I IM Kli 1.KAVI.K HK KNl.l.A.M) JOHANNtSBUHO IPU-The 13th ', Duke of Bedford. 30, whose father UN, Communists to Start Interviews With War Prisoners This Thursday Fr;,-.i Rupert Do iiy Mews Tuesday, October 13, 1953 Alaska Steamship Company President Dies in Seattle h -vis was found dead on his Devonshire estate Sunduy, left here by air Monday for England. For the last six years he and hi- wife have farmed 200 acres here Now he Inherits 30,000 acres and four stately "homes in Scotland and England. : rean and Chines? PoWs. There was fo Immediate answer from either the Beds or ers to return home. The commission request came ehortlv after the UN command It was on one of these estates 1 it 'Jf'-. :i He was also a partner in tho Northland Transportation Co. from 1936 until his death. In announced it would complete by the Allied command. Endsleigh, 12,000 acres in Devonshirethat 'the duke was 'By MILO FAKNETI PANMUNJOM iAP The Ko-lean reparation commission to-diy asked the United Nations ccmmand and the Communists U, start Thursday in their attempts to persuade war prison- midnight tonight a permanent .,.,,,. ! dead, a shotgun by his SEATTLE (AP) Gilbert W. , Skinner, 54, president of the Alaska Steamship Co., died of a heart attack on his Lake j Washington estate Sunday. ' He had been ill some time but had improved in recent months and had visited his office daily centre for the Reds to use ln.' o. ... , ism 1932 he succeeded his father as found president of Skinner-E.Idy Corp. body. Ko- The Allied annouiiceinru interviewing 22,300 North - j opened the way for the on-! delayed and potentially explo- was. I give explanations to start roll- j TILLY ROLSTON i Continued from page 1' .and made a motor trip east. - ing. ' I Th. Porto hori ctpnrtfastlv re- r I. t 1 Ift -Spril of 1952, the Conserva- clan, she had a good sense of j fused tQ meet wltn lhe Pows ttves" met in Vancouver to plan drama, and she thundered on i untiJ tne UN command COmplet- Inr the June election. Mrs. Rol- about margarine. j ed npw facilities, The explana- stin phoned to the Georgia Ho- she painted a grim picture of tions originally were scheduled id from the Sylvia Hotel, where many kitchens, with the poor, to t,egin Sept. 26, but both sides bIa Was lunching. She spoke to i exhausted housewife rolling mar- rejected existing sites as inade-n't Conservative, told him she! garine, putting it Into a bowl,laltate i : : ..H2-30 If 8:00x16 Same guarantft as ne tire Same tread design as new tire Born in Detroit, lie came to the Puget Sound area in 1911 with his father, D. E. Skinner, who bought tne Port Blakely Mill Co. Later the elder Skinner was an owner in the Skinncr-Eddy Corp., which built ships during World War I. The son entered business in 1921 as owner of the Washington Bakerh-s. In 1926 he sold out and formed the Alaska Pacific Salmon Co., which operated canneries in Alaska. He headed the company until last year. PRETTY LITTLE COLLEEN KELLY, whose mother is of Korean ancestry and whoop father is Irish, holds the trophy she won in the "Baby Hawaii" contest, during the 49th State Fair. The tiny sweetheart will crave! to Washington, D.C., where Vice-President Nixon will present her with a $100 Defence Bond. wanted to return to the party, emptying the color in, whipping i An In(jian spokesman for the I J rfcnm be reached at the Sylvia for ; it and beating it. and then re- j repatriation commission said he j two hours. He passed the word rolling it. and getting splashed J cannot now see any further bar-1 around; the top brass was cold;!and messy and having to wash;rjerg lo starting the explana-i - no call went to Mrs. Rolston. ! extra dishes, and all the time her , tlons . I Ksxt day she went to Social hungry children howling for their j commission rules specify that I . Ci-edit. : breakfast, and father so discour- the explanations may start at; Social Credit won that election, aged and grumpy at the confu- j