ilic r i ii iwc ivucit LGiiy c'rC Monday, March 8, 1954 CFPR" RADIO DIAL 1240 Kilocycle I (;i;ORor, :;its i AUCTIONEER i Phone Black RIB and Ue.l i". ..syr.?.?:;?,... Hospital- Blood Bank Lauded I MONDAY As One Benefit of Red Cross! BUSINESS And The Red Cross fund campaign: here runs low, but the majority PROFFSlOKl Al committee in an appeal lor sup- of the blood supply comes from ' ,x-" ' '-''-f ' Alport of their one-night drive i the Red Cross in Vancouver. I scneauicd lor March 19, today Mr. Radford stressed that! pointed to the hospital blood ! "your contributions to the local I bank aa a direct return on the! Red Cro.'s fund drive March 19. ' IdLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 4:30 P.M. DAY PREVIOUS A f " ' mi i,Tairng 1 Mrs. Rowe DRESSMAKING 234 Third Avenue East, over Rupert Battery Shop. Ph-me Blue 126 I public's investment. I will help to keep the vital blood ! ' Dave Radlord, local Red Cross supply coming in." " I president, said that while no Rd I i Cross blood donor clinics have- MIXf:l) 10.P1V B0WLIG i (been held in Pnnce Rupert lor; WuUfm , Bub Ruddpr. i the past two years, the Prince ! ham were the only two to hit the1 ; Rupert General Hospital along aoo-mam in the Mixed 10-pin Bowi-i with Terrace, Hazelton and Smi- ini Leattue this week with Watson PM 6:1)0 lux Radio Theatre ' 7:1X1 CUC News 7:15 CMC News Roundup 7:H0 Paclllc Pianoforte BOO Presenting 8:15 CBC :rJri.1.iony Orrn. V IK) National r'arm Radio Forum 8:30 Cure Continental I0;00 CBC News 10:10 Provincial Affairs 10 :)u IVilj IdeMultw Show 11:00 ttcalher ll.p.Ml Miejcul Mumi-i piece: ?: Msn-.ifl TUKSDAy AM 7.00 EC. Fishermen's Broax.-st ":l." .Mic-ical Mtnk 7:M CBC News; Weather ; :(", Ma. leal l lmk MorlilitK lleilirin H 00 CUC News; Weather 8.10 Here's Bill CiwkI .. 8:15 Breakfast Club 8:45 Laura Ltd K-oo 1!BC -V: v.., aj.j 0:15 Aunt Lucy !!::; oilie ttlial May 8 VJ Time Si'Uial 10:00 Morning Visit i ill:15 Hapny Oniig 10:45 Musical Kitchen legal NOTICE Tur r a ii k.irAf Ihun hncnitaU .till i. , roumg liu. ta ana zuu lor mn three of 57C. me UMILT INCWO "CIRCULATION" TODAY 3545 YEAR AGO 301 1 0P1 OMETRIST KEITH H TUCKER 210 Fourth Street Phone 212 Rudderham's hh-h pame was 204. : whole blood plasma from the Red Crojs blood bank, for emer 0 1 Joyce Wrriht rolled a 19a lor hitli kified Rites tM pa. W prerlouf if'rntt per word per In-kcmam ;barke 60 centf. w cents. Cardi Of K-ab Notlcea. Funeral Jfrriage "d Jngsgfrnnttt f;,;s. ?. it. double prlee. Refunds Lit sccept rerpimlblluy I ads Inserted Incorrectly L,k ciatsiBcat on uuleee - - MMlklA gency use. ' woman and Dot Marshall had high i Hospital authorities renortPd 'hree of 4C1. i that, during 1953, a totalof 45 j! Dominoes rolled best game of 652 CAIID OF THANKS I 2C lil'ILDING MATERIALS nai UlUUU, jtu oi . . pints of dry plasma were leceiv- fJ0 ed here from the Red Cross. SEALED TENDERS addressed to the undersiimed and endorsed "TENDER FOR HEALTH CENTRE FOR INDIAN SERVICES. DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL HEALTH AND WELFARE. MA8SETT, B.C.". will be received In I would like to take this on- PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LTD. CAPLING TRUCK LINE Leaves Pr. Rupert for Smithers Every Tu'isday and Friday. 