" ' " a . lmm i j , . , x ,uju- - Monday, Muieri f, licyi i'i . n T . n miii ., ,- -TiT i mm in iMiiiM : AUCTIONEER, Phone Hl3 k R4 mill KM t- liTOW-i CFPR F ADIO DIM'., 1240 Kilocycles 3LACKWOOD on BRIDGE (Subject In Change) BUSINESS And By EASLEY BLACKWOOD Play Forces Defender To Lead Your Suit J PROFESSIONAL I To force a defender to lead a suit to jour aci-j vantage it is often necessary to remove from his hand : all cards in the other suits. -This is known as the MONDAY P M. 0:00 Im Radio Thctre 7:00 CP,C News 7:15 CMS News Roundup 7:30 Pacific Pianoforte 8.00 Red Cross Campaign 8.15 CbC n.pnony Oreh. 9 00 National Farm Radio Forum B:ari Caic Continental 10:0(1 CliO News 10:15 Provincial Affairs 1(1110 flob McMullin Khow , 11:00 Meal Her Report Mnli;ll Ma-lei piece: 2:11(1 hign-ntt " Tt'FSt.MY A.M. ADLINE FOrT CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 4:30 P.M. DAY PREVIOUS 7? W j Mrs.' Rowe DRESSMAKING 234 Third Avenue East, over Rupert Battery Shop. Phone Blue 126. i elimination or strii) nlav THE DAILY NEWS In today's deal Mrs. Keen led the jack of clubs against the six no trump contract. Miss Bra.sU could see only eleven tricks in ((iiick winners and three possible chances lor a twelfth trick. LEGAL NOTICE PARK I'fiK M.RMIT M.INMVC PARK The Minister of I.anriK find For "circulation: 7:00 7:11 7:30 T HIS : t."i feits. Parliament Buildings. Victoria, B.C.. will receive application up to I noon of the 24th of March, l!r4 . Soulh dealer. Both sides vulrvprnb'w. Mirih (Mr. (lianiplnny S K Qi 8 H 8 7 3 D K Q 4 C K U 0 5 West Kast (Mrs. Keen) (Mr. Ahel) 87 4 B 10 6 3 2 n esi . h j io a 4 0- 8 5 2 D- l) 7 0 3 C J 10 8 3 C-4 South (MlMt HriiHli 8 A JOS H A 0 D -A J 10 C A 7 2 OPTOMETRIST KEITH H. TUCKER 210 Fourth Street Phone 212 TODAY YEAR AGO There was the chance the j clubs would break 3-3 vbich was ! rather remote after Mrs. Keen ! Jssified Rates r 4:90 p m day pr1ou rttoo. cenU per word P ,n dnlnium 60 ' I,, 60 ernu; Card of J,,ib Notlrei, Funeral . nrnK Engagement amenn, MOO. double prle. rluy No Refund! yit.ot adept wsriilbll1ty in Kia Inserted Incoirectlf ctaislncatlon unlew funs ,1 uch wort Is rcl4 ,ura of BrU Inaertfon. 3449 3070 B.C. FlrScruien's Brnarc-ast Mughal ( lock CISC News: Weather Musical Clock Morning lietiithom ( f;c Ut y.... YW.iUter Here's lilll fio.Kl Ilreakfast Clul) v l.aura .Id. Hl; News anil Comly. Aunt laicv f'ttme What fat 'l'mie KikiiuI tor a ParK Um Permit authorC'lm; operation of ''Pine Woods" In Man-nlns( Park, 14 rH'SINPSS PERSONALS 28 1't'lt.N'ITl'ltE KOK Sl F Each applicant iilinll fijibmlt hi:; ; s .oo 8:1(1 sis I :r, I 0:00 i II : 1 5 ! (I::i(l j 0:.')0 ; 10:00 cho.se to open the suit. Next, there was the chance of a successful finesse of the queen of hearts. And last was the chance of a throw-in play. Miss canon uieinor wtm an oiner necessary dficuments