(VAaf Oto ty?es 5?y... Priiue Rupert Daily Mews V ' t Tuesday, August 11, 1953 .. ,.fi .ffnrt anrf time but ent goverr.niciu wuuiu ur i nui u- r. rui pranr. .".G1 ed. fnd kept themes In Eood : carry tnrcu interpreted a denre in the St. Luurr nt ti ' mfrk ' orXrsr d Alberta rS.jP-i!....t,ri ' ln V recalcitrant provinces. to do lorai 'Mctl"? conduct- resPns'"u resnsihilitv o ot f 8 gmornment mi.in the J , .vernment ..? ' fPrrm mauir representation it to devote u lodepcndeat aally newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert and Northern and Central British Columbia. Member ol Canadian Press Audit Bureau ol Circulation Canadian Dally Newspaper Association. Published by The Prince Rupert Dally h'ewn Limited. J. P. UAOOR, President H. O. PERRY. Vice-Prejldent eil (he nation s busir.Jss. It c!o5 w me , . ' , the r!1.,.s of the attendnw u, i,. ' I TIP :uiiT a. - ' . . . ... i. tm i.ot nec-s.siinly mean that the BubfcrlptloL. Rates: Const said the liberal govern- spuntei puny ..i(-.".. v.. 8. -,..... f,. ihp u.,rk nf the inn support to a tvivernnifiit , iLc3fJt By carrier Per w.fk. !iSc; per montli. 1 00; per year, 10 00. 0. majority of the people ere com-nletelv satisfied with its record Tn n Inpira rtuiirC.l If muU nWI II with the electors in all j ' next four or five years with little popular br mall Per month. "75c: Der vear. 8 00. Autnorued a k.iid class mall by tl.e Post Office Department. Ottawa oi.lv that it was preferable to opposition because it has found oth.'i Pro" ,. Mn-M (1( Iib,.' ifFC1t v ,.Ke,y auernafve . . JjtUe op.K.ition m the country eJ.M QQf f Monrtun limes Und): .... iw 'f ... .. , , . ti.,int '''Will 7 t it ad.led: "Aixive ail eiM?. oi auic im i i v Alter fter il an the me areuments arguments distor- tmuir pn lui uuUK e . I . 1 tons ana passions inai tain . -1(.:Mttrl,.(f nrr.nils nn-i the immense uvantaKe o hav- without ed g : i electors dlaris have heard ... the .ii,i i Mr si Ijiureot as its leader, position itaui r Cn-orge Ki.w now . v -lit - it 1 It i r ' J I 'real fhe ato W. kuow. U'.ut brave promUrs even the probSrns evident wish of the to ! houpht fating the'n, theZid of U Mackenzie King that Mr. St ,1 ciUU. taxes iaU a b nhon dollars, h. ve m 0 U ( an- 111 YM- n.,ve'nment they consider best Laurent should inherit , peaj ' ' " , , - - u ..n 1,1 rut ifr Discerning Voters of the remarkable dovolopmonts of the ONK "election occurred out here in B.C. where a party counted out as dead, or nearly so, proved that it is still very much alive. While there was no reason why, on the basis of their record, the Liberals should not ir,ake a good federal showing, there was clearly some uneasiness in the party about its chances. . . , .. . WILLIAM LAKBIE PHIL I.INZEY for their country in the years Ileal manll.: was ue last u .-- naly ahead, and reuis- ma. ter.y adm.lnients " , tiuur coun try devc.up, ,g The Gaiette said Mr. St Uijr- and Pu. f r A nd . tci I heir verditt at the poll. sj.uree. ir terms sl?r.!f!tTt.iv clenr and tnt has bttoine kkilful eat-, Aiuerto a-uiains. fttkrally. l uw I See tht rJ hallenKeable. pair.rer and "IhroUBh. the Hr.-,t ytjiau a uni U,L. ... !:,. ;.u ....m I. . ,.f ran.rmi-.i li toured ' 1 rati llailv I "', Per- dnd,: spoke of the indication of the i.atiun Myuitf little thai was liat tlit rta Uav u( I hi fie- an overwhelming majority and I'ohtrovei.-.jul . . . So svui iin 4 tioli tan In- found in U.t very added: "It is often roundly as- vi Luy W Mr. St. Lament Ha lat-k of inaior l.v,u s. Urctor, sorted that a large and com- .gah.ud blints Willi U ri:L-i,Unl.al wut faitd .Ul a clm:e j.iii- Appointment of Bill Lamble as chairman and Phil Llniey as treasurer of the 1953 Red Shield campaign in Prince fiti-rt has been made by Air Marsnail W. A. 'Hniyt Lusfiup, VC, cnairman ol the National Advisory Board of the Salvation Army. Mr. Lambie will announce the complete list of names of the Prince Rupert committee at a later Tiute. The Red .Shield campaign fur the I'riiu-e Rupert area get under way S-ptember 8 with a quota o S3 50(1 as an objective. VMnajMB4auwMaaMamaauMaHMabMaMHawManaw Victoria Report . . by J. K. Nesbitt VICTORIA There won't be Social Crediters will crow- manding majority' is not eo.id gplwtwii- Te (oniparative . eia of use Mnn oou H'm fu, any and may even be detri- weakness of the power of the fa. I that U.e M'Un.