Prince Rupert Doily Nrws Tuesday, Octcfter 13, 1953 An J: W, v r - t : .k-4. . . r ' 4 . ... Large Family Gathering Enjoys Harvest Supper Tribute to the evident spirit of in the program that followed thanksgiving and fellowship was i thp turkey supper, served by paid last night as 200 persons members of the Junior Girls' gathered at the Parish Hali to : Choir and the Boy Scouts, Mrs. enjoy the annual Harvest Supper "rev Bird presented two vocal staged by St. Andrew's cathedral, i solos, "I Leave My Heart In an Parents and children heard ! fc'PRUsh Garden," mr-.l "House the Rt. Rev. H. O. Watts, El-shoo I B:?-; ing." of Caledonia say that the event Girls cf the Junior Choir, un-was probably one of the happif-it clpr th leadership of choirmaster he hod exnerienced in the la-it j Petei Lien, sang the anthem "For 20?ears. The bishop said that he ; the Peauty of the Earth " A male had spent seven of the- eight I choir sang "Rine Ye Rell." a f I ,s i: J Public Relations Council Members Visit Businessmen The Prince Rupert Public Re- j one of Canada's major problems, lations Council has been re- .n of t!cvfcioni:ifr nation of organized and this week la can- ',,,, , , A . .. , aort'la,-td t vassing city business and Pro- im!nol!llM fessiotial men. seeking funds tolMi,("' Brour-s. Uw French and establish a tourist Information B"Ush tu'if varlf1 ba'rk- bureau In this city ,1'"lllds. He said the effects and Members of the junior Cham- Importance of the difference In ber of Commerce, at a "ladies' th,M varl"'1 Br'1ln' wly night" meeting night were overlooked by liie majority of told of the council's activities bv PeoP'e- respassing jVilh Sandy anyone would want to ?an ark on Acropolis Hill 1'ond the ImaR'natlon of a 'citizens, but during the lElit of Sunday's record Jj iurt Jefferles suggested h , move as a publicity . Bert was sure It 'iid float clown to the har-,-ithout too much diffl- Chaps he wasn t far wrong ,m lna ('ampagnoU told stream that was wining Its v'tiuwh the lawn ' her !, Avenue home. B lfrc are ways of getting ...i ..nhllrltv hut Jack ccrirosiiion of Mr. Lien's to the wmsmm h.4 fsw4u Neely Moore, Jaycce member of , 1 ri" meeting wound up with months since his appointment travelling around the diocese which Is one-third of the geo-praphlcal area of British Colum 1938 words of Rev. J. E. Ward, the sea chanty "Blow the Manj ' , ' 'i t ? x f the council, dancing no music by Dyke mit- He said council, comprising Millan. ' .members of Junior and senior Down" and "I Saw Sammy." C A. (HARRY) DAY, treasurer of The Canadian Press, was chosen by directors of the news-gathering co-operative to bia. Ulshoo Watts also announced during the eveninsr that. Runrlav Canon Basil 8. Prockter, rector of the cathedral, said that he : November 1 would see an historic ! receive the Coronation Medal ( s an" '- rif takes a special prize for ! chambers and ,clty council ap-I pointees, had sent out between 1300 and 400 letters to local bmi-I nes- men asking their support In the campaign. The letters were was "greatly moved by the happy i service held at the cathedral allotea as a national asso- OPTOMETRIST Fred E. Dowdie Room 10, Stone Building Phone Blue 593 elation. Their citation said his , r-. 'J - lr I ' " - . Z ' i. -- . y s ; i- , - i - 4 i j C, ' j e k m v j '' ' i J -. '"' '! 1 "Mi f.- I . ' m j 'j . - : i . i j . . n - - , ' r M - - t , ; . L tY t ! , .. . ... .' ' " 't 1 v,'7 ? - K, l a ( t ' V. 1 i J - t I ' . "i K',: - -T ". J, A JOYrfL KEfMON U Uged between Tina Wilis of Vancouver and her pet English terrier Prince, taken by a motorist and his 71 Zu?. ,V . n Charged Witn theU' Tne dB was talen from the W11U front yard but Tina's father, Roy, stopped the couple before they got away. fellowship and thanksgiving ; when the new carved oak altar IM'-h couldn't be dampened bvlrail, recently presented to the Prince Rupert's record rainfall. cathedral by the Collison family He expressed