The Prince Rupert Daily News Wednesday, March 24, li34 last Hi . H Mi ;San F"-.ri 6 F&P Win Inter A Loop: Sailors Junior Champions Don Hartwig's I nisei- and Payne team playcl I masterful ball last night to down Inter A league champions North Star Bottlers 51-43 and capture the Crutto Cigar Store cup for the Inter A league playoff.-?. The dry goods .squad's win gave them the 'oh. T; - . r i - v Yi f V. ? t. ; .v " j L V A v'v i H ; "He, i Mt;xi,0 CllY. h . u:,,. ;;-F' "V: "IS. 1M: 1U i ft l ies mree games to one. I Mrns. lu'j -., . Also winding up lhe Junlot ! Boys league finals was a clear -JiHJO, ,Vl, . kno. !;td ,.; , ' -nk 15 out of 21 tries while 9 & P made good on 11 out of ; 8 chances. The bottlers were i M-nalized 14 times to the store- j ion's 16. KrHtman.son with 15' was top point getter for th" 1 vinners while Niekcrson colleet- ' "d 15 for the loseis. TOOK EARLY LEAD i General Motors had it all over' Art Olsen's Manson's in the : first half of the Inte B game but by careful planning the , league champs staged an im-; pressive comeback. Downed 9-4, ' tnd 7-6 in the half Man- -on's outscored Don Harlwls's' .squad 9-6 in the third quarter; tnd 8-4 in the last frame. Whiie ; rchie Hodgkinson paced Man- I rut victory by Sea Cadets a.-I they trimmed the Sports Sho;; 2P-20 in the opening game last I nit;ht at the Civic Centre, i Mar-son's fought their way to a 27-26 win over General Mot- or? to tie up the best, of five Inter B finals at two wins each. i SPt.IT ON TROPHIES I Howe-ver, despite their playoff : defeat Jack Evan's North Star learn thMr moment of glory when team captain Bill Morrison was presented with the Cook Trophy for winning the Inter A league championship. f)i -k Ayres, .sports editor of The l)ai! News made the presentation or behalf of the Prince Rupert i 1 THERE'S A NEW TWIST to the old custom of hitchhiking as pretty aquabelle Martha Mitchell gets a lift over the water from Bud Leach at Cypress Gardens, Fla., after she lost her own water skis. It's a fast ride to shore at 40 m.p.h. KKEDHIF MNOSTROM, former National League Rieat. who was honored at the 36th Annual Old Timers' Baseball Association Banquet, recently, gives some diamond "tips-off-the-block" to his sons. They are (left to right) Charles, 17, who showed promise with the American Legion team last season; Fred Jr., who is in the Air Force; and Andy. 20. who's slated for a on's with 8 poinU it was al so lis last shot that gave them basketball commission. He also the win. tryout with the Philadelphia Phillies this year. I Ml tCvTrtiirxi Board or by it Canucks, Flyers and Cougars ; Take Leads in WHL Playoffs ; By The Canadian Prow burst In the first minute of the 1 A sudden-death overtime gor.l j third canto. j handod over the Grotto Playofts with less than a minute to Cup to Ron Ciceone, captain of ro and with Manson's trailing the victorious Fraser and Payne 25-26. Hodgkinson aimed a lonj miad. snot for the basket frum 30 feet Ray Spring. Manson's Omegas out and made it. Mike Young stalwart made the presentation was top marksman for General of the Junior Boys league trophy Motors with 11 points, to Sea Cadet captain Don Flood ' Sea Cadets' victory came eus- Fourth Game In Test Series Ends in Draw Wings, Habs, Hex Works As Leafs, Bruins Downed By The Canadian Press Detroit capitalized on a de- The hex still works for Detroit fensive lapse by Toronto's Sid rousing upsei, ann xne nrsi uiauae tvans oi &iampene.s Last game in the Inter B jiy once they got rolling. Sports i a cu,,'., a goal tender in 71 followed him on the score sheet; PORT OF SPAIN. Trinidad . l''ay , ", , " tinoP slarlpa wc" 8na ouiscorru , ?.lmes wpre tne hinhllKhts of the ! but 6am Bettio and Andy Heben- .