3 Prince Rupert Daily News Tuesday. August 11, 1953 tees redd ers 6T. JOHN'S, Nfl. CP Jdhn Anderson, two-year-old Labrador boy, was reported recovering in hospital here after savage dogs attacked him near his home at Makkovik. Two dogs tore the Future Works Projects, Expenditures Totalling $8,586 Approved by Council Wibution broved B.P.O.E. Meeting Thursday (188cl scalp from his head when he fell August 13th Future public works projects Fourth avenue east at a cost of be presented to council at the while carrying a kettle of water from a well. j Try Dally mt- Want Hin and expenditures totaling $8,586 $500. next meeting. Council passed utility commit were approved last night fy city, Council accepted the tender council. Recommended by the of J. H. Bremner for stuccoing board of works committee under the women's Jail at a cost of $175 S- "'. ' Work, tee recommendations that the roof of the telephone exchange! building be repaired at an esti-j mated cost of $90; that materials! for telephone department am-j fc.ll. f, ,,v f J IP) " ym - JW . . II J.I. ,.Jl ; .-?.? A J. 18-inch concrete culvert will be H f. Glassey and : ',.n.r ' made it cieur at 'city council meeting s would vote to e thPV th(, junior Chamber ,'.rfC f r expenses en-1952 -Oft Out the . ;.)," it didn't intend I warly habit of It. ,.it has been held up a.,t night's meeting ievk as made to see lt'al compll- p e any ,K-h mifsht prevent the payiiiR the grant. City w. Long said there was ountlng to $55 be bought and that accounts totaling $3,511.6G be paid. Aid. Darrow Gomez, chairman to publish a notice notifying all householders that water pipes must be buried at least two feet. Mr. GusUfson was Iso asked to prepare estimates of the cost of scarifying and f radinit the roads in Section 2. Installed on Eighth Avenue East from Green Street to the lane at an estimated cost of $1,300; a compound 8-lnch water meter costing $2,224 will be bought and installed at the CNR Ocean dock at a cost of $150; the sewer In the lane between Second and of the licensing committee reported that trades licences had been granted to Fred Peterson, Aid. H. F. Olassey .chairman of the utilities committee told SEA BAGS Thl'd Avenues from Seventh to Eighth Streets will be repaired thl work on the tele- ;. MrLran. chairman of committee In rec- agency; Robert Hamer, taxi; John Chrlstensen, mink ranch; Ethel Julian, coffee shop; Sydney Hunter, wholesale and retail; C. E. Short, cleaning and pressing; A. H. Manson and J. H. Schuman, motel, six units. flax at an estimated cost of $2,200; I rL: r u! was 250 feet of 8-inch cast Iron pipe'T "L""' MlL Rav Mc" wili be bought at a cost of $875; a,ld th construction 75 yards of sand costing $262 will : uPerltendent was preparing a "7 ?ud " - - (ye , o- iii v emu 11, wouia ' Lu.iSiUCf l; (.Ul-li.:,! ! the money, .said that et ol the Junior Cham-.;u it nad oern unoei-n'p chamber that thef the money and had L- t' .,'. - be bought; parts for the front loader amounting to $350 will be bought; drain on Second avenue at Second Street will be repaired at an estimated cost of $550; two culverts will be Installed on On H uiiun.iiauu- I f 1 Tiz. 1 T" WW ir A m r an . ry w , t Seagoing Chief VANCOUVEH (CP) Capt. S. O. Dahlquist of the motorshlp Canada had some un-nautlcal headgear on the ship's maiden voyage. He wore a feather headdress after telng Inducted Into the Capilano Indian tribe as Big. Chlef-That - Stands - Out - PAM MARTIN models the Llnde Star necklace which was last worn at the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II. The delicate design is created by setting of 123 diamonds with a total weight of 15 carats. In the centre, the Llnde Star Sapphire Is the focal point of attention. The unusual precious stone, fourth largest star sapphire in the world, weighs 82.93 carats. The necklace, valued at $25,000, was shown at the Jewelers Convention In Chicago. ...scy sum me juihui M done a wonderful at he was all for pay-1 the $.')0, but he didn't council should do It lne motion to re-i ,ie Junior Chamber! .nniou-sly. .ncil also approved : the following grants: j )-it ptiohiity council,! re Rupert museum i 0: Ka.vation Army, I idian National Instl-I !