heartfelt apprecia-jln memnrv of the late Archdea-t'on to those who had contribu- i con W. H. Collison would be dedl- 1 itest idea, lie wmwru mi , storv In the paper telling match at the curling rink hadn't been played . . . ; i uitl attract "non-work- employees to help get the : in first class shape for - devotion to the co-operative Idea, his understanding of daily newspaper operation across the country and the high regard In which he is held by Canada's newspaper men have enabled him to make an Invaluable contribution to CP's development. , ! ted In any way to the success of : cated. At the same service Paul the supper. ' Mercer would be ordained as the F. E. Anfleld, master of cere- i ,lrst Anglican native minister In to be followed up with personal calls by teams of canvassers this week. ' Funds obtained will be used to print up-to-dafe publicity pamphlets for the tourist trade, and to a hire a part-time secretary to handle the many lnnuiries as tc tourist facilities and busines; possibilities, as well as to give monies, said that no rnnntrv nn ; the diocese. Men To Don Aprons Again For Annual Rotary Club Tea ' ie Irish had a hard time ,n a word in when rrntj Lts introduced her. brotli- BUILDING BOOM Soni ll to totirist.i ! PRETORIA (CP) Building personal attention I immy Hard I ope to a group ' Teas and home-cooking sales or way earth was more greatly blessed than Canada. Th hall decorations In harvest festival motif had been carried out by Mrs. Lionel Holtby. In chrm-.e of supper arrangements were the afternoon and evening branches of the W.A. j plans valued at 35,000,000 were here next summer. ,ends shortly after his lure from Scotland. JW Mid far) ; passed ior wie nine principal- members plan a special meet-. cities of the Union of South Af- ing October 27 to assess the re- i my pans on mailing ms -,,, ,. . , . . , . rica In the ilrst seven months suits of the campaign for funds Twelve tables of whist were in . 1Q, ...j,n, . i u.ii t..-. I- title. ... w proitram director at are usually held by women's o. ganlzatlcns, but ths men of the Prince Rupert Rotary Cub believe that they also can stage a succe&sful tea and ale. ; With this In mind, President Tony Crawley and the Rotary members have Invited Prince Rupert women to attend their annua tea Thursday afternoon nt tH rli,i II. , figures. This was an increase of rneetin? were Mr. nnd Mrs. E. T. 220,000 ever the same period of : plewhalte. Mr.' Applewhaite, last year. MP for Skeena riding, spoke on ! K is Noel Stone, who drove kitchen staff, undor the command cf Earl B::'ker, is preparing for a large turnout, . Chairman Sid Johnson of the S2rv...4 :'--' hai equipped Ms riT witli new normsand reports, they are eagerly await-in a chance - muuel them. Doug Stevenson has lined up a p.-ogram fcr tiu event, in-:ludiii'j tap da:.i.-in; by well-known dancln teacher Bjddy Taft, with Dyke MarcMlllan at the piano: and i Jack Deeth ta8lni novplty music acts. It should be a iilfei'Bnt tea If nothing else, so "See you at tea, girls!" :rura Vancouver last week. . lias seen Ms of- lain, but' tt' never s-iw it come . play when the Sons of Norway hld their regular whist and dance party in the Sons of Norway hall. - Women's first prize went to Mrs. E. Rothwell and second to Mrs. J. Slat fa.'while men's first went to G. Waage and second to E. Anderson. Door prize winner was Mrs. A. E. Norton. Howard Denies Alcan Offered Help For Road a like it did here Sunday and he a Vancouver vboy; J tabd to' note liow men napctle always Insist on.; "II ? 