-: 1 w A I ! a ;V n 1 l InaH nt O-Ol I Vt run iviltio) t--i f iiamii i il t inn inr the on ma an-iv Tir iU.. . . ,"'"-'" mipij me sauon 3-1 in viie nisi. qui - ; in the ..,5o . ' r. . (CP) The fourth game at 7.30 Saturday evening. . ter. The Cadets came back tojthe Western Hockey League on Cougars. I diens. It could carry triem into of the first period on a goal by 1 best-of-five lest cricket series "-'"j b'"-- lane me secona quaiier u-o anu nluhf the Stanley Cup finals. Marty Pavelich. 11KU- the thud 6-4. Leading 19-15 to : ,, . ,... ,,..., ... . . .. . ....... ... , vuitctiuvrr iirui nrw vfnittii-) cuincvi uu Mittl-uilt ill 11 ; The Wings, who haven't al-. Ted Lindsay made it 2-0 be- , between tnsUad and the West lowed Toronto Maple Leafs a' fore the period ended and Tony Indies endcj a a draw Tuesday. National Hockey League victory Leswick and Gordie Howe added England was sUU b .tt'ni- ;s semi-, games this season. Both Edmon- Both teams wasted little Ume,lng into the final quarter the .tY."c?u.v' tZ ninV getting on ihe scoreboard. Fred- .saiiors foght off every Sport-s ;U?e Edmton at ciy Kristmanso,, opened th,Shop d,,ve. scored 10 point ' topped'ton goals came in the final 40, 1 n I r. Rout nt CA,,f,n t h K at ueiioii since imov. i, i'ja, secunu-pcuuu guaia. rvcuui, time ran out Thr team waSiscoring but Art Helin immedl- and alloWed the Sports Shop " ui : 1. .A Defenccman i i ui inn ruittii Bill uuj Bucyk uiu vr score fH.uiii i.m J 1 k wnippea me wais a-U Juesnay woo scureu .- ; m 2M bpnind wh sevpn night in the first game of their ; ing the regular 70-game sched- wjpkf,ts standing. 4-2 in Un ately countered to set the pat- oniy 5. Fi00d topped the tars l"" tern for the remainder of the:witn 2 points while Rensvold ; r,' ,. h. . . f . J. the winnei at 19:20 and Enio even uuarter- Scllslzi added the insurance r.nt;iitiiu neeus t.u win tia: o'"-- .vjv. ..w.. willl o ptnius l-tuceu utf iu.mti ; (;! i tt t t.,.,1o. t tin tho lhe first ouarter 12-11 and the : i ' j marker 13 seconds later wlu-n cup .semi-niKU .series on iiuuiu ' ittu, tuviru u.ttn ai n.ui ui u. ; ice. And Canadiens kept right final. j on where they left off in the j in the third period releree Bill regular season by blanking Bos- . Chadwick slapped Tod Sloan, series. The West Indies wen second 15-14 but the game wis! tu I iaN j In Vancouver veteran centre two of the three previous tied three times in the second' sea cadets-Moo- ia. Husvik 6. j Chuck Met. uilough blasted a slap " v "v v H X UI Uli LU LCI 1 Li C, W ilil a . , . . Rayner was pulled for the extra attacker I Second tounds In the quarter- t finals will see Victoria at Cal- f gary and Edmonton at Sa-ska- their record . clean against the ; duct and game misconduct pen- stanza at 12-12, 14-14 and 23- " ,," ' ,V ;,, , ' t""1 23. North Star trailed 27-25 at ! MmoJ 5. Bow-, Luclen Dechene to give the half is i.aini i. curne. oiwn. B. Wont a.! Canucks a 2-1 overtime win. i tieiiRvoM 6. F'Wmmij l, MltchvU. I Ed Kassian shot the Canuck.-. ITLLLl) AIIKAI) Tutul ahead 1-0 in the second period With F & P's Freddy Kris- ' otHt -"tmn, uj alter the teams P'.ayed out a manson and Norih Stars' Dick sK.ntnn 4 b,vps i. Nelson 4. carl- cautious and scoreless first toon Thursday while New Westminster plays in Vancouver Bruins at the Forum this season. ; alty. When the releree called ! The victories gave Detroit and ; the game misconduct the Leaf Montreal the first big ones in ; player pushed Chadwick by the post-season play and with the throat. The two penalties cany .second games of the best-of- : a $75 fine, seven semi-finals scheduled for j Walls Offered Fight in U.K. Nickerson matching each other . iitk. Forward, sunwoud, frame. lor top points FrasT and Payne ; "oN?