-M wore so mental t the cause of truly re- op.lUw In parliaiuunt makes . many f --s mudt; It evw less sponsible eovcrnmeiit. While the all the heavier the personal re-; u epwuie . Vautuuver Nes-HTaM flmli: extremity of this dictum may spoiibilHy ol Hie prune ipmister leave it open to considerable for careful and restrained ad- For the rest of Canada as well as doubts there is certainly this ministration. j British Columbia, the failure of truth in it. that a strong and OlUua CUI.en (Ind Ub):the Bulai Credit upsurge m the " !- ' - ' In view of their experience in the last two .provincial elections, this anxiety was natural nenough, but it failed to take into account that the I voter is after all a discerning individual. Under the I Liberal government at Ottawa, Canada has had capable direction of its affairs, and B.C. has benefited along with the rest. Z Another noteworthy development was the ..strong finish of the CCF, with the corresponding failure of Social Credit to meet its expectations. While the Socialists continue to run second, federally and provincially, it cannot le denied that Z their advocacy of state ownership has a substantial following in B.C. I Meanwhile the Socreds remain the unpredict-ablp factor thev have always been. It will require much in fireworks at legislative and who can blame them be- niivp opposition ... with its worry- Tv, There . ,, is a danger ..miur iu in i.,-iii-rim recurrent 1 Sfff n"1 1 la! opening Sept. 15. It will be all cause they cut the CCS' in the itig tactic Ls the basis of sound land.-.lidui. The Hou&; of Com-I business. House from 18 to 14 members, the democratic administration. It inons is li ft with a small and ; Nobody will have the balance Liberals from six. to four, the may be, as is often chained, frequently ineffective opposi-! of powei. Last session the Lib- Conservatives from four to one. - lion, and the dominant party has , AUTOMATIC 0V3 erals had it. and so they were im- Not a bad showing! No wonder portant. This session the Liber- the Social Crediters Mill crow, als 'won't be able to move so Who wouldn't? And yet there 'Converts Among Freed used cans PUSH-BUTTOK & SPACIOUS m STREAMIIKEI t: iittie to keep it in check out us ; , own sense of responsibility. In ; such a case, criticism from with- : in its own ranks . . . may help i in some measure to compensate i for the lack ofa numerically strong opposition. It is in the f public interest that this should be so. Toronto Globe and Mail (Ind) : The Progressive Conservatives much as a comma. How they ' are those who Insist Social vote won't matter in the least. Credit didn't sweep B.C. last That's one of the many frustra-: June. " . tions facing new Liberal leader! However, Social Credit taunt-' Arthur Laing. He'll be down at:lngs will qUily dissolve, since the bottom of the House with c'CF'ers,' Liberals' and Conserv-a-i U.S. PoWs Only mree oiner uotrais. wnai mey Uves jn view of lhelr s c .infict- , .. do or say won't change a thing, .h hmiii,onA ,iii i ! FREEDOM r r.Tw VILLAGE ,.D (API '3 Plymouth $650 'IC hrvslrr 7-pass. $1125 $35 It will be extremely interesting mooci t0 keep them going And Americans freed from Red prison presented a constructive program to see who they line up with hn oar, w,m ih fn,'(k,ti stockades said today Red-indoc- attuned to the times and what 2 considerable time yet before one can say with cer-Jtainty whether or not they are here to stay as a 'major force? What "they make of their government at Victoria will go a long w ay towards establishing this. Z In Skeena the convincing victory of Ted Apple-Z whaite was not only just reward for services already fri'irtin Imr olcn j n ovni'DBcinn nf nnnfirlpnpp that mni'P i Social Crediters or CCF'ers but, Thev want lair Tune fnr7ntrn trinated United States