1 it. . 'iImlc Kuptil Uuifv New;, Thursday, October 22, 1953 Plans Near Completion for U.S. To Funnel Military Aid lo Europe 7W tr.r VrtILK IH1 jrX-WWi ' t IxAt- - .TIT- V kCKWOOD on 0 Eridc many, the only state which has ratified it so far. Other signers are France, Italy, Belgium. The Netherlands and Luxembourg. Informants have said a special agreement covering the delivery of American aid to EDC, being wo-ked out with a defence com WASHINGTON (AP) Plans are about completed for funnelling United S-a:es military aid to West European countries through the projected European Defence Community as soon as it is ratified. This was reported today by ige y EASLEY BLACKWOOD I LWJ I ... . 1.1 . i ri ji ... munity preparatory commission government olllclals who pic- jc s IfS iamuic: vumpt-ie auer me isiu: I furthpp pvidoncp that thp hin-n-pst oumtdr. tured State Secretary Dulles and at Parts, is substantially com uwirr rop olllclals as confident i pieicu. that the long-stalled EDC treaty in emera.!. it follows the line ' 4 w ji n' w iiu ' O O v t""" i lies in deciding whether to compete, after will be finaliy approved in the , 0f agreements renuired bv the fin" is opened ahead of you. next three or four months. L i,uid you do with Mr. U.S. Congress with all the Individual countries receiving American assistance. That action would clear the way for rearming West Gcr- ,nd following a one king on your rigm? three acts dui noi I Goad HcuitkMpint e card and you are What if your left- i.i 1 J wSOFLm safe bnent has a uig imu I i,r lias nothing? INTENSIVE decided to chance NOW ASSURED SEE HOW SCIENTIFIC SLEEP CHECK CHART AIDS IN SELECTING THE RIGHT MATTRESS FOR YOU I East dealer Both sides vulnerable North (Mr. Alirl) 8 8 a H-K S U Q J 6 5 C K Q 8 7 3 IN r-t I -l Mr. .MHhlrl) (Mr. (hilriiplon) S 10 9 6 3 b A K Q J 7 6 H J 7 4 3 2 H Q 10 D- B 8 D-K 1(1 C 10 C J 6 & hmilll (Mr. Trllrxl 8-4 H A 6 D -A 7 4 3 J C A 9 4 3 The bidding: led. If Mr. Abel neia ds and a hand made suudes, three hearts, RESEARCH with Doctors and ' Hospitals provided basic facts for this revolutionary mattress selection method. jk and a doublcton dia- Springaires from $39-50 "P Felt Mattresses from $.50 up sine migni win uwjr three aces, f.,his is, the North-South iM'iiiiike a small slam ;,aainst any defense. 1 Tnirx doubled for a had no way of know-iJi r the final result North 4 c L)l)l East South West in I ml. ay 48 60 63 All puss Your mattress can now be selected just as carefully as your r wardrobe ... to fit your individual sleep requirements and at no premium in price! Revolutionary new "Sleep Ana-lyzer" questionnaire and "Sleep Check Chart" show quickly - just what you need for real sleep comfort whether you -' sleep alone or two-in-a-bedl Come in today ... no obligation. ' feated. He was so right. His sac Imio of these extremes in between. Many is his hand, hoping to rifice bid of five spades was set . . . ftnn nr. In I a n,Hun iha nnn,.uillnn t I iw.l iM nlnp I w.'v ...a,... UMi.VJOl Mill 1 I .1. won two hearts, two diamonds ,ng anol till I 1UUIIU Ul i . , , ana a ciud. The deal was played in an rase, the double, an- liiiijstantial values, cn- actual team-of-four tournament and, when It was re-played in the ot her room, the player holding the South cards elected to Abel to bid his club :ly. When game at reached, Mr. Masters ink it could be de- 1 pass over the one spade opening. West bid two spades and now it was unthinkable for the North player to come into the lome bidding at the three range I I Manitoba East bid three spades and everybody passed. The South player made the unfortunate opening of the ace of diamonds Victim and three spades was made. I h -''Ml i -' v You will find the suite of your choice in the style you like among the finest available. The rugged construction I h k , . 