1 1:0(1 your uoou i-.e!;-.!iboT f SUCH criir'" Lra of fln t lnsertiM. portunity to thank nil the people ' Phone 851 or 652.. Who made my show such a sue- Inquire about our budne.t plan cess. Special thanks to Bill for your home improvement. WrinH U'lclnr of rurnmnninc No. flnwn nnvinpnt tlOfl lo tOrtflfl the offlec of the Secretary, until 3 :00 ; i 15 Kinder-arteii ol the Air WEDNESDAY. APRIL p.m. IE8.T ( For . onnectiOLS Phone 632 f 1 1 ::t Me.a:re I'eriiHl 11:45 Ci4rnatlon I-aiitrrtains P.M. Percy Pond, curtains, Pat Ratcli- 6 to 24 mos. to pay. i82)j ouinc ui mat waa snippea irum here to Terrace, Hazelton and Smithers, which have no facilities for storii.g their own b:o J supply. ! The Prince Rupert hospital also collects blood from locil donors when the Red Craw ban'r 21. 1954. Plan and specification can be seen NT AD ford, props., the usherettes, and 27 h'kl oil Ices of the Chief Architect. Ue- j "." . VeiirH T. S.mi i t . . i . l i ii-..i. . iz.i:t f,tn; rui-ws "i Investors Ryndleate cf Canada 1 FOR YOUR FUEL REQUIRE- ' Ontario, the District Architect. Bw " lnt.-rl.iile- MENTS: . Bulldlne. 1110 West Oeor-la Kt reel. ' 1 2 .10 BC. harm r.ri,.ulca:it Oil "Shell" StlVP nnrl Furnace I Vancouver R C at the Post Office ; I ': llileilllile doormen, Nora Thompson, accompanist, all the artists. 1)9. 70 and 75 Taxis, all ticket sellers. Deane Freeman and Helen Sny-chuk, my assistant. Beryl EPLIES holding replies Jfollowing Newi Coal Foothills and -Bryan Mtn. : iUtlni'. Prince Rupert, lie. and; Ltd. and Investors Mutual r i4 l.enada Ltd. T. M. CHRISTIE . Ph. 31 3B Third Avenue W. Representative 'for Prinee Rupert Terrace and Kltlniat Oas "Pacific" Propane. l:IMl Heciirilo for "U l:l Itriord Mhinii . 4im HC. School llroliiicast 3::i0 'rrans-t'an:ttla Matllico at the pout Olflce. Ma-welt. K i. Tenders will not Wt considered un- l,.R ntda nn nr ncrrirriinf tfi th"-e I PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LTD. Phone 651 or 652. (82M PERSONALS forms and In accordance with the1 3:15 Drove Vnyaii. conditions set forth therein. 29 SEWING MACHINES Each tender must be accompanied :i::ia llnrilonu 3:45 .Yesir rday's Favorites 4:16 Barney Potts Hhow 4 :3fl Alice :,. -tfriu-si ru. ,a 698, 902, SAT,KR-Rcnairs. oavc r i.r"l 1 by a certified cheque on a chartered' Ratals. ,'nk n CRnadili payable to the or- Sewing Centre. fnonc 864. ! cler of the Minister of Pllhllc Works lies must be Ic) ! or Pf-inr Bonds as snecilied in the ; lorhi of tendT.-for. 10 per cent or the INVITATION AH those who contributed to and assisted with the recent. Scout Financial Campaign are cordially invited to be present with fill Scouts and Cubs and their families at' Scout-Cub Concert rnd showing of the sound color film "Scout Jamboree 1953" in the Civic Centre Auditorium, Monday, March 15, 1954. at 8 for in person 32 FOR SAI.P, MISC. amount of the tender. 4:45 Sleepytune Htory 'lellcr 5:iM. hlmk .fiiolalious fx-ulw- - . 5.16 International Co.-nty a w) i.hc Ne.