1 .to from a business and .ire trip tu New York la l! j TERRACE. The quarterly i mootlna tF tV,n T- i n; . sum M affair. ... Bill McAra, chairman of1 the tea committee, reports everything U well In hand and the Miss Ellen Waseng headed the rv v r ..., ,.w..s w.c ic.uit ana Uli- -rmnmit.te In rharcro Ooltort hv i Grfine, who kays he Ins siulitn to L'il Aimer's f7iJr?rtH.?f,7?derWB8 h Mrs- A- Andersen, Mr. and Mrs. in the Credit Union Hall with q SeiVg, Mr. and Mr Alf Jen-T. Rose, president, m tho chair ' and o K oisen. ,i!. Mitch says the bi? Sr should turn the M!dw In the pipe upside i and he'll full out. . Per- HAVE AN IMPORTANT JOB TO DO IN THE R.CM. (RESERVE) Lutheran Ladies' Aid Holds Annual Fall Tea and" Bazaar ah correspondence relatini ta the Terrace-Kitimat highway was read,- including a wire received from Frank Hovorii T .t.ii . , . ... . . CARDIFF. Wales (CP) A Welh ; farmer. suDnied with electricity! at considerable cost to the com-pany, switched on the light onlvi lonz enough each nlrtit to find it about the World Series ivin.-,, maung inai. Minister cf Public Works Gaglardi, replying ...-foremost In frozen foods - .V'- t ll I ! - ' i . ' -Mi ' u . , A into full swing next In the legislature to a Question 'h oil lamp and light it, an elec-. trlcity consultative council was ! Members of the Ladies' Aid of ' St. Paul's Lutheran church, play-d host Saturday afternoon at a successful fall tea and sale, an annual event in Prince Rupert, j The church hall was decked with fall flowers for the occasion tu. k. . . j liuie Gladding and Fred . two ardent Yankee who KNEW their team with small vases of the brightly colored flowers on the tea tables, and larger sprays placed around the room. . , , President , Mr. IL Helland received guests at the well-attended affalrand Mrs. T. Fosscniwas. mm rtiiy mill nccus a iraiiivu y told. i m over the Dodders. ov nuwara, saia inat at no tl.ns hid he received a .tluect oife-! from Alcan of $k.m9 i.0arr cost, of . 'he highway. - George t'McAdams justifvin-; actions trre council in thl matter.' sid that with the ive- waiting the return of Kill . . . H nerv, and in the timea L f -r i ;i ' J J n m, - V ihe R-wnl Canadian Navy 5 ... ", ' . . I 8 needs an aUrt and active 9 ' V. " .4' -" ,- .4) I I. f AT f VS. 8 - The Naval Reservi.t ii 1 L k L. ' "' ' , 1 who went to visit Wal- Miiisim In San Francisco T , In change qMtsXets- j ;-. Mrs. B. Petersen' was tea room ! convener, assisted in the kitchen White Ceci Jii 'he ?: ii.-s on televi- I oy MIS. H Y1' ftlrP.'rilKnsniu". Jf in 'Frisco Bill also ; sen, Mrs. u H'JH" is; 4n Mrs. U ! (! the football aame be- Heads Libera At Kitimat nues of the minister of p-ihii-, works and Alcan apparer.U-; closed,1 thre"vs still n th t way, that was through the pre-mier who had already given a friendly heating to a deputation from the board. IU II 1 afV f : M 8 ..Plwinit..aa a civjlian ml 1 fc ' ,, , llV'l r l f' tf ' - " VLjQ-CitfS'. g in hi. ipw time, to rr. , I ) M, lI VJViJ VAV-f "awifc. 8 Canada at sea should th 3 ' ' -fr Eastbound Flights Daily jW'4,",J,,,',si . Feaured, n the Rams and the Forty- of,( liofbij. c4tftlrit:;' sewing and at lii'artadiiii.i, f ! fimcVvfirk".' '.Ivfri- iA. Maiimsai With Cecil B. White as presl-! u'n ihafge oTHhq home qook-iation lr8 hpoth, assisted by M-k . of people try to stop Dybhaven, and, Mrs. M. Hetlandi in;stn,ie sujdenly, oth-W a pe:ioJ t,f tl.ii,'. But dent, a new Liberal association was formed Friday at Kitlniat. James McElroy was elected secretary. . f E. T. Applewhaite, MP for Skeena, who attended the ocra' sion. explained that It was the fi'iunt nnj Jack Hreen bct jitory of all . . . !"t iun t like g..ioking In charge bf me sewing llooth wer Mrs. C. . BPi g, Mrs! H. Stanrfefcy'd MhtV JfoVhelm ! and Miss E. VaxenfT while at- the fancywork booth were Mrs. 4. fl,..l .,, l.l.. . u. 6-.". Mcitsomery .who worked ii.-v iiviv.ttr .' iiiiif.a Liuil IU uua, established there. He said the ; y KIM ,il av '"HI V'.ars With W,larn ' to ShioninB Tnni step was taken on the personal ,010 C iinunitive of Liberals residing in; y-C.