800 the first time the hand was f.miK v.wn nes wen. , , f B.n , , leave an lion lunr. ' . . .. ' I the boys in the round- i am not making the point that his takeout double was ILttiitifir H fcilio struck him back "" " was wrong. the 27-year-old rail-, t. ine point is mat ne ri just started building ""c ru,K 10 allaln nl-s Ilne result- )i.nie for himself, his I their three-year-old and beautiful durable finishes of these pieces ensure years of service. Furnish your bedroom today from lovely Mr. and Mrs. or Vanity styles now on display at Gordon and Anderson Ltd. . "Oh so beautifully soft" are the new Purcx tissues ... so firm anJ strong ... so gentle and kind to the skin they're perfect for baby, and grown-ups roo. Here is everything you look for in toilet tissue, brought to you at no extra cost! Now you can choose from two kinds of Purex single and 2-ply. For facial soft single ply, reach for the new, improved PUREX in the blue and green label. For the ultimate in bathrobm luxury at only a few cents morel(Uok for SUPER PUREX in the new 1 white label. - t . -.. t; . 1 . - .- ' f 4 h r , 4 ;.. S - t -4 1 . , ,- , t In- ' v 7 4 1 i jr , J V ' J ' he -t i "S" ( , . .i . i-i - - , .;f- ' r i ti, . i .m 4 I t ""'' -i',..'fc i ' 1 , r . ' . j i.'- " , . Wo have four rooms in y frame dwelling, f itlliiw-workers at the jhdhouse here didn't autumn days saw the ifiarly. heading for the dwelling. And they i'.h such zest that the i4 about ready for a H .ceo. f nmcK says the way KEEP YOUR CAR UP TO PAR Cold weather's no excuse for poor car performance! See us NOW for a general check-up and tune-up . . . and we'll winterize your car too. You'll be pleased with our service. going she will , be MR. & AARS, SETS , VANITY SETS rove in well ahead of leather. -warming? That will ned until Mike gets SlAM.56 to. S .50 .50 and $.50. V YOU'LL BE CLAD YOU BOUGHT THE BEST ! . . . Superior Auto Service Limited idiak Seeks' mt Service fp Seattle two 'MP8GVCD PC&X ' 77SSCES BEAUTIFUL SCRUDDADLE IOEMGI0 fRAGE. Alaska (AP) lade a plea for direct ttAM mam atom r .. v pice to Seattle Wednes-lte Civil Aernonautics f niiiS on Alaskan air i- ., ', ., DE LUXE WALL PAINT ana uiurus unuuiui comnletlnn representing the ItAOI MASK MO 0 "'I':! "e;l com It inner, re f-liaiii bor tc needs needs Welcome for you...; of Commerce, The miracle lustre enamet nvnniiiui rfif and and and bs.su rn nee now ft'itse conneetlons to the JlK'ut prolonged delays. CALVERT HOUSE 1 ne helievcs Piicific Airlines now is prnviri-''"Ire In Korlluk from " hut Kocllnk Is grow-V mid outgruwlng the Kodluk residents "feel sutsi(li.ing somebody" 7 must fly north to " n order to fly south "rs and at considerable On coot of super KKM-tone over wallpaper, paint, wood or plaster gives you a skin-tight surface that actually sheds dirt, ("ireaae, prime and ink spots wash off with soap and water. Dries in one Aour; you can go back over "missed spots" even after the surface is dry and they will never show. Gorgeous colors! ... 16 smart ready-to-use shades, or intermix looks II Mshet like the If baked enamel j ly on your J L-"Y refrigerator-'' y"' f hSv II ECONOMICAL! ll Needs no primer or undercoafer. No happier words, spoken or flashed " Aj )XW, IlllivV from eye lo eye, than "Welcome home!" AffiaPn I 111 lJ j And there's another welcome for you Jf'jS vl Willi ' when you reach for Calvert House. jk f Ut WrlVS ! Smooth, light-bodied, delightful, it's a j0 ' Ujavjl Canadian Whisky you'll really enjoy I ,Jk ! iwnse. on try Classifieds your own. for colorful walls and ceilings you'll love to live with. " Vancouver ,ly the jrsties, ,0 IT E L; Gallon $S0 25 Quart $3-15 Gallon 5 20 Quart $2 You'll Be Glad You Bought the Best bV J" ! - . I illLTD.J J. iHlftlHMlMl 'BP" LJlt PHONE 46 onoWe ffafes Calvrt Ditill.rt llmirtd, Ah.r.lbuf9, Ontorio. :;5fej'IrS ! I !Keas nill St. MArine 7235 i? contpoi boo on rr the oovenmeni of imtiiM coiumha PUMISHH) 0 piSflAfEt. V THt liQ. , tvrjTISEM(T IS NOT WIS ... . A i