2' Prince Rupert T- Pi)" " Natural Gas Coming Fuel VICTORIA Natural gas was hailed as an up and coining fuel In B.C., If plana for a pipe :i Mau Mau Uprising Against Whites 'Growing Despite British Campaign line from the Peace River to the LONDON W A spell that anti- I lorrh and witch-doctor ritual is lion, a British parliamentary, white Miu Mau terrorists cast i growing despite a bomber-bark- ; delegation reports. i on Kenva in 1952 with knife. ! ed campaign to crush the rebel-i A drastic shake-up of the cast south go through, during the final session Friday of the B.C. Natural Resources conference. H. N. Walters, B.C. Electric' general sales manager, said It was estimated that by the fifth year of operation in the province. 10 500 of a possible 24,000 HwelUrg; would be using gas UBC Professor Criticizes Jobs Given Skilled Men -i African crown colony s police I was proposed by the six-man, : all-party delegation to help cope ,wilh the bloody uprising that, isome experts say may last a i generation. j Fresh from an IB-day survey :of the fertile land where British 'seenritv forces eneh month are DINING PLEASUPt in SPARM.wr, : f . I ? . : . r j; i- , VICTORIA (t Forcing skilled Canada. heat. Natural cas-wouid also be of great importance to Industry, Mr. Walters said. "Already we have a big glass manufacturing plant In prospect, property purchased, . and building plans made," he said. mm to take menial jobs in order He said there were not "ow fining off about 300 Of the tcr-tJ enter Canada was attarked as enough students in Canadian : rorists anj capturing 150, the a 'criminal waste" by Dr. G. M. : schools to provide Canada with L.iltir,v, ij th-r is riimfer Shmm. director of the British the engineering and scientists j )tl tr drive nut the Commodore (f Columbia Research Council, ; she needs. speaking at the Natural Resour- j Dr. Brock Chisholm, ! whites and kill "loyal" tribesmen retired Wiu spread beyond the Kikuju v , , . J, : o 1 5 Vi f 1 Ccs Uontercnce here. ; director of the United Nations; area where it was born. The province's numan resour-, World Health Organization1 The 1.250.000 Kikuyus number 1$ ! W'?- T0DAY o WEDN ccs held the spotlight at the 250 warned that unless the democra- almost one-quarter of Kenya s toplcvel delegates from B.C. 's . cies loam how to share the vast Miiea "rrulntiin. It Is among Industry, university, and gov- natural resources at their eom- ! thpvp t.rihpsmen who till the crnment completed the second ,mand. global warfare might j fir,,,ic nrn,inrt Nairobi the eani- , r ' " " - - ' I ..... J SEAS? JLyH """" VJk " Al so putixe I TIIArii follow which would end in "total tal, and work as laborers and muit destruction of all forms of life over very large areas." servants for the whites, that the Mau Mau has done its recruit- ii))". Dr. Chisholm called on deb-1 ng by a combination of persua of a three-day conference. ' Despite denials by an immigration official present that such a policy existed. Dr. Shrum declared that he knew of highly skilled men who had been forced to agree to dig ditches or work as domestics in order to enter GREY WAli I5UIG. F. C. C'L'PTA, military and naval "advls jr for India, examines a United Stutcs 280-millimetere atomic cannon undergoing cold- A-eather tests at Fort Churchill, Man. Canadian army officials said the tests have not involved the firing of atomic warheads. The presence of an atomic cannon in Canada's north beca:iie known following a tour of Fort Churchill by 26 military attaches and advisers from 18 countries. gates to become world citizens, si0n and violence. and warned that it would not doi The Influence of the Mau Mau to wait for another nation to make the first move. OP walter conn0u.t iris Meredith' snow thus Si"n 1 ni (j (irry Wallj (3 WD WALLACE'S DEPT. STORE Ways to Improve Working Conditions In Belgian Coal Mines Under Review "t fhouU 4pfl) to Bk (OUT r fcy lECHMCCLOto CAPITO eis" families, with 22.000 children, are living in Belgium at present. Roughly half these are lodging in nlssen huts. wood"ii shanties and form?.- .vrlsoiw:- th. immigrants to take risks to dig co.n.l as rapidly as pos.