-.; w-jither 6:30 At Home with the Lcnnlc'.:s .5.55 Have You JJearu.? fF YOU WANT A CIKDER DRIVEWAY ROCK OR 'CONCRETE WORK Rent of Truck and Equipment Ph. Blue 939. M. J. SAUNDERS , The Department, through the Chief : RECORD player ahd radio, elee- Architect's office, ami the otiico of) trie heater, auto heater. onew imsm-im Architect. Bcb XiulHi-1 FOR THAT EXTRA SPECIAL PRINT JOB CALL ON DIBB PRINTING COMPANY Jmim; i:i.sts h Week is March 7- pair 650x 16 tires. Town & Country tread recaps, auto bat- intr. liiu west vicuri;m nio-ri., Vancouver. BC. will supply blueprints i and specification of the work on de- , 1 i Family Affair ti.wils Will oe open to p.m. uii.. c..a..(gi ,t(ry Hud.son Sedan. Dodge mot j posit of a sum of tSOOO in the form! NEWMARKET, England (CP) 654 or 8 cylinder, luipape trailer, j of certified bank neijue pavaoii: Peter Richards, 22-year-old soil Phone to the order of the Minister of Pub- Apply 1401 Frederick St. I of famed jo;:key Sir Gordon (59) lie Works. Xhe deposit will be rc- Black 739. INVISIBLE Repairs, Dressmaking. 727 Fraser St.J 56p) CONTACT Alcoholics Arionv-motis. P.O. Box 343. (82) SCOTT McLAkEN C11.RTERED ACCOUNT AWT James Blcn-.k, 603 3rd A'.e. Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 347 P.O. Box 374 - - - . leased on return or tne oiue-iiriii.e CHESTERFIELD chair $10, Sin- and specification within a month gle door china cabinet $10, 45 1 lrm tne date of reception of ten- rocnrrl nnrl tin reeorH ! dcrs. If -Kit returned within that Richards, will help train Si; Gordon's derby mount-the Queen's horse Landau. The youngc' Richards is joining Noel Mur.-le's as assistant trainer. ; each alttrnoon as ! & Kinn Edward St. & Seal Cove cnork.1 Sr Annuncla- h 11. meeting will be held i:rh 12. in King Ed-tl at 8 00 p.m. Each present an item con- Thti dvcrt,ttmfl. if not puelnscd M d'lptayld by t Liquor Control Beird M by tbt Covtinmenl period the deposit will be forfeited. ol BitiiA Columbia. r7 both for $35. English tank-type vacuum $10. All in good condi 14 Bl SI.NESS FJKftSONAI.S tion. Box 908. Daily News. 157) Ituui-.m ruai "tii. Secretary Department of Public Works, Ottawa, March 1, 1954. (Itc) BLONDIE By CHICK YOUNG Leading a Double Life w- TIRES' 4) ication Week, and ASENTT I CONT kTKJC'vV ) VCJ - VVr-ETI-R I eo ti5 SHOL'LC. SO'J'S- DAKjy, IS -N " "N i I IT TPJE yoJQ Z L i-1--. ' i , PAjuza S-ESP )( veg, :. ' -. ti-ameat? e-fss ,;; ! t 'JI I VES.KAffTl 1 rT- .rAKO Supper F W.'A,",,' k 19 ALMOST ) 1 he D&DOY )JSt READY t L- STIL.U 'W'i.Sv BABY Astral FriK, coal and wood annex for electric or gas t range. Call at 1451 Plaza, j .v :(ltP) WHITE enamel wick burner kitchen range, with carburetor, ! $75.00. Phone Green 398. (57) TO WAXE WTl.TlKES ' H.M UP? l;c a panel discussion the .subject: "How tii Responsibility For the Complete Indi-aared By: the Hume, the Community, Jrf ---,- i!Ar - AT SUPER SERVICE as low as $1 7.50 W rViiSLEE?TN IN Tim ki imii:mk ioi kt of , ItlllTlSIl I ol.LMIII V j In Probate. i . . . , In the Matter of the t ".tdinlulMrati.iii Act" and t In the Mailer' of the IVate of Ma.trlee Bride. I.CM-ease.l. lulii-late. j TAKE NOTICE that as Admlnu-1 trator duly appointed by the Court! of the estate of Maurice Bl ide. who 1 riled fit Vancouver. IlriLl-.h ColUm-4, ti Labor, aim me ' SAVE one-third on practically i new large Coleman oil heater. also LIBERAL TRADE-IN 1 50,000 btu. Phone Red 668. (61) ..:d Tarty, Marrh 3, AIXOWANCLS ON USED TIRES 32 FOR Kt.S t MISC At the Corner of 2nd and 2nd i bla on or about the 27th day ol4 where Service-is Snd -Ao -tCARlV Fnrnlshd:"$90 month. I October. im,-i r4utr oiii jueJituithj. . 