(. Blind. $50; Prince! tal clinic. $100. i, (X ei. oeit a vote of the Coronation celc-l uaiitie and approved j if $101.04 deficit suf-j THE ATOM WILL BAKE A CAKE Liderals Swept Back (Continued from page 11 Ontario gave the Liberals 51 compared to the 55 they held at dissolution, while the Con-1 srrvatives added six to their June total of 26. Another of the 85 (Ontario seats went to a Lib- eral.-Labor candidate, William i SAFE RELIABLE SERVICE Prompt and Courteous Phone 53 7 TAXI Ken Nesbitt - Ronnie Tubb New CCF members going In from B.C. Included Harold Winch, who resigned recently as provincial CCF leader. All national party leaders except Communst Tii Buck of the Labor-Progressives were re- ,? committee, of sections of city; -jmcmco Tede.sco for a Vera A. Mali's for so approved. iUo endorsed a res-i Salmon Arm to be i to the Octooer con- in: UBCM that only! deli gates be allowed 1 B rulu-khon, in Kenora-Ralnv Rifi.He Is a definite supporter elected comfortably. Buck lost ' Fhi "government as a purlla-I his his deposit deposit in in Toronto Toronto Trinity. Trinity. miBMsfy. assistant. Section -assured the gov se Cook, cnlljt jf a working majority ? .'Jwili;h'ix)uld be strength- If furjbtr with the help of ( ) Vckfect Onto J ADD tfs any mea' - w& Suey Dies serviros for Chow time Chinese cook on it British Columbia, l at 2 p.m. tomorrow ville Court Chapel, akers. Mr. Chow died d 06. He haa been a e for t'o years and '.'. 3!) yi'ars ago. ' Sicbi-r will officiate ''ire and burial will Chinese plot at Falr- None of the party's 100 candidates was returned. Prime Minister 6t. Laurent had the largest plurality of any candidate. 19.937, over a Progressive Conservative in a five-way fight in Quebec East. He polled 25,564 votes. George Drew was re-elected In Ontario's Carleton with a 5.574 lead over Liberal John McDonald In a four-way battle. He scored re.781. CCF leader M. J. Ccldwell went back In Saskatchewan's Rosetown-Biggar, and so did Social Credit leader Solon Low In Peace River, Alberta. All cabinet ministers were returned, and so was virtually every major figure In the last House. One parliamentary assistant fell. Dr. E. A. McCusker of Regina, assistant to Health ANY DAY NOW there'll be news of some revolutionary civilian use of atomic power. HEATING? . . . already the British are heating houses ' from an atomic pile. TRANSPORTATION? ... we'll soon have atom driven submarines will we also have otom powered cars and planes? . . . HOUSEKEEPING? ... will we get new foods, textiles, dishes and labor-saving devices in unheard-of abundance? Whatever the first big break in peacetime atomic invention, you'll wont to know how it works, who figured it out, where it will be produced and., most of all, who has it and where you can get it in this city. You'll want the whole story as only your local paper's news columns or ads can tell it to you. That's how it is with every important news or product story. x . .i:vi.f v.'t m9yi1:e.;4mP5rt?n'r tP every Jjying hurngn bemQjrom.hi '"' " " Timbuctoo,' but'only your local newspapercan tell if as'it affects a BM'jf Independent Llb- er;dl'iil4iubec. The 1949 ovcr- alrmnjority of the Liberals was 124. Despite Progressive Conservative gains In Nova Scotia's May provincial election, the Liberals took two Conservative-held seats. The only Progressive Conservative survivor there was George C. Nowlan, national president of the party, who held Digby-Annapolis-Klngs. As the count. moved Into the west, the Progressive Conservatives held their three Manitoba seats while the Liberals dropped two in that province which had Its' provincial representation of ry. Girl to Kest MUSTARD riCKLfO ONIONS 1 ltl. PMtod, tllcW wit nfM I Bipati Mtlf S cvp vlnflor 9 Msponi C0lmn'i MuMarrf 3 CVM f ranulat twyar 4 fablpont mixd ptcklinf iplcM Cover ooiont with boiling water. Let rand for 10 mini. Drain. Cover with ice water and. let stand for 30 mini. Drain, fprinkle with salt, place in hot nerilized (art. Tie spices in cheesecloth, place in un covered pan with vinegar, mustard and sugar. Simmer for 1U mint. Remove spice bag- ' and pour hot . liquid over onions. Seal immediately. Makes 4 pmts. CKi0H 18 cut by two in the Commons He lost to a The CCF held at ! Min,lster Mar.titv redistribution umber of friends and 'tended the '.funeral Jtcrnoou of Cynthia "it daughter of Mr. immy McKay, prom-'iville family. Canon o"kter officiated at ram Grenville Court B C. Undertakers. Fairview cemetery. three wcr. opponent.