before the said flat.::. B-j'iM.t walnut dining suite. I-cather covered chairs. Oood rontlltion. Rod 685. i5U n considering the application: the The blddins: Morning Vi::IL CAPLING TRUCK LINE Leaves Pr. Rupert for Smither Every Tuesday and Friday. Brash played in such a way as i south MmiKtfir Kh:tll hot be obligated W10'I5 llannv di.inr West North East Pass 8 N T All Pass accept any af.plleaUon and imo-rvcs 10:4S Thi- Heulah Kbow the rl;ht to Kranf the said permit i 11:00 Your flood Ni ..,lw.r to keep all three chances alive. a N T She won the first trick in her! ' M SEWIN; M( 'MINES For connections Phone 632 t ! to tile nelson he derm.H most (iimll ll:l.ri KinHcrcun.i ,f ih.. own hand with the uce of clubs suppose Mrs. Keen h.td discard- .NT. AD SAl.KS Ri piiii'.s. RfntuLs. Kincnrl i 1 1 :: Mii. ivrimi .'ii'WillR CiTltHH I'llune 8C4 Pmsiwrtus, apiillcatlon forms and f 1 1 :45 Carnation Rnlertalna i Rample Park IJsf: Permit may lie olj-l'M. . For SUPER SERVICE v -phone 386 " ' or coll Cor 2nd ancf 2nd Where the service is second to none. Too hmnt horn X Yi CBC News EPLIES ' . j tained from the Purks and Iteerea- j r.:(t(i " ' tlon Il vision. Il.C. Forest Service 12:1 'i 32A K)lt KENT MISC ' , Weller ISiiiklin. Vietorln. B.C.; the 12:25 : 1 District Koresicr. H.C. Korest Iier-l'a::i0 rULLY furni.slicd two-room rab-ivice. Murine Hulldiiuj. 3 r. Hurranl j ' -':"' In. Seal Cove. I'hnn Rluo ! Btiwt. Vniwimintr. B.C.: the District1 '''"' 1 She cashed four !,pad tricks, cd a second small heart instead ' discarding one of dummy's .small j ot a club the run of the ot her ' , heart On the third spade Mrs'. ' suils- In that case. Mi:;s Brash I Keen dropped the deuce of N'ould not throw her iu with ;t hi arts, trying to cons an early i uivtf because it would be clear : finesse in that suit. On U;e,nat ;inu could cash two club j lourth .spade she let go the deuce - trick. MLss Brash- might have ! of diamonds. ; cone for the finesse of the queen h'al'Ls Io'sl"8 t0 tht' 1,lu' ! Next, Miss Brash ca.sned three Jnwtors Syndicate' of Canada l.t:l. and Investors Mutual - ' (if ( annda l.lrt '. T. M. CHRIGT1E Ph. 34 315 Third Avenue W. . ftepresentatlve for Prince Ruprl.. Terrace and Killrnat ; ; Intrrlitde I1C. Farm Broadcast lulerliide lleeonls for Ymm holding replies 825. i , i . . ' - (51p I51ni ' I'irester. M.C. t'orest Service, Kam- . following News es: f Inoiw.- BC: the District Koicst'T, j B.C. Forest Srvic, Prince Rupert. BC.;' the District Forester, B. C, Open 8 am. - 9 p.m. 31 WANTED MISCCIXANKOirs I- 93, 902 : f fF YOU WANT A f (tf) i ' CASH FOR I Scrap, copper, brass, baltorlps PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. Income radiators. I'hono 543 Cull :ifl Tax specialist. S. O. Furk, 1 6th Ave. West. r) fitone Building. Red 5fl3. (20m) lies must be I :M lleeoid Allium 2:00 B.C. School Brnadcast 2:30 