any tlme upon one day-s notlce. j and Mr. Bennett, by now the sion in his home, because of that Thg Communists, who want to j Premier, was eternally grateful lardy-looking margarine, that interview the 7.800 Koreans and ; Same tread width anil depth as nt Drive in Safety ' ELLIS For Half the d to Mrs. Rolston, loyal to her, for she siammea uie aour in wnu, H 50Q Chinese PoWs individua- all she had done for him, and rage and went to town for coffee j )y p,.esumauiy wm begin the - recognizing her ability, made her and a dor.ut with his stenogra-1 ex'planations by Thursday. .'' - Minister of Education. She in pher. I . . ' , , . .j- this way wrote political history j "After thus shouting for some lN IN NO HCRRY'. Of a New Tire the first woman in Canada to years. Mrs. l;o..ston won the; The UN command,- however BOB PARK hold an active cabinet post. All battle for colored margarine. LIMITED "The Home of Friendly ' . '' Your Local TEA BAGS ' has said It Is in no hurry to I start meeting with the 23 Arrt-- t rlrans, one Briton : and 33a ' South Koreans who have refused repatriation. - . ' ; i The UN announcement that j the Red "explanation" ' cenUe i would be completed so quickly , came as a surprise. Only 24 1 hours earlier the -Allied coiti-i mand had set a target date of Office Opposite Post Office m;.) I'OK!-MONAR( II 1E other women cabinet ministers There are many other legisla-had been so much window-dress- tive stories Uiai toulu be written ing they were ministers-with- about her. Her place is firm in out-portfolio. ... I the political history of British Tilly Jean Rolston was a good Columbia, scrapper in the Legislature. i' Mrs. Rolston is gone now. Her Once, long ago now, CCF Mils, -t memory will live long with all Laurst J a m 1 e s o n; said there j those who knew her, and loved should be government mnrsery her laugh and good cheer. She schools, so young mothers ,couid'j was a good scout; she laughed In ; 'Phone 93 Phone 266 IT.PAYS TO ADViR work. Mrs. Jamicson said cliild- Let your Frigidaire Dealer show you how tne lace ot personal tragedy, it Oct. Zl lor completing , me is too bad she has been struck,, explanation booths the Corn-down, for she had much to offer, j munists demanded. ' She was a woman of great j The UN command also an.-clrive. and a great deal of charm ; nounced that, the ,four-power that was so distinctly feminine, ! armistice supervisory commls-but she had the good sense never ; sion will Investigate Allied to boldy flaunt those charms, nor charges that the Reds brought to feel hurt; she learned to take : combat aircraft, into North Kq-the rough and tumble of political rea in violation of -the-truce life not too personally. agreement... renH would be a lot happier il they weren't tied to their mothers'- -apron strings all day; mothers, said Mrs. Jamicson, would be a lot more pleasant without a bunch of kids hanging bkwuicI them all the time. ,Tl)i.' enraged Mrs. Rolston. Up she' jumped, and cried, blazing with-Indignation: "It's an insult to suggest that a mother can't b 'ing up her own children better C;,an , some parched, drled-up, cultured academician." i Bring Us Your Old ' I..'. 4 "V; ) 't ... 4 1. : 5 - jC ,1, ' V' i .-- S V. "., et , 1 ! V ! H - .it. - ' :-i ,: j - .v .-, if i '. ; Wit?- 1 tA . w"- , . 1.'- i .T. " .V '.T 1 . f. V- '"At - TIRES for WINTE UNDERWATER SUDS DISTRIBUTOR ft CLE AT 1 2-IN-1 TREAD Sopf iielr,tli " top, com nlr wot,, oivt, cleowmg ui, H muSmoknl i, Cop Wrvti n mm ing dtfvict. See Us Now . . . pjH tJO -r, WILL ALSO BALANCE YOUR sliutslr " ' 'Tilly Rolston, after 1940. fought Just about everything the Coali- Won"' government did. She was ugHUUit the "three per cent sales ..- tax, increase In hospital insur-, B.i)ce..pijemium6, the mijk board art 'its controls.' She -said milk should he : cheaper lor people willing to carry it from stores. 6ne battled for colored margar- lmeuutil she won.