Prince Rupert Daily News Monday, March 8, 1954 ha been found- Vr McCarthy terview. hli i McCarthy Demands Equal Time On Air To Answer Stevenson Long Way Round COURTtNAY, B...V A pair oi shoes purchased in Vancouver travelled a long way before reaching their owner, Mrs. Rej Embleton. They were addressed to -Courtcnay, V. I ," because V. I. is often u.sed to denote Vancouver LsU.nd. They first landed however at the Virgin islands near Puerto Rico. 3LACKWOOD or. BRIDGE By EASLEY BLACKWOOD bia Broadcasting System said they have received no such request from McCarthy yet. Sevenson criticized President "Isenhower In h.s speech for failing to put the brakes on Mc- MIAMI BEACH. Fla. i Senator McCarthy wants equal free time on national radio and television networks to answer charges by Adlal E. Stevenson that the Wisconsin Republican senator's Investigations threat I Carthy. But two Democratic senators sii.d later that economic issues should outweigh Mc-Cnituv's activities in the Democrats' 1954 campaign strategy. Under-Ruffing Here Confuses Opponent "I've been robbed," said Mr. Muzzy indignantly after four hearts was made against him on this hand. Mr. Muzzy had thought of doubling but had decided against it at the last moment, when he considered that it would be Mr. Masters who would play the hand. (He's getting smarter every day.) en the United States with a "malignant and fatal totalitarianism." Stephen A. Mitchell, Democratic national chairman, told reporters Sunday that the 1953 Democratic presidential candidate's Saturday night speech was carried free on CBS television and NBC radio. McCarthy, who In the" past has demanded and received equal tim- to answer attacks by Democrats, said in an Interview that he will for free facilities to reply to Stevenson. In New York the National Broadcasting Co. and the Colum Although h3 said he agreed ! generally with that conclusion, 'Senator Warren Magnuson 1 tDcm.-Wnsh.l said he is not too Isure of either the timing nor the i Importance that Stevenson gave I to McCarthy end his Commun-j Ist-ln-goveriiment charges. J Stevenson's charges that McCarthy's investigation threatened a "malignant and fatal totals 1 ltarianism" and that out of ( 2,000.000 federal employees "only one alleged active Communist Ikic j.rS-Ttirmrnt is not Dub ished - J. I Mr. Abel led the four of dia- of displayed by the Liquor Control . Boird or by trie Government, ol t British Columbi South denier. Both sides vulnerable. Ninth (Mr. Mfi S K J 10 4 H-K 10 5 D-K 8 J A 7 5 4 J-Be. Wollacc's Dept. Store TODAY to WEDNESDAY - Evening Shows 7 - 9 p.m. l-t (Mr. .Mint) S - 8 7 2 H Q 9 8 7 3 D A Q B C-8 Ma-lei-) ! 4 2 monds. dummy played small and Mr. Muzzy won with the queen. He cashed the ace of diamonds and when that held, his former confidence returned. Now he wished he had doubled. WiUi his fine heart holding, surely he would be able to win two more tricks. At trick tinec he led another diamond and Mr. Masters won with the jack and discarded a small club from the board. Now a small heart was led to dummy's king and Mr. Abel showed out. dropping the nine of clubs. LOOKS KLEAii Things looked pretty bleak at this point, but Mr. Masters didn't give up. After a little thought he led to his ace of (Mr. liel) S 8 6 3 H none D 10 7 5 4 3 C K J 10 9 6 Soul h (Mr. S A Q H A J D J 6 2 PSMM SI" "Teff chandler 1 tilWdl MARILYN MAXWELL C lUTunuv nniMu 1 1 i naiiiuiii uuinii SUZAN BALL C Q 3 2 The bidding: South West ' Norlti 1 H Puss 1 S INT Puss 3 H 4 H All Pass Eiit Pass Puss .HH SUTTON - A UNrVtRSAL INTERNATIONAL PICTURE Ml m j-K-Pit htt, glamor gir. rivit PaUisen seems to take carrying on a telephone conversation and "supporting" her husband all in her stride, as the pair make an appearance at a Hamburg, Germany, theatre. Elvie claims she gets her strength by eulir.g three spoons of chopped shark's tail each morning-raw! ' , Throueh your Red Cro you- Did you know that it takes o.K are there for thousands of acts pint of blotd to manufacture one of generosity, thoughfulness