Trims-Canaiia Matinee 3:1.1 Brave Voyage 3:3a Itoeilown 3:1S Yesterday's Favr,rltes 4:15 Canadian Curling Championship 4:30 Alice n, urehestralla 4:45 Sliepytime Story Teller .1:11(1 M,-k (ftiiHalmit (allse f:15 Inlernittional Cuiaty. :20 CB: Ntn a; Weal her 5:30 At Home with the Lenntcks 6:55 Have You Heard1) for in person ROCK OR CONCRETE WORK Rent of Truck and Equipment Ph. Blue 339. M. J. SAUNDERS 35 KOATS AM) ENGINES MAUA.inkh, novelties. Eddie's, Netvn Kland. ci ! I Mrs. Keen had to discard again ' i and this time she chose a small ;club. ! Now the king and queen of ! clubs were played, getting every-! body down to three cards. It was 1 clear that Mrs. Keen had left j the 10 of clubs and two hearts. ! Another club lead put her in and j ..he had to lead a heart into ! Miss Brash's ace-out-en. UNO t VI NTS Week is March 7- Forest S'rvice, Nelson, B.C.: the District forester, B.C. Forest Service, Prince (ItorKC, B.C.; and the Manning Park Harder, B.C. Forest Service. Manning Paik post Ollice, B.C. 151c) Jllll sov, (I I III HHIsl KNOWN AS KAMI. IMIM'I S JOIINMIN. tn.i msin TAKE NOTICE that as Administrator duly appointed by the Court of the estate 1 Karl Pontus Johan-soii, otherwise known as Karl Pon-lus Johnson, deceasfxl, who died at Stewart, British Columbia, on the loth day of December. 1953. I require ail creditors and others having claims against the said estate to send the same to me. properly vcri-lletl. nt the addrefis men'.ioned below a tnrie CHOP SUEY . . . ...CHOWMEi.N Open 6 p.m. 3:30 o.m Hollywood Cafe cor Outsit! Orders i'liene 133 ihools will be open to each afternoon as RICH COAST 14 FT. Clinker built boat, copper fastened, with 10 hp. Johnson. Both new last sprinir 3,650. Phone Green 322 or see Imperial Oil. (551 10-14 EAST HOPE EnRine7 0 spools Ruidies Cross Drive and Davids, propellor and shaft. Dodfje Cove, Digby Island. 50p Hi. & King Edward SCOTT McLAkEN CH.RTERED ACCOTjNTA,T James Block, 608 3rd Ave. VI. Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 347 P.O. Box 374 THRtE-Slrand jwarl necklace between Civic Centre and the Dally News office. Reward. Mease phone 749 or caH at 817 McBrlda St. (tfnc) T11E ELFCTmcTAlrVl3.o"uyatt. House wiring , and electrical repairs. J49 9th Ave. West. Ph: Red lft6. (621 WORLt)'8 FINES CLE.ANER. ELEOTROIJIX. Phone Blue 70 for Part Bales Service. , c) St. ii Seal Cove -The Wealth of. Costa Ri.'.t The way Mrs. Keen played her meaning "ricr- co&st" lies in rich cards, the end-play could not soil, valuable forests and goot possibly go wrong. But it is not -,razing lands. always a cinch. For example, morial Si Annuncla- 11. " ' Itl ' : . i meeting will be held BLONDIE Humbugged With a Homburg By CHICK YOUNG fcrch 12. in KlnR Ed- P. - , ' r1 1 KNEW l"vJ I . ( t---.f "S ! I . 