--nw.5Hit-r 7 a hxi- I Delenccman Ron Matthews! pulled further ahead in the '. km.' , b. smkowu ' 8. Eiikou. j .40iicd a shot from Just inside third (luarter us Don Hartwlg's ' Andermm 7. t s.-ug('v.ick. K iickI':- tne Vancouver blue-line with le team outsrorcd the league kinwn. Total 27. ! than ix minutes left to lorce: TOO I.ATK TO CLASSIFY LITTLE THEATRE casting meeting Friday, Civic Centre, 7:00 p.m. for Festival Play. (72i LONDON (CP) Earl Walls' representative said this he Forum and Olympia Stadium Thursday night, it could mean , a 2-0 lead in games for Wings j tnr) Canadiens before they move to Toronto and Boston for the j third and fourth games. Windle, Fleming Score Top Marks offer from'a syndicate" for" the : lmPn "owcver' prukr PAYNE KrHlmnnsitn t''ia;(luin he.wyoi'ilit to fiht 'efforts by Nickerson and Helin 'i 15. cirne a. Bimki v 0. . MriMn ', saw the gap clo.sed to 40-3!) by 12. 5. H. McKay, Stewari 1. the game into the extra .session. Mi Cullough's sudden - death goal at the 4:00 mark gave the league leaders their win. Victoria Cougars, who finished league action In fifth place )c (Olftr (tlrarint 5 Ye Gods it doth ama?e me! Fonnctli . . 1 .ule na" -t l"e "! rtiland La SUrza-Don Cockell 1 tiuarter. However, two excellent C()nt( st t long suote by Doug Sankey, and The Wings, two Stanley Tv,0 more boys ot the civic Cup victories in their last five Celllre Youth Ririe Club joined rhampionshio seasons, scored in j lhe ranks of top marksmen at every period to shut out the tnP WPPkiy sh0ot last night, inept Leafs before 13.177 fans. j Ray Wind,e fiiul Max Kleming KORil! STAlt- 3. Nfkrrson IS. W Morrison a. Bln;k, R. McKay B. Helin 13, LHmnulson. Ncwtoli." !wf9 baskets by Gary Monson aha : Haudenwhiui. Tuui 43 ison nd Boh ' sciirea n major uiv,ei as uiey , ,3 Kon Ciceone put the drygoodi .'"'"""' " Ulllt'.l V,llll.HUl-llO J CI 1 V Roy .spnnt! ami r".: dumped .seeuiKl-plaee Calgary . McParlanp Vrni i so many chariots of such va!u?. Yes. J be fit with rubber-covered wlicoU draw n by ninny horses. 'Tis s:ii(t that cw prefer an A-l Used Car or Truck from Pi: Sankev; FYrd Culileruiil anil boys out of reach. On free throws North Star Ciceone. chalked up 100 per cent scores for the time, while othei, who had topped former shorts, dropped down in the 90 s. scoreless first period but the Montrenlcrs went ahead 1-0 at 4:25 of the second on a goal by Rookie Lome Davis of Regina. Meanwhile, instructors p'annt d Bernie Geoffrion scored the in 4-2 in the foothills city. Bill Sinnott drove a knee-hWh .iliot past Hill Brennan into the Calgary net at 18:35 for a 1-0 first period lead Pat Lundy squared tilings in the second. Gene Achl umn hiK .set off a three goal Cou -ar ou!- 3 :t & suranr-e goal at 13:48 of the last 10 SP'" he club into two groups, Japanese College Team Falls Prey To Kenora Thistles For Second Time ini TimMvt, ihmiuh HO nolo snoots i uesuuy an 50 Mnnnrch Sedan. Custom I '51 lord Heiw heater. 