,tm.Mt.t..1rfliuniHLinm.7.m-iMll. r. i-j-t r-'nmc Kuptit Uuiiy Newi Thursday, January 2t, 1951 Olivier NwiiiLci Movie Nun at LONIX)N tReuters)-Sir Laur-; tine, "A Queen Is Crowned." rem-e Olivier will be the imr-, will be produced by the J. Ar-ratnr for V only Technicolor: tour Rank organization and re-movle of the Coronation, it was i ...,s(,a to Britain June H 1- The fellowiiia are ii , of Saturday's gamer 0:30 draw-Hateman u rlson 1 ; Auld fl, Oamblin , 1 10. Husvik 8 12 30 draw-Boulter 7 u l; Rowtiotham 9. Kauri" MINIATURE MODELS STARTED OF ST. LAWRENCE SEAWAY charts Needed For Canada's . Northern Coast WASHINGTON 9- - f Canadian mao-maker si'-. today ore- announced here. j copies will be liown to muny The full-length feature pic- parts o." the world. 7 " , scale models of the St. Lawrence River and the proposed seaway will be built of wood, plastic and tin. The models actually are from 10 to 50 feet in length. By building them true to the originals, engineers will know how their theories and plans will work in actuality. Stress and strain, water currents and pressures can be accurately determined ptiii tested in advance. TORONTO (CP) Experiments with scale models now. atartlng pt the University nf Toronto will 1 lay an important part' in the construction of the St! Lawrence seaway. j The experiments will' do" under rupervision of Professor G. Rose Lord of the mechanical cngi-i "erin? department. in the big laboratory of the niversi'v's modernistic engi-i rerii:2 building, miniature IMPERIAL I HIRAM j WAlKtR if F.-r ;V V ??. V(Mfffftf WAV carrying ships ran be expected to ply the Arctic waters off Canada's northern coast "O the near future" and charts must made for them. F C. O. Smith, Dominion hy-dregrapher, said adequate charting of northern waters is necessary for "defence, economic and scientific development." "The bleak coasts of the northern seas contain great mineral wealth." he said in a paper prepared for a panel meeting of the American Society of Photogram-metry. There were lO'.OOO miles of wadY passages in Canada'.? Arctic archipelago. "The charting of this vast ramification of Interlocking channels presents to Iivdrographers a t r e m e n dons, challenge," He said tho.se coneerne t with Arctic defence are greatly In-terested in the fact that the submerged routine Hal shell north of North America is part ol the same plateau which holds :'l! the Arctic Islands of Canada, t!nen-land. Iceland and most of the Islands north ol Europ i'nd A-.la TIGS ARE BECOMING an increasingly popular dish, say Toronto butchers. Five-year-old Meredith Clarke helps hold a 15-pound suckling pig which sells lor about $12 In her father slom. . Plenty of Markets Foreseen For Western Canada's Oil 1.1 IMPERIAL Canadian whimiy In the' exquisite W ' DECANTER available crude to markets. Once Ole Berg, president of Biilish-Ameiiiai Oil Co, Ltd.. predicts these lines are completed, the; BOTTLE there will be plenty of markets to take Weste. n Canada's growing oil production. AddrefsiiiR the retrnh'iim Club of the Cleveland Chamber of C mmercc Monday, he said In ' part: ! "When all the pipelin-s at present projected are comi'Icted. Canada will have an oil transport system capable of handling ; more than 650.000 barrels of j crude dai'y . . . ) ROYAL (PIT v problem will be 1o produce sufficient oil to meet the enlarged markets they will have riade available. "Because of this, the p'r. r.t year and succeeding year.; will see ever-greater activity I 1 exploration and development vork