Prince Rupert Daily Newj Tuesday, October 13, 1953 or Detroit Sharpshooters Leadinq Race - ' .', r 4. .J 1 , ' 1 - t. . r t r . ' , , . I .' Champion Royals ! Drub Chicago VANCOUVER 0 The Canadian soccer champions, New YACHT Charter Service Reasonable Ral'-i for HUNTING PARTIES Season open fqr Deer, Ooat Bear, Ducks, Geese. For arrangements telephone? Green 830 J Hational Hockey League Point-Getters Detroit and Montreal head the. -RrAL (' mail iu nic yai auc. he bovs again not the feel into gUi:h select and long-es-skates and bone-Jarring tablished company as Howe, Ted Hague- standing with two wins and one loss in three games. ieclis than the National Lindsay and Red Kelly has come The fcruins, the Leafs and the Rangers follow with two ooints 70f GIORDANO PRESIDENT OF MIXED TEN-PIN LOOP Joe Giordano was elected president of the Mixed Ten-Pin League Sunday night when the six-team league opened Its season. Maresa Windle was named secretary. Giordano also captured men's high three game total with 515 and Maresa Windle took ladles' high triple with 428. Art Olson rolled 191 to take men's high single and Ann PcU of f captured high women's single honors with 182. Tinymltes took both high team single and high team twee goal total with 589 and 1700. each. Chicago Black rlawks, who got -teas'' "5l ' v a sprignuy young rookie, Earl ;'on(emore read like who s , Dutch i Reibel. The youngster Detroit- ... , ,'nas matched Howe's six points, thf ieaKue s first official but the NHL scoring champ ranks ,uoll this season, released , first because he has two goals "lour Pet'"'1 Rcd willBs i alorig with four assists. The new the top 11 s alnlost ax'" ! centre man of the Detroit pro- away to a fast start last season, have taken three beatings In as Westminster Royals, Monday! drubbed Chicago Falcons, the American national champions, ! 5-0 here n an exhibition game j billed as the North American soccer championship. i Royals went ahead 4-0 by half time before 6,000 fans as they proved too fast for the Falcons, who played good positional ball but were not up to the speed ef the Royals' game. I More than 50 different specl-i mens of oak trees are found in North America. CITY TRANSFER LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE FURNITURE MOVING Phone 950 CRATING PACKING STORAGE First Avenue and McBride Street many games and are last. sugar Jim Henry of Boston Hat oorrue nowc . , auction line nas made his con- Bruins allowed only one goal In inouuon entirely with assists me Bruins' single game and currently Is boss man among the goalies with a goals-against average of 1.00. Advertising in the Daily News Brings Results Montgomery Me Winner six of them. Kelly, the Red Wings' high-scoring defenceman, and Lindsay have counted two goals and two assists apiece for four points. Bert Olmstead of Montreal Cafi-adiens is tied with them with his four assists. Hiixed Loop Mimli.u'")' of Canada TOI'S IN GOALS double honors, rolled The man currently with the jii5 to taKe lanies nign i and hich triple in Group I most goals Is Montreal's ace Mixed Five-nn league ; !, muunce mcnara, wun fir-orce Goodwin of ; three goals. His NHL-carecr total Jiith 307 and Vic Men- now stands at 350, a record brok- L' . r. l..i- D . .... m. pullovers looK men s mgii - j" " as wionsieur hicii three t'uxnovers mcuaru oags mmseu a goal. im honors '-uu antI llefl with Richard at three I points in the early-season olav r(iup T. iiraee rvniiKan i're rouKie iKe xuicicDrand of New ,twn nilleil -lit lor laoies yorK itanRPrs, Tort Sloan of Tor mile and Iles.sie ing oi onto Maple Leafs and defrnriv su -itb" fi!'