I fiiinf Ktinit Lnly Ntwi ThursUay, October 22, im Unwarranted Criticism of Newspapers ri-.-vl. J L., D,.. ri. rs 5 I- I Friday and Satur 0 Koyai Cily r iiDiishei i Seven Rupert Men to Attend ..rrim.-fl rri licisra ff Job." she took hr-r i.st:-w; ,.n. In now-paper work. -she said ne,.,u. , , w.i!.-l. oirt their besi travels to Europe and South there were many doors, not Norihern Co-Op Council Meet r- y 4 ' ... ,r v j 7V - i . j . .1 1 , um.-iM.-a us sue susses uie up- open, bul "on tile latch." Eome- tr, their readers was deplored by portunities for travel open to times much manipulation was Miss Dorotnv Tavlnr nnhltshar timt-L-n t- , i , . T. . . . .seven Prince Ru;ert delecates THE UNIVERSAi Vanity - - nu4"ia " newspaper neia, , necessary to get tnrougn, dui of tne British Columbian at New nnrt tnin i i f... ij .,r " , vi, latgc ouuictiLc v"ai j biiuac uuuia uitcil icu W WUll derful experiences, especially travel I will travel to Terrace for the j annual meeting of the Northern Co-Op Council October 26 and 27. I Heading the Prince Rupert delegation will be George Vierick. piesldent of the council which comprises all types of co-operatives and credit unions in northern B.C. from Prince Rupert """'"'. newspapers in Western Canada Miss Taylor, who has been at least were trying to Give submit! the New Westminster daily scribers what they wanted tot-many years, was speaking to, She said that newsmen wel-the first meeting of the new corned constructive criticism but 1'nurc Rupert Canadian Club pointed out that reporters could latf night in the Sons of Nor- In the past year, she said, various members of her stafi had travelled to Kitimat, to the oilfields of Alberta, and to Germany She herself had travelled to the Peace River country. The council meets annually to discuss mutual problems. Other delegates from Prince Rupert will be Joseph Hipp, president of the Fishermen's Credit Union here; George Hills, manager of Kalen Consumer's Co-Op Association; Charles Bellis, president of Kalen Consumers; K. F. Hirdlng, manager Prince Rupert Fishermen's Co-Op; Archie Bowen, manager of the Fishermen's Co-Op store and Perry York, director of the Fishermen's Co-op. wuj Hall. news without the co-operation .Mr1""" i-i' to Europe during the past sum iM-ann,s uii juuinaiisra as a oi inelr readers. Marian Shenton Mothers Wait Patiently WINTER COATS Be sure to see our large selection of smart new winter coats. Styles and colors to suit everyone. Outstanding Values From $2995 mer, and had attended the Coronation. In amusing reminiscences of the Coronation, she told of attending the Coronation service in Westminster Abbey, of getting into formal evening dress, oniplete with tiafa, and walking down two blocks of parade route streets in that attire at .While Youngsters at Play " ft Yesterdav was "kids dav" at sessions, he iust sat hv himspir Civic Centre, as it is every ... 