Frince Rupert Daily Newb Monday, March 1, 1964 Rotary Choristers, Guests Score Hit in Concert Here . ' ' .x V" r ' '" , 'i J "Sunshine Waltz" and the girls, "Moon Dawn' and "The ScarJet Cape." Mrs. O. C. Gllker provided excellent piano accompaniment for the chorus throughout and Mrs. G. Freeman accompanied young trumpeter Clegg. Uk vty- .if The quality of Prince Rupert's scries of Sunday night musical shows took a big step forward last night when the Rotary Mixed Chorus and guest artisls staged- the annual Rotary concert in the Capllol Thcafe last night.- Good work by the popular chorus, directed by Charlie Bal-agno, spiced with interesting diversions In the way of instrumental solos and duets cave i a : ' ..-n -vr . .t f-- ,- r t . : l Film Projection Course Starts Here March 22 The Prince Rupert Film Coun- . ell has set March 22 as the opening date of a course in motion picture projectionist training. President Len Hcibert today announced the date lot the course which will cualtty protectionists to use the film council equipment. The course, comprising seven two-hour lessons will be held Mondays and Thursdays in the Civic Centre with a nominal fee for trainees. Examinations will be held April 12. The course is open to members of ail organizations which are affiliated with the Film Council, and each such group may sponsor two of its members ln the course. i The rourse will be conducted as outlined by the UBC extension department and actual lf -Tvi t'-ninir.g will be 1 given on the operation of a 16 ; millimeter projector, i The course Is aimed at pro A' Prizes Awarded the large crowd a good evening s SI In Soroptimist entertainment, with no ged-out delays to spoil the Ti " 4. Bridge Tourney (I or The concert also gave a bi? boost to the Rotary Club's fund for the new children's hospital ward. No exact figures wero available but the club antici- The Soroptimist Club's merry go-round briuge which has been -.w 1 . ?Wii3 PARIS GKNDARME Georges Dussaussay of Rouen, France, proudly displays the model of the famed Gothic Rouen Cathedral he created with matehsticks. It took the policeman three months to execute the masterpiece, which is currently on exhibit at the Police Art Show in Paris. pated a profit of nearly $500 for going on since last October, the project. 'wound up with a grand finale The well-trained mixed cnor-if 381011 ln th SMc Centre dln' us nresented a ni. vnrlrtv nf ! i"? r00m Frldy night, With 1 A ... songs ln a pleasing manner, im viding each council member or Ki: at Olney, Encland, which originated 500 years ago, takes place .. Tuesday t and rules require the l.idics to flip their pancakes three times The winner gets traditional kl s from the bellringer at the village church. proving as it went along and ganization with a qualified op Dancers, Singers Rehearse erator, in order to make fuller prizes awarded to six winners of the three groups in the tournament. The final session, with 15 tables in play saw Soroptimist President Miss Elizabeth Clement present prizes to the following winners: Mrs. Rennie and of the edueatx nal and other Tuesday Pancake Customs i films made available through Ithe film council. Outdoors at Quebec Resort climaxing the concert with a beautiful arrangement of the lovely spiritual "Let My People Go," In which the choristers gave their all, with wonderful results. It was a big contrast to the opening number, a clever but difficult arrangement of the Mrs. D. Kerr in Miss Clement's lemembered by Many Tomorrow group; Mrs. C. Mills and Mrs, will! And over it all will hang an at- Alan Hurst ln Mrs. C. Ham's group and Mrs. J. Bolton and Mrs. H. S. Cobb in Mrs. D. Bos P;iV III le.i. Fred E. Dowdie OPTOMETRIST New address: 303 ?rd Ave. W Phone Gren 960 ino.spliere of old-time celebration siniili'r to the spirit which 'niui'ni'-v. ton's group. Instructors are mainly drawn : from the ranks of professors and teachers in French-Canadian classical and beaux-arts schools in the Montreal area. - Miss Rochon, who also teaches at the centre snenris the "'inf" months travelling through the southern United States, visiting! similar institutions and picking 1 up all the know-how she can for her project. I Willi mui-k.s shows itself everywhere at Christmas. It's a revival cf those K'"d old d.iys, when people really knew how to enjoy The bridge series comprised two games a month for each entry, from October through i ... 