prisoners aopeared to be the weaknesses of '4! Ford Tudor $1350 are among those returning, in- the St. Laurent government. On Display Besides, the first session after htrlino 'Ifl "nrrif revives pn Cimnirtirnr that nmorflm VP other than that, the Liberal ' group w ill be ignored. If Mr. Laing was Leader of the Opposi- route home to preach commun- , felt, and still feel, it important '52 Kludebakrr ( liampiun 5-passeier Coupe, inr. n 1 . . ,..n ,.11 .. U. that nj more time and opportu- tion. with only three supporters. ""B"tt' .' c ism in the U.S. air-ronditionrd .... $2275 he'd have some hope. But now ,". 1,1 Jr " "K"1B Cpi Leslie E. Scales, 22, of Fol- nities to promote the balanced RUPERT E AND ELECT? political , speeches , in the House, as becomes the fashion the last '50 Austin Sedan $1050 somville, Ind., said the Jll were development of the country members of his 305-man com- should be wasted. Nonetheless, nanv at Carao 5 in Pyoktong on it has been turned down by a session before an election. ... -- . . he.s only the ,eadar 0 a rump are to come. Mr. Applewhaite is a politician who group in the House., its an Jean cut across party lines because he has an earnest jj. .rg Zand Obvious wish simply to do his best for the COn- jly since he gave up a House of The session will last about a lne Yalu river. . seemingly satisfied electorate. It month no more! Premier Ben-! Most of theimen in the com- u commonly said that govern- 313 Third An SUPERIOR AUTO SERVICE LTD. , . , , ..... n-i icommons seat, onlv to Eet into nett says il wiU a regular Dany were anti-Red, he said ln ments cannot be changed in Phone 64 Slltuency 10 wnicn ne IS fcO dliacneu. muse vmiu a of cornpiete political session, not whats sometimes an interview at Inchon, but he good times. Is that the only heard his campaign talks CDUld appreciate that here impotence. called a special session. Because :knew the 30 personally. reason for the Liberals' sweeping - ' , iv ,.:,ii i No, very little excitement this " s a regular session, MLA's will 1 cther repatriated prisoners victory? We think there is an- Was a man Who knew Where he Was going, provided coming session. True. Social Bet their full $3.000 sessional in-1 told f Americans whrTcollab- other, the extraordinary vote- He had the Crediters will at their oemnuy. ihisisa break for 3 i getting of Prime Minister 'the electorate eave him the chance. crow some orated wi(h the Reds but only powers great victory at the polls last members who sat in the last : R.alpq told of reoatriates return- I St. Laurent. Few men In Cana- nnoiio.n onrl unfl m'cf frA fVto noola To The Electors of Skeena: June. Victorious politicians al- Huse, and were re-elected. They , . tQ WQrk or communism m , dian history have shown his ways crow. ;wu) get $6,000 thU year. , the U.S. ability to obtain support at the There will be u Speech from; ,,.,,' ,aM v, ,iiri not know if polls. the Throne, but no budget ad- ,H . .1vps'' nlanned to Winnipeg Free Prrss (Ind Lib) The re-election of the Liberal dress. The budget was delivered join the Communist party in the last February. The money need-1 ; hi h hrrt thm. talk pny with almost as many General De Gaulle Keeps Posfed ed to run the province to the end ,',! ai the hnme of a i members a." In the last parlia- of next March will be voted in frior,,, vron-uen n riiseii;i: i ment and the crushing defeat of unnly bill; -not very spectacu- I wish to express my very sincere thar' and appreciation for the vote of cor:' dence you have given me. To those who worked so hard for r the Conservative party demon- their next moves oi. .,1,1 nun knew nf . stratcr that the people not onlv lar! On Political Scene All the business left undone i ' W. i.i. u,u. -.i I understand and airoreclate the z ami uuvii.i i-ti,vw i nit uvv-vtu. Z Now he has the chance and will surely add to 3 the excellent record already behind him. In this 2 immediate part of the constituency we will watch 2 with particular attention his work on construction Z of an airport, rehabilitation of the drydock and J development of fishermen's facilities at Cow Bay. Z Mr. Applewhaite's remarks about a clean con- test were a tribute to the opponents who so ably presented the views of their respective parties. ; While congratulating the winner, we extend thanks Z to the other candidates for ensuring that the con-" stituents of this riding had full opportunity to make 5 their democratic choice. when the government collapsed who had collaborated with th Bov.