-ible. risks which account for a high proportion of the accidents. More than 14 000 Italian min- KA.MOl'S rLAVKltSTffiiJ By ItON'AI.O IRAM.H BRUSSELS (Rcutersi Italy pnd Belgium are seeking ways to improve the working conditions of Italians who now constitute n major part of the working force in Belgium's coal mines. The Italians have been recruit of-war camps. i Brown Urges Reconstruction in the Kikuyu area, except in certan localities, has not declined." the parliamentary delegation said. ! MANY CRITICAL Colonial Secretary Oliver Lyt-' telton arranged to fly to Kenyl' Saturday for another review of i the political and military strat- j egy. Lyttelton's methods of hand- ling the campaign have been j widely criticiied both in Kenya! and In Britain. Many among the colony's 42 000 whites contend I the compaign is not tough enough. But many in the British i Labor party Insist that strong-arm methods already in use have j hindered, not helped, the British cause. I While the whites who run the ! government, dominate trade and ' farm the best of Kenya's land are the prime objects of the Mau Mau hatred, the terrorists also : want to get rid of the 154.000 : Asians In the colony. ROMRFR ATTACK , Of about 700 civilians slain by ; the Mau Mau. however, most !vere Africans. The toll Includes 1 16 whites and? 13 Asian. ; I The terrorist." have lost far more under the hammering of 'the army which Sir George F.rskine is directing. The army THE FUNKIEST MAN AUIE! ml spring into the fashion scene Beautiful new nylons and dacron and other new novelty fabrics. Prints or plain. Thoroughly' practical dollar-wise and wear-wise yet new in 1954 styles. You'll be more than pleased, we're sure. Size 1 2 to size 52 w mm - m ' J . . . m ' m ed in the poorest sections of i Italy where work is scarce. Few Belgians now arc going into the j mines. In all 202 miners out of a t"t:il of 117.845 lost their lives in K 1- j gian coal mines last ye:ir. Hel-J plans who might otherwise: become miners fear not only the ; number of accidents but the I high mortality rale from si!i- cosis and the difficulty of find- j ing decent homes. The minimum w:;:e !' 106 Belgian francs $3.92 a day for 48-hour w- k. Hut .-Since wanes' I depend on a 'miner's output, j jmnny Italian miners, in their ! desire to have done with mining ! as nuii'kly as possible, earn up to i t I fy 'm v 1 1 ' , Of Highway 16 1 ' V If "TORI A CP) Rruce Bi'wn ( L- Prince Kupern urged tlvt j the northern Transprovinci il 1 1 . . ii .v.iy tiom Prince Rupert, to. Prince Georie be rw-nnstnictej i and relocated in sections. j Mr. Brown devoted about a j ,.,-t,.r nf h's time in the throne speech debate to cle-j m int!-; lor improvement or construction of northern roads. . hp 0'ioted Works Minister; Gaglardi as saying the Northern ; 'iiaaspiovmcial wuuld be a fir U- ' -ins Hehwa" in 10 years. But ( he said no work was being done on it now and it may be that no member of the present leai-.- IS AS GOOD th Mcral ' AS HIS BEST f Mrlhly AND MAr BE K LITRE BETTER. Exlr- totals 34.000 men "BridEf of T 10 battalions 600 francs S12 a dav bv workin" A DEVOTEO WIFE IN GIBRAtTAI A GLAMOROUS SWEETHEART IN MOROCCO! TOTEM of Pritish troops and the King's' nt a rate which almost lnevitab- Cartoon Cvr. Shows 1 ! African Rifles, 8.000 regular I AMUtS ri.AYI.Ka 1 HKATKk - A r WALLACE'S DEPT. STORE m police and 20,000-p a r t -1 1 m e police. lature will be alive when it does ly leaves them sick mon at the end of two years. Dl'ST PROVES FATAL One Italian miner said: "To work like that, you've got to take off your mask or you stifle When you support the Red Cross you Identify yourself with eir-h net of mercv that this become a first-class highway. The member also deinandrd ' , --ompleUon of a road from Terrace to Kitimat. He .said tlio .WW. great organization performs i and then the dust kills you in f U inciter would be in limited production in the .summer mer and and there there iiii whcre In the world. Your, couple of years." he'p is reeded now. The system also encdura our M'(tl on c Mi re f 'J unity of 5.000 ' , ough to w-ai- Vry l.