OTTAWA DIARY PfliiCt Kiipeii Daily rtews As I See It r Wednesday, March 24, 1954 Without being in any sense a ; nized authority he took an In -1 p(.r,n .... . H,,nni J rr PUPFI I fh. hp lo.ici IP:1.I Uoneluo tPT1fiVP Olid f.nri RUPI'ifll i?-nH l,H nni,..n ! !. I. "u,"nlfa "J C, Krr l t lil.ll.l Lt,.i,.. ...... ... , v.,,,,.-,,. llll pu ln more i bit eccentric, the newly-elected in economics designed to post i limed" r or it r- r ! . . ,:.j. f tha Kl.ifi.rk'il Prn. him nn t ha flllnllMt tyqfln ... ; . unar! riri; n Independent dally tmrsptper dvotd to the upbuilding of Prlnoa Rupert fcni Norttwn nd Antral British CoJu.Tibla. Member of ormiMiinn Ftms Audit Bureau of Circulation! Canadian Dally Newspaper Association. Published by The Prince Rupert Daily New- Limited, a. F. MAQOR. President H. O. PERRY, Vice-President eressive Conservative Associa-1 rency, and kindred economic in ii "6 1 lion Ooorge Hees. MP, sue- problems of government. This he learns arned f xyi bv fXpj,,,,, ! teeds in being a really unusual course was in addition to hU ; person. - , I earlier university training at ! For instance w!"r, he deckled Toronto Varsity and Cambridge !10W the other S? 8 a tstic npn v. By carrier Per week. 2ftc: per month. $1 00: Asr year. 110 on. By m&H Per month. 75c; per year, 8 00. ! f iho onH of Wni lri War II to i n KnRlunu. I tho rto.i.. . .. authorized m second cluw mall by the Post Office Department, Ottawa (o into politics, he did it with This sample of a Oenrge Hres vice It is re- tr la thoroughness and a conscien- rppioach to a situation is chnr- i impulse waj"1 ' tiousncss rarely displayed by : i.cterlstic. He believes 'that if a under the bannw8 i even the most enthusiastic no- j job Is worth doing, 'no amount but that a Ijti 01 ; vice. As a first step he went to I of preparation for doing it well ! of the va(!Ura ' !l i Gilbert Jackson, former Pro- is wasted. If and when lie pot. that organization I lessor of Economics at the Uni- his seat in Parliament, he wasn't j for rtKimentattoil j verity of Toronto and for some I going to be at sea when th j thlp discouraged hiTi,' i years past a consulting econ- ' mo't complicated e c o n o m 1 C : contrast PrcKnaT j tn nm -nf thi lnHini finest tons eiime hpforp the T1iui'! t tUm nt.i, l: financial and business houses in jin a sense lie has the faculty of jened middk-ok.' the country. From'this recoR- j making himself a completely I gram towards social 1 dedicated champion of any j in his now m h; i cannot win a '., cause In which he enlists. As it happened, Hoes failed , single-handed But t .McCarthy Meet GEORGE DREW has; asked the government! of C'anada to notify the! govern ment of U.S.A. 'that the proposed speech ! in Toronto by Senator ; Joseph McCarthy would ! lie most "unfortunate." With all due respect to the Cuii.sfi vative . leader in Canada,, it could also be said that his own , protest is "unfortunate." j The government of the U.S.A. t i is already well aware that a j Toronto speech by Senator-Me-j Carthy would be most unfortun- ' I ate, from the point of view of 'international relations, and in-; ternational etiquette. But there I Is no legal bar either way, j I against politician.; in olfice I Jul. U. l.,,lr In IflJR Dill Kn !, lAiu. l , Two Dates to Keep of the Credit Women's Breakfast MEMBERS Club should take a bow with performers at the show they are sponsoring this Friday the repeat performance, plus new numbers, of "Impressions of 1953." This is a group of Prince Rupert boosters who ire giving the city a real shot in the arm. Enthusiastic in all their community efforts, thoy ale supporting the drive for a new museum with a zest , hich brings that project much closer to a certainty, iesides helping financially by organizing such vents as Friday's show, they have made themselves ctive members of the museum and are constantly in the move to enlist others. The CWHC's activities in this respect fits licely into a picture which is taking on growing mportance. Recognizing that the museum is poten- Eisenhower Set To Speak Mind On Probe Issues p. ... ..,i ii ... ii . " ; -" at , , m worry him. He come right