7- ..i... tine iihrf .Wednesday when Tinv Tnts nnri 7 a.m. Honored Again Miss I-.r.'ian Shenton. oride-elect cf this month, was honored avnm last night at a miscellan-ei ! shower at the home of Miss Tue Marki, 1112 Ambrose Avenue. Mrs. Ralph Wick and Miss Mark! were co-hostesses for the aliair at which the honoree received a pretty-corsage of pink carnations. Refreshments were served by U;e hostesses and the many gifts were presented in a novel container, a miniature bath tub neither speaking nor moving . . . Just watching with big eyes. She was pleased to see him making the motions vesterdav and be Toddlers take over for their play Her Dress affiliation had ram. sessions. ed her the right to attend the PAXCHO, popular performer in animal acts at the St. Louis Zoo, takes time out for a combination drink and shower bath. He didn't bargain for the latter, though. The chimp was the zoo cut-up all summer. lieves that next week, or the week The lobby was crowded with Coronation, as it had earned her trips to many other parts of the world. atting mothers, who sat ; 'after, he would be right in with ratfrutly waitine while their the crowd. Thncn n a tUii nf nkJU joiuisters enjoyed stories ...w and ... S ... M I . HVOE BIC LilC aUH Ul vvnoxG PASS uit'Hiuzca pmy in me Tiny Tot she likes tn havp nt Tinv tm I. - f But her press affiliation DAIMPfiATC : se..onS in the gym. The 'teen because they are the type who , er P"?' oJi1 7nc ;roon, was filled with mothers, would find starting school, and Determined 7ravc? too; who sat and watched over. all it.j s-ial lifP w rtifnt .tll"min'd .to to lravcl .Ul t e .A J. complete with shower and plunger , ; " 'filers. Playtng with Civic w-ithout some such exprienc l a, "t 0" armed TeUersVom Mrs. Watfs Tells of Japan A talk on life in Japan by Mrs H. O. Watts highlighted thif month's meeting of the Princ Invited guests were Miss Youngman. Miss Beth As Select and Mail Your Overseas Christmas Cards ' EARLY! Dibb Printing Co. ruincoar. uouDle breasted i -, Belted style in Now only. ) A Ql Sizes 10 to 20 ZH.J War. and nnwnnrtj! nnrt nprmirc I toria. Miss Georgia Bateman, Mrs. Jack Clee, Mrs. Robert Anderson. Mrs. James Hebb. Mrs. Keith Phillippson and Mrs. Ted Prestay. Rupert Business and Professions Women's Club." AK4 ..fc.. I (lie two kiddies' programs are, rT r ( S k. I A I f Wr:toned to help children over MrkSl A I S :;n hurdle of social life before j 1 ' XUv : t hoy start school. j , 'i Ai the Tiny Tot sessions, which Magistrate and Mrs. Walter D were necessary in all South American countries. When the highway came to an end, at the border of Costa Rica, she had , Mrs. Watts resided in Japan for SKIRTS Crease-resistant all-Rayon flannel skirts. Blue and grey shades only. Sizes 12 to 20 some years, whete .m); and hi husbarid. ' An<cnfi nthtn nt 3 I'mHiers are Olscouraeed from I vance. Atlin Avenue ip. attending, youngsters aged three turned yesterday aboard the ther south, but eventually Visi t' Jix years :iear stories and ant. 1 Prince Georee from a mnnth. ed a l.tin-Aini-i,in fnii t CaledOnJa.fwere. engaged ill mis-sionp ryViirti ?'; 1 LADIES' . : ; The.clulj disciUssf.J pj:ins for a rummage sale ta be held, Saturday, November 7". Diniiccc JLVUJLj See our selection nf rlmm,. blouses in Nylon, Crepe and -A . "4 novelty fabrics. White and colors. V. From At'' OPTOMETRIST Fred E. Dowdie Room 10, Stone Building Phone Blue 5!3 1 A J ;ll)(Mii out, take part in organized long holiday trip which took and showed him her United ' raises, learn to be happy as one ! them by boat and train to Cali- Press letters s Tf T groPl t0 c-Perate- and fomia. While in San Francisco! He seemed highly impresse 1 Jeatin .self-discipline and many j they watched the World Series and issued an official permit to ;ot,'rthlngs- (on television. '! allow her to travel on. orderinj SIX I.EADI ItS I ' fuil co-operation from his un- F' Antrobus' 230 Fifth ocrlings. But Mrs Don Forward direct th-L as she left, she, East' als0 returned looked at the found1 iTJifr Tota wlto the .UncerV!f,Ue yes- permit and 'ix leader's Mrs A Rivett Mrs terday on the George from a he had listed her as a repre-; 'n EaSt6rn Canada' She SrntatiVe of the M W Graham Ms' k011 Brltish Un'1 i A E. ("ail.'on Mrs F Pea can and S been, visltin8 tor the past Fruit Company. Explanations! Mr W Bremer and two plan- h"" We,ekf W'th her m0ther al:d Wl'r" ot no use' 50 she cpntlnued i Mrs. J. Donaldson and ana Mrs Mrs- ?thter relatives 'n Welland- n" on wlth the blein8 of a non-G.ianiels. tario, and Brandon, Manitoba. existent fruit company. Much of the work is rinn tn , Miss Ta'lor flew here yeste--- n..ic. Z, chld'en learning to a brief vis" here yes- clay from Vancouver and, re J listen to the music as T guide terday' wn en route to Kitimat, turned by plane today. She was f their actZs nartUarlv Was .Mr. .Horace Duhamel. a the first speaker of the season! Winter Ceats it TASTES when acting out stories P'"r oi mis cuy wno nas been lor the new Canadian Club, fi, thT . C.' , residing In Vancouver for the formeiiy a women's group anc voStfUtCT-PS,?e; Pt six years. Mr. Duhamel will now open to both 'men aw rw XTiZ r J7 nJ l 8Pend a week ln Kitimat wlth his women- Membership in the cl T1IAN EVES BOUCLE KNITTED SUITS Pure wool Boucle Knitted Suits in the newest styles and colors. A small deposit will hold one for you until Christmas. ' FROM $29-95 8 . WESKITS Smortly styled corduroy weskits in blue, green, grey, pink 'and y?llcw. Sizes S-M-L : u mem piay witn the ' "B!"ue" r.nM ort ,h.. - r mineraUt A new shipment received today and more comina . . . Beautiful styles, all new novelty fabrics and plain materials in the season's most popular shades. PRICED FROM y rtety oi toys provided ProviQea by the- the. a . are Produced the spc-alier, ard Bil centre. p produced m MaUbeleland, now Smith thanked her on behal part of Southern Rhodesia. of the club. LINED i f-rs wart es when DISTRICT r S thf 5i(nie toy. or ?n,: fhfci id.-fiip.s are m.-Kie. but the lorWk'i... throuirh fhe.-e if;v,.K get, used to seeing other children; and so are better nrennron Special to The Dully News ( i r V- . -Si forjo-operative play in the Tiny on the new two-storey firehal" a year ago. While still not completed, it was made ready foi occupancy 1 ' the "lc "'"I- first o of the "e yea: yea: SiWITHERS. Rev. C. J. held his Inaugural service i on sessions. in m me me Christian inrisuan n Reformed e I o r m e d $2-92 DOWN $2,9-95 I Church here Sunday at which i and has housed the depart-ho he npnuri urged uio his Dutch r.,,u ment's twntpwwi .ji... is rilsannnlnfort eongrptra class this year. nl,ni en . ' . ':. ATTENDANCE ' 1 r.i vme i ; ' .. , . Mrs. Mrs. Forward Forward ' ' 1,1 In the the s,zc size of of th the ' , T,1CJ ThriM e nrp are nnltf only :'''f titfm abiding V-'vni '' sessions, compar conmared uon 10 Decome good citizens of their chosen new country and "wuv yuung-the Tinv Tnt MEN'S GLOVES - - equipment and the Smithers district ambulance since that time The firemen, all trained in first aid, also man the ambulance which is on 21-hour call. community. tn twire tht Mr. Vanlaar arrived last week number in Dast. vpar mil .v.. t FRASER & PAYNE Lined leather nlovr; fnr rliillv as home