- She called the sales tr.x discriminatory, retro-grade',"" -Unsound," Unlair, "a nuisance tax. "This sales tax." she said to her leader. Mr. Anscomb, then . minister of finance, "may be a finance minister's dream, but it's a housewife's nightmare." When she became a member of the govenuneiit, and the opposition taunted her because she hadn't, pitched out the sajes tax, she retorted that Rome wasn't built in a day. Hei-r battle to have colored margarine was monumental. "Thai white, lardy stuif." she called it, to the fury of farmer MLA'6 who wanted no competition for butter. .She called unco loved margarine mournful-looking, and she did it dramatically, too. Being a good politi- NEW FLOAT-OVER RINSEI ' ' ti i t yets out dirt ordinary washers leave behind! Whtn woihing time n ovr,frsh warmwotff fow1 in utH It oxr. 'lowi. Clotln, ,(,, rfown und.r whM MP, Kum and dirty wat.f Hool off tfw tr, ond away tnrougbort ntira riming tytit. WHEELS WHILE YOU WAIT. ; t ALL WORK GUARANTEED DEALER FOR THE GENERAL TIRE "Tires Are Not a Sideline with l's We Specialize", VULCANIZING . . . RETREADING WE FIX FLATS ' KNUTSON'S TIRE SALES & SERVICE 811 Froser Street Red 548 I hv.ff Vf?' exclusive rapidry spini Tolet out for ntort water than any otW If method! Clothei on lighter to lift, court iJo handle, toiler to i 1 drf . Seme- ore ready ' ; for ImiMjidW ironing, ,. - i " -sf. i 'V;.;;-., ,r r 1 I ' , 'i, SE DIAt ONLY ONCE I t i . i 1 - " ffS 1 I Lord Calvert 1 & frigidorrc'i amai'inq Selecl-O-Oiol conKoli ntirt waihing, riniing end ipinntng cycl compleftly outomoti-tally, Voy tan .top and uart the waiiVr ftpeat or omi( any operation at gny 1 1 r.rvvr t -. 'Ji nme 3 5l ' I LIFETIME PORCELAIN FINISH I if. i v. eerr'v... . - 1 .. n- - r . . i mjk. .. " A. : -. Here's the only avlo "lotic woshor with cabinet and top fitmhfd in I iff time Porcelain! It'i ilain-riiilont,ru proof, taty to lesp clean and itayi whit, new-looking for life I FRIGIDAIRE Filtra -matic Electric DRYER ' nds weather worries and 4 heavy lifting I Hara'l tha wav ta hrinn uintl,;n fc y See why the Frigidaire Washer cleans cleaner, dries drier, than any other automatic washer ! fi. f'l toy Jha yaab Waih any tima you No tumbler or agitator method can match Live-Water Action for really IOW DOWN PAYMENTS ono iom yor cntnn into a Frhjldaira Electric (fttnOry.r taka them out piinutai lair-tlH Mfl and fluffy and IWMMmalling. You juit mI your drying tima bona dry for immadiata ttorage, or damp dry far ironing. AM porcelain fini.h at pratactioa againtt ruit. Modeli avail-abla far aitbar 220 or 1 20 volli. Here's Frigidaire't ixciutive Filtrater EASY TERMS removing deep-down dirt. Lightning-last up-and-down movement of the Pulsator wndi hot, penetrating suds surging through clothes to flush out even the most deeply embedded grime. Clothes are never rubbed, yanked or abused they're always under water, never half-ln, half-out. New, continuous Float-Over Rinse takes over before the washing cycle is finished. Floats dirt and suds up, out, and away so they can't drain back through clothes. Ropidry Spin (fastest spinner in any washer) gets ..a. 'S. .... loull find that memlers of Caniwla's mcKt ilisli'ncrnkl.ril clothes drier, pounds tighter many ready for immediate ironing. Then this wonder ful washer cleans itself and shuts off I Vfru naad no flui, ventt or ptpat with a Frigidaira Filtra-matk Electric Dryer, eo you con plate it any. where. Filtrater tropt lint, reduces meitture. r..t r--, 1 ''... ,.liihs cull for Canada's most distinguished whisky . . . ST Lord Calvert. For superb quality . . . and the smoothest JJ"liiglihall you've ever tasted . . . ulivmjn call for Lord Calvert! 1 Lord Caivert rCmmfmn J7tr&f?' CAIVERT DISTIUERS LIMITED, AMHERSTBURG, ONT. Smithers, B-c- EBY'S HARDWA Terrace, B.C. JOHNSTONE cV MICHIEL Prince Rupert, B.C. GORDON & ANDERSON 2 -.3 IHIS AfiVRIIaiMiNI ti HOI CuulHU itk ClafkArifi tf IHS LlteUwtt ,UNtUl tA r Irtt MVHfnf Nl Of MIIItH .mrl' . ' ' 'I