in the western provinces with, I am confident, a resultant sub- ; stantial increase In new ('isrov-erres and new reserves." A pipeline, being bunt from Edmonton to the Pacific coast. Mr. Berg said, will find the marketing po j'i !i considerably briicht'T than when It .'taited. j Mr. B' tg pave the ei'ini 'tedl increase in Canada' 1 oil 10:. rvc: .in 1952 at 500.000 000 batr-l for; (a total of 2 .000.0'tO U'.X). barrel ; at year-end. If" said: ' It is a!.so be'ii ved l?y ! many that in 1955 Ca:i i's ability to produce may paw 500.000 barrels da'lv. .r !); equivalent of self-sufficiency. " i "To date, the p:obiem lias been the lack of facilities to transport CANNED FOODS m j il cys ! TO ADVfcRTISE j for BABY'S I TUMMY UPSETS Ikt. j-.--.nm, iimpu hit) V V( ui'H. fn? it 'km 'P i (mi U Q'jM-kry Klp r. ' S -j, Jt! (I'VAli Hp- "TV.1 j . foNsliriljoa u-n rfuHtnff .ffrt. j fHE EXPERTS Si 1 1 ram HVaffter Sons HI I 'J 0 I MikC s" r T H E FAMOUS WHISK I MONTREAL, January 29ih I have a fimm-i.il I jr 3 I rr,,Kr pruKr inuiip uiiiiip mai that's s working worKinj; out out beautifully. Deauuiuiiy. Mi in le ie ! t j aM- to to hnve hnve the the hou-w hou-w painted painted an an go go fn fn a a tv.- 1 TIhj. jt!virN 111ml Vs mil pulili-hnl or disp.j i by Ihe l iquor Control Ittmid of bj Uw (iuvrriimrnt if It itih Columbia tv.-o-v.ik vara! ion trip this year an f-t'll l-nv a inr cnH in the full. How do I do it? Tho HANK Oi' A VTW Z I KKAL 8 rerunl Flnnmug y.-tem of fain- Yf' V (tA ilv finin'ing ie the key to mv happy sa of I Government Halls Sale Of Butter iin;iii!. rop. its taujEht me htw to feavp ffjn- lai'-v, Ani now I've duscovrml. tliituk-! to VwH'i! Planning, how to ppf-n'l mthrmt uinR up mv Bof M Sfivmss A-o'inr I simply tHirrow agathit it I Thn, whta I've paid ba-k my ifw-co.-t Pr.Tsoml L'i'iti, 1 f!il have my tifM-'CK, compile- Fmnkly, I don't-know how I evfr got aljn without Personal Planning Ithe fart v, I didn't, very wr-U'). Why don't you Wy it, too? Ask for your frco copv of "Pronl Flauuing'' at your nigiilxrhood brunch of the B of M tomorrow. fiTTAWA (CP) For t:l- fir.A time in ir tnt year:i. Cwnln cr.pe.ir? to b" ninvini; Urou-IJ When rclfrtiiig meat fr lontin"., 1 f-k for the rod and jlur- brjncl Rmcic marks. A pritr.c roast is a ptd. IhiOi r dno wlurh may be pur-(h '.T'j ;.s a h'.andinK nb roasl -th.t !:;. w.tli rib-: '"ft in or n.. a tin':":! lili toa.sl li"ie iv ixji-ct are rciaovi-i and the ro-'st .OUI.. A roli"d ri may al.TO coi.v from t.vo rih next to the pnrno .ill t-v'ttum ih?s rnast is often ..r inn 1-1. ' xll sts ; n Uutrr oi rr.cr a " ,;i t 0 inn-r roll iz for ro:stlris.. iicth-'r roi.M whirti mny be ..elected i.i tho cross rib roist ttliiili it tiom the iiientie.st par of the lriisi (iia:ter next to th--blade. Many people prefer a rump roast. It Is n,xt to the rounj section of the hiiKiquarU'r anJ though not qnue a.s tender l the others, it is rich in fl'ivor. It may be cut as a round end The Coo4 Thing fn l.ifr romp in two. fin'f . . . food companion?; the wintc" months h?tbo!ir ff.r more butter than .-li" rc quires ; KKi iu'It and Uhl.Ni IO.MAIO KKTCHIF. Y. I alnijvs buy two hol'li of Hfinz KVtrhim at iurw v V As a rr-ult. the sa)iU'; ii on" for thn kitchrn ;ind rw for the t.Tbk?. The folks love its ppu-v, rii'm fi..oiir with all kind of foods ! -and I couldn't c L al'tnir wiihout it wh'n I'm cofikine. eovemn.ent warehei, , nr : sprin? may be a let l-ie"i'r tha it was a year aco.