'if ri 7w io ri. tauin tjruiser. $500 or 1 on or before the 8th day of April. best offer. Apply C. R. Jctter, IBM. after which date I shall pro-Float Camp, Sourdoui'h Bay. i ceod u distribute the estate ui those ALSO '51 Chevrolet. ' (52p) I entitled by law. havhur reuartt only . j to such claims of which I shall then I.. ri77T.T7," '-- have hecn notified. nooMS for r:nt j and PuaTIIK TAKE NOTIf:E S MUST I HAT, CASivqCD' I '-N 'I.UMBINQ, auiomn'-ie oil heating, heet metr. 1 work. Phone S43. Call 830 dth West. Letour- A OW I VICTIM Jl . NEXT J l." . t V NEVVkaT- A TM1NKYDLJ,DNEv5l?ijJl I at 8:00 pm. Each present an Item con-mralion i,l Week, and ue u panel discussion in 1 1 if subject: "How te Kesponsilillity . For I the Complete Indl-liharid By: the Home, the Communliy, MU. .. , i. ; 2 SINGLE sleepini? rooms, one lhut "" ,,tr!i0n" "l" 10 s"cl , '.r. h their In- 1 estate are required to pay douhl(, r x n CHIMNEY and chesterfield ,nL,uV. .t..n,.be;l.s- ntedness to me forthwith. . nri . I sot a '-v-yo ;j him to 1 . r -.sX; L-3sL- "rsE VJ . cleaninff. Odd jobs. Phone 1 UATED '" pr,nce Kuporl ,BC sired 8 2 2nd Ave West Phr, Green 773, Mr. J. Kempster, j H";d 510 "t t UUl ' TTrodif r.o Labor, RMd the 1)( puty Official Administrator. (,'ourt House. Prince tipert. B. C. -; (Feb. la, 22. Mar. 1. fit ,d Party, March.?. W Filing-All types of M 1 7um. PSS Mj. 711 7th West' '53' : - West .65 F- "umniaRe- Sale,-: ;.,':)t,r r-,-, I imiiavuvvmv'nl'.'. ! " TV lui v rvtj r.itx tl ICtll WOIRS. IV11IL- iwm, JUOV 111. 1 . -or bought, sold, rewound and J41 Beach Place or Blue 433.: i.nR. leaclilng, Reach-, repaired. 71c S5) j IIK-nce, Lilt h e r a II sia nntw nva Twr r....t..i . .nr. n. , 1 rch 7-14 tl,.u A KA , tniwuo ili-v X i I o aatap 1UII11.MICU rooms. IOUO Bin nil I ii. rtl V. A. m. Hlenlnu ul TUIT VJCll'Tv: Sua C ., A n t aniru.se Alfa inn- ' '" ! -. , 'w: STORE. (53j ; in. and 8 p.m. Week p.m. LvuneelLstic -.;.,,,, i SLEEPING Room. Apply 100 4th Eddies West. (50pi MAOAZINES, Novelties. New Stand. (moons from 2 p.m. 1 , i "vitetl. , tll SINGLE sleenine room. 801 Rnr- 1CARS? Bob Parker's of Course. I den St. (50) Norway Ma.squerade, i6U) ! NEARLY everybO(.v uses S IN l lll: M PKI.MK III OKI I sl I (II. I MIIIA I 111 Probate In Ihe Mailer of Ihe Ailiiiliilslialliin Act" ami In Ihe Matter of Ihe INtule of Maurice llrhle. Ileeeased. luteslate. TAKE NOTICE that as Administrator duly appointed by the Cuurt ol the estate of Maurice Bride, who died at Vancouver. British Columbia on or about the 27th day of October, 1D53, I require alt cieuiloi'S anil others hiuina, claims against the Eald estate to srnd the same to nie, projicrly verified, at the address mentioned below on or before the lOtll day of April, 1054. after v,'hlch date I shall proceed to dls-tnhutc the estate to those entitled by law. haviiiK regard only to such cmims of which 1 shall then have been notified, AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that all persons ludebied to the said estate are required to pay their Indebtedness tu mc forthwith. DATED at Frlnee Rupert, B.C., this 20th day of February. 