1 list Willi gUslO. themselves . . . when Pancake Day was a tremendous event . . . in most cases a public holiday. In olden times a special Pancake Bell was rung f in the churches to announce the start of Pancake Day. Housewives then mshed to prepare their pancakes (then called "Shriving Cakes"! according to a prescribed formula. This done, th-y flocked to their churthes to be popular mountain dance song "Skip To My Lou" which sounded a little patchy, probably due to the choir's initial nervousness. The other two numbers in the opening group, "Moon Beams" and the "Student's March Song" were considerably better but the choir didn't really hit its stride until the second number of the second group, a medlex February. ( ' By ALEX UIMKO r'anacllnn FrM Stillt Writer STE. ADELE, Que. (CP) Against a background of mour.-taihs and hotels a summer visitor in this Laurentlan resort may see ballerinas pirouetting or choirs rehearsing in the open air. It's all part of St. Adele Art Centre's summer school, which last year attracted some 250 students from Canada' and the United States. Keynote of the summer school is infonrtality and classes may end up in some of the most lm-probaoie places. There is no homework, no exams one day a class is on a hillside putting na ture on canvas, the next day the Miss Clement, in presenting the prizes, thanked all for their co-operation and hoped all players had enjoyed the series, i The Soroptimist club's next project will be a rummage sale, scheduled for late this month. lrom the stage musical "Briga-doon". Here the chorus achieved a better balance of voices, blending In an excellent presentation with good tone and tim shriven" or ibsolved of their sins. Hence Hie last day before I.cnt became "Shrove Tuesday" now popularly known as Pancake Day. In f i yine their Pancnke Djy delicacies, the housewives of Cambrai IODE artists Docome Dallermas ana go t BtST OF FOOD FINEST OF COOKING FOR TAKE OUT ORDERS Phone 200 ing. Proving popular with the aud Marks Birthday lenrc was Mike Colussi, whose e ! yore were taking advantage of through ballet steps on the lawn of a hotel. The art centre was founded tome eight years ai'o by a bored Ottawa vacationist. Pauline Rochon. Rochon, now the centre's director, found time accordion versions of "Czardas' and th? waltz, "Estudiantina' 1 At Dinner Party Broadway Cafe Ihn idvertisemeni is not published o displayed by ihc Liquor Control Uoird or by the Government of Bruub Columbia brought resounding applause, 1 1 i un opportunily to use up their accumulated ni"at fats then forbidden durint; Lent. Their ; paneukes were customarily turn-led by flippinu them into the ji'lr and patching them ln a Im- calling him back for two en-1 Cambral ch!,ptpr pf tnP t0IZ- .. .jperkil Order Daughters of the dragged in the little centre, 50 Vis.. -2T'v Clegg, high': Empire marked Uh 22nd anni school student who .studied miles north of Montreal. Cultuivi I couise.s would b-; the thing, 1 .she thought. I In 1!M6, irS co-operation wii'i ln Edmonton before I becarae a recognized household ; comma here, won rare applause versary with a birthday dinner at th Prince Rupert Hotel last week. A highlight of th" session was presentation of a gift to retiring S regent Mrs. G. P. Lyons by Re Uport, one of a number of diver-' sions which came to character-' Izc the day. , Gradually Pancake Day began PM AKI S W ITH CIIKRIIY S.M'CE Ste. Adele community officials I and