Prince Rupert Doiiy News " t 1 -y-'Uy. Thursday, October 22, 1953 k of Enthusiasm Noted Retiring Head of CGA ravels beating as one could have hfen tv Lnjr last night as the Credit Grantors' Asso- y 1 Will ssi rV. I lirfJIfll In I Mil II 1 AV c I 0 11 R4LfJJUJ I Nil and us aumaLcu vicun w omens ureakfast ;U a joint dinner to conduct their respective hupetings. ii f uu Ji j u gpnerous supply of l.'f . m W. f EM A T IET elected were Miss Joan Min-tenko. Miss Mildred Olson, Mn Mary Ballanger and Mrs s,..- nnn lauia? lavuia fc.sure to the occasion, In ' , . . jn jirr her report. report. Mrs. Mrs Bolmn Bolton pv- ex- IZ .P belief thahTc nau maue ereat tririp ih asinn also marKeu ip ore '1 'M r7. ft ii x m w -Kyy r r. annuul dinner meei- Credit Grantors' As-with a large cake lit (able to celebrate th nn s nrT nn r 'My H the first lor the w Club beaker or tne evening Hankinson, recently m.m:it;r-r of radio become a part of the community' since its inception in February, 1952. MANY UNDERTAKINGS She pointed out that, in addition to many other undertakings, the club had held two rummage sales, a Christmas party lor underprivileged children, and a variety show in aid of the local museum. Proceeds from the latter, plus a further donation, totalled $350 for the museum. She recalled that she and Mrs Laurie had attended the district convention at Victoria last May where they were able to give a good report of the Pri nee Ru- i ! f l-rtion of officers, the nrantors' Association Norman Moorehouse He succeeds Keith iicrs chosen were Eric first vice-president; istu!:i. second vlce- and Mrs. Bea Grant, Mrs Catherine Laurie ted secretary, j. resident's rer.ort, Mr. td seme lack of en-;:i the iissnclation last exuressed hODe that 3 i pert club. Any Brar.d, Tin Bake That Xmas Cake Now You'l! find all the ingredients you need in the Bakinq Section. GLACE CHERRIES 2-lb. gjg FRUIT CAKE FRUIT Vz-b. 21c p proposed flexible ar- CREAM OF THE s lor Homing nun-meetinys would make (o CUT PEEL . ... 16-oz. I to obtain Rood speak- U 24-lb sack Among future projects, Mrs., Bolton saw the possibility of sponsoring a new club at Prince George or Ketchikan, or per-j haps at both places. She mso proposed that the club consider giving an annuul award of $100 to a deserving girl at the high! school who Intended to follow j a buslne ts career. The award would be based .on need anfl ability. j ' As guest speaker, Mr. Hankinson addressed the meeting on "It's all in the way you hold your mouth." A i i i - M ; a(i to better attend- Patronize the Up-river Farmer! BUY NORTHLAND DAIRY MILK asm and interest ap- fc- larking rather than PLUM-JAM a I anil mm NABOB Pure 4-lb tin 0)jmC Ml I IV Fresh, Quart Carton. I " he said. "This Is f:'ed by the number Liner of our meetings, ? e had I'iRlU meetings, "Speech is man's ereatest I skill," he said. "It distinguishes utm n . i, ., and three this year. m. in the number r.f , i , AINES DOG MEAL 5-lbs. .70.3 I 7 , -- mica una gives mm communi- was inspired by the cation in time and snare I' it fewer meetings would i ,...., . PAGHETTI, Libby's 2 tlns 320 laieer attendances. i important elements of speech' siieli was not th! jare appearance, the material of j AMMONIA, Liquid Boftla gj Med that, due to lack j ls and,jh;! mechanic ih iimn ot how It is said, a person's NABOB PUNCH :. Bottle ggg P10r'ss tn life determined is unable to hold the retail salesmanship : hw capacity of expression, he to be civen by Prof ! &.0!rved. and he go no tur- I ,,i(,tl tnem man tms ailtiws him. It ' J 4 .1 . . 