSER,M01VlBTHE Lfl tw lH f ' 'JI ' OU, SE FAR HAPPIER OU SEE t'W PlRST TlWE,.. t WANT (aVrACSSi i S.T W'sH -I Hlff : N1r-r-fl'ESf'EiATF... sosrtETMiNai cANTHAt. i N 157 IP U- JJHrl ' iI!'i,MHftl---,, i...t pont know how At KJ At I Vrri i iMmfeTi fec irsf -' p- 4- t ' e ti -f' ' n s ."' .j . -J