r IT 5 TIMt . . . 4VI I vJ Prince . 'Rupert Deiiy Newi As i See It ta itirTii rrnnu m.... Victoria Report ... .by J. K. Nesbitt Tuesday, OctoDer 13, 19oi Senate's concerned? Don't you An independent daily newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert and Northern and Central British Columbia. , - Member of Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulations ; ' r Canadian Daily Newspaper Association. Published by The Prince Rupert Daily News Limited. .. J. F. M AGO It, President H. O. PERRY, Vice-President The full rains are here and winter is not far behind today to instal storm windows in YOUR hou ' Al l. TYPES OF WINDOWS AND SASH MAIIK To 0Ki know that the Senate is tne private preserve of the government in power, and that only good Liberals, who have worked hard for "J ( J Clmore K GREER & BRIDDEN LT 215 First Avenue West , Subscription Rates: Dy, carrier Per week, 25c; per month. $1.00; per year, $10 00. Lv mail Per month. 75c; per year, $8 00. A iVirtharized as second class mall by the Post Office Department, Ottawa. 1$ the Liberal government, will get their reward in -the Senate, at $6,000 a year for life, no bother of having to fight pesky election every now and then? Would you have Social Credit Mr. Bennett recommend a Social Credit Indian? He certainly wouldn't recommend a CCF In For This Thanks VICTORIA MLA's often bring gifts to their fellows In the Legislature. Everybody likes them! It's the case of something for nothing, and MLA's are human. Everyone enjoyed the two tins ot salmon Liberal Mr. Brown brought from Prince Ruoert, that very home of fine salmon. They hope that next session he'll bring along some of that splendid tinned crab from the Queen Charlotte Islands. Social Credit's Mr. Shantz of North Okanagan brought every-I oi:e a slab of balmon Arm cheese, : nicely tied up in blue and silver ribbon. He explained the cheese j v,as made In Salmon Arm, but i the milk for it comes from Okan-;ap;nn. It ws the same rheese : that' so delighted the Queen, HERE'S AN EASY WAY TO V .mI! CASH dian. Mr. St. Laurent wouldn't go for a Social Crediter, nor yet a CCF'er. He'll only have a Lib- ! eral, and Mr. Bennett won't have j anything to do with a Liberal. So, you see, Mr. Calder, how hopeless it ail is. On Canada's Prosperit Mr. Bennett, of course, has no 'Churchill and St. Laurent, so j intention of asking Mr. St. MLA's felt honored indeed. And Laurent to appoint a native In-; Whether you want toinvest $300 or $30 ' Investors Mutual gives you a golden opport.',' to shore in Canada's prosperity. It's so easy! Your SINGLE !NVESTM! WHEN we were young more people used to sing a rousing hymn Count Your Blessings Name Them One by One. Here are a few that folk probably gave thanks for over the holiday; Canada is as fine and rich a country as any on earth. True, we have ravaged the forest.;, let streams dry up and wasted even the good earth, in spots. But still the rest is so rich ar.d vast there is living space for 5U or 100 million people. We have produced the makings of the abundant life In every respect, except one. We have more food than we ourselves can eat. in years. We have the makings for morj clothes than we can ever wear. We have housing now to give shelter of a' sort to all of u; and- in our own land we huve the materials to build the finest dian, or anybody else to the Senate. He will have quite enough to tell Mr. St. Laurent In Ottawa next month as it Is. Be NAVY CHIEF Admiral J.yr-Ae Mccormick of the United i States Navy is Supreme Allied Commander for the AUantic ! region under the North Atkin- tic Treaty Organization. He arrives in Halifax for his first visit to Canada in connection with Exercise Mariner, an extensive air-sea training opera-! tion involving forces of nine ' NATO nations. Power to Fife 'Unsatisfactory' ; Teachers Asked sides, he knows very well the i Liberal Prime Minister of Can- t Investors Mutual Canada's fastest - gro J Mutual fund gives you part ownership of rJ ada would be stone deaf to the J Social Credit Premier of British; it is delicious cheese; there's no : doubt of that. I " Salmon Arm's Mr. Reid was i pleased with the cheese, too, but he appeared