- It works wondr-r to rwp up leftover?, bipws and cas- V w irrol's and that's not hi r prions?, Bfraue Hnnz Ktch- A yiSd-up up ia ia made maof ot of rip?, rip?, f-d rf-d '"Ari-'ocrat" Ari-'ocrat tomatf) tomatf)?s Fpu-r-d ?pcr " yt v. im a stoeKiuie 01 rmie .s.) a and spaj-onf'd to p'-rff '-'i'in by Ib-inz' expri':'n''ed chff?. A'-k your grorr-r for If' mz Ketrh'ip next time you're f'ri.OOO pojnds in its rupiKiard t;ie federal a-jricuiture depnr! SALE STARTS FRIDAY JAN. 30th shopping aii'l dux.ovr for your lf bow good it ie. mnt has called a temporary halt 01 the sale of r.j bu'.ter. Nome From The Office or from A Trent for The High-Chair Set ...Cream of The halt was ord-rrd ty A-rri- jfhoppjns . , . f'-fl-inc :dl tfi'-kered o'ii '. Thn I'd mzr yon try the t;it ff "pr;rk-me-iip' I know . . . INST A N T cr.ltu.j Minister Oard.nfr ant became effective M inrlay. It will be conti rued unlll at least next Feb. 2 when Mr. Gardiner re- urns to Ottawa. Wheat, the hot cereal for quick starts! It s a nourishing, wholesome f ood for babies every mother should know about. v- HEEL HUGGSS5 Regular $15.95 p $ " Sale Price. . $11,95 DEBS by Savage Regular $10.95 Sale Price $7.95 or square end roast or may r;e boned and tied to hold its shape. If this roast Is very lean, a piece of fat may be placed on top to help baste the roast during ' cooking. . i Home economists of the Con sumer Section, Canada Department of auriculture, say that when roasting meat, place it on a rack in an uncovered pan as th? f ;t melts it automatically bastes Ihe roust nd helps to ii!i!;c it juicy. Never spoil a roit by addin rater this is riniv only wi'li f5a 3 R.'dnefl jut gobble it up. And Qmek CUE AM OF WHEAT ia po goofl for thern . . . neh in fpiif k - starting frnd rnergv . . . iron for Rood red blood, and calcium and phosphorus for diets de-fieirnt in ihe-? element. And it's so euey to prepare. Jut five min-ntey rf Iv.ihng and Enriched Quik Crcaru of Wheat i rooked to b;by-reiidy digestibility smo-o-o'h and tempting Every-botly enjoy it from Baby to Grand p )! fHASE SANBORN CWEE. It's 'pii' k ;tnd ''i-y to mak tik' no l"n' r th -.n boihn? tiie water . And t-n't V tiol? The flavour's th'T and the body and thf n-.tl lift thinks to the i 'h.'iif &. Sanoorn cofff C'xprl-.1. I nlwayg k'cp a j ir h mdy. It's a real friend h-n I'm filing tiredt . . . :md a tt.il delight when giuvts dip in. Von j-'-p, it 'g na ruj'v to imke ten mrs vs fme. And eenrioniii-il. Ttie r'-irilir-ixe jar of Int:mt Ch-wi & S:in Ivirn givi-n you ihe puuw. number of cups ft a p'und of ground coffee and tltt it s a lug difference in price. COREYS - FLATTIES Regular $11.95 Sale Price.:. $7.95 Sandals High Heel Rcqular $8.95 to $14.95 Sale Price $6.95 to $11.95 tte Cent j less tender ruts which need moist heat. No cover should bo lipi d for this creates mnistn"' which pivea tho roast a steamed I flavor. j lionst . the meat in a mo'ler-lateiy skrv nven 325 detirees F., to the lesiied decjiee of donr-i ness. I t is a Rood Idea to use a ff Thae People U rofig. Of miirae, Lie '-n a Heinz Heinz r-for v a ' L So I roup hm Lemnnn On My Shopping lAnt long time. lliey re f-n it nqn-hrly. Br ausc.' you agree with the folks who, in dozens of taste ONE GREASE JOB wirli a purcrias's cf 1 tzt of Tire Chains Offrr tod until January 31. 1 M..3. meat th'Tmonicter, if one Is available. Place the thermometer so that the tip is in the centre of th- iarnrst section of the see, I n-e km ins constantly in mv cooking . . . and now, during .1 inu-ary's cold-hatching lays, lemons are "sure - fire'' cold m 1 PUMPS High Heel s st f SUPFRiOR AUTO SERVICE LIMITED 3rd Ave. W. Phone tlreen 217 OXFORDS Rcqulor $6.50 o $15.95 Sale Price $4.95 to $11.95 f.