-mnien,, u raunuy Reds One, he said, had told had ln th' P1 four Vers v,im vio u.q n etirrt-carrvinir but are not to be misled by wild, on the floor of the House last March will be completed. The re-election I can never express r BY HAROLD KING PARIS (Reuters) Every Wed government won't hove to be be- rj0mmunlst irresponsible and contradictory nesday a tall, military fiem-? holdin' to anybody this time; it gratitude. To those who supported n at the polls I can only say I hope: justify your faith. To all of Skeenc can only promise I will do my best. ' I think something should be Pr"i"1M;7- 1 TV rst public reaction, un-have done to them. A lot of guys will be of salis-.v,. of doubtedly. one suffered on account Tk. cm hnnv nnu, faction that the country has steps from a small car and en- can haughtily march in with tcrs offices in the rue Solierino. legislation, havini? thoroughly Gen. Charles de Gaulle has caucused it behind closed doors, cume to town to keep his fin- and the legislation will pass Oh njohi'np has been said to them fMP" assured of stable govern the ger on the pulse of French pol-.yes, the oppositionists will shout or.ri nnthine has been done to : mPn' and a continuation of itics. ana howl a bit, but It won t do them.'" .. i sound general policies of the past four year? De Gaulle, 62, stepped out of anv good. The government wjn , . , r 1 1 TiTii .. 1 1 I tn REFLECTS DeJ y'ljijJivL't the political arena this spring ,nave a majority of eight mem- U.ilp R.,id one Drisoner con-' Keielna Leader-Post (Ind Lib) .iw ., i 1 ii,.. ..tfi; i I here bers not mil mncli much, hut but still oli!) n ... Oliu, ni., nitu ul H . .. . i i TMfi The alnt i.,il it of tha the St. CI T rii. when he severed the offi"i E5oy a nd REMINISCES connection between hLs movement and members of. the Chamber of Deputies elected as his supporters. But he , still place in p Think back a while. Suppose I wants to have some a steam slde'red the "No 1 progressive" in re-election Laur-roller with all the . . . the good S.C.'m ,:imp 5 ha(1 sairt ne wouid "kill Government assures sewed up in caucus . - : Mg mother 8nd father Ul nation a strong administration The legislation Includes he they interfered with him being and a ,ruJy naOonal one during new Liquor Act, 'he parliamentarv term, allowing cock- n communist and would never ensuing tail louriKes, not too many, and ewn mit on an Amertn "dollar ' Cnarf in these critical limes with brieht lights; none of tills UEain has tlius avoided government In- dimness that is said to creaje i Three other Americans who stability -which unhappily larnorous sin in the U.S. Sales 1 returned Monday said the Keds ' PRue some of the other free useful- Z that in the early summer cf the world of work a '4jfelAi.a luetRt influence". i" '.'), 14 (UdweTf jmJ. I am lf 20omp rrih of 1 1852 you " or less briefly on public affairs nations. in B C. and in Canada. This is August 11 and you've escaped J it all. Life was becoming one election after another. age. I am looking forward to it. The luxury of late effort is that they are performed without desire for praise, or blame, or fear, the ambition for applause or recognition. It all win oe im iirnm meals -.No. have returnPd i progres- auu u iiu-r ear licence lees will RiV,s from Camp 5. ' The wartime resistance leafief l keeps a Wednesday-to-Friday ' schedule in Paris, spending tlw rest of the time in seclusion in his modest home at the village of Colombey les Deux Eglises, a three-hour drive from here, Mine, de Gaulle always accompanies the general to Paris They stay at a small hotel near the Arc de Triomphe. Each Friday they return to