surprised to hear i from Mr. Shantz that the milk in Salmon Arm cheese . comes i from Okanagan. What's the j matter with Salmon Arm milk I for Salmon Arm cheese? That's what Mr. Reid wanted to know. Mr. Shantz was prould, not ! only of Salmon Arm cheese with Okanagan milk in It, but also ! of an Okanagan Premier, Mr. Columbia if such a matter was even whispered. than I Ul ot Lanada s tmest securities. You receive quarterly dividends may, if you wish, be automatically reinvest no cost and you have the opportunity of nx substantial capital gains. Investors Mul holdings are under the continuous supervisi expert management. ,, .,, . For income and peace-of-mind, put improve Our Public Relations RUPERT'S welcome mat needs a good PRINCE dusting off. This, at any rate, is the conclusion to be reached from a letter sent by C. N. Candee of Cornwall, Ont., to one of our readers. After taking one of the coastal cruises to Alaska this .simmer, Mr. Candee wrote: "To a Canadian it was somewhat disappointing 'to find that the two points visited" in Canada, Prince -Rupert and Whitehorse, seemed to be lacking in . preparations for visitors, compared "with calls in Alaska at Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skag-way." . We believe that Mr. Candee's remarks must be accepted at their face value, and not as an unfair comparison with Americans by an overly-sensitive Canadian, for the simple Veason we know he is dead right. There are no preparations. The summer visitor to Prince Rupert comes .'aiid goes as a stranger. He wanders through the city obviously more for exercise than for interest and no doubt departs with' the hope that the rest of hi?: trip will be more exciting. sVv That is not to say we need.tr'to eanulate a. town like Skagxnay whose residents soinftirfes re-enact gold rush days for their visitors. But a little more enthusiasm in welcoming visitors would do much to win popularity for Prince Rupert. In this respect it is reassuring to note that the newly-formed public relations council, with representation from interested organizations, is at this inoment asking for public support to make attractions of the city and district better known. This proup, which also recognizes the need of improving the local museum, appears likely to go far in popularizing Prince Rupert as a point of travel. . - With sufficient support, it is probable that the - council could handle the material aspects of the problem in their entirety.. These would include Bennett of Kelowna, and all the beauty queens . the Okanagan NELSON, B.C. (CP) Power to new homes in all the world f everyone who lives here now or i dlimI" unsatisfactory teachers produceSi rea beauties, too, said 30 notice wil! be on days sought shantz. Andi whlle on the savings to worK tp mvesrors vturuol ant: who may come here In tne future generations. by B. C. Sehool Trusties A?s;ci Edinburgh Plans Visit To Kifimat LONDON (API The Duke of Edinburgh will visit Canada next year from July 29 to Aug. n. The Queen's husband will see the British Empire Games in Vancouver and will visit Hudson Bay and the Northwest Territories. The Duke, who last visited What we lack, so far, is the YOUR full share jof. Canada's prosperity. ,."':,;' SEE yourVnvestors syndicate subject of milk and cheese and beauties, Mr. Shantz became proud of an Okanagan champion cow Summerland Standard Flo and he told MLA's her life story. CCF Mr. Calder of Atlln made his usual, quiet, solid presenta- ailon. Splitting sharply on the issue, the 49th annual ECSTA convention here Monday voted 78-62 for action on this line to offset "dtf-liculty In dismissing tory teachers." REPRESENTATIVE TODAY vision and the willingness to distribute what we have produced or could produce-' OTHER LANDS, not so blessed as this, suffer from recurrent 1"ip vote cime after L. Wood T. M. (Tom) CHRIST Canada in the fall of 1951 with waves of famine and chronic i president of the Okanaeari tion. He's proud of the totem nrnnrh rie-larpri "then, is no poles his ancestors carved In the his wife, then Princess Eliza- aeai Lily. Phone Blue Carol Court We suffer only from too much reason for school boards to con- long ago "d ne's fc""d the gov- i