back I off and be worltinc 1 in 1950 in a by-election. This ' 3 -L-fei., a. A.. time he won. He repeated his i victory in 1953. despite the fact j that lie took time out ,to help other candidates ln other nails By G. MILTON KKl.I.V Prince Ce? VANCOlr "nil Intermttoi.! Eoch Thur4 at 11 IS i. I WASHINGTON -- President 0f lne country who were f acini! Elsenhower was evidently pre- critical fights. He was a sort of pared to speak out today about j trouble-shooter in that election, the Senate investigations sub- j lending a hand In ridings where committee's probing into bitter ; lt seemed thut the PC might i'hrges exchanged by Senator win if eiven lust a little extra 10.000 POST CAIIDS will be dropped into the sea by Britain's Royal Air Force in an effort to stop the residues of oil-burning ships polluting Britain's shores. Each post card will be In a plastic cover with instructions telling finders where to send it when H is washed ashore, thus providing evidence on the oil-bearing surface currents. Holding sonic of the mail for delivery by sea and a map of the operations area is Mrs. Joan Tubbs of the British Admiralty. ' Letterbox M. C.irthv and United State.; 1 ,lHp In lnosl MSM Hees wasi Army officials. 'effective. :-ros.siny into the other country Eisenhower's press secretary For KETCKK w i: J ially one of the city's greatest attractions for Jamf fames isitors, the newly organized tourist bureau is ; self has done so, frequently. The Comlort hiJn er ;r.s C. Hagerty. gave report-1 ill fl an unusual tip Tuesday when I AmPlm rl3n "'"l IU I IV1IIJ president; aked aked whether whether the the p ... ... ... ., i i i. 'Only restraints against a Cana-, perating in association with the museum board to j(llan politician talklng Canadian! For rripm!it all city lift.. agreed with several Senate Republican leaders that McCarthy iioukl step completely aside ex- I To Stiffen Law On Drunk Driving cept for a role as a witness to defend his conduct and that of hi.s .staff. The Wisconsin Republican senator is chairman of the investigations sub-committee. ! politics in tlie U.S.A. are first ; ! the Rood taste of the Canadian 'politician, and second, the fact; I that most American audiences would be indifferent to any , ; political issues which did not ! i concern their own country. MCCARTHY does not give a : tinker's dam to use his own I "WILD THROW" The above title, like your editorial "Family Gathering." of March 22 is not an ongllial, A wild throw can lose a game or cause serious injury. Juvenile court records give the lie to the opening sentence of your reprint as tln-y g.i hack far liy The TimacHan uch an extent that the work of the two organizations is to be handled in the same office. This kind of support is in sharp contrast to the iituation in Vancouver where the local museum ippears to be suffering in the doldrums of public ndifference. Possibly the big city is too preoccupied A'ith ite other attractions. Prince Rupert has other A CLEANER Kl'PEKT Mr. Editor. The Daily News: You can't live In a town the fize of Prince Rupert withnul getting to know the people a httle and what they are doing to make their city a better place ln which to live. Alberta plans to double the Hagerty. replied that he Penalties for drunken and lin-1 beyond the so-called 'good old ; recent phrase) about good taste Individually one can't do very days." thought he knew how Ei.sen-1 p:irea ariving. hower felt about the matter, bull Amendments to the Vehicles stmuested that the reporters ask i and Highway Traffic Act were the president himself at today's' given first reading ln a bill Tue.i-presi conference I day. Thcjr double to 12 months McCarthy himself in stati-l the automatic suspension of a inducements, too, but to underestimate the value of !or the niceties of democracy. inucii ouisme 01 onering some The serond paragraph is a the museum here would be a serious mistake. Al- ; ,',Jl'"t " m'n! :?nstr"clive,"it!cis"1 and ln : masterpiece of mistatement; are j i a , ii i , : ; uuii.u i wuuiu iiKe to pass on a ve to believe that all the Rreat lldlly v c liavf a in(-iii6tLiii twin. 1. 