1064. JAMES UYI.EY, Official Administrator. Aulu. Bcitlsh Columbia. Ruiaimtfce S a i e, i 37 ROOM AND KOAItl) ROOM and Hi ,:fi for 2 Phone Black 717, 16 LOST men. (50) LI'L ABNER , . . . , " ; . Bv AL CAPP ! I VWEM SO'HANGS ) ( HOLD lT.1r ) -ABOUT THIS 7nFANT COMMIT I IMA UNHtELING BRUTES T BUT EftGEAMT I : 1 HAVEN'T MURDERff-IT'S ) u4 V ' PrPEASE JUST A CHEAP W WT FWETOT'. DON'T LEAVE HIM ) J SWALLOWED EXCUSE TO GET THE OTV TO X V, DESERVE SUCH A tl HIM HANSFD MrtW i : ' i ' TH E HEART OF JULIET JONS . . rv,, ' . Bv STAN BLAKE I've NEVES SEEN POP SO EXClTETt I I OUSMT ID BE SPANKcO POR MAWNff MM I '' NO SENSE IN ' 1 ; . ' Li Kr- WE W4LKEP OCP THIS MONIN& I WOSI?V- ESPEClAU-V IVHEN TsIECE S 0 .' 'I t t"JSSTr1 f'KOtOKS.NS IT.. BEST .1 38 f.:OTTA(.LS, CAMPSITLS Pic and Drama pn- RUB Cap of Studebaker '2-ton Jf tival Secretary, Fire) truck. Finder please return to 1 No entries ueeeptedlO. Rosin, 1063 Uth East. (55) .. Ilili , ifl4;. - L L I HELP WAN'TEI) MALE r'n.' , tftUwllcAPPLICATlONSwill bTTeTelvTd - 1 by the undersiuned up to 1? wd P.T.A. Tea and 'o'clock noon, March 18th. for WANTED for July. August, eot-" tage for five at Luke Kathlvn. P.O. Box B4U, Smitht;rs. (50pl 39A SI ITI'S I OK RLNT the position of Municipal Asses if! 10. NICE clean 2-room apartment und fully furnislied light housekeeping room. Phone Red ii'iiited Tea and Sale, sor for the City of Prince Rupert. Applicants, must state age, nlarltai status,. details of prev- . r , (Ml . 2. It. lie, 807. '541 ...... . 1- Hultliin. .!it, :.,.) . I WU' experience, -and salary cx- X April 1, 71 HVI Ml 1 1 II I IliSllCIl ITIItl I- I ment. Seal Cove No. 7, Green 1 106. 1 52ii 1 I l,M) HI (IIS IKY ( T I'erlllleale of Title Nil nii"-1 lot llilrleeil (13), Block i:ieven "an .Spring Sate Ap- 11 TWO-ROOM furnished. Bath. Phone Red 934. Private (561 lahlun Show, 8:00 1, Cll, til:, II 1 ,,l,.n 3-ROOM apurtmen'., Prince Rupert Plumbing. , (54) ' ' ' City Clerk. (55i 2tTt.ij"wAN TEn-l- EM ALE IAlfr-TBVIE' Interviewers f o r Market Research and Public Opinion Company. Must have senior mateiculatioB. Write details, age, education, experience lo: ORUNFAU RESEARCH LTD., ao Bloor Street West, Toronto, Ontario. - (50) fpw Himimrigc Sale, 2-ROOM suite. 139 4th East. (55p) frrrprH rTmXT W$&n ARCHIE By BOB MONTANA L- IT'4 ARCHIE, MAWOELttfl TGLL HIM ID j 4ECHIE.' f HOLDIMg"! t t HOW !j f if W T TTt r-i uci:aa JM wi:t?tl UAO Ttll" I IMC Wtev . 1 I i& A r .'!