beth, will arrive In Ottawa July of a good thing, which we are tinue to tolerate the eanester : evmment Is moving to preserve 29 and proceed to victoria, Vancouver and Kitlmat, B C. He will later visit Port Ra too mean minded to use our- : methods they employ in con-! them. He said he'd like to see selves, trade or give away. i junction with labor unions " ! the province capitalize on its In India, China and other! He said Ecnonl bwris rrri unique totem poles, and he dium, Coppermine and Vellow- parts of India and Africa most I more strength. Trustees want to thoueht the word Totemland Knife In the Northwest Ten! human beings have never had he able to resne?t teachers, but should be on auto licence plates, tories and Churchill, Man enough of the bare necessities they must refuse to accept In- A good idea, Mr. Calder! of life. j competence. i And, oh yes, Mr. Calder asked They have never had enough' ''. f-nil vr.te was decided on k tne premier would ask the food, lor really '-vital 'bodies:! Ta! .startrtma ballot. Present H. A. prtme Minister. Mr. St. Laurent. IATEST REPORT Aid yaw kivhnl OmIm tec Mm UMtt Rffl many parts ef, the wrld,,thei' Moffat .of Prince George over- jf jjed appoint a BCy native have never - even .had enough ruled demands for a secret bJ.-itUan to the Senate. Mr. Calder watpr arA i,vpp ' Mifiutth Vro f Aw ! AtA"k h:n tnn t'-";lp bfvnm3'.,!,, aura nmal cminri " V J 1 .-T V tlUlllilkTU OUV - tM.J tree irom tiny argawsws wnich not was uii.u:-.-a oy geneiai (unny; coming , from him, a vote oi the convention destroy human .life.;'.!?;.. CCF'er, since, as he said, every- P7 We' have foott arfci ; to 'sparfc convention defeated an one jtnows It to be a fifth wheel We have enough water 'runhlh!; ;Okanaan bid for removing cost tne Canadian, buggy o state. establishment of an active tourist bureau, distri- to waste to water whole nevr'.M .neaun tcmces irom s.mick.i , . . t ld. ibTi '.' lsL. UP -' it as there Is a -4vitAon of attractive travel folders' an$''substanjtiatl toiptres of tarr, land "nl V. ot(i,oud?jt.ts on the ground thu ' r cklder wlontt turn;fheheel '.'aff our f,i they m..-no oirtrlnutmh' lnaCli('B, forlei ' ' if ' -' V trustees would have no voice in , ', , . ' . . . ziomonriin. ooriiifo fi-r.m n0wip!ii there slioulu K oe a I vacancy In It, assistance 10 me maseum wnicn nas 'umoia vaiue unlive Indian k . F,e, hay sjcftild dactflrS health Tftus poke Mr. Culder mi nt-ltn ieil hqwao-.ifecp f oULers.or Mi Bciihtt!, The Premier as-'a magnet for visitors. ... . But the general attitude towards tourists tour corneal our uis when slcKuess or , ; lotAed tnlltlly astonished. 1PwyPTef nLKS0 i Noted for its stumeoii, ' How, now. Mr, faider, do you litn wumiI $iP ' '"'''Nottaway river flows 205 mt&s really think a Surlal Credit Pre-t!:, fVr into the southeast end of James mier could get anywhere with CALVIN BULLOCK 14. .4.-' -. ,.m if" "v : Jt 3- -ti; V V 1 i . y .-:- A.; i' ft'V v., ;:t ; . ; " r'. V ''- Kl.'.fv.iti. . .-' auicu itliiiui . tlJ gUUU I1U ( a Liberal government where the ists cannof be fabricated by any one group. The most effective reception is the one that comes from a natural Sense of friendliness. Prince Rupert is a friendly city and therein lies the stuff for the best advertisement of all, if we care to use it. Bay. v . . S I I 1 workmanlike an education ' sy- ' ' j I ' inTT?r' i-L Whal THE AIR FORCE RECRUITING OFFICER will be ot the Notional Employment Service Office, Prince Rupert on OCTOBER 16 and 17 REFLECTS and REMINISCES (St) tem as there has ever, been in ! any land so' that any Canadian boy or girl who ho the mental f capacity can earn or obtain an . education up through and bs- j yond our best universities. j ,, I TRUE, we now literally rush to- , ward the valley of the shadow 1 of death. , Our great scientific development and material progress his j now enabled us and our neigh-burs to produce weapons so do- i MM 11U my '-vairbanks has 30,000 people, a It. He's been miserable trying to " "EK ll0Urs of dally "ght in win-1 be useful. Just couldn't stand ftciunshlny rest of time, a unl- that sort of life. I ! ! to Interview Young Men and Women interested, in Aviation. Learn a trade so you can demand high wages-. The Air Force will give you a FREE complete course in such trades as: ' vcruty, wages away up, things costly, Mount McKinley away, nway off, amusements when you IMHIUIIlilS wrin It's been some time since a child, comparable with the structive -that- some . now fear eel like It and more people than.;Heenlea .boyrfoc-age and , tl...graUgkjbUtili-iHiy be i I 'Electron! onks - Stenogtfpriy - Accountant - Mechanic Radio - Electrician lical ond manyjothers while 'receiving' full pai.''