1. ivr 1 1 a ntuin. iiris is juat a ut liuic. ill y ,,t..;i,. nnA t..ot.,.n v,,v.v, ; .,f .,. tact, it is more man a waste 0f:su8KM!lon the hop,'s ,hp cilv athletes of the pa-st were nattir-rThard iCal. m."Lnt do , somothinr. als? witnolit (Uailfl(.d man. McCarthy Mcrarthv Tth ll' .Ellher -ln 1U 0r'Binal iKcrs. coaches and trainers. time. It is a laugh. For orivers licence tor nrunK drivm;; and increase to six montln tlio licence Mispp.niuu for drivlu:-with ability inipaued. The bill lead before tne Social Credit government ubo provides menls last night sought to discount the row as "a blown-up . . . 1 squabble between an employee of the .sub-committee and an em-pi .vie of the army." Eisenhower has repeatedly said , boiled operator like form or better. 38 f'OK-In nr.: dition ULrnrni dim u tauica v 11111, in lULiatLivc tii- roundings, could take on untold interest. So we have two dates to keep. One is for the show on Friday and the other is for the time when we get the new museum. what chance has a boy or ulrl to develop their natural talents ln comiM'titive sports? Is it not preferable to provide supervised outdoor snorts activity where 50 I'LYMOlTIHllt. he (iocs not deal in personalities. . : , pletely overhu transmHskw.' f tires. for n mandatory 20 to 30-day ; jail term for operating a yehicic , wliila one's licence is suspended, i or or knov iivily ririvin a vt- htclc.w!ii:e it -e ast; alion lsw- pcnde'l. already knows that sucn lutite protects as Mr. Drew's have no; RESOI.ITION other effect than to give his! Whereas uneleanliness has a meeting priceless free advertis- tendency to attract rats, dogs, iiiR on the front pages of the tiles and all forms of animal ; newspapers. life, and: I Whsreas ti..s uneleanliness is IF MCCARTHY'S meeting takes, mostly due to the disposal ol place while I am still in the east, garbage in any container ol I certainly expect to attend, to ; varying sizes, shape:; :.nd form., write about it in this column. land- our youth can learn how to WANTS ( ROSS-I XAMINATION avoid injury, and be taught team McCarthy. has said lie plans to spirit, where neither race, creed, i take no par hi any decisions religion or social standing have made by his sub-committee la any part, to parlor games played connection with its public in-In stuffy houses? Are we to,j?o ve-tiation, at a date not yet sei, back to the dark ages when fresh 1 of his row with army officials, air .'was considered harmful. But he has insisted on retaining '52 IXTKHStTIOMl Pickup. Very New car fond;'. fl A llrauliful Al ' Guaranteed. KEMfiLO Here is my own forecast of . Whereas this nuo 1 . 1 leanUness ...Ill tnnnU Messy People ... CANADIANS' are a messy people. Go to any city between the beaches of the Atlantic and those of the Pacific and, while there may be the exceptidn-al one or two, th streets will be strewn with debris of various kinds. Go to the narks, the business or t ; Th Miratlt Lustra Enomd mpptinir icetested by all civic minded ; keeoing the children indoors, his right to cross-examine wit. . . . . . citizens of the city of Prince : nthcr Shan have them out in aes,es, and aid army people t - v Hi hi i ' I - ' i t - ' a.Humeiii uuom wiiem- Rupert. the sun and air'' mould be allowed to question f er or not McCarthy has or has. ' Therefore, be it resolved that Did you stop to consider that ; him. not the right to come will give, ' it! this council adont a motion th ir, orin o... .t, i ., u... uj " ' " "u ! the meetlno more free i , J J, .'" ""T i ..w ... vo:ilTiri.i atinn section Stieets rwprc and artrl see pp the the mc mess Ot of nmer paper, 1 L " r?!nTllVh!fi,S ! al1 garbage placed for disposal organized outdoor activity for ! that pressure was exerted by Mc-leMdential ! t?? f. lje in 8 "covered" contour youth? Our school do noti Cartby and Roy Cohn, counsel cigaret bllttS, the pasteboard packages, fruit peel, lT eaJ.:. nl 10""'i tainer made of a light metal nut offer anv and not nil I he child-! ts the sub-committee, seekiin ! 