Cliicoyo Cubs Buy Rigin-ii,.. Baseball on uml in Washington CHICAGO iaP) Chicago Cubs Tuesday, October 13, 1953 i.Jyiiiy tied With Vancouver 1 inrtHV announced nurchase of tf AnUn , 1 Uln Player iiiv.dwri ... WASHINGTON (AP Organ-' previously. In 1922 the court de-owners absolute control verthe contracts of right-handed Ized baseball got-s before the filled baseball wasn't a business, ; baseball activities of the players . , pltchcrs Jim Bisnan and John United States Supreme Court to-aiul that as a sport it was not : HIT RESERVE CLAl'SE : pyecha and three other players day in what is perhaps the mwt .subject to federal anti-trust laws, j The appeal filed by Toolson (rom their Springfield, Mass., fielder Chris Kits,, , old Meek and omiwM,r jlm Grid Predictions Upset Over Holiday Week-end giiiiitctin' tuiurM in me I ne uncc oau uuw uviuic t comeiiua until, ujc amuate. history of the national sport. the high court were filed by Bv The Canadian Prtsa It took four games In as many nights to do it, but Calgary Stampeders made enough hay in the Western Hockey League during the long holiday weekend to boost them into a first-place tie with Vancouver Can is "obnoxious to tne principles oi . the 13th amendment." This Is the amendment to the j U.S. constitution which outlawed slavery back In 1865. It says: The court has been aked to 'minor-leaguers George Toolson decide whether baseball is an ' a'ld Walter Kowalskl and a min-illeeal monopoly in restraint of cr-league club owner, Jack Cor-trade. If it decides that it is. the be".. mline could mean thp rnd nf i All three maintain that the ucks. Thirteen senior football games on Monday, weje played during the Thanks- j The Thanksgiving football fes-givjng week-end on fields from tival made it almost certain that Mrmtrpai tn Fdmonton and the the Bombers and Roughriders going oversees?,,, first step ... see your CNR Agent'. In the first swing through the ; big-league baseball' as it now is 1922 decision no longer applies. coast coast for lor a a prairie uiauic club, nuu, lnejniayed. iThev contend the game has been '4v,"'" .. . , ... . . .. . "Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States . . ." Replying to the suits, organised baseball said in its briefs that ieP,nwuuP0"e""1B- collected two wins;- . even 1 the t to'g.eativ changed since then by iSTS, crazT" P and ha Canary 1 W ! -e .tie for five of a possible Jc" aUseare such developments as Intricate uL I?nl nf the reasons- next year" to get back into the eight points. possible outs. Congress, for in- ; farm systems and radio and tele- Idmonton "ktac? teW cSp race Each club has ! Respite the grue ing . h ed -J tance. could pass a special law. vision coverage. exJerTlast August hadn't a three more games to finish out "le Ca gary came up wUh Its ,r there mlgM evolye a Qf in addlt th appeas CA'clts v, o best tame of the tour Monaay .,,.. omn' hmha nms. hance in the western jnierpro- tne scneauie ana ouimucis- -- - i uiptmiii f , . .,iv Victoria '"U',.,V ,,,,.. the six Khiri behind Roughrid Bmmhrid-i afternoon, trouncing ,h the players. I thj thing resembline resembling slavery slavery sinci since the anti-trust charges are witn-out basis, that the specific questions raised in the actions have If you luii to vlnit I he Cllrl Country or Kuroe, the Iwnt way to nave times anil effort i to It-t the C.N.K. mule all rail and atramwhip arrange-uit'iittt. Your C.N.K. Agent It nt all the facta and ngurra on furfft, MH.Iiitu latm, coimf-rtlortt. Be4MiiiuMlHtion. aiHMirli. elr. xml it' hia ilaiiiire to aiMtint you. are points vlnoial Football Union. So a Qatie Argument on three appeals the the players are tied to their club , Cougars 7-3. ! Stampeders owners under the controversial nothing to do , with interstate "'" . hirrh rnurt. BprppH fn Vionr ;oc ers and Bombers. The situation isn't as simple as that in the Bis Four. Montreal Bombers 6-i 5unaay mSn' a'" set down to begin late today, but reserve clause, which gives the commerce. , . .u. toiler arawinK i-i wuu new nwi- ., ..ii.i . - - ana riailUlWJU ttic lieu , . ..,.... n-v.... ll wa i'iwh- inn' .--;ti t-i me 1 of the standing with 10 points . minster nojaia flu'""'-'"" three-hour argument would be Tnmn n nnrt 'OIliy luss aa m . v. , deferred until Wednesday. each, two up on SLIPS RADIO. five ! Monday wnen mey Daiueu wj Ottawa. Each team has a 3-3 stalemate. There were no 5 'ii'A- ' splnT" Eskimos, a powerhouse all year, scrambled Calgary Stampeders 34-13 and 22-6 for victories Nos. 10 and 11 to clinch first place and a spot In the western final. REFUSE TO WAIT Montreal Alouettes of the Big Four, with a bunch of newcomers to the Canadian game, whipped Ottawa Rough Riders 24-6 and 26-18 and now share the lead with Hamilton Tiger-Cats. Hamilton mauled Toronto Argonauts 26-0 at Toronto on Sat IN COURT BEFORE The question whether baseball violates U.S. anti-trust laws has Sund and Mon In the Ontario Rugby Football! Tonight New Westminster ' been before the Supreme Court Union, Kitchener -Waterloo Dutchmen, hold only a a two-point o Bo sit a. lead over Sarnia Imperials and ! ' mtt Tiorti-AflanMc tlanmtiiia mnd I I '" 1 air Knat. 3 Bands Incluilinx Marine, Short Wave, Broadcast. 3-Spred Record Changer Twin 8H Spoakers, acoustically matched Available In Blonde, Oak, Walnut or Mahogany. only 299 95 $29.95 down; $15 month. Toronto Balmy Beach. luu" The Dutchmen took a 24-5 dc-; cision over the w.nless Redskins; MAIL GOES THROUGH at Brantford Friday night, but ; LONDON (CP) A meeting of Tmnc Mcronniol fiRFiI rham- 1 Tim Flrlti- Vi rwistmen decided t? urday and Argonaut fans just about cried the Double Blues out . 1 to cancel Knocked them over 22-6 opoose the suggestion I J i nf Grev Cud contention. But For u.rorniatlon, call or rUe: K. I.. Kl-rrlMin. (1. IM., Bj8 3rd Ave, W.. Priii.f Huprrt, II C. Paont! M0. Monday. And Beaches, who usu- Saturday anernoon aeiivenes. ally have a tough time picking Spokesmen said the proposal, up points against Sarnia, whip- '. intended to provide more leisure ped the Imperials 14-10 at Tor- time, actually would mean work Argonauts tamed the Bengals 30-12 at Hamilton Thanksgiving Day. 1. i 11 T1TTT. CnrlrntntlA. ing longer nouis on wecn-uaja. rkftAE BROS. LIMITED , oacs vo u.e -v i.- w . - onto Sunday, wan Roughriders whipped the ' ft NATIONAL fVtUVWrlfM IN CiNi; CANADIAN Ihis advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Hoard or by the Government ol llriush Columbia. or 36 j "The "The Store Store that that Service Service Built" Built" Phone 6 Blue Bombers 18-13 at Winnipeg on Saturday and made it a double with a 14-13 decision at Regina Too Many Olson Punches Predicted For Randy Turpin By MURRAY ROSE second and losing fight to Ray, No Contender In Ratings For Marciano NEW YORK AF-' t!bbo will KoDinson iwo years ago is uie throw too many punches for fL?81'0"' . ,, I ' That will be answered a week ; him," says Sid Flaherty, manager trom Wednesday night at Madi- I of Carl (Bobo) Olson, American middleweight champion. : 8q,uarekaf, 2 IT? ! "Bobo throws punches all the "-" weight throne vacated by Robin- way, three minutes every round. " WASHINGTON (AP) The tional Boxing Association! says Sid. "Ten rounds. 15 rounds ;-.on. A.sked whetner ne plans t(. : de it official Monday: There ;he wlI1 be in there throwing all : Vt a heavyweignt ngnier in the tinie ' show Olson the pictures, Flaherty shook his head. , ALWAYS IS SHAPE I .ocky Marciano s class. "Turpin will have to hustle a Tor the first time since Joe , lot more than he did with Hu ns was in his 'heyday, the mez if he expects to beat Eobo. "I don't believe in that," he left a big blank in tne, Even if he does i teei uouo win sak, Any good Ilghter should j "ogical contender" slot among win." ' be ab!c to adjust himself to style ' f heavyweights. ' Flaherty made his comments 0f his opponent in a couple of! ' NBA's fall jahngs gave Monday after watching a movie rounds. And Bobo is a good! the same vote of confidence to of the June Randy Turpin- fighter. He'll know what to do.! Jimmy Carter, the fsvorld light-, Charles Humez fight shewn for to me -training means one thing ; weight champion. No logical the benefit of American and eet the fighter into condition. , ntender was reported in sight Bnusn sporis writers ana ins p,0h0 is always in condition ano , .,.:iy. hat division, "i 1 tignt moo. .he'll stay that way- ' ' A arm. I 1 - v 7 " ) Poland LaStarza, , who was 1 DULL, EASY WIN I In the movie, when Turpin let ht behind Marciano in the! As was reported at the time loorr- wuh an occasional good -'immer ratings Slumped to from London, the pictures show- rirjht