'I Is ' ' 1 I , ' '---I.- ( , ' . i . '. -' r - ,Vi, - i !r J i ! t4 (,: ' A 8 VM ' S - ? .4 5 'Ik T II L 'I' 1' , i t 4 i 'I, t ' v i' n X u' . V I-. ' '"v. i j v I S ' . j r ' r"i ,i. . . " 'I I - " ' .! . .. -.1 . i " -lk. r i 4 'J I . ' 1 t ' 1 1-. ' 1: ' Look over our selection Fancy Tinned BISCUITS of GRAY DUNN J . . . Just arrived J this lark of interest 1 The speaker was introduced flint; for this reason iV Phil Linzey and thanked by "i Prince Rupert is not rnti Lyons. nd. from Scotia pinple are turning to ever-increasing num- said SPUDS Gold Coin, lOO-lb. Sack $2.99 SWEET SPUDS : l ibs. 35c TOMATOES No.i-i4-o,Tube 23c CHANGES sunkist, Si 344 .;: : ........ 3 doz. 79c GRAPEFRUIT; 3 for 25c DAFFODIL BULBS -00 ...:..: . :... HALLOWE'EN CANDY KNOWLEDGE jr. turn, should be add- f : unowienge ol finding p means to make credit J&'tiral to the customer GUM DROP 1 Lb. JELLY BEANS 1 Lb. v. HALLOWE'EN KISSES , 1 I.b ic same time, elimi-much as possible the the risk to the mer- 23c ..... 33 35c 49c Big as Apples g for g5C CHOCOLATE DROPS Weston's OIU Fashioned 1-Lb. Pkt... MAPE LEAF SOAP FLAKES Doub:c Size with Tumbler. "BOTH FOR 5-lbtin $J 69c YOU trlbute to the Break-tor its good showing :ison. 'in? president of the C!ub, Mrs. Jocclyn '!; over the chair to ection of new officers women's organization ir reports. To succeed the meeting irs. Catherine Laurie, "ers ejerted were Mr3. irner. vice-president; na MacArthur, corre-wretary; Miss Maresa recording secretary: s'ine Sauer. treasurer, Margie Johansen, reinsurer. Directors HAVE AN IMPORTANT JOB TO DO IN THE R.C.N. (RESERVE) Any team needs trained Reserve, and in rtics timet the Koyal Canadian Navy need. an alert and activt Hescrve force. The Naval Reservist it patriotic Canadian preparing, as a civilian and in Ins tpare time, to serve Canada at tea should the need arise! . r . . SELF-SERVE MEATS mmS SPECIALS GOOD TILL VEDNSDAY OCTOBER 28th Camnbsll's VsgeSable SWANSDOWN HI I D (! V Tl C C 1 1 E! i.SOUP -:r: CAKE-FLOUR "URPp Tmnc:- .pfct 43c 2 25c :-: TOMAtOlOiE WTi.i-JJSc' Yellow SUGAR MAZOLA OIL OXYD0L 7 1. , 73f Pin. m. .sr.. ... ... 65c Jjh Cotton i&iV Tin M t Soap Prices are Advancins TOMATOES Royal City-Large, 23-oz. Tin 28c u ' - 1 1 - - CORN ' Royal City Cream Style Tin 15c TEA Royal Tudor Lb. 75c EXTRACTS, Nabob, Pure, 2-oz. 21c ( D0G F00D ZiP tin 19C BLACK PEPPER, Nabob, Pure, tin 25c R0MAN MEAL - Pkt- 25C t MARGARINE solo. u. -32c SWEET MIXED PICKLES, 16-oz. jar 35c J POPPING CORN tin 24 111 I I ' ' " i.i ii.i -ml '' No. 1 FRESH HAMBURGER . .. .. Lb. 39c GARLIC RINGS i? .. Lb. 49c PAN-READY ' ! ! No. I FRESH KILLED FRYERS Lb. 75c Go on salt water cruii in tf lumrnir months; Obtain rocroolioit and com-rodtihip Earn oxtro monoy in yovr sport tint Fit yourtsff for added rt-tponiibilitioi Sorvo your country I ) No. 1 PORK BUTTS .: Lb. 59c I No. 1 BEEF LIVER Lb. 39c III! M ' WHILE THEY LAST )LLS Swift's Lb. 55c SEE... 27c DADS COOKIES Oatmeal Pkt. FROZEN STRAWBERRIES- 45c - " . .J" A f . ' . . ' . . : .- - I, i i, k "S " J "I . ' ; : , '" . fuARANTEED I tory craft TREADS PARKER LTD. p' of Friendly Service" THE RECRUITINO OFFICER H.M.C.S. CHATHAM mm KETCHUP -- 29c j Woodburys LOTION 69c L-Lhone 93 i - i ! j,