2-tone paint coiiiin'i ' Caesar would appreciate wiiit s b (his ut '$I4'.ifn SMt l)XCV ( Oi.iy S: ' Ye O'de Bo'dies Rccoppd L f-.... . TOKYO ifi-The visiting or1 Thistlas' tonight swamned ,3 t'liid Mi an all-Japan collegiate hockey team 23-1 In the second game of a 10-contest tour of Japan. The Canadians outplayed and outmanoeuvred the Japanese Shooting Club Awards Received hcuter A-Aary Postuk Still Pacing of legs to tao the puck past' inursaay rigms lespecuvcn goalkeeper Jim Henry who had ' Turnout for last nights shoot 43 shots thrown at him by the 12 D0VS- 1 Other scores from last ('efending cuo champions. 1 top At the other end. goalkeeper r.Wht wore: Glendon Smith .09. Jacques Plante handled only 12 Tcro Pa?vala ' shots, many of them from tarif "0,!UP 98' WJlynte r0,9'' P"lorscn Joh" C1'h' out. His biggest scare of the f 1 night tame in the final minute i bu 'J5' Gfry Chang 04 Joe ' Lance Theobald 03, of the second period when Kraupner 94. Anfield 92 and Brian Rm.kie Doug Mohm shot from!Fr31lk 15 feet out and the puck bobbled ; Robeits 92 : off Fiantc's pads and dribbled : '32 lord Sedan-Delivery. Radio, heater, automatic transmission. Even Cleopatra could not compare with this bcaulv. IS1975) SMCMLXXV scn!.'b ! li-T .": I' tSlf,50' ... throughout. j Two members of lhe CNR A The 1903 western Canada in- Shooting .'...') have already re-termc-diute champions scored ceived honorable mention for Celco League YOUR FOKi-MONAIK'H CFALP Mary Postu:; came through ! ciKht goals In the first period, j thplf ia, fe.,,,,,,, according again Friday to top both dlvis- five in the second and 10 in tho re(iUit.4 handed In to date. The Ions of the Celco City Mix. d third. The lone Japanese score ; palr of nigh scoring members Five-Pin league ouLsroring bot 1 i came tare In the third period. ; ar strand anrt T A Paavnl.i t BOB PARKER L about the goal line Harrv Levene. British promoter T ! M II f . i Canadian scores were by Ray i a ,iiver crest has been award- and night club owner, refused toj men and women. "THE HOME OF FRIKNOLV The Bruins howled that a goal , fQ Mll'S'drS had- been scored but goal Hidee:. ' . Bowiin;; In A Division she too i Westlund with five,... Ken, Rob- j e(j to e. Mostad. : r . duci.ise details.' He said he doc a, a. 307 3)7 ,rtson ,.?rtson. and ana Ray Kay Siurtintau' binwneau wltn wun; rioUknow answer irom Uadit s hi -h .sinL'.le . with i.... .A..-i..-rf 'u...' W.-fWails.J. JjQAtwailAbie. A V-mo a'lW rolisd three gafhej l-)-' lour. Don Blom with three, Mur- j DoniiOfbK'SefeshtibtonK'i-;'- ' t.n'Rl'ni'ya 'i n r.irW-n T:xtp i lal!inj 753 fcr ladles Wv.h tliro'j. : ray Robertson and Bernls Mil-, 1Yiv.fv'rr'4-'A 6,,i i ,,', i ' line. - f.v.'jl -J-fei'-r- 4i:df h.eavywclaht and Cockellj Helgc'Hol:esUd wi'h 234 !opp:Miard with two. and Phil Creed,. Q Muma Mostaci,' K. Mcln- V a wia 11VJL aies.t-LWO . 4j u the men i'or high .sin?ls and UK K tuioii ana sum roiucri.son . ,. Frpd .,.,,. M, , A P:11,.; pla?erveteran. cenfe-.Elmerf The Trail intermediate". All- j, British Empire champion or with singles. j lMs an(, Mlss E Paviikls. bcrt M'jFtdclen rolied Til men's high three. Lafh-aud defenceman Jim Mae- Stars .have a commanding lead : Their meeting is scheduled for Plrson. Bruins' were short de- in their quest for the British London March 30. fcKecman Hal Laycoe. left at 1 Columbia Intermediate Hockey; ievenc atd the'fiht betwen home with a groin Injury, and championship while Kerrlsdale ! the' winner cf the London boiit inj cananians wuu luesu.y, The sh0oting club is studyi.u night's game 17-1 1 the question oi buying'two rifles j Team honots went to North-1 land Dairy with a high Sin-!e uf 12:n a::d a nam hWii three cf 32- !t. ' HTSTKKN 0115 offer of the RCN In loaning1 10 .tiOKie iarmnanas were ano Aran juuiuis aie squatea. used, centre Guyle Fielder and , at a game apiece. left-winger Wayne Brown from The All-stars whipped the and Walls, now ranked f iftn j among world- heavyweights, I would, if held, take place in Lon- : don's 18,000-seat Earl's Court Arena. The fiist reeorded cro.