15. Teaching. Reacli-tnce. Lutheran UfH 521 11th Ave. Apply yi 1158 Park haviim claims, 1 I s m ,r,fln, ! the aald estate to send the same, to i.ifh 7-14. P.ev. A. M. 1 " ....i - , rjie. nroperly properly verified, ot tne an-, Alta. Bun- PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. Income '.: : ., . Mt-.M r,,rnlckorl l.rmm enhln : dress ineiilioned below on or Derore pn. and 8 p.m. Week " i ! p m. Evangels TfX speclali.-'. S. U. urK-lLYt" aIur "sUc 1 Uth h Ave. Avr. Ann 801 Boi- 115 Apply Stone Building Red 593.. CiOmS wl)l(.h atB , ghHll procmi dls. P! MAGAZINES, novcltlej. Eddie's acn St. tribute the estate to those entitled I-moons from 2 LI'L ABNER By AL CAPP by law. havinK regard only to such News Stand. , . J 34 WANTKD MISCFI.LANF.OCS j Mitel (61) i Noray Masquerade, THREE-Strand pearl necklocej rAS1I TOR between Cioic Centre and the scrap, copper, brass, batteries. Dally News office. . Reward. radiators. Phone 543 Call V Please phone 741) or rail at 817 Ave. west. (c) claims of which I shall then have j be) 11 nuttlled. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE j that all persons Indebted to the said estate are .'.required to pay ' their Indebtedness to me forthwith. ! DATED at Prince Rupert. B.C.. I THAks -).'-) -A Fuvr- 'ToT a bav ?- I nect- ) k v w Cf hone-jtTa" haikI vr Yhixr iMPOSjiaux SOMAN S (MAMBAB U AMURDEPIER?) MAM j" ..V'C TVIEf LU-S.'-SelOpr 1 STOR-y I EVER - HFAKTBREAKIN' J . " ' ISA- "ts SOUNDS PAPPi'i 5 W"f ppp' ONLEtt AH V HEARD.7- THINGS 'BOUT ( MURDERER?.' )FISriV TO ) ( CiROINfi HlAfTrf) RAISESStQOOO MaIt-a! knows wKAR reoin.S JJ SSTy SY rfJtlTJi tOOt!? McBride Kt. ttinci I 35 UOATS ANI KNGINK.S !40-Ft. troller. Phone Green 2144. this atlth day ol February. 1D54.' JAMES It Y LEY, Official Administrator, Atlln, British Columbia. (Ml. 11. a. 11c; f ixlliary St. Patrick's . .I: h 12. i:runa?,e Sale. March Itili St. (D ie and Drama en- t llval Secretary, Fire No entries accepted 1 164) wMck'i Tea, Catholic fercli 17, (56p ROOMS HUt RENT 3U THE ELECTRICIAN D. Guyatt. House wiring and electrical repairs. 14!) 9th Ave. West. Ph: Red 165. 62) HOUSEWIVES Address advertising postcards. Must have good handwriting. L1NDO . U03. Watertown. Mass. 57p) LAHCEhousekecplnK room with kitchenette. 2104 Atlin Ave. (58) 87 ROOM AND BOARD v . mrr ' 11." r fltz-ifci1 m. i . v ' iw' i i t. rr-4 , zi's.- m n r . ,i l. mr v K -U.C J-:,ri I I 1. V 1 V U',, i'aJWyl J LWVN' ard r.T.A. j'ea and h 18. l 111: i sTt ri: of k tin. ponti s johwsiin. 01 III ltMi: N Ah K.tKI, ItlM I s JOIINX1N. Ill ( l.tsi.n TAKE NOTICE that as Administrator duly appointed by the Court of the estate of Karl Ponlus Johan-son, otherwise known as Karl Ponlus Johnson, deceased, who died at Stewart, ItritLsh Columbia, on the 15th day of December. 