the village by car, with de Gaulle sitting il..ntti7 lin'itrle It i Q eh'.l nf f enr helps bring a new, a refreshing freedom. Moose Jaw Times-Herald (Ind): There are certain features of the election which are of particular Interest. The first ... is that the government gained strength in the Maritimes. The second was the return of every cabinet minister, whle the third was that in B.C. where the Social Credit oe reuueeu iu per cent, mere viil be new taxes on logging and mining profits. The Rolston Shipping Boom Formula will be implmenb d j PORT STANLEY, Ont. (P This that highly complicated scheme Lake Erie port is suddenly for education costs, which few emerging as a shipping centre, understand, and which caused Records late in July showed 70 the government's collapse, be- clearances since the opening of cf.use the Liberals wouldn't mSAME OLD CUSTOMS ! Politicians who persisted in Z plastering up poles and fences m with illegal posters can now sit Z down, and at their leisure think it all over. All they committed was just another example of incompetence and waste. They had their enthusiasm and had ., to exercise it. It was hardly thought the loss of the Titanic would score the tremendous hit it is now doing, 41 years after. Somehow, this ... mt. . '" I ( m,l , ,.! , ik. member remains a ghastly nd h? wifp , the back green. Hundreds still survive a the vU. Almo,t the only time sinking that spreads the raw.,P( K(ips rlp ,,.. is s.,ndav. iui ii. me government may fa,- in advance of last year. Most ' Judge the public wants the Rol- visiting ships are coal and oil j government, the electors must ston Formula; if the public did carriers. have figured that the St. Laur-not, the Liberals would have bpen i - : terror of an April midnight 'so I .h. ho nttt,nHo m Madame long ago. The realism Is there Z The fastest drivers are, as a elected. a. 1 general rule, never going any is seen regularly as she goes about her shopping. A 10-acre park surrounds the be it on the screen or on the ocean. Here's an astonishing fact outside the Premier, there will not be one member in the House It seems that Samson never house which they bought many years ago for an ailing daughter, Ann, now dead. U 0 De Gaulle passes the time Thre will come time when you will cro the line between being Irwurablo. and non Insurable. ' J place In particular. r "MIGHT HAVE BEEN THOUGHT Z There is something possibly significant in the recent an-Z nouncement of French physic-m ians who give warning of an J increase of alcoholism. Nevertheless, to perceive two prime ministers at the same time is 5 not necessarily a symptom. leading, walking in the park and fitfully writing his memoirs. They are unlikely to be this session with any brotherly link with the Coalition, and the Premier's brotherly link went sour. Seldom have the voters done such a ruthlessly complete, thoroughly heartless job of pitching out the old, putting in the new. amounted to a continental damn, once Delilah gave him that well-known haircut. It was a whale of a cut, all right. We won't deny it for a moment. And now, British medical men are out with the declaration that bald men are more virile and tough than anyone with plenty of hair. Somehow, that should bp jolly well questioned. We can't just fprget or beljttle Samson. published before his death. Intimates say he has been severely critical of spine of his cum Trust not to CROSSING THE LINE Z I know as long as I iive I shall write, comments Dorothy JJ Thomson. When effort ceases one is. dead. Nearly everyone . .... nd Make sure oj w r The only safeguard la lo liiruugn its 9 ij Insure while you are healthy. 1- . . OPEN A SAVINGS - ACCOUNT AT Left Ulk It over todavl aWt JAMES S. BURNS I 721 Alfred St, Prince Rupert, B.C. f Phone ti rem 505 I sincerely wish to thank all those who worked so hard . and supported me at yesterday's election. CCF Candidate. ft 0 a ii(M Great-West Life ASSURANCE COMPANY HIAD Of FICI-WIMNIMC, CANADA This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia.' I tj:XQJ0l JiLLW-8 E jf.tOyB.yiiliS.J-QiOAyi 2