art lovers from the Montreal ' district, courses in weav r, art for his trumpet solos, "Green Cathedral" and "April Showers" ond came back for an encore. Also called back for an en- mirl cpramlps uprn nffnrp-1 I. To tlie cherry s.wc? he n gent Mrs. L. C. Griffiths on be to assume an atmosphere of pnrn wuu Tiom CnnDrlinn Alfnifl I . I .. ... J packaie frozen dark cherries celebration and in some parts i h "" I ?' Pi tne memoers. i me p,Diic. X .,ne mi, can Clark cherries. ',' t'lotoii .'lily '2 cup .s'iar J'W 2 !;!)'" .piKHH . orn. lar.'h. A'I'i of the world was referred to as , .p"fn' MiiTt W'l I,,,na-raLsln l"ans were dis- TlvTt i(: rol,r.,P,. spanning a Mardi Gras (Flit Tuesdavt. i 1 , . nVlv! L rh, L CUicd antl m(-'nrs scheduled sJx.weck period from mid-Julv e " ' fine writer of th period re- j '. nre'r e..r. fnATp a stcha f'"11" sch?me for, ulltil Blc August, can be taken I..tes Hint the pancake bell, due f' .,''8, ,h.,me ,ronl raaUu j every month of the- year with! for fn averae of $40 each. In- U'T r.ire:lkcs -noil rillll : mi ';. ; ! 1 )- !r'll Mll()l!l. .,;ii of bui -w.i pi:i and 'i':' bu'iiiU IU MIUUU III 11 a.m.. CUIIlIIIUlll.Y r...H.;f. AMvn Pilohlo nnrl g":'(!y t" cherries, slirriiw ("it: .ki'iUy. Conk until tlii. ki ne t. A '! 1 tu!j ;it l"!mm juice. VMS'.VTIONS committers . n iiirc to carry i 0iurtrd in the curriculum are out the projects. French and Eiu-lish diction and was ung before nine 'clock, Aan Lnlrd vlo,inists, and olive "by the help of a .ex literature, woodworking, decor otive sewing and!ct. Strand and Olga Zabudney, Sire. ill earn pancake with tart tun", whereupon the entire I" !o c m flavr M 1 1," Sizes 4 and $ selling at I reduced prices. 1 ) pftYALOTV CANREl F 0 0 J I I i il-; r;'l up. Cnriakle wiiH con-'populace quit work and launch-t" tiriuT' sugar. ri Hn enthusiastic celebration. pianists, also rated encore calis from the audience. The boys played "Rustic Dunce" and (icili'.itely . l-i: n mi I Uoys and girls sang jingling liltle sonps as they danced Hull p.-.ncakes around Mi'd frrh or' frozen strawber-rie i. S;n inkle with confectioiieis' iit;:ar and top ivith sour cream. New otlicers of the rhapt r. besides regent Mrs. Griffiths are: first Vice-regent, Mrs. C. G. Ham; second vice-regent. Mrs. A. Brenner: secretary. Mrs. John Comadina; assistant secretary. Mrs. J. Wick; treasurer, Mrs. K. HV Parker0,' educational secretary Mrs. W. A. McBroom; Echoes, secretary,. Mrs. O. P. Lyons: standard bearer, Mrs. T A. McMeekln. JUJIUm Party- j through the town, travelling ! bands of actors staged sitcial , plays, games of shuttlecock and I buttledore sprang up in the vil- lagc streets and over all, hung 1 the tantalizing aroma of pan-I cakes and other treats. The ! spirit of the day Is caught In a Bishop Jordan Criticizes School System OTTAWA 9- The Roman Catholic bishop of Prince Rupert, B.C., said Friday municipalities in British Columbia "practically penalize" the separate schools Lanadian Tennis Star ructor at University I Mrs. J. Johnson and R. Mor- rlson won first prizes at the 1 Sons of Norway whist pnrty and , dance Friday night, at which 14 tables were in pay. Mrs. Lena Amoth placed sec-' ond ln the women's section -f 'Jrjone l.eem- Capturing the Oregon state verse from Poor Robin's Al- Mar. now is singles title ln 1928. she went . "nuc in Ibd'i: Vancouver Man Bringing Bride out naiK, i near me runcaiic ' Of uhvsical oust In win the Canadian similes system. bell, u m iSLml. !n this r.v..,rr.l.