-. tl it- nstrl I I I A v-y r-v t ( - l Tea, home of Mrs. ' in.sen, Amu w (II). Village of Mcnarl, Map HIM . WIIKKKA.4 satisfactory proof of loss of the above Certllleate of Title issued In the name of Minnie Hansen lias been llled lii this otlicc, notice Is hereby given that I shall, at the expiration of one mouth from the date of the first publication hereof, Issue a Provisional Cellili-cate of Title In lieu of said lost Certl llcate, unless in I lie niealitttne valid objection be made to u.c in wriilne;. DATED at the Land Registry Office. Prince Rupert, B.C.. this 24lh day of February, 1964. A D, . ANDREW THOMPSON, 'Deputy Registrar of Titles. l71cd) IIO.MLS I OH SALK 40 linhtersl-ashlun Show, U SITUATIONS WTO. MALE BUKlHers Easter Tea, 'aar, April 14. 3 BEDROOMS. $850 DOWN Spacious family home on the bus line and near shopping. Large living-diningcombination, bright cabinet kitchen, good sized bathroom down, three roomy bedrooms up. Early possession. Full price $4200. CLOSE IN Solid 2-bedroom home with full lot the Moose Spring I of Mrs Fred Grim- icome""'' Apr" J5- IN ZEE. eAtH....'.-0UT tNO I'LL MKE Js4 VTl I PrilNTJ nIIT S H f T TALK lO HGpH HE A'55" ON CALLING1 IT IN THE, S- ft HEKEf? J yW 'I I Vl-, - 1 77) ZcjitH yffii'firfZ-i: " YM$T , If . HAVE CLASS "B" CHAUFFEUR'S LICENSE and Small Capital Will drive or Invest in , Tm -business or similar . ; Please reply to: Pat, 606 Queens Rd. E., North Vancouver, B.C. Aleohoiirs Anony-B"X 343. & M;'ry Daffodil Tan basement. 3 blocks from town. Large living room, handy cabinet kitchen, 2 good-sized bedrooms (large closets), $2000 down. Balance like rent. $4750 lull price. Armstrong Agencies Ltd. Phone 342 - Eves. Red 958 . (51) I L ' toX.prlns .KB, EXPERIENCED meat cutter wants steady employment. Nearly 9 years at present job. Phone Blue 730. 52) 41 BUSINESS LOCATIONS the Eastern -3 'Star rpe 8nrn Bnr ?6 BVILOINd MATERIALS May 15. r-fcSjOjfUP'l; ..' SUN I , . BT-SiSgL- - J"' ' ' "'J"j IV THAT'S KIGHT"t vYOUlC'T I '3 Spring Bauaar, IBazaarMay 27. FOR RENT Offices in the Stone Building, modern, steam-heated, centrally located. Apply Room No. '3. Stone Building or phone Red 593. (51) 43 LLsliNGS WANTED LIST YOUR HOUSE WITH H. 0. Helgerson Ltd, "and prepare to move" Phone 96 or F. Wilson, Black 197 eves. (55) I mm. W lMIE AT I Af-tT I T'M I I v..... i rnvn ii.jv.iiro., , , K t -r r r iun .T'f J PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LTD. Phone 651 or 652 Inquire about our budget plan for your home improvement. No down payment. $100 to $2,000 6 to 24 months to pay. (55) MARRIED woman desires part-time work clerk-typist. Preferably mornings. Blue 2137. (55) .? AO tea WE Av7 tesmaking - 27 Fl'EL tr (SOp AUTOMOBILES 47 s D For Your Fuel Requirements: Oil "Shell" Stove and Furnace. Coal Foothills and Bryan Mtn. Gas "Pacific" Propane. PiriLPOTT, EVITT & CO. LTD. Phone 651 or 652 (55) ! works -4 mm mwmm fmm. 29 CHRYSLER Sedan for best offer. Write to 5805 Sher-brooke St., Vancouver, B.C.. (51) Tku 4iliiraMM It M suUiihU w d.ipUiul by Li Cwibal 6oui si by Uu Cninuwm. tlB.mil! C.l,rt. ri viiiiiuers. 1 (62)