I lie Prinze Rupert Daily News Wednesday, March 24, 1954 Aims, Progress of Clinic Outlined For King Ed PTA ' "t " JJL.mimmrtmtmmutlBm m ,y v - ' . w urn- f l- r , rWK milWHii Willi l; Uliil "jl7, 1 'Hi '!' ' ' V ' "' fi ''I"" '""ii : Mi v - vM ? ? J A ;v ' X v f' ' " . . I An address by F. Dcrry of the Prince Rupert preventative den-tul dinic featured the recent monthly meeting of the Kins i Edward P-TA. j Describing Ihc alms and ac- 1 cninpSishnienl.s of tile clinic, Mr. Dcrry said that mothers had been extremely helpful In fur-thr-rlnjj its work by ensuring that their children received the nec- Council Plans Bigger Program For Old-Timers ! An Increased program of activ-; ities for Prim e Rupert oldtimers will be launched tomorrow at an j afternoon ten and social for j members of the ' Over 70" Club, i sponsored by the Prince Rupert I VV' ini n's Co-Ordinating Council. The program for oldsters to-i morrow will start in the Civic i Centre at 2 p.m. and will include showing of several films and I serving of refreshments. ! The co-ordinating council, ! whi' h s p o is s o i the annual ' . Christmas baii.juet for the "over 70 s." last week planned a series of such get-togethers for the ; oldtimers. p Club members requiring transportation were requested to con-! lirH T. J. Boulter. essary dental attention. He reminded those present that any work done by the clinic requiring an anesthetic had to be paid for by the parents since the services of a doctor were needed. He urped more groups Interested in children's welfare to ask for speakers from the clinic. The King Fdward P-TA was the only one so far to make use of this service, he said. Prizes awarded by the P-TA for the classes with the best attendance by parents went to Mrs. Hewitt In the Junior grade, and Mr. Fraser in the intermediate. The meeting agreed to buy more supplementary readers for Grade 4 and reported that the lack Spratt" Couple Test New Mattress gjrLJ-J.....v. A .. . . . .-1- . , . ' HMW llll HM "IB i n Bf i - MKS. CLAl'DE TILLINC1IAST POKTEK proudly shows off the new rose-covered automobile top that she says gives her as much of a boost as a few &pring hat. Mrs. Porter, whose pink residence is regarded as something of a landmark, is vice-president of a paint and wallpaper concern and operator of. a paint store. She hopes her wallpaper-style automobile top will catch on as a fad. V ) i BIRMINGHAM. EnirlnnH ip. ; matter of etra safety signals on tersi A Jack Spratt couple pre- I M 'Brllle Street was progressing well. i rv Doily N-s Classified It "wts rieeidec no' to.. take on any further commitments for tlnancial donations unless spec- Political Controversy Grows Heated In Australia on Queen's Tour Curbs iii'v reomreci. Tne point arose over a request from UBC for a donation to the proposed home economics house. " parca ior u.clr iut, good night's sleep In years Tuesday night. George Crowe, who weighs 125 pounds, and his 240-pound wife, Ethel, have begun a three-month test of a special new mattress. One side of the mattress has firm springs, for a heavyweight. The other Is softer, for a lightweight. Said George: "We hope It will stop me rolling into the depression that Ethel makes, and waking us both up." V.'v tf A A J J (LlD PERTH, Australia ( Reuters i amounted to "unnecessary and A political controversy warmed hiish-handed Interference. Stan Holgatc, Prince Rupert j delegate to the P-T convention j ' at Vancouver April 21-23, will report, on his trip at the next1 r . meeting ot the Kin Edward association on April 27. Mrs. F. Hardy snd Mrs M. Snidal were chosen to represent the association at the coming Canadian Cancer Suciety Menzies said tne Qu-.e!i and the Duke of Edinburgh -will live aboard the royal hner Gothic during their stay and will eat only food prepared aboard ship and imported from south Australia. He said hand-shaking will be barred and at least five functions which' would have involved large crowds have been cancelled. Small children will be up today over a federal government de'-i-'n to curtail Queen Elizabeth tour of western Australia because of a poliomyelitis epidemic. A new protest by F. E. Chamberlain, secretary of the Western Australian Laoor Party said the safety precautions announced Monday by federal Premier Chancer Socielu octet u He was convinced that th Queen and the duke would prefer to curryout the originally schedul-t.a lour dj-;pne Ui-j negligible risk of polio. Tedr" in Adelaide, two little girls, Anne Sc hwartz, 6, and her five-yeai j'd sister, Lorraine, ; eva led the Queen'? bodyguard as sne stepped from ht i car and handed her two small coins. The youngsters said the money was for Prince Charles and Princess Anne. i jijj a fnrhiHrlpn tn hnnri hniimiotj Robert G. Menzies to protect the directly to the Queen. MVU.YIVI.DS are Mr. and Mrs. Arturo ?a:i Giovanr.l Dl Casarsa, Italy, whose wedding cit wi-ek in the Church of the Annunciation. I.in