j Knut ARTS, CRAFTS 'Continued from page 3 Carlw, 56 the "Flvir, w 6.' Prince Rupert Daily News Monday, April 7, 1952 &iAop ziyief Opium Dens Library Ass n j., r took the two high hearts, on which he discarded two clubs. He finessed the queen of diamonds and took the ace of that suit. He was now through and Is so perfect In them. Some ffcuncl , Thf' w coir, I Lascelles' Influence tne Mexican pnnu somewhat sombre but others were so trested in them that " a PI price lC list USI. naunis iur . ' UU !(. is being sent for as duDllcate Rr.K :r " Booth t.. BLACKWOOD on - lu'nibi n . wi'.m. be obtained prints can from 't. ' me Dictum Mexico'. of play in a hand, hoe chances for uccc are aut fill ml If tc play clnTd ; OM,,t ve an address and 1616110X5 inn r "h'j.m . 51' s craft Among the work the Rin,..i! Hu;.' copper "pictures roused much , Mi In Court By ALAN HARVEY Canadian Press Staff Writer LONDON (CP) Among the men behind the scenes at Brlt- .nnrr tpw exercise a (treat- prizes. comment and many promise to losing the opportunity of trying v I the other. To putMt another way.i Executive for the coming yeaq i EDITOR'S NOTE: Bill Boss, Canadian Press staff writer . n, thp Canadian forces In you can have two chances in- is as iouu.s. try their nana at that type of xes'('rday a1(l work next year. Rurc but the kjthB: Muriel Vanct s upholstering h0 w"Si Chairman, Mrs stead of one. R. E Moore.j Kolt,a, recently visited Bang t liL.l -By EASLEY BLACKWOOD librarian, Mrs. L. P. Charbon Such was the case In this deal. As Mr. Champion harshly' ex- plained, Mr. Abel should have rr Influence than Sir Alan Las- field anrt rhnir rirpu. man., slon courses. Mr.". ' " Sometimes You Can Try Two neau. Library Committee Martin Van Nuyten, O. R. Brett, John kok capital oi inanana i southeast Asia. In this story, one of a series, he describes something few tourists see: the inside of an opium den.l attempted to cash the two top ceUes, liaison man . between the marks of commendation and Pre!lenlel MissCroyJ1 Crown and the government of umazement. The attractive mo- vi7WRpur,War,dp4 m hearts In dummy, starting at j MacDonald. jj Ways To Play a Hand 5 "We should have been in six," fumed Mr. Cham dern tables made by Mrs. Carr- tnl h i trick two. After all, the hearts; were going to have to break noj the aay. Sir Alan, six feet tall with a grandee moustache, is private secretary to the Queen and the $ion after the play of this hand. His criticism vaswolse tnan 4"2 Harris from old fashioned ones wh " 1 lnt 'Pprt shows what can be done with a . k the warsn little ingenuity. CrV !;n:: A program of suitable moving year The ml mi picture subjects is being pre- tn hin .L )lQn- i SHIPS an D Somewhat inconsistent as Mr. Abel had only won 1( have trumped the second high By BILL BOSS Canadian Press Stuff Writer BANGKOK, Thailand 0 Every customer in the place was a derelict. There were 200 or more, rooted to their stalls by a long broad pipe and a dime's worth of opium. tricks heart. But that would not have TI . .. tKiJbeen a death blow to the con- sented to round out each pro- Mis" rtl"??')! only member of the Queen s household so far appointed. As such he works long hours in a hlgh-ceilinged room in Buckingham Palace, acting as link between the palace and 10 WATERFRONT 1,1 Bvc no . ,'iin! !i tract. Mr. Abel could have over- was pointed out to him. "What gram. They Include the epic on their f,,r, film of the great attempt in the replied th-i T"' Atlantic laa winter of Capt. to be bu'k ruffed and gone over to alterna- j I mean." he continued, "is that Hua don that of cross-ruffing " Some were raised on an elbow, of inhaling deeply; others flat on ; North vulnerable i Neither side vulnerable North (Mr. Champion) S A Q 10 1 H A K 8 8 5 4 2 ; D 8 2 Downing Street, the prime mln- Making her second voyage iic e iuuiu nave u.ui "-the hand out. Miouia nave muue ma narcotlc iter's official residence. o ,,1 h... t.un An. -inh'ine seaiion 10 Aias.ua, rrt siea- their Dacks lost in solitary 5 IT'S TIIK REAL KOREAN STORY . '"' Here's what happened. Mr.... Hl,mnrt. nn hpart ' mer Princess Norah, Cap., lira- dreams. Some were others shared a pipe Dale opened the queen of clubs . ' , trumD tricks or 12 in I ham Hughes, was in port from smokers of Courage in Combat . . Guts A relative of the late King and a veteran of 32 years in royal service, the 64-year-old Lascelles has acted as private and dummy's lone ace won. Now C A ,-(Mr. Iale) all: i9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Fridaj. between them. : The vewl had 53 passengers on The den I saw is one of many TIIK board includiiii five who disem- in Bangkok, where opium is for- I sccretary for Elizabeth's father, Mr. Abel was torn between two lines of play a cross-ruff or the setting of the heart suit. (Mr. Meek) S 9 7 S H 10 D K J 9 0 C K 9 7 6 3 "omu"u'"'K' r , I barked here: Mr. and Mrs. Wal- bidden to the Siamese but open 'II STEEL HELMET 'H Q J 0 7 3 ' D10 4 3 ' C Q J 10 He finally deemed or. the hit- ou" a P'001"" lur """""' ton, Mrs. A. Vars. Mi.s P. Whito to the foreigner. Most addicts ter course and at trick two led ers is tne fact that temperature and Mrs Blake Knox Tvk.Q ptr. are CnineSe, and a few are In-a small heart and ruffed it. He of the suns corona during an S0I13 took passage from here for dians. her grandfather and her uncle. ; S Thus he now serves his fourth's sovereign. , J 5 His duties are not clearly de-j fined but some are well known. 1 Starring ROBERT HUTTON STEVE BR0BIE JAMES EDWARDS - RICHARD LOO returned to the board via the ecupe is mutii ingnir umu mai the nor(n on tne ves;iel 0ne buys the opium at a wicke' Smith (Mr. .Wie!) S K J 8 6 5 H None D A Q 7 5 C 8 6 4 3 near the entrance. Ten cents. ! ace of trumps and led another of the sun itself. I t 1 . Jl1n.n. nn4 ' TODAY ond TUEScJ small heart. . I 1 i When Mr. Meek discarded a PACIFIC DISCOVERY club the chance for 12 tricks The Spaniard Juan Perez in west vanished. Mr. Abel ruffed again, 1774 is believed to have been Also "Ml'SIC Qt lZ" CARTOON - NEWS Show 7 - 9:00 Going on the run in place "of , Jj"J? n JLTsmok "lU vlsltlnB dignitaries before they t noka aeiu lor ot the Chilcotin. Union steamer ?aIlt: upstairg.. to yisit tne Queen CombeU,1krrWed' InwT afg IHor of the den is like a 1 the state rooms of the palace He is beUewd to ho d the key SSS-wS Sr. SigSn van! j huge barn, with .n upper storey ' which opens government, ens couver couver and ana sailed saiiea at at midnieht mianignt for lor , reaclftd by ' a . ladder stairway. boxes and sees all state nartitloned at patch .he south end of the Queen I Tlie . room Parnl.nf,a ' ,,.irti, nnmmnntnn- South I S 3 S The bidding: North East ;'l II Puss ifl C Pass ,4 S All pass Pass cashed two more rounds of the first to sight the Queen trumps, ending in dummy, then Charlotte Islands. T.i,j. ...u -1-- shou tier nemnt inio sians lor F" lJ' a v krr.;..LrJtm iOiaiius iicun; Mie ; " ' men each and the floor on tions from the governors-gen- oulhbond Calling k7ZZ they sit or lie Is raided eral and prime minister, northbound, thj vessel let off 42 I aD0Ut three feet. A visitor walk- Educated at Marlborough and WifliieroP passengers there. ln8 oown me narrow bimcs sees Trinity college, uxiora, air Aian ' tVta the Piia'nmtfl's customers nn on pithpr either Kirto side at. at ! no nttlun4,i man m J ) v- . . til v r .1 id miuvtii a Luibiiuwu juau with" an encyclopaedic knowledge of 19th century social history and literature. Before the j thigh level. On the ground floor were 100 men In various states of traace. Photographic surveying to speed up map-making was intro duced in the Kocky Mountains' and another 100 were upstairs. 10 J888- j AH were almost gaunt, with sunken, pve-soc kets. and none NewYorK irTT' I n'jmfrl rr minrl hei'nir seen ill Critics the di:igy, sultry half-light of , the place. Some were youths, ' If II most were middle-aged. for. DENS PROSPEROUS ' In Bangkok they say that if you see a person who elsewhere might be taken for a mulnutri-tion case the chances are he is an "opium-eater." There is a den in ?very quarter of the city, and all prosper. The pellet of opium is put on the ladle end of a long-ha idled, narrow, spoon which' then Is inserted into a giass-walled lamp. There the blown stuff Is heated over a flame until it becomes volatile. When judged ready to be lit, the pellet is put into the 'large wooden bowl of a pipe, which then is turned upslde- my w ihvHENONLYj If WILL DO It last world war, he formed part of a particularly brilliant circle. He has a reputation still for Edwardian grace and dry humor. Although he does not grant interviews and discourages inquiries of a personal nature. Sir Alan is dogged by one anecdote. As the story goes, an American reporter asked him whether he was related to Lord Harcwood, whose family name is Lascelles. Sir Alan answered In the affirmative, and the reporter asked how. "Quitf legitimately," replied Sir Alan. He knows Canada well, having jervcll there from 1931 to 1935 as secretary to the Eail of Bess-borough, then governor-general. He accompanied the King and Wueen on the royal tour in 1939 and was knighted by the King on a train speeding between Washington and Niagara Falls, Out. I He is one of the few persons to have received the accolade outside the United Kingdom. Another was Sir Arthur Curric, famous Canadian general of the first world war, who kneeled on ! a cushion in France to receive his award. 1 dow.i w th the bowl over tl.j lis tx. rr. . W fiMi NAMED DESDff l J IHIUIU.1VU nuuiUffltwaff t TOTE.1 lamp. A few puffs and it is smoking like an ordinary pipe. Opium pipes are so large that two men handle them, one doing the puffing while his partner holds ths bowl over the flamv. Once the thing Is going it Is parsed between them. There isn't much noise only ?. subdued murmur, despite the number of smokers. "These men live only to spend theii time here," said my Inter-p;ete; "They forget their famil-ic1, their fiv.-Tids and their Work. "All they want Is the Utile money it takes to buy their daily jpium, and back they come." It takes two people to make a deal. Years ago when the present management- o. mis comocny took over, we decided, to make Wallacs's Deportment Sfo-e a sce for Prince RuDert to he oroud of. Our dreams PLUS your good will has finally maJe this possihle. ' Our Faith in Prince Rupert In Ourselves and in YOU We have complete faith in Prince Ru rri. We havo faith in ourselves. We pledge ourselves to give you the me c'r.andise you want at the price you -want to Day. Wallace's everyday reg ilar prices will he as low or lower "than like Quality elsewhere in Canada. Wailace's sale 'specials will beat 'sales in other cities. By building the most up to date premises in Canada, we have shown our faith in you. TODAY to WEDNESDAY Kvriiing Show 7: - 9:15 p.m. n.AVKRSTHUl MOI S A l' 1 ! i mmm 5 i There's no present like the time... - and no time Be 1 .1.1 vt . n William Laid at Emard Rest I ,-"" If ( j Ktl BITTIR FAST! p !ROLEX Funeril took place quietly 'i.5t Friday afternoon from the Grcn-vtlle Court Chapel of B. C. Undertakers of William Alfred Emaid, resident of tiie city for twenty years or more, who passed away lait week at the Inlander Rooms. Eenior Captain George Oystryk of the Salvation Army officiate.! Interment fojlowcl in Falivia.v Cemetery. ; Through Our Doors Pass The Nicest People in the World Respectfully WALLACE'S DEPT. STORE Per L M. Felsenthal IS tl if n H a M H M M u u tl rt M M w 1 . t This advertisement if not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or Kv hr Grtvtmmenr ol British Columbia. cover more area. FAMED EXPLORER The fact that Newfoundland was not part of trre North American continent was shown by Jacques Cartler's discoveries of 1534-35. a a ri (fay tavi Saclcf (Concealed cvit& "CLIFTON COLOUR COMB" New! Exciting! Not a Hair Dye! COVER GREY HAIR SAFELY WITH JUST A FEW STROKES OF r 1 vatcli lliat i far l!ve AY"4"' A1. in StlU" . ..f aptraranT.' .rarance? Then 1 nrn sk . your j V T " ' mnfW"! J udor "Oyster wriaiwaicitcs. - trKI)rtv "CLIFTON COLOUR COMB" ( liflun Colour (Joml) i. rxrilinf! nrw! Already llloii-samlx o( rittliiisiastic uerrs arc raving about the Kay it conrealft iatfhea of prey liair tthich su often mar a beautiful coiffure. luMproof, and ol nf raune. course, uirt'ii'7. !" ' lifetime UcaiirticJ bv Swiss eraftsiuen lo give - 1 SOUTH for EASTER BY POPULAR SS PRINCE RUPERT THURSDAY APRIL 10th For Reservations Call or Write . City or Depot Office PKINCK KL'PERT CANADIAN NATIONAL ROT. EX of GBNEVI VANCOl'Vllt and VICIOKIA SUNDAY ss. Camosun 8 p.m. TUESDAY 8 5. Coquitlam 12 noon LICR AK.V), STEWART AND POUT SIMPSON Sunday, Coqtiitlani, 11 p.m. F()lt NORTH ((I .KEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS April 11 and 25 m. Camosun midnight FOR SOUTH OlIEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Camosun April 4 and 18 (midnight) FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Arcent SWITZERLAND , 1 imiK- VI itli the first few truke of ( liflon Colour Comb our liair is restored to it natural lufttrous beauty. Then bru-li vipor.iu-lv ami it ia there to a" May until you haniioo your hair. A J t3J harmtee colour Kon't rub off! Sm . Each 77iree aharcs - Medium froicn, Dark Itroti-n, lllnrlt. C0MPIETEIY SATISFIED OR YOUR MONEY Will BE REFUNDED rmtita. " 1 ,,.'- ,. 11 aun ror,,a, ' U() Uichmuiut Sir i Pt . YOU MUST BE IP JOHN BULGER JEWELERS phoi' ORMES DRUGS frincc Rupert, B.C. Third Aver.ue Phone 508