-K voted them "tops". ea, dieticians, young folks and groups of average housewives wre over whelmimily in favour of Hr:jnt (Jond'-n.sed Soup-. Why not niako a ta.ste tet VMitwIf? And. as a barter, have HEINZ CHEAM OF TOMATO SOUP .for dinner tomorrow. Made of rot-y-red, "Aristocrat" tomatoes ppiced an-l w;i-iwmed to perfection ... it's a real delight. Anl here's mmvhm you micht not know about it. The cream Iras been put in it bv the Heinz' ehi'f . . . all you do is add water for the ri bwt, creamiest cream of tomato soup you've ever tasted. Rcnular $7.95 ro $14.95 Sale Price $5.95 to $11.95 chasers, as wc 11. Here's how : . Drink the jui'-e of one lemon in a glass of viler with a half teaspoon of bic iibonnte of Foda . . . added very ;! v. Io lliis vvvry 2 to 3 lion's the first d.iv , . . then 3 or 5 times a dny thereafter, if necessary. See how qui', kly lemons nlkaliinzrt viur f-v-t"in and you fet I better. And do be mre to use fcdAKI-T I.EMoNS . . . ; hey 're tli !uie-t, jun ieot grown. roa.-t. t'lklnc care not to have , Ihe point rest inr; on bone or on a layer of fat. j If the b-cf is .rj he rare, al- ' low 20 In 25 minutes per poum1 for a standing rib roast or n ; thermometer reading of 140 decrees K. For a medium rare roast allow 25 to 30 minutes per pound or j a thermometer reidim; m 1: to 160 til grees F sd fir done roast allow 30 to 35 minutes per pound or a thr- ! mometer reading of 170 C::-Kiees F. ! For roasts with the bone 3-1! allow 10 minutes per pmiJ , extra rooking time. Turn tho i oast en-e curini; rnokinr;. Scoufs Meet Tovvgbt ou Know, In Tu' Coronation 1 ear my thoughts just naturally turn SB" to England, and if, like me, you have ever had to find your way around Iondon bv bus, you'll know how 11 ih.:t 'ivstein of Using different coloured bies to i l' Mtifv the various routes works out. Well, here's a colour (-vaicm you can ue in buviny ti-j-nie h.tn lker-(lu For the strongej-t, softest 2-I'EY ti.s'iey ever, P'-t. EA' 'E-I'.EEK in the qwrn box. For the rta cuhirwd thi'-kness nf S-I'EY ti'-'iief, get, F;we-EII" Bedroom Slippers All Styles Reg. $1.59 to $6.95 On Sale al $1.25 to $1.95 in the v'uk bo . u ran also get 3-PEV Faec-E.lle in M:m-ize und in Patflp . . . but in uvular white tisMtes, th" Q'tcn box me.iny 2-I'LV and the (; bt Tii'-am ;;-fEY . . . nn l biheve tne, cither box cm-.uin C'iiiiiidu'H I'i(-1 lii-iiifl hundkerehi(fp!. A special m-eting of the Priri'-e : FOR HIGH CLASS PRINTING IN 1953 As Ifoays PLACE ORDERS NOW Dibb Printing Co. ! Rinx-rt Boy )out Ap;ociauori i will be held "at. the Civic, Ccr.irc I tonight. llrre't I rtra I'nXrciii'H For You. Yo'ir favmiitc lll.VE ItON'NKT LE LVMO MA IK i . HI K now lias ea.h golilrn-yellow M".t"'T p'nin'i ii"lu i'iually wrappcl in pure aluminum f''il v nh itjti'r imrclimcnt. limna;. I mhj i ... .'f.,. r. r-. j. -3 All Shoes and Slippers at Reduced Prices VOGUE SHOES LTD. tw flnvom! Ynril fin.1 De Luxe 131uo lioiinc ( .m4. exrn 4-.(in(iii hi. 1k. Ju,-t unwrftn wh:it ynu n''l -'ff tti... tiret kivp. ln ;-li'itig. W''nnx. fir rf-wruppniK. S And you call fuiwt VT meiiwini cup win n V'., you're coikinis wi ll Di-J.itxc llluo Itonm-l. 1 lie imii.lv clmrt cm the twilia'P fli"WH l-xnc-lly wlir-ic Box 633 o cut ( n-i-. A.-k for Vc Luxe Wire Ilium' t M-irci-rlnc. :m p-t nil llir.-c "ic J.iiit'1 aJvantiigcB ud blue Bonnet ' l)e I.nc" qualiiy, 506 Third West Green 595 JM.ijMWI I ID , I- -