!' wo" ladies' , man Bill Gadsby of Chicago pie humus, liugn rower . Biat-K HawKs. h r.imi rolled m lor An the leaders have auueared lEh single and Tom Maka ln three games except Hlldebrand Green iik;k iik-m s u ie ?nd sloarii whose lealJ5 naye ) wmny six un i ia been ln 0lly two Eam, h learn sincie arm (i 330!i took team high. ibc honors, r.rmin I fiirrn 4. llaiol'I's 0. i . r : Ciild 4. Thorn Shwt Metal i iflaulh 4 Bob Parker 0. Six 4, Eby k Sons 0. ifru Cla.o, 3. Hill's Shoe j: I Up ; U , tree!: tl. vHix'J. Hams 2. (irmip ! wis 4. Shriilon's 0. ' . 9 i V Vnni maldng hay ;. '.tNTKjLt'l r.,.,A, :,.v,-.-, : v.r r-'J f. z ' rJpx- ;r!'.', S!' A , p 0 i l&t v , 1 -- v (' jinners 1, Mmipx 0. Footwear 4. Sham- is 0. us J Daily News 1. in Lite 3, Enquire Men's trl. ilttttle 2, Hi-Jarkers2. 4 . 4. . K -.-' h ! r.' f. -a dr ! r ; w i . ' . ... . 1 ' X i . r ' j t .1 .t. ft 4 Ml 1 - 4 J ; '.' , I- '. ' v . r il 4 U - Vr M M ?' .' J s i .1 i i tr f, s r 1 if ' '.I ... : Jtr " t ,J. Is" I, r : " t iT 1'- IT NIGHT'S i IGHTS KLYN J.p.-y Klein. 117. j'k. ou')omted Roekey 14". (.hu nEu. II). BTITA1N Comi.-Orlan- ea, 134, Cuba, outpointed finish. 137, Fall River, I- . ... 'E. Maw.-Brian Kelly. teara Fails, Ont.. out- A ntiii.ikt working in the jungles of Africa use a portahle aluminum clcvaior to get to ihe top of 150-foot trec to neture samples of plant and animal life. I4 vnp'y ihoon line front a rifle over a sturdy limn, attaches it to the elevator cage and hauls himself up by working a hand winch fined to the cage'i floor. His one-man elevator it almost certainly made of Canadian aluminum, l-or by putting untamed ! "white water" ,to work crealing ': electrical power, Canada has made ) " itself the largest exporter of alu- ' ' milium in the world. Aluminum Company of Canada, Ltd. tAlcan) Eobby Timp.vjn, 134, of n, Ohio, 8. N. II.-Tnny Percy. Ut., outpointed Smitty ftiitland. Me.. 8. Joey Morena, H York, outpointed Bob- . 134. Montreal. 4. . i .o,umo.a loc field in the ! Regies cove: 4 10 ' miles. I ; iL.. .. . ; ; ,;. . Mi 8 i TZV comical-looking fellow is a Pika. t?'5 a distant cousin of the familiar bunny but a lot smarter. It's pretty grim when winter blizzards are blowing on the Rocky Mountain plateaus where Pika lives. But he's equal to it. TAcry fall, he gathers in a harvest of bay and herbs to keep his family in groceries when things get tough. ,. , People should be as smart as pikas. You never know when some extra savings could come in handy. Might be an emergency, or perhaps you'd like to have some money to enjoy your old age. In the meantime, you can be investing in our growing country. '-d2' ifor million Canadians are looking ahead right now ivith Canada Savings Bonds. You can do the same, if you start now to pile up as many as you can manage. You can get Canada Savings Bonds on the Payroll Savings Plan where you work or by instalments through your bank or investment dealer. They're always north their full face value in cash . . . pay some mighty interesting interest,, as well.' They're really worth collecting! j RETURN FIRST CLASS H Canadian Pacific offart overnight non-ttop Hh from Vancouver at 20 off regular fart ' Super DC-4B "Empresses of tha A!r" ... re- ' ,,0. champagne suppers, luxury beyond dreomi. Available Oct. 1 to Dee. 10. ""walinns, Tickets, sec yo-ir travel adciit or J Ocmdkm (Pacific AIRLINES I HTE: H25. Return tourist, available Dee. Bonds I INTEREST UCNYUK J U01 11 YEARSj THE NEW IMPROVED 8th SERIES ON SALE STARTING NEXT MONDAY, OCTOBER, 19th . t J" - ' , . , ""i.t.TK THAVH