- ,' i Saskatchewan, with 13 Lib-1 Te won ere ' electlfd-Urals than-the Commonshas at the end of the last ,more j Parliament, this time elected 11 ;iv" ,seen' ,"e as rs- ,E len i members of the CCF. which had j rclough. . PC-Hamilton West, CnlV in the last HOUSC Woman Innlv fW f-nm lhr. hrfnro Ha. ! Uplte the province's record of LJ"? 0therS l?' M I ?h!ey' 8 L ,lberal ' n ! Social 1st provincial govern- i as, . r 1 vk9"ft3 PONALS iai iu a a iiii.onaiiiiiig, niiu ujun Bennett, Progressive Conservatives, In Halton, Ont. Miss Ben- Mr. Ed. Jenner, for- nett is a niece of the late Con-5ervatlve prime minister. ' or Prine? Riipjrt, outside Vhtorh, i this week vkliino siwher. Ken Hard-) ii'..' boen stavmu at! ' where Mr. Hard-summer home. Mr ' formerly with the lp-rt Mrs. Jenner was ience teacher at ,rll1 Hi'-h School. nients. The Liberals elected five fhls time, and one Progressive ! Conservative went In. i The Progressive Conservative j ""s John Dlefcnbaker. one of j the top men In his party, who' won Prince Albert after redistribution wiped out his old Lake Centre seat. Alberto lifted Its Social Credit membership 'from 10 to 11. Poth the CCF and Socinl f-orijt made gains In British Columbia, where the Liberals held nine of 18 seats at dissolution; Of the 22 B.C. members after redistribution, the Liberals took eight. The CCF Jumped Its supporters to seven from three, while the Progressive Conservatives held their three May I express my most sincere thanks to those wh'o gave of their time on my behalf and to those who offered support at the polls. JjamcS HfiJscf: ,? Social Credit Candidate. fOMETRiiT F. Dovdie atne Building t,,,1e Blue 593 And there's SOME news that affects you in some phase of your life every single day. So you read the newspaper every day and so does everybody else. It's one thing people won't do without. Why do advertisers invest more of their money in newspapers than in ony other form of advertising? Simply because everybody reads the newspaper every day for its advertising as well as for fun or for news. So if you're selling something that's advertised, why should it be advertised only to FRACTIONS of the people who can buy? When it comes to advertising, you want your selling message brought before as large an audience as possible. In the newspaper t can h. rcn-1 .'-..surclv and studied. I he illustrations make your message and its descriptions clear. Where merchandise can bo bought or the service obtained in your community is there, black on white. And the advertisement may be clipped as a memorandum reminding the reader to buy. " " THE NEWSPAPER talks to everyone in town. It's created frcc-h every dav to appral to everybody.. Just as vou read the paper now, all vour customers and prospects read the paper too at the times they choose, for as long as they choose! Only the newspaner is first with the, most news . . . first with t!e most oconle . . . first with the most advertisers! E TO .ROPE FOR CHRISTMAS! 2nd Annual Chriitmo sailing AM HUES jMAASDAM n. dirtcf from HAIIFAX (from Nw York Nov 23) Coll ot our office or PHONE to Southampton, Im Hovro.ond Rotterdam (or oil Europo. fer.onally conducted by BART MENAGE Manager of Holland-America' Winnipeg office, and your genial host fo.' the voyage. He will lake core ot oil travel orrongements on the Continent and will see that everybody enjoys a happy prelude lo Christmas in the homeland 1 Other personally con ducted Christmas sailing from New York i RYNDAM Dee. 11 to Ireland. England, franc e. Holland. 'ly nrl .- , . '" fwtiv, hoUH T the honlni for FLY TO f"P d.i. j . "n! hi T. " "" 'or cnmfortabl and '"uri.i rv'ndimr ,mou for ""od r" .a,nn,f-!h-hip privilege. Toe Daily N ews -'"'. loir a..... " tMtrl V with Vour Travel -' Agent. "!. AND 'THE YOICE OF THF GREAT NORTHWEST' LI ALASKA "''""'oron: S'l WINNIPEG VANCOUVER Li "rrd strict. Vancouver 1. B.C. PA 5431 I