-.dng of j the club two rifles, proved a dis-i Vermilion pass on the Alber'a-: appointment, as the rifles proved B C boundary was made by the too heavy for competition use geologist James Hector in 1858. in obtaining crests. 1 beattle of the Western Hockey ; Kamloops Loggers 7-4 in Kara- League. Unns Tne.sdav nieht. nnd lea.'l EXHIBITION Jn B Dh!.'on Jo.i.i V'i-xi rj!l-cd 2iZ - tart l':.'-'.- i in ;i. ins ! or.ct J.j: L:.;. ; v. .,;-. Lei i j men'."; hr;h uj'ce. Jean Sharpe 1 ro.led 'lit and 733 10 capture j both i-.tiit-s h."lt tircl and lu.ii ! three. A Division j Bulgers 4. Savoy 0; MB. Wlkl-! cats 4. No-Names 0; Northland 1 ! j Dairy 3, Residuals 1. B Division A the best-of-flve series 2-0 with one game tied. The Trail team can take the series in the fourth I game in Kamloops with a win or a tie. In the Junior class. Kerrisdale skated to a 7-4 win over Trail to even the best-of-three series Bonspiel Results PRINCE RUPERT TO .1 BASEBALL Cincinnati N 0. Boston A 2. Milwaukee N 5. St. Louis N 6. Chicago A 9. Detroit A 7. Brooklyn N 10. Philadelphia A 2. Philadelphia N 2. Wushmuton A 3. Chicago N 0. New York N 5. Timber-Ticks 4. Conboeds 0. """ : for the B.C. Junior champion-r rt i:t-SMni-Fiiiaia j ships at a game apiece. sitrih stnr Trophy Trail won the opener 11-7 Central Cafe 3, Hl-Ballers 1: Pilots 3. M B. Lucky Strikes i still undecided. The final Rame TUESDAY BIG FIELD 11 pm Miller 10 Eyolfson 5. CarmirhftPl 13 Hampden Park, famous soccer , was tied and the winner will be ground in Glasgow, can accom-; determined in the first game of modate 15G.000 .spectators. I March 23th play. : uetTiuiui; game win ue piayeu 1:1 1 Trail tonight. The Okanagan Senior Hockey ! play-offs continue in Kelowna l I I. NT I.. T. ApitPhaltr trophy runtpplllion TUESDAV ' 11:15 am Thorn 18. Davidson 3 KETCHIKAN $15-00 tonight where Penticton has a tlomeit 11, Corley 3; OeorKPsoii 10.! ! chance to clinch the series with PHILISHAVE The Wonder Shaver a win. They lead the best-of-seven set 3-0. W IHNfiELL i $27-00 Turner 7. 2 p m Carey 11, Wood 10: Webster 11, Schuman 0 11 p m.- Bovm 11. McKenzle 3. WEDNESDAY 1:15 a.m. Carey 16. Webster 3: Adomeit 14. Bedford 4; Georgeson 8. Thorn 7. K. I t:T-niuon Fh-hrrlni Trophv eouipetlllnn TUESDAY 2 p.m. Itowbotham 9, Haynes 7. PETERSBURG ifM ... X ' j $2970 ! WHEN YOU Just imagine, every day a perfect shave ... no pull, no scrape, no soap and no blades to buy. Philishave's twelve self-sharpening silver steel rotary blades assure you of the best shave you've ever had. Try Phlllshave today. No obligation. 2975 Easy Terms Arranged JUNEAU $41-40 4:15 pm Stewart 8, Oordon 7: Fbner 10. Hlch School 8: McConnell 11. Oarner 10. I a? mvrrc FLY whiteiioksi; :1; $56.00 6.30 pm Yule 10. Hewitt (ex tra end i: Oimud 23. IxifKren 7; Brlstht 10. Manson 8 8:45 pm Greene 8, Parker 8: Warren 8. Sehmttt 4: Ford . Walt' 17 8 (extra end 1 . WEDNESDAY ' 3 30 am BtiK b. 3pR'r 0 (by rti'faulti: Kellnugn 0, (by default); CI I I C AIR THE STORE THAT SERVICE BUILT IUILT" LI. 1.1 J LINES SEATTLE $(JQ00 . . ,ir B.elltl" I McRAE BROS. LTD. Give PEEK R AN rj,! Phone 266 'C.'fiee opposite Post btiici 2rd Ave. 1 Matthew 17, omarui 3. 7:16 a m. MrAra 10. Trchabold 6: Robertson 19. Willson 2; Stewart 8. ; Metghrn 4. Phone C or 38 for Easter and Morncr.- f.. j t . j. 1