1 AUT0SEg j.. ... (.u nn ,.,.r.,,v, r... ' ,u r,.",. puunua, ten can oe seni to .vnoois in the :av:ned treatment ror rte. u eaiKiy -wr vwipjjcia, uie cnu a itt w..v.o "K " w x"" DULR having capacity of not ;t"r , a more ?outh where rrpid physical in- David Scjilne, an unpaid sub- and fraiUtntlv broken glass Of milk bottle? or the iontnelm- sewn n cubic feet, anil ' structors arc maintained. ; .ommiltee constant until hi 1 J n The Cnmmnnistji brown glass of beer bottles. 5 JUST, ARRIVED MEN'S LOAFERS si 1 ' v.t, - i-i i a wiin: v. iit-ii me nitai in ii;uilLu jasi tun. "peace front" allies will unsuc-, Be it resolved that any gar-1 "Little Leamie Association" is McCarthy una Cohn replied cessfully trv to break un the , bage not in aforementioned 1 desperately trying to interest that Army Secretary Stevens ! meeting. Their usual clumsy, ! containers will not be handled : na rents and non-parents in tak- ! and J hn G Adirms assistant crude stunts will tend to make j by the city garbage disposal : irg on active part, in providing i army counsei had sought to many people, think in terms of j unit ninety days-after the adop-; an organized and properly sup- "blackmail" the sub-commitu-e .two extremes: j tion of this resolution: sports which is jervlsed program, s to drop an Inquiry into alleged i "A'-e you for McCarthy, or are The reason for this letter Mr.! the Inherent rieht of our youthj .tubversion in the army. you for the Reds?" Many people Editor is obvious. Every day ; the writer feels that the re- -I ..'J who en t.n the mpetinir wir.h nn i ffarbaire is thrown on the streets : nrintprl pri lnrinl nmc flutmipH . . Drive on any of the main highways outside the cities, towns and villages and note the same condition, plus empty beer bottle cartons, and broken . bottles strewing the surface. and BUCKLES A writer in "Items," published by the Canadian Citi2enfihip Council, tells Of visiting Bristol, Eng- deeply fixed convictions, or re-1 even in paper bags where they : a wild throw which hit below the i MTP AjflAQ " ''" or , For Casual We land, and being taken for a ride to see the sights. . I1U.IUI; uut.ltiuuiiu 1I11UI lltutlllll j nic iiiiincuintrijr I kyiu ujj.-ii , ui:it. on McCarthy, will come away ex-! aril scattered by any animal nj APT WILLIAMSON. D U I 1 j actly as they have from his meet-1 the vicinity. i Prince Rupert. nV ilOl ICODTf jings in the U.S-A. They will be j ShoultL.the .board . of healihj wl HWIVI jsayijiRv.' whS ' Jie'- hot so bad." j go ;r(5un'd""vJith - Wie garbage j- 'We agree"tha't'organizt.:d.3ut- i HALIFAX (CP)A poyid Carta- Senator Josepri"McCarthyils an truck some days and see the de-1 door soots arc .preferable 'to dian Navy helicopter ' flew i0 ' iextremely astute, and totally ! P'orablc condition they would 'uffv indoor norlor games. But j miles to sea today to take thr.;e unscrupulous DOlitician Hehim-ibe shocked out of ten year's: the point Mr. Williamson seems ill crew members off a United He says: "We were about to toss out the window our when mxiW &W& m aTAtf that weplilfiln thVcJtr'l alh tray. 5fs1heHklav against it?' we asked jokingly. 'No,V replied our . c1A j io nave missea in ine Btratiora states snip ana lana tnem in friend, 'we just don't do that. Someone would have i self was in fact, first elected to,8rowtn- .. ... ! tho Rpnntp mith thp hpln nf fhp I If Wl we want a cleaner ci'y Peicor-Hcrald ed'orial. and one ; hospital here. Li; tic:iii it tij The three, one of them in seri- with less rats lets start with j which he personally emphasizes. The Moose Jaw Times-Herald j Communists ana Ty Also M0C-TOE OXFORDS in black end r f is the need for parents and j ous condition, were picked off after garbage the breeding place McCarthy is of course the job as President of the Unit- children to know each other 1 he mllitnry transport Gen. H. F. ' I better. Manv youngsters go Hodges 50 miles off Halifax. ! astray without the parents real- ' Names of the three and exteiH ed States. When he comes to FASHION FOOTWfA REFLECTS and REMINISCES Elciy The 'copter landed on the for they are strangers in their own , home. Editor.) ' Canada nobody should be fooled by demagoguery nor by the plausibility and wit of the Senator for Wisconsin. Senator Joe's real aim i,s not ! to get more Reds out of the