1953. I require all .crcitUiTrs, nnd others hav-iiik dhifSH lurailist-'tHc said estate to PLUMBING, automatic oil heat- ing sheet metal work. Phone J ROOM and board for working 543 Call 630 6th West. Letour- man In private home. Phone tjl'nifed Tea and Sale, ' Bv STAN BLAKE (57) THE HEART OF JULIET JONES c 140- neau. I 39 A S CITES FOR RENT jwy Daffodil Tea i 1' l-rr-fw-i-Vin ifti.t i-sii V r it, 1 wi h 1 .1 1 fs. r,iv PIP EC60W, MARCONI, BELL HANS AROUND. AIR. MOSBY, .A a. IUILLk Hi, 1 ------ t . - ' iilJmif-: ONFtjRNISHED family 41 via g IF POPS BOSS lS JONES, IN TK BUSINESS . WORLP there, are.two kinps ! OF PEOPLE THE WAITERS AND LABORATORIES WAlTINS-f ttQf TMCSE sent! tlreHttiiro oor- bie')rb)rtj-.j vori-i - - . v.-1 iMn-rt,tPnt-ts-i.Kies' 'sei vicc-. : - j.,.t- taimmii -nt ::: . . ... r . .. 7 ... BOVS HAP SET-UF-ANP-fjCJ,' liAY LfcT-ir .Riued nciow UCCUilllllUUHl-nr. uuiiiiiii, !" i lieu, kv tne uuurcs 111 'lit Riimnuitre Sale THE POEk?S.' HAL MOSSV'S SET THIS STUPE OUT 16II Phone Black 277. f ,1 ''', '"600P, 631JMP ON k)U A III! '( HOULrri?S...tvW4T SHOULD I I il' lV W4 tiTM,?-'W0S8VSIt'" A DOER -PLUS SilL...SlL!l THINKS THE ENAMEL OUGHT TO E TESTEP H6F0PE ITS PUT ON TH ' v MARKET ClJlMNEV and ehestcrficld : 3.R0OM self-contained apart-clt-aiumr. Odd jobs. Phone ment. 533 8th Ave. W. Phone Oreen 773, Mr. J. Kt-mpslei-, Green 932. 56p) . j TWO -ROOM furnished. Private c tir riuiti iuiu: nf saws. Bath. Plione Red 934. (56) wh 31. Afternoon ' April I. i'ian Snrintr Sa1"At 215 1st 011 or before the 8th day of Apr!!. 154. after which date I shall proceed to distribute the e.state to those entitled by law. having regard only to aueh claims of which 1 shall then have been notified. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that all persons Indebted to the said estate are required to pay their Indebtedness to me forthwUh. DATED at Prince Itur.erl. B.C.. thfc 11th day of February. 1U54. Ci. 1,. BROD1E, Deputy Orficlai Adiulmstf alor Court House, Prince upcrt. B. C. (Feb. 15. 22, Mai. 1. 81 Precision Saw Filing, I a.sliidn Rhnti, o.nn (65) 2-ROOM suite. Partly furnished. Blue 393. (591 West. ' 1 1. Canadian T.Ptrinn V.-' I -oalt. mm m& : hf d urPlf Rumuiase Rale. ST. PATRICK'S DAY Cards, Shamrock lapel pins at THE VAftlETY STOKE, t (59) April 3. 40A Houses Wanted to Buy ONE or two 'bedroom house, close in. Box 907, Dally News. (57p) Tea hnm ... ' WdXFORD Electrical worKs mtii.- &1W11 - A ,i i 01 nr hntiBht. sold, rewound and , By BOB MONTANA ARCHIE remilred. flc I 1 BC;NESS LOCATIONS "Shiers Fasldun Show, I.AM) RIvfiJSTKV ('T He: Cerllfleale of Tide Su.- MASr-l WILFORD Electrical Works j FOR RENT Offices in the Stone to Thirteen AIM. lllaek l leveil j (II). Mlliu-c nl Metvali. Map XI8. ' ' WHEREAS satisfactory proof of r Ruildinir. modern, steam-heat Hr.nler fnr F.knlite Sounders ,-usmrTEasterTea, (62l 'mmmM nw dqn whERE S X' IX-NAY' ) WELL. A f I'A SO GLAD IT'S SUCH FUKi" f : HOT 00& ABE 1 EMBARRASS 3 THE FOOD? L, LETS 'YOU SUGGESTED PACKING FOOD ) I , VJ ME AND WV .ME' SHE'S J Zf N GET H THAT, JUGHEAO' FOR THE NLE.DV J APPETITE GLAD INVITED , ' )QWA THE NEAT 10 lT" 1 1 KNOW y?U'Ll r- VERONICA INVITED) ALL OF 1 M'A. ROOM! , "Y Eslj0V J ' i US TO HER BIG J SOCIETY JL - rzmmrr . M - A ' V?'i ed, centrally located. Apply Room 3, Stone Bldg. or phone Red 593. ' ' 59 fwaar, AprU 14. Eddie's (c) MAGAZINES. Novelties. News tand. p"nfl? "ose Spring ! 