-...lilrv GVio irmif hp ' ... I 1,111 I 1 I.lJill. Ullb J.V ..... me cniver- trnnhv fnr two vears. Most Rev. Anthony Jordan satd at a meeting of the Ottawa English Catholic Teachers' Asso h f'f.mljia. From Japan VANCOUVER (CP) The first I For two years she was Cana- j in the dian mixed doubles champion ' f .H ii'u il ciation that Catholics in his "And fritters make a gallant smell "The cooks arc baking, frying, bnyllng, Slewing, mincing, cutting, broyling, "Cnrving, gormandising, roast 1J iilllll com- ii'il i.inr"c yi-iiia luimuiaii nutu- i Canadian soldier to marry a .province have to put up the ' 'IB -..rr,, .....1 nn'B rl.tti . i.e tttltut shfl TflirP- ! while J. R. Cormier won men's second on a cut with T. H. Pcar-I son. The door prize wont to S. ! Stefanson. I The committee In charge in-' eluded Mrs. E. Sornt's, Mr. and ;Mrs. K. Dehll, Mr. and Mrs. J. Johnson, Mrs. F. Stevenson and O. K. Olsen. UNCONDITIONALLY fi'iiiin the campus sented Canada at play in Forest Japanese orioe overseas win return home with her from Japan within six or eight weeks, the army announced here. He is Cornoral A. Johnston, money for building and maintaining schools and teachers' salaries "Then these same schools are taxed heavily by the municipalities except in the city of " inns, had- inns, w.r ., in tvtt. 2' 'I i After that came tragedy so far "-i.ff 'is.s Leeming's as her ;itliletic career was con-: GUARANTEED Royal Canadian Ordmnce Corps. iiit'inone.s of cernea. wncii ner nip wa.i y 1m;)s when :. lured she was advised never to i Seven other Japanese brides Vancouver," he said. j ms brought 1'iay tennis again. ! "I thought everything had mis wttK Meetine of Jidt's Dauchtcrs, Friday, March 5, 8 p.m. Initiation, Silver March, take Walk and Birthday movies. ing, ! "Caibonading. cracking, slash- ! ' ing, toasting". In the Buckinghamshire vil-; Inge of Olney, housewives still coi k I heir pancakes at the first ringing of the pancake bell. At 1 Its second ringing they gather' ai the village pump, nnd when. I he bells peal for a third time, i they pelt through the streets, frying pans in hand, to the land three children arrived in i In Prince Rupert, all teachers : Canada last year, but all were I" separate schools are nuns,' jdcstiifed for eastern and prairie who are paid $25 a month. Bishop ' points. , Jordan said . ers III! : "il Lamb's Navy (turn is pure Demarara Rum from British Guiana. 1 ' -'. S;ii,ir- j nvtini;, Mrs. j ' Mar.-h 1. j 1501 ' ended for me," she .said. "I had lived for tennis. And then . . . nothing. Nor could I piny badminton in which she had been seeded second in Canada In IMil." Golf, in which she had a nine handicap, was also ruled mil. After. eradunling from UT5C In IB'26, she took teacher training and taught for three years at Duncan, H C, and later at Vancouver's King Edward high school. Then she went to Dur-linn. Smith Africa, as an exchange teacher for one year. In ''47 she joined the university faculty. churchyard. Winner of the race', is rewarded with a kiss from the ' j bell-ringer. I Another time-honored Pan- rake Day custom is enacted each i j year at Westminster School.;! i,ondim, England. At 11 a.m. a Aged in England, f 0U'LL THE ALEX HUNTER GOOD CITIZENSHIP AWARD PRESENTATION BANQUET will be held TUESDAY, MARCH 2 - 7:30 P.M. ot the COMMODORE CAFE Tickets available at Deeth's, Ormes and N.B.C. Power PPECIATE THESE verger of the abbey solemnly emerges from the college kitchen, followed by a cook bearing a large pancake. In the schoolroom thy cook skilfully flips the cake in the approved fashion, then throws it Into a crowd of milling buys, who fight for possession or the pnneiike. The Ind who emerges from the fray with the biggest chunk Is rewarded with the sum of a "guinea" from the abbey fund. and imported into ; British Columbia in bottles. FT -h Luxury Steomer P ince George KM! S FOIl VANCOUVEP iukI l:lermedtate Ports $975 "iHir Sell: n Each Thursday at 1 1 :l.r p.m. For KETCHIKAN $1450 Hum ii. BBIDDEN LTD. On sale at all Government liquor stores WUIMSIIW MMiMKh' umloi t and Service i Vi I TO I'D j; INtr rervHttnnK ' It1 ot ur tirpot Office. HTt. B C. BUILDERS and CONTRACTORS New Construction and Repair Work 215 First Avenue West r Ml Lf .1 -rR'ICE Phone 909 Hiis advertisiuent is not published or displayed by The Liquur Owurol Board ot by the Goverameut of Oritish Columbia; ; I