missionary of his church for smith $2 and Terrace, from Red Deer. flays. Brown or black. S'zcs 9 to 11. . Poir wismn UNten s ir.som SlUIHG IVAfOr.RTCD If.lVX XT' K- Third Avenue Weir One hundred and thirty-si dollars net was realized from sale of apples by First Smithrr. Alta. He was home missionary lor central Alberta from 1950. ,1LJ 1 3 : ''V hopes more will turn out later tins. year. , The children sometimes listen ''J her, stories with fascinated attention . . . sometimes they ilorn listen at all, but generally, as they become used to the sessions, they enter into all pro-Jerfcs wholeheartedly. She has the neeaslnnal r,-l. The minister and his ulfp Boy Scout Troop on their Appli MEN'S PLASTIC RAINCOATS Pi reside in Sinithcrs. "-'ii - Smithers volunteer Ch-p lui... iuy last oacuraay. The funds will give the newly reorganized Scout movement hm-e added incentive and the finance necessary , to purcba.4 troop equipment. ' ' $3-95 ade's second annual firemen's ball is being held Friday. Proceeds from the ball will on tn Avon's Vinyhte Plastic Raincoats. Metallic shade. Dome fasteners. Sizes S-M-L Eoch MEN'S Jem, to deal with, but says the youngsters Usually rnm orj augment m the lne moni monies receivec received toaiappy eroun Tb; "Skinny" Girls! muolT trouble I . rBaoe irom the Village i One httu ta, ?' bmlthe" t0.furth.er complete! Jr Pi i i V" ";tin . !o 10 )).. l(,i,, .! ,',.( h ..... luu vim ... . . -W...C, ui uie gym uua new iireiienuns raiiinmon V llnliYiW t:r.t Inuf lv y up u:i a" Py himself, but went. hrnh ..i.. : 4 ail .ii Itfhe mnti mlio"s .ul "uuu6" " . --M: uu nre "lc can ta" ices lces pain Paw Tnilotrd.ahTownc Hall. 100 per i cent Dure wool worsted fabrics. tit . " the other j the fir-men by the village also o.mgsters did them in the centre 'go into this fund. nfiiit invu-ontfj ix'iy -.m.! or uok due to lueh i)i iron. Improve uppi'CUe and dictation M) Ik1 b'!ilrl moro Oct-ii. Don't tent U' H'mt tr int. Slfifi tak.n -vben vow .h,i the 5 to 1U llw. ymi ne-.-d li in nUr.mivi? hmire. Intri- - ..uui. rars. forward said! The brieade. thrn,,h vr,i. '' ? i - that for the first two or three teer effort, started construction il'rAVitt; ""y. M 'if! Single and double-breasted styles in the newest shades of Tk Chorcool Oxford k Norion (Blue) PURSES $69so Sizes 36 to 2 A 7 FLANNELETTE BLANKETS p'tW toat misb jot oeiWjc( . . . Choose from our fine selection of Fall handbags to match or contrast with your fall ensemble. Good quality, Plaid pattern in ffOfiO Blue and Pink. Whipped ends. I one aoour u x 04 tocn mr. "".', to' l' tit Vr1 V You'll enjoy using Milady Paper Napkins. They're so luxurious in qualify, so handsome in appearance, so easy on the ' laundry yet so surprisingly low in price. Get an economical package of Milady Paper Napkins from your grocer today. . v-'V'- II ... i PILLOW SLIPS Fine quality cotton pillow slips. FuM size. Regular $1.29. Clearinq ot '. Pair $1-00 WHITE, HANDSOMELY EMCCSSE3 Genuine English Morocco . . . Fine Suedes . . . Plastics and Suedines in a variety of beautiful shades. Priced from $2-95 to-$1.95 il PILLOWS ? ..'11u"jv't Ag.. v -' '1 s i aV All-feather pillows, Heavy tick $25 "it ing covering. Full size tocn MAN SIZED 1 llpll AMILY SHOE STORE i THE UNIVERSM 1629 Third Avenue West LIMITED v product of PACIFIC MILLS, -LIMITED VANCOUVIR, B.t Phone 357 Third Avenue ond Sixth Jffeei S. COLOURFUL