43 LISTINGS WANTED Una uf the ubove 'Certificate of Title ls-'ued In the name of Minnie Han-sets has been filed lit this office, notice la hereby plveu that I shall, at .the expiration of one month from the date of the first publication heivof, issue a Provisional Certificate or TlUe in lieu of saki lost Certificate, unless In 'he uio.nlllm valid objection be made to ji.e In writlnR. April 15. CARS? Bob Parker 01 welcome: I :" ""l Spring ' ghow NEARLY everybciy uses 9 1. May 1, ... .. 'j , tfRGENT We have a large number of buyers for houses, a listing of your house will be appreciated. H. G..Helgerson Ltd Real Estate and Insurance. 218 6th St. - Phone 96. or F. Wilson, Black 197 eves. (61) WA- .Sjirlng Has DATED at the Land Registry Prince Rupert. B.C., this 24th day of February. 1954. A D. the EasterrTifar ANDKKW THUMPSUN, Deputy Registrar of Titles. (71cd) lutu UJ3,t;. invites Tor pcvsltiori of Announcer-Operator at Prince Rupert. Phone &63 for interview. (56) SECOND CLASS Steam Engineer. Should have turbine and high pressure boiler iexperience. Apply Personnel Supervisor, Columbia Cellulose Co. Ltd. 157) Purple AUTOMOBILES 47 By EDITH MEISER and FRANK GIACOIA SHERLOCK HOLMES F? Spring Bazaar, 19 Help Wtd. Male female f. May 27. fT'f'MS 'M'l VOU WILL I J yoiJ'RE Being ) k -rrid'S5 T"! ; i'f- dismiss rvtrx moicu-ous, s. ( can you 6wea Jffl Ifer-i- ' THE CHILDrTCN' M.fT 5 ' SEE !55 PUNSAR V LOVE HE ? &J JJ WyrtfZS 60VERN66S- WHO iK 0lm$ UNLE6& YCU OR -"-L)?f tf'J- 1953 CUSTOMUNE Ford Fordor Sedan, custom radio, heater and air conditioner, 8,000 miles. Very reasonable. 413 7th Ave. E. after 5 p.m. 50P 1950 PREFECT, recent ' engine overhaulheater. Black 38." " v (57p) ' " 1 - .- MAN or woman for position of Secretary to P.R. Chamber of lWff No. 40 Te, K)Tn... v-i - - J Commerce, and P R. Tourist fcw thanks" Bureau. Duties will also inciuae Curatorship of local Museum. Apply Box 487, City. j8 stop sinus SUFFERING For the first time sinus sufferers ran obtain complete, lone-lasting 'relief with NKVO. Available to the public sfter yean of research Slid testing. Medical teats liave proven that NLVO completely ciiiiiaU inus . nyjrtniie i" aimoHt all i-anes even when other methods htve failed. . $.ilti an Money 1U. k Cuamniee. At All Drui? Store JUNIOR' .Clerk-Typist, apply Native Jyry . DUNCAN, B. C. CP An ln-au'est lurv composed of Indians tnetr klntin.. Northern B.C. power co: a Ream 15, Besner Block- '60 TmTrmoTjs wru. male and th ajso A. W. T.nrna- 'mind that Verna Johnson of the Green Point reserve died ac-citUintaUy. Thf) 14-jtcar-old gld was shot while her younger brother was handling a rifle. XOWO Man, 31 years, avail-" able" for evenmg and weekend employment. Box 906, Dally News. (57) -M.Frf3-,rax Alt) j