the British film oemmen-;. third place among :,fce heavy- ed Turpin winning easily but tajor rrm-rkPd: "My. that was a weight division's outstanding without brilliance in a dull con- saucy nht." I rrxers as a result of his tech- test. j Said Sid with a chuckle "Olson r,i.i irn.irm,r in tiy fhf Whether Turpin has more to will have to watch out for that '4 " offer or has slipped since his 'saucy' right." r i: -f SATIN-GLO LATEX A rubberized wall paint, easy to apply and dries in minutes. Champion last month. Moving ahead of f LaStarza were Dan Bucceroni.of Philadelphia and former champion Ez-zard Charles of Cincinnati. EDINBURGH (CP) The 1st Canadian Highland Battalion's 1 Dand has returned to the ""h Canadian Infantry Brlg-i ade In Germany after playing H' V4 ' .tr-' ;K - r U ' Ml h 'V II 1 " til U." M IK St if ' '.. -.' X if -ft T r f ' 1 -Vi ?;f'-iv" 9 ' Sir . . ,' ,4 "'- ' ' : . ,r- I'' "'.L , '.-'- V.,,- - '' .; : " . , .u " '' 4 V.- .t. :-' 4, .,.?; ., v..,:r Don't overlook the ROTARY CLUB TEA Civic Centre, Oct. 15, 2:30 to 5:00 p.m. Tickets 50c 1 . iiiuy at tne ixnnDurgn taiioo. THOMPSON HARDWARE COMPANY LIMITED The tattoo performance coincided with the Edinburgh Festival SPORTSMAN'S DIGEST'S? READING THE SISN OF DEER BEDS.... Wash and dry your clothes anytime, anywhere, with the t , Automatic Washer Electric Dryer LEISUREtV CIRCULAR J NIGHT BEO With th rVcaloln Pair you get Liv -Water Washing that geti clothe! really cleani Filtra - ma tic Electric Drying that driei clothet tweet-smelling and fluffy-toft . . . without extra venti or plumbing. y ;rTi v ' , '"'t't fvi-ijp " -ill- Gordon & Anderson Night beds, deserted about an hour before sunrise, mav be locateo in open timber, pay beds, used between mid morning and mid-afternoon ip not disturbed, ar6 usually in denser, green. timber or he-ier cover. a night's frost or light snow will not show in beds used that night. in heaw snow, a fresh bed wont be glazed hard for a few hours. if it's dry, a fresh bed's leaves do not curl for several hours. Alarmed deer leave) ied in a hurried, direct route. otherwise, it meanders, leisurely. f v rjt 4 & -'T I "TIi research alwi f.Miiul t1itt the ( ' . Vi IV' " " n. v-4 ore cuiitained olhcr rare mclal. Step hv .t, . ' r ft-Cr rt step the m-icnlists wntkcJ out wayn nf '-'I," " "' tlicse in'etalii of the S , ' ' . jJF 1 Col RettiiiR out ie. , ,f. . . ' tV'Jk to.h.y Inco r.coM-rs .iile a lot of R'.l.l, , 4 V V,, ' . ' , -ViTJfA ei'lvcr, plalinuin, pallatliutii afJ olhr . - v -rJlfjr metals from the oie. In f.irt, :,ni,nl.i Imi ' " , CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT NOTICE RE VOTERS' LIST Registration of !lou:eholders and Li-.-ensel-olderg for the Municipal Voters' List closes at 5 P.M. OCTOBER Slst, 1953. Householders arfe entitled to be registered on payment ot $2.00 on or before October Slst, 1953. ssjw r&tfzIl&Kr . become the wmhl'ii lafRcot pTmlm-er if tlie y . t" rfJ platinum ini l ils. 'I "lie palladium olihiinid ,.', "Ol, yes, the Sudbury nickel ore f. -- C'.j frm tl,e i,krl o,e is today xu popular .mlj c.nlains as mini, copper a .t fr fine jewelry." . -J- . v4 does nickel! So Into i not only - ,vel . ' y ' the woild's larRest producer of ;; j ,, .. . t nickel, but also Canada's largest ' t inWT.Fmn.f i'niii"ii,'vV'.'F i , , producer of copper.": I . "V,'i V ft1- w ' i''.- tl ! .... All'ttSf ttf Licenseholders who have previously registered and who have paid a trades license fee for the current year do not need to re-register. New licenseholders should register at the City Hall between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Mondays through Fridays. All registrants must be British Subjects of the full age of 21 years, and in the case of householders must have resided in Prince Rupert continuously since January 1st, 1953. Property owners with titles registered In the Land Registry Office by October 31st, 1353, are automatically on the list. -,, Select and Mail Your Overseas Christmas Cards EARLY! For the added convenience of new Registrants, the office of the City Cleric will be kept open all day Saturday, October Ay 25 KING STREET WEST, TOWIT Dibb Printing Co. 31st, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. R. W. LONG, City Clerk. CANADA, LIMITED THE INTERNATIONAL NICKEL COMPANY OF ' ' i , ' II i t ,