State department, or army, or what-have-you, but to get Presi Twenty thousand American : A judge points out that while ward' deck of the Hodges, en r route from a United States port to Casablanca. The men were taken on b'iard and landed at, a sports field close to the Halifax naval hospital. ' WELSH MANl'SCRIPT The Red Book of Hergest Is a manuscript of Welsh literature, written in the 14th century. and Canadian soldiers are said '' iVs true lawyers draw large fees ! for worthing printed in the law to have married Japanese Who books, the lawyers know beyond wouldn't? It seems that when ; ! dent Ike out of the White House, the slightest Question which Every city has its slums, Every town its hall; Every .seaport Its rats, But Rupert has It all. Every city has dirty streets, Spring, summer and fall; Dogs, cats, homeless too, Yes, Rupert has It all.. Every city has sunny days, A glance at old Sol; Rain, snow, hail and shine, Yes, Rupert has it all. Every city has a mayor, A council on Ihe "bull;" Wise civic administration, too (?) Yes, Rupert has lt allsoK JDS. and get himself in. the master comes home from the page it is on. ' f v'y T i : ' M office, she meets him with a low : bow. removes h;s shoes, takes DO IT OVKR AGAIN coat and hat, runs for his ki- , Here's a CNR man who Is re-mona, reports bath ready, and : tiring at 65, and feels grand to dinner whenever wanted. ; think he's bepn a railroader all i his life. "If I had it to do over ll?.ister tcmonb'artfe1 Sr "-"'M: ills. A denUst is said to have been the inventor of the electric chair. And criminals would give their eye teeth to stay out of it. imported and blended tkj Mm whkb is todaji'. again." said T. H. Art of Toronto last week, "I'd follow it, and I'm just as glad. I haven't made an enemy in the world never had a passerigdr gyp me out of the ticket don't know the meaning of the word wreck and most of the bad storms I've read about in the papers. In other words I've been lucky and I should quit while my luck's good." WHERE ARE PROTEST GROUPS? The Editor, The Daily News: ' U7Vipa n rn nil ll,nr l A German scientist is telling the world that within another year war will be impossible. It had better be, else life won't be worth living. household tuord. t.-ic on. ait tiiuoc ui gaillU- J it i'-l ;. ; '' eaDEPTH INDICATOR Fishermen in the Lake Erie region have reported heavy losses of nets. This, one mny Imagine, can add to the net loss of $ Mft x! J lions ana people wng were so vehement regarding the sale of the drydock? Why do they not come forward now and prove themselves by banding together in a drydock "co-operative" and purchase sufficient drydock facilities to enable local fishing 'boats and allied vessels to continue "Operation Drydock." EDWARD W. GREEN, Prince Rupert. British Guiana's finest DEMERARA RUM oiuturerl and bottltil in England. MONEY, MAYBE! Quite a few British Columbians may know by Saturday how strong they are, speaking of the Grand National. Of course, wear and tear on the heart between now and the climax has its strain. But there's another way to look at It. Perhaps you will fail to win anything and escape all this handshaking. ...100 Fathoms Can be installed as i complete unit ... or Ihe big dial can be scpa'dted and bulkhead mounted (or easier viewing. Repealer dials for remote installations also available. Accurate, dependable to more than 100 lathoms. RUPERT RADIO & ELECTRIC ROBERT B. ANDERSON, Secretary of the Navy, will be the new Depnty Secretary of Defence after May 1. The 43-year-old Texan and former Democrat for Eisenhower will succeed Roger M. Kyes, who resigned from the No. 2 position In the Pentagon. av . GOOD HUM Im ywmrt British barbers are said to be thinking of cutting hair on a time basis. Should this become effective, the bald man may be able to enjoy a glance at his , ..M.tlied or EARLY SCHOOL Newfoundland's first school Was established ln 1726 at Bon-avlsta on the east coast. The unfortunate part of divorce Is that two people can divide everything except their memories, Phone 644 313 Third Ave. W. nil ativemscmcm is m , Control Bord or by the Goramt I hairy brothers.