-.J j would be a comm : persons there enou I rant a road. Former Armed Corps Officer ! The Northern Transprovincil To Head Kingston College 1 was so bad, Mr. Brown said, tour-! 1st s roming from Prince Geor'.; - refuse to go bark on It but put ! their cars on the first available I bout. : He "strongly sirgested" that STREETCAR named OTTAWA (CP) Three cluing half of 1944 commanded the 5th Canadian armored brigade. From December, 1944. un'il the end of the S?cond World War, he commanded the 1st. ! the highway be maintained an l i said before it could be made Into ' a first class highway It had to be relocated and rebuilt In spot... ! He said the people of the area DESIRE' in senior armed forces appointments were announced today by the defence department. They become effective in August. Mai. -Gen. J. D. B. (Dost Smith, chnirmnn of the Cam-dian joint stiff at London and Canadian military represnta-tive to supreme headquarters. Allied powers in Europe, will become commandant of the National Defence College ut Kingston, Ont. Canadian Infantry brigade in Italy and northwest Europe. In the fall of 1945 he was appointed commandant of the Canadian army staff college. He later attended the Imperial Defence College in England a n d served as secretary of the chiefs-of staff committee and thin us did not support the Idea of a toll highway and that many who signed a petition for one did not know what they were signing. BY THE PRINCE RUPERT LITTLE THEATRE ASSN. Scheduled Departure Time 8:30 p.m. J acting quartermaster-general. WAPELLA. .V.l.sk. (CP) FiVJ .ioi cs were killed and two more hurt so badly they had to be destroyed, when they were struck by a freight train 100 miles east of Regina. The horses had been out on winter pasture. Monday, March I - Tuesday, March 1 "j at the Civic Centre Auditorium 'i Tickets at the door Return Fare $1.00 He will be succenck'd overseas by Air Vice-Marshal D. M. Smith, air member for technical services at air force headquarters here. Air Vice-Marshal C. R. Dun-lap, now commandant of the defence college, will be transferred to RCAF headquarters. His actual appointment will be decided later. Gen. Smith, 42-ycar-old Otta- i wan, is a former armored corp? 1 officer. He was commissioned in the Royal Canadian Dragoons in 1933 as a lieutenant. ' In 1943, Oen. Smith assumed ' ' j Automobile Tax Reduction Asked! VANCOUVER (CP) Demand that the excise tax on automobiles be reduced will be mart.' to Finance Minister Abbott in Ottawa March 2 by a delegation trrvn the Canadian Automobile Association, it was announced here Friday. The delegation will be hrad' d R J. Has'lngs. director of the B.C. and Canadian Automobile Associations. The association represents 400.000 Canadian motorists. ADULT ENTERTAINMENT If siA FLY... command of the 4th Canadian armored brigade with the rank of brigadier and for the first with SHOES b y J i i. , 14 million critics tt ELLIS kit um Heating Musi Be Planned Efficiently An expertly planiii'ii hcat-Inf system pays for Itself in a few years through greater eonifort that promotes belter health for the family. Phone 174 SMITH &ELKINS LIMITED ' 259 Third Ave. W. Savage SI iocs are Sanitised . . . Laboratory Tested and approved for longer, healthier wear. to Doymi I hint you have the Umr ani tiwtity t Simple fvrrj fjfe " and hrand nf proJuil on tlx vilrket? Of tdurit ... :, ( iiiipotiilrlt. But in a nuyyou Jo sainph tbrm all. S'ewsfiper tJvtrtsmg gives you information on every product, enabling yt I chotmli1 1tbi(h kst suit your nenls. Because yon are able to make this choice, manufacturers ond wenhmts rompeh -for your custom by offering H 4 lie kst values possible, liy placing product news before 14-iliillion (ritict,' , iiverlis 'mg performs the service of ensuring that all products I represent the highest quality for the price. . - Your Daily Newspaper Givei You latest Product N"', KETCHIKAN Boys' and Girls' Dress and Play Oxfords . . . also Patent Leather Straps and Saddle Oxfords "BE SURE WITH SAVAGE" FASHION FOOTWEAR with connections to SEATTLE, WHITEHORSE and all ALASKA Phone 266 Office Opp. Post Office 1 V