-;--'" Kv v. - Medi .i:.vwiere eise mis siae or ruget .njanuy mTolvcdcan bo aitt.tl,inclneratcd !, ... , sound. ?ilHVi: J HrtRtit tfei W. kmnspplhg 1 &A.isuretlfJt world choice ' - : leiititablfi.yThe'Wajr. In which I p6sed by atomic 4'rWgy W Just i o v sure the world owes you a llv- j tRlst tme -pari and xioes chal- a morc frightful Sllnilar one ., JS(J but. you must show It what ;lehge authority that arouses iron than that nosed for Canada bv ; Join the thousands of Younq Men and Women who are enrolling in the r r a p CWOUIRE NOW " NO OBLIGATION for. resflWa, our super-abundance of surplus 1 lumber, meat, fish and wheat. I -NOt UNFAMILIAR A thousand troops sailed from Seattle this week for Korea. made of. . . When you look at any bttil.ling in wlti. li li'f ,ns'" l .ii l l s mnv wef Oll'V br"" There has been amde time, of 4 late, to ponder Thanksgiving, al-' among them being represented1 "noupn mere is not the slightest , the Argyll and Sutherland High. . CjfrtaintV Of Other XtlhtertK tint, lanrioi-o TVip inH Visirt Von ! mortar. But building. re really fa.luonr having the preference. It's so training in Canada. There are ea?y to talk about alleged few parts of the earth where jU'oiibles. I some time, somewhere the Arevll ii 1 1 i i i i ii 1 1 iii ' i ii t i many iliiTerent people dreumi. f n'h'': W hat dreams? Perhapi a fall.er'a i ii - .1..., n. . ., lmol learlirrM01" ; anfi Sutherlands have not served. OTHER NEW BANK CUSTOMER Johnny's bank account is one of nearly ; 9,000,000 noiv carried by Canadians in the chartered banks 3, 750,000 opened .Strict medical protocol was followed at a recent hospital fire. A '-.doctor put it out, after a nurse handed him the extinguisher. ;Mmonton Journal. trip to Europe. Or eomeoneVplan to pay buv a faran. or retire at 65. of ' 'Hi Uind Out of u.h dream, many different Seliool". H" 1 are eonslrttrted all over the nation. buildinga, Itomei, liotel., power plant-. w BACKACHE MaybeVarninq Backache U often euued by hzy kidne; tctioa When ludneyi get out of order, exceu acida end wutee remain in the system. Then backache, disturbed rest or that tired-out and hevry-headed letting mat soon follow. That's the tima to take Dodd'a Kidney Pills. Oodd'i stimulato the kidneys to normal action. Then you feel better sleep better work better. Cot Dodd'a Kidney Pills now. CI ?f ORE COMFORTABLE NOW t , 'After all, who can blame - Amur for being back on the Job? Atlcr several years of retirement Arthur Hadden of Oklahoma, w'ric is 85, is aeraln performing his iAicht-hour shift as meat inspector? He'd retired too early and ,f' indifferent about who knows are ome of the unetul atrneiurea u,-of money which life iiwiranee compamrt their polieyholdera. . ..I.. i:l.nl.ler,re""'1 in the last ten years alone. Today, practically everybody goes to the bank. Competition among the banks in all s So, if you are a Jih? innuranre F; . . . while you're working to make your J true . . . while yon're providing lor yu. . ,j . . . you're aUo helping io to live in I AT VnilO KfOVICfl 60c SALE 60c on RECORDS A tralnod Ufa undarwrlfor, "P,n,ln "l ' c" eomP"l forms of banking service is one of the reasons why you, like Johnny, can expect prompt, efficient, courteous attention to your needs at your own local branch. 78 RPM 78 RPM 50 Canadian, riti.h and Unltod Stato. , ,, in Canada, will BI""V hlB Vou Plan f,' Ym m and your own n..d. In lot.r yoar.. Roly ' THE LIFE INSURANCE C0MPANI IN CANADA I""1"""' t( ."if If Qood CMMtithlp to own lit POPULAR STOCK LARGE SELECTION 1 ts I' M 7 )M THE BANKS SERVING YOUR COMMUNITY ' v h V Mi RUPERT RADIO AND ELECTRIC I ii 1 ml 313 3rd Ave, Prlnoe Rupert Phone 644 ""J"iiri aif ji v',-wS