an 1 injection of gamma globulin to consideration. Keep your Red : fight polio. The blood is supplied Cress ready. j by you through your Red Croi .... WAINHCto Slums at 7:00 and);, APITO and the closed hand down tti YlrttVllnfT hilt trlimn.. Extra "FAKKWKLL OAK ST." "ROMEO LAND" TOTE spades, returned the queen and j Hh " vt overtook it with dummy's king. CARTOON A J AMOLS PI.A YKKS THE.VI III r.t.MiiiM-i.KRST):! What's news at nco ? Two more spades followed and Mr. Muzzy had to follow suit. Mr. Masters discarded the deuce and trey of clubs. The ace of clubs was now cashed, getting both Mr. Muzzy YOU CAN DEPEND ON When kjHiirvi fail to ilfilii t board, Mr. Muzzy ruffed with the seven of hearts. KEY PLAY I Here Mr. Masters made thi! ' key play. He did not make the! mistake of over-buffing with tin' I jack. Instead, he under-ruffed, I playing the four of hearts. This confused Mr. Muzzy an'l i he had to inspect the trick to j make sure that it wjs, in fact, i his lead. It was and that meant j it was also the end of his trick- taking on this hand. He retuni-1 ed the eight of hearts which I was permitted to run to-dum-! my's ten. Mr. Masters th-n had the ace-jack over Mr. Muzzy's queen-nine and the contract wai assured. mm m waaira, b.rk-rde, tired feeling, , du-'urbwi rt odii follow.' l0(tl'h Kidney Pills tuuii-litic kidneys to tiorroiil rftity. You frrl better slr-op brtier, work beilw. (let IMd'u st riy driif ore. Ymi ean Prince Albert v ,' Ml A - , Boy Injured On Ski Lift WE MOVE WITH CARE ANYWHERE You ran entrust your fines! furniture pieces to us with ronfidence in their safe-arul-sounil delivery. ' ti PRINCE ALBERT (CP) Nine-' year-old Douglas Morri-am suC- ' fered arm injuries Sunday when , his arm was trapped around a I pulley at the top of a ski-lift here. The boy was attending the central Canadian zone ski meoi.. hc a p,?d iiie tow-!,!!).; r.t-ar sround leve' :hc bittern ol 'h? ?ki-rft und-wius ran-'ed a'rail 100 yards to the t p of the li'i He wa? about 20 fret above the ground and afraid to 'et jo. Hi arm followed th" rn;i; .-i.vou-rl ; Hi" pulley and was trapped. The bov ?c-,Tamed for five i mintis before help could reac!i ! him. Rescuers cut the rope, re-! 1 leaning the youne.ster. I He was taken t hrvnital an'i I released after treatment. PACKING CRATING SI1IPPING LOCAL OK LONG DISTANT: Newest 1954 Styles WALLACE'S DEPT. STORE MOVING LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Limited Phone 60 "Leave it to Lindsay's" ' 1 iifpfjf j '1 ' "'I -pp" si im X 4 This new transporiation has helped mP8 L iljfSr i$fA?lil jiW ITVJ tftr to mine low grade ore. It has saved iroublcW' , & ' "wit rtW ffWjfA ft'' materials in ore cars would freeie solid in tW fjtnnl nil V- ffZlllZy tr temperatures of chis district. Freezing has 001 01W vjfVl'K, Ikf' W IVSitfS fO lbe,e BC fif lineS $inCe thc'' Pl" r IMPORTANT MESSAGE! Mau Man Leader Gives Self Up NAIROBI. K' nva i Reuters i -A Mau Mau "general" one of :; ' urged by a' captured leader of the terrorist cult to '-'Jve themselves up - lias surrender"! it was announced Saturday. "Gen. T mgaiiyika. ' con-.n. :n-der of a terrorist fcattn!L;n in (lie , Mount Kenya rr.ilon and ' nr ' 'he mn.,t rulli'c.s outla;'. thei'e, ' aim Mle-i-l to Kl!:vuy honw guard in the South Ny rl reset v . Tills ',V?.' Iiie !i' :' (.. ..-.(p )"- sult of tliL" captured "General China's" negotiations with h;s fornv-r comradrs. I 7 ... . ." r if: CBC TONIGHT 10:15 p.m. The Red Cross is the interna-1 tional symbol of mercy in peace I and war. It assures people j everywhere of help and com'ort. Keep your Pd Crov-- rt-oivr. i i '' ill TO'J'LL VPPKCCIATE THESE Hon. ROBERT BONNER Attorney-Gcncrol, Minister of Education REPORTS on PRESENT SESSION of LEGISLATURE 1917 Chrysler YViiitl.sur 4-Dour Sedan .... J975 1950 Plymouth 4-I)oor Sedan. All new tires .... $45Q 1919 l ord Tuilnr. Very good shape 95 LARGE SELECTION OF OLDER CARS TO PICK FROM SUPERIOR AUTO SERVICE a. s THE INTERNATIONAL. yJ I C K E L OF CANADA, LIMITED 25 KING STREET WEST, TORONTO