(J SlcitiC """, decided- to t;.kB !n Tacoma . . . the Ion the iere:u.y lncorporattr mu-il-1 ' cipality. , I . J '"'"'i Mr. Applewhaite. who was ac-l around. He came here "fl 'hi' Risenijer and while uloiv; Sernnil v,.r,,. from Vancouver !l sr-Sr. t- , . Only 2 hrs. 15 mins to Calgary f ' ' " " . , ' ! W " 4 hrs. 50 mins. to Winnipeg . I r'T V! V ; I " 9 hrs. 15 Inins. to Toronto r. ynm f oMhI - -i 1 f-f 1 ""ll hrs. 15 mins. to Montreal - jl $ ' ' V 12 hrs. 15 mins. to New York jl ..If Nors-Stop Service to Winnipeg if J..r . ' I-1 v Lv. Vancouver doily 6:10 p.m. PST - 2 ' . j , 1;.' f.. ASK ABOUT OUR FAMILY FARE PLAN - ifa1 ! "4J" J v . See your Travel Agent or TOA Office In Vanroiiver ; j j i ? v (yM f " t ' fe ' X 1153 Howe Street (Opp. Georgia Hotel) Pimiie t. 6131 . " 1 ' "ilif AUJ lili H ril f J1! . i- , TRAPS' CAfJADA faA, .n--,1;"' iT , i - THE RECRUITING OFFICER , . ). VOl K I.OVAL l'KAVEL A(iENT THE t'OMPLETE TRAVEL StRVICE " ' ' r CRAWFORD MOOllIlyEI: -' :y ! 1 Wollace Block V -. O' ' Phone 620 I -A A , V A aiiAi l ' , jaaaaaaaMaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawaMaMaaawi i i i o n i i iiMaaaaaaafcaaaaat - j. f AW old friend Sent Mr. onipanied on ihe trip by Doug Frlzzell, will leave Oct. 18 with Mrs. Applewhaite for Vancouver. They will vacation there a few " "i v knew Ki.r-h other Wn .11.. before """ft! north. jdays before proceeding to Ot-! tnwa for the opening of Parlia-' ment. RECIPE BOOK-Brighdy illus-trawd, entirely new recipes, plut established ways to economical cooking. Send Ot to cover postage and handling to Keckitt & Colman (Canada) Limited, Station T,' Rvt! to The Daily News TERRACE A successful chicken ruppei was staged here In the Civic Centre by the Y-Ettes. Spins 250 Terrace people attended the dinner for which the hall was decorated with pretty fall flowers. Mr:. W. H. Macllroy was con-vene;., avsU'.frd UyiMrat A. J,U A'res had the asked if she. Montreal. t. ..,:. "i didn't . one was W.i3 . , e lurk.-y l f T tyi (or y sy She ..said. .her.. M. AY,,,, Connie hive to do a ' ivfl' dad dad way talslng f f Jf.) ftU f "'est dinner-nf umuvr'-lll I C-l VlMl r4cre toause !Co!l nnd Mrs. J. H. Smith. Mrs. M. Wlghtman was In ihat'te of ! decorations. . 1 n,t. ...... ""' s Cat iwln.r csi... ' ltl(' tleeUen l.f(.i', n .,i Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Trum- luin 1 f f . ,, I .. . Iho n.,.r.l . iY A f . I P reaoers "'h th;if'e to reply. PS -7 Went. t "Lmal a npw snooker tneir nome in Penticton alter spending a vacation here visaing Mrs. Trumpour's parents, Mr. Sons Norway meeting 13. 8 p.m. Ht of Oct. j Tuesday, and Mrs. Eddie Clapp, 1(!:4 At- Hn AvpmiA I., . Pre SH,,n- i 10. Mr Triimnniir Is with the De-i Moose .will t rinav, uiv. WL0W-C0ST BEAUTY FOR YOUR FLOORS! "l tin,., , ...".r" he . inn Ii' nf Airrlfiill.inv 111 Pell- ' Rlllldin": rtOSCn rxi'iMii, m ' "HI l.urn (241) and Mel ticton. Ibcrs and by invitation. 'fre wondering why u'fl- He's iiu.. ..... BJidSfiPl IRaJWIUO) smmm :r;: u-y in- W back fell- Ihn -') but ll-'ft again thi ""f the Alberta city. FOR THOSE CIVIC CENTRE DANCING CLASSES. ' Muriel' "'.iwu .h0,,les Misses $.95 pr. Small $9.75 pr. 'tJ1Wng m n . " . ... ht.,i.ui 'I'v ft HyffiNGoiBMYr If SOLD SEAL I I j 1 CUAJANTtE I j sAHSFAmoN Gvwwntti I JW'whalie Uivr5"1 j-ong-wearing, easy-cieaning uoia oeat i -t -v making lQnfnleum innks invplipr than vr betora. . I . . :r-i-ut ' ,.calls befon Be sure to see the Shadow-Leaf "Duo- I ."''i " Pumps . .. with Cuban heel in block and brown it the uuawa to "s BT"'n n of Parlla- ueptn something entirely new witn me - illusion and the luxury-look of sculptured x. '(' carpet. . Fall Purses... New selection of styles and colors From $1.95 ir,A """'6 IU Visit. To b Ma!, before ",fteB7""u,H! De" CONGOLEUM CANADA LIMITED, Mont It It HASN't XHt COIO JfAt tt ISN't CONSOtfUM 't)cmn,. , Alio moWri of CONGOWAll, Iht wall covering of adurina btavlv , i -aaaC.fifii1 I' tun. . 10 attend the Bill u n.of the Kins- GORDON'S HARDWARE MacKEIIZIE FURNITURE LTD. : : GORDON & ANDERSON McBride St. Phone 311 30 Xhif4 v ' Phone 775 ', Federal Block Phone 45 FASHION FOOTWFAR "a. - "c long - -- - fee E K ... . . . ihk C no. -.r'.''t.;'''