officiated at the rites uniting Dosolina, u Mis Guiseppe France.scuttl, and Arturo, son A Buzana, all of the same Italian town. Mr. ve the bride in marriage and Mr. Adelchl icm.sman Mrs Retina Bazzana attended the niil reside at 73 Biggar Place. Hospital Team To Attend yuecn wnen sne comes here Friday are an insult to the state. The annual dinner meeting of the Prince Rupert branch, Canadian Cancer Society, will be held Monday, March 20, tt the Broadway Cafe, whei officers will be elected and plans made for the Aoril cancer fund drive. The meeting, open to anyone interested, will include reports Tuesday, state premier Albert Hawke said Menzies' plans Defence Course' L r.! '2F7 ft jNOT I)ISEASE-RtI)l)F.N j Chamberlain said these meas-t ures wrongly imply thut western Australia is a disease-ridden state. i He said the royal party has already visited some countries where epidemics of tropical dis- u,c iae frequent. ! Chamberlain snld that durinr the war the Royal Family sharec risks with trie common people. Before you buy . . . Be sure to see A Prince Rupert Oeneral Hospital staff team will travel to fy Teenagers from the Rev. F. Antrobus, I ! Victoria next week to attend an Slated Parley h d iamioops membep of the provincial executive, and Mrs. W. Wallace, local delegate. n a conference n.'ld ei.rller this month in Vancouver. Guest speaker at tne session will be F. E. Anficld, and a film ert tcnagers v.'.mK next ing on activities. Members of the local executive noted that the club had staged bi-monthly dances for the oast Institute on hospital disaster planning. Miss E. L. ' Clement, superintendent, Doug Stevenson, administrator and Dr. L. P. Char-bouneau comprise the local team. .The federal government . is sponsoring the Institute at which hospital teams from seven strategic, points In B.C., target areas h H V ' J 1 '-v f ; j x j three years but had found it im- on lun8 cancer will be shown CONSTIPATED BABY... ? GiveBby'iOwnTblPta. v 8ct, simple littta a" :--. taitletn. Nothing betlM' to - J hHp Hear out bnwi-ln '-,-;' : Teen To n Teen Club, n presenta-nexl week. rb'duled for mid to-t ri'iirescn-"fnce would sDirtivities. a.-,ki cl tn oilier teen t'a.'itl rarry- i "slwpy" stuff no dulling :p I pfTwt. Ued (or more than .('- ' I 60 yearn. L 0 possible to Interest the 150-odd members In any other activities. Officers hope the Kamloops conference will stimulate enough Interest here to warrant organl-n'ion of n Teen Town. Executive of the local Teen Club includes, president Pat Hall, vice-president Jean Sniirthwait. secretary l.lnd Nirkcrson and treasurer Eugene Nelson. . , t ' 9 i 1 H Congratulates Drama Group FREDERICTON (CP Adjud-1 lcator Graham Suter congratulated the University of Nev ' Brunswick Drama Society Tues In the civil defence scheme, will study organization of nursing stnfr. medical staff and hospital facilities to prepare for any dis-i asters. Prince Rupert team members will be expected to instruct staffs of other hospitals in this district on the topic, following the institute to be held April 1 and 2. The Refrigerator Sensation GORDON & ANDERSON Phone 46 r.nuaiiy Knoa mr T.n? im i m rwUftwri1 and IvprwhnfsB riTuluiig fri)m di((ftivR uMwt at teething time and other minor baby ills. Get a package today at drucstores. WOwu . I'''.'" T Si'. .,. : W.' day night for ii,- achievement in f fii"ine "an Impassioned and The four dcflgates, two boysi .llHIH.I and two Rlrls, bvi worthwhile" play, Sidney Kinis- r:iln to PrHVi'C' Mieorge. George, xtopplngi stopping! ley's leys "Darkm.-s "Unrkni.-s at at Ncon:" Ncon:" from from over fqfc one Ill fl day Jfltht' cltj' the novel h Arthur Koestler. - ' '.. ( A'-r ' " 1 vrce Settliis Settliia fdr Mr the the UNB UNB Dlavwii nlavwilki before travellirtg "fte "south south bv bv buji bus a Russian prison ln,1837v Mr. W"' " qrit io ne'ir" wi).i stnceVc I on r cm i Winner IXIZAHKTH JAM US of Cork, Ireland, designs one of the most daring coals of the season, tying a dramatic, fringed stole at the back and setting a . patch pocket amid the folds of the full skirt. The unconventional Irish creation is done in soft white wool, completely lined in print. and gave-a clear Interpretation, : ' e inc oieseptation 4nck- ; i) nipNxips They will be hi!-; - leted ,'.by the Kamloops Teen '( Town. .' ; j,' . On the -agenda for the con- i f-renco are discussion group..' ninyor-for-a-dey ceremonies, a ienns and calico" danre frolic.' ii'iil i' inn ;i si)rinv -'ft 'lii:n-h V fi.r th,. -I'I'MhI l,v ed "ptuhv&nd. punch," and trie lighting was bad. " the Mayor s Bull, visits to In Blue Bonnet Sue dustrial plants and. highlight of the event, flk'hts over the Kamloops and Southern Cariboo Winner -' of contest ' number , four in Su'per-Valu's "Gue-is the Wetither" series is Mrs. E. Plcrje. J 150 Eighth Avenue Fast. i Her calrulatlons -showed ov"-j rage maximum-minimum trm- peratures for the week March; 14 to 20t.h of 44.07 decrