Prince Rupert Daily News Monday, April 7, 1952 Cj utile Ce ereinonii Iljatttj luminaeje . Ml loanj Saie ve ij Jinpre55i -reditu lerian faster Sale Success Marked Affair ' Last Thursday Afternoon Success social and financial marked the pre-Easter tea and sale last Thursday afternoon of the Ladles' Aid of First Presbyterian Church. Durlna the af Your Easter-Parade Conrad Sfree( (J.Ju PDSaL 2), Prince Rupert W. H. Fulton, Montreal; A. Paterson, W. Ross, Dr. J. B. Harrison and Reg Childs, Vancouver; A. Arvid, Edmonton; W. Mac-Kay, -North Burnaby; N. Sabar-lch, Sykasville. Pennsylvania: O. 'raws Holy Name In Retreat . On Sunday Father T. J. Rayner O.M.I., conducted a retreat for the men of the Holy Name Society of Annunciation Parish. At the monthly meeting held the same day Martin Van, Coo-ten resigned as secretary and John' MacDonald was elected to replace him. ' At St. Andrew's Cathedral Hall la.'t Thursday parents and friends of the Guidts and Brownies witnessed an Impressive Flying-up ceremony and Guide Enrolment. The District Commissioner, Honora Silversides. inspected the Guides before they formed the Horseshoe for the Enrolment ceremony. Six recruits were enrolled as Guides Carol Nelson, Kathleen Gladish, Diana Davidson, Isabel Gladish, Muriel Procktcr and Nita Weise. All had qualified in knowledge tf Guide Law and other necessary cjLarge Crowtls ternoon there were many caller .Hanson, Prince George; R. W. wno were received by Mrs E. A. Wright, the wife of the pastor, and Mrs. W. W. Bowes. Dresldent of vi-itors Sutur-1. and evenitif! and i ,,i tt .s'iiicd to the of the Ladies' Aid. Co-conveners of the tea room were Mrs. W. White and Mrs. Neil McLean. lu,t is being I Arts and pronciencies in order to be promoted from recruits to fully en Over :m Realized at Popular Service Club Event Articles ranging In value from' a nickel to $20 drew large crowds of active buyers to the Rotary CUib's rummage sale Saturday and a land office business was i.wtd. Olferings ranged from shoelaces to stoves, including fur coats and "rare" antiques. It was a hive of bustling activity all day long and often the p.ospective buyers were lined up on the street outside. Sale for the first three hours was by straight rummage and then Auctioneers Tom Christie, and Biil Scuby took over and: barkt-d themselves dry and the! Khelve.s bare before they were! through. i Krnest Paulding was in charge With A. P. Crawley, E. V. Whiting, A. D. Ritchie, T. B. Black, J. H. Black, Earl Becker, W. E. Simmons. W. D. McAra, Roy Collin -son, George Mitchell and Len Brewerton. Kotanans Mrs. Paulding, Mrs.! Christie and Mrs. Ritchie also Pitched in to give the men a hand. , Proceeds may run over $500 ' Which will be a substantial in. uy at the Mr. Van; Cootcn will leave for , Ocean Fa lis in about two weeks where he has been transferred. "Another member, also Scout-! master for Annunciation troop,' James Gorman, haa received a The pouring table and .tea ., 1. 1 . . . . ... i . . . . rolled Guides. Martlndale, Terrace; J. W. Gur-ney, Courtenay; J. A. Haughton, Penticton; Miss E. Kill and J. Kill, Terrace; Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Michiei, Terrace. W. L. Macquire, Masset; Mr. and Mrs. J. Bolton, Port Essihg-ton; P. Cooney and G. Charles, Edmonton; A. Cunningham, E. Wilkes, L. Ryan, W. H. Marlatl, W. Corrigon, J. McArthur, J. McLachlan, G. Bernard, L. Lea-thorn, C. W. Reld and W. Tul-lock, Vancouver; Mr. and Mr.?. Sass and . Harris. Kwinitsa; T. Greenslake, Toronto. transfer to Vancouver. ul Decides The commissioner presented a Three Year Service Star to Nancy Lund, a "Two Year Service to Molly Simmons and a one year service star to Suzanne Kergin, Elizabeth Jones and Sue Martin. The Brownies then formed their Fairy Ring inside the Guide Horseshoe and the Commissioner presented Brownie Wings to Marme Aniield and Sue Med-ele'y who. having earned their Brownie Golden Hand and other badges, were qualified to "Fly Up" to the Guides. Two Brownies, Beatrice Throarinson and Ann Wilson rnrip tn fiiiirlplnnH keen upprecla-i iof! v of exhibits ro',l.r auditorium.! lobby. mm, main win was neneral. 'J thP straight expo-. 'J. divrr-e types of 1 imported and J,e and individual-: iffial piauuils for, i';i3i!s--the products i nonie rejuvenating .fl by Miss Eileen i oxU'iis -n depart-; ,'l'mversity of British -'fe the work done by Mr. and Mrs. R. Breaks returned to the city at the end of the week from a trip to Vancouver. Crowds of people, young and old, thronged to the basement of Conrad Street School Saturday afternoon to take advantage of the scores of bargains offered at the annual White Eelephant. sale of the Conrad Street tkhool Parent-Teacher Association. Home cooking, clothing, books, kltchenware, Jewellery vanished n the course of a couple of hours and the stalls were empty. Following their Invasion of the white elephant sale, customers proceeded to the tearoom to en-Joy a cup of hot tea and a snack before proceeding home with their bags of loot The sale was convened by W. D. Griffiths with the assistance of: Home Cooking Mrs. C. Marl-neau and Mrs. R. Irvine. Glass and Kitchenware W. D. Griffiths and W. R. Garbutt. Jewellery and Notions Mrs. J. V. Denning. Toys and Novelties Mrs. J. Kurdzlel and Shirley Kurdziel. Books J. F. Denning and George Denning. Clothing Mrs. K. Berg and Mrs. J. Adelman. Fancywork and Shoes Mrs. O. Alderson and Mrs. L. Murdoch. Cokes and Hot Dogs Mrs. A. Bussanich, Ellen Roper, Bernice Hayhurst. Mrs. B. Sambo and Mrs. R. Dixon. Peanuts Bob Bussanich and Arvid Hardine. . Two prize winners were forced to "cut" for their position Friday at the Sons of Norway regular kctuica weie utsieiuuy ciecoraiea with spring flowers. Presiding at the pouring table were Mrs. L. W. Kergin, Mrs. M. J. Dougherty, Mrs. A. F. Davidson and Mrs. M. J. Keays. Serviteurs were Mrs. Duncan McRae, Mrs. Duncan Black, Mrs. M. E. Martin and Mrs. H. Robb. Mrs. J. W. Eastwood and Mrs. J. .Evans assisted in the kitchen. I Mra. George Mitchell and Mrs. Wm. Bremner were in charge of the home cooking table. 1 Aprons were sold by Mrs. R. Strachan and Mrs. H. C. Hani-day and the white elephant was conducted by Mrs. F. W. Brown and Mrs. R. Fossum. Mrs. A. Ouyan was cashier, HoUby. During the tea the visitors watched the Brownies at a quiet game and observed the Guides practising a nature observation game which Is part of their training for promotion to Second Class Guides. whist drive. Eight tables were! In play with the following re- j suits: I Mrs. Julia Slatta, ladies' first; ' ouisltion to the Rotary. . Tennis Club fund. ,c:aft groups ol tne I centre under tne1 with the help of two Brownies who . had just received their wings. The Pack then wisher) i ion a id three- , readers Sonja meeting Mrs. Martin Berg's Monday. 83c Hear High School Band playing tonight at Arts and Crafts Display, Civic Centre. ntc) Mrs. Bremo, cutting with Mrs. , H. Grlnstand, second; Ovald1 Johanson, men's first; O. K. Ol-' A Miles. ' ,, ,hc tea tables the four girls farewell In the unal manner by giving them the Grand Howl. and. t.hi Onirle t c f and Mrs. M-rvi'ein s were i iD.s'lc. Mrs S. C. j P. Macdonald, partridge. Miss v; i Muriel Maek- A Regular Mnnco SMART FOOTWEAR Fashioned to enhance your costume. We've a complete selection of new designs in colors; leathers and heel heights ' you prefer. Widths AA-C FASHION FOOTWEAR meeting meeting, T u e sday, 5T Vfll General Helpers-Mrs. A. Lund, Mrs. B. Cameron and Mrs. William McLean. Convener of the tearoom was Mis. P. Downing with assistants: K'tchen Mrs. H. Coullng, Mrs N. Nelson. Mrs. W. E. Smith and Mrs. J. Hardine. Serviteurs Mrs J. Ritchie, Mrs. H. Blair, Mrs. W. Murdoch, Mrs. M. Girardet, Mrs. J. Mellor and Mrs. C. Wilson. Cashiers Mrs. W. D. Griffiths and Mrs. L. Colussl. i JJ) APril 7. Election of Harvey. Miss sen, second, after winning a cut with John Kampster; Deane Freeman, chair prize, and A. de la Nell, door prize. - Mrs. Barney Roald was in charge of refreshments, assisted by Mrs. K. D. Gislce, Mrs. O. Giske, Mrs. O. Selvig, Mrs. Alt Jensen, R. Hundelde,. O. K. Ol-scn and John Fredhelm. Next week's whist drive and dance has been cancelled . because of Good Friday. oinccrs. (84c) Captain, Mrs. W. L. Hitchcock, welcomed them to the Guide Company and introduced them to the Patrol Leaders and the Swallow, Canary and Rose Patrols. The meetinf closed with a story told by the Commissioner and the singing of Brownie and Guide Taps. ' Tea was served to the visitors bv Brown Owls Kergin and Mad-eley, assisted by Tawny Owl and M ss Jaqucl-Th m n was Thomas Young of Arrandale ' cannery was a pas cnger aboard the Ooquitlam last evening returning to the Naas River for the season after having spent the r M-. F n. F - Those having outstanding books of raffle tickets in connection with the Arts and Crafts Show should be sure and turn them in by 9 o'clock tonight. (ltd .:artisen and Miss I Responsible for the winter in Vancouver. i alignment of the . vv C. K Jones D. Smith. F overs r . - ' rST"Qw,L-i5:GrSTL.PJ . IMPORTANT fc&nAHnrNnn Cbeco-esbumsteaoI K0 ,rTlCA-J , Execute and Committee bv Miss Muriel mum yzzsc mm. m f gsga-"-. i ntn.vir of the r-fid to good ad-Di n of the hall minks o pleasure I'niu : gyrr.i'.p-inm. Jun-'p wn in praeti-fralt! demonstra-y nf'erno:m a id to the m' of his evenin? adult be in action. .! '; musical I'.r ;; !' If J as rf- d in.'o the show. Svtv.phopy s in a' tendance d n"-iioii of Peter s -rrrr-.tis pro-.Top opriate ! :i A' tin- same; : tii a t rlub and , "'re ,rrvi:;g tea to o. ?$&k$ ' JrB Vft GENERAL ELECTRIC H A J1- fe& jji ii : Mas k C Jj ESC JtrtiL li Ic is&l bLZ $jy -il-ii .ii rfni ,T5 NC'T-.f; ) 1 I r ,T s TM ,ksomnia HJ1 -t '"tT'( ) :,t 1J Gf-P I Dl On T I V -N Vlt' UO-MPEO IO mv f ImAT PCAllv GETS C 11, A BAD WAV- L VCoi iV-7' - . - N pMt"lT' ) K rpoM business U --tttf- betterl.e J ...--. U-& " I- jlVf Jff "BUY QUALITY ... NOT PRICE" ZJv LJ f)- ( ti 1 " ' : ' 1; ' 171 P m ; Northern B.C. Power Co. Ltd. ' ma HA twAI O'U IT -S III I I - WAir'SQP Hl.- "J sr( SlCK. HUH- I .,i. ni om ( iiM TJ, I Hesner liloek Phone 210 IGOT Wr Mf s ( VOUCAWT5EE rS? that's 571 ( V pais kow iHAr -4' nrrn ( roow- M" ll K- foJri " WHATS rH Prince Rupert, B.C. Stewart, B.C. l":n:l n hard to';i!,s fori M.' 'in ro"ers '! ' s : lid oils : s:i":is. the work 5 Chrr-, 'i-t n:!it on the trip to Vancouver. ' ! t'yro Club will r.ioi.. ,ii y business y luncheon ' r. .uriv.i in r, Louis" today ' i to mill i hi, t Pnn m staff of. ' Ellbtf-- L eirili I 6Ur s"mLj X II ' ill 'i ao 1 I 1 11 li' s-ct-l i Ts (, BJMSTEAD.OJ nitwit.' )- I 'I I ( fS OOT JTTl I.LtS- -v VthP II k'l-- that was THE. NSuPANC6r il i 1 5ClAT,CA.-S -rf l ), II ' ' 4', V --r T EXAMINE!?. ANO NOW ) VAV ( P"umt,Sm)Jj;Vj (tVKJ J fe L THEVLU REFUSE ME ' V X insomnia 1-7' til T VA E e Jiidrf-T ' v V . I , V ' tfj' ' i v"r'" s ;ii mis. M- Ui;-;r:t and' U:i relumed 5 '' "..(1 i tlv? ' ti"i;i where they llu' Piovinciul , !' 1111., niril'.r n,.A I I r.rss. i j:!'lls. mining here' 1 'ill tn ., i f-n. transferred to !i'k("' clerk in the : IT0 nf Canadian "). arrived in the' fSMs train. H, was : I y Mrs. Williams. ! r -!'-m. v i''Ouver i f '',Vtl iir thi ie ciiy on r niaht nonthly ! : P'y ins Hup .. T -f. I t III II .V-IV."T '.I f S ! - f ;K TVl ' I Oe.i-J return ' till f no t Prni 'l' Hiiiiort on I I I S-- H -- . eCV- LtJ .A I "Ul.Wl ';iir of . f" . ' . I I ! t1' Mela i 1 1 W W . r II ' I ir? ii it I i MS? PltHEPS. I A--5rri r-zrz in ro i i ikF ike TO to C 5UCH viTAliTv SuCh viGCW') vOUt'E PEPfECT MtALTHA ( MP pirMEIi'S -I'M GO'Nli TO ) .V uer return1 r TALK TO VOU )l Gcf your Easter G'fts in plenty of time! Wc have a wonderful selection of Easter Eqqs Plush Rabbis Candies Grcetinq Ca'ds Baskets And Novelfes , '.. Wjl'i'vriulH ,f ABOUT A r'tl t,l?4NT VOO TMt TOLM.V j -J 1 Mv.-- CAlE rl f FPrECr I v 4. 'I:'' be re-1 j "r "''""ie time ,.,:. (; ;::;.i.ene Pil-j t1V!ri"'k al thJ 8- ...:,tie and M,.t -ill J x 9 r to i i mm llllliv,!.... . I 1 'v.lV I .-. iven bv ' rrt,i.,..! y'OUMti Ut, i9V. K.n' Iciiuics Syndiuif. Inc. World nghn mtti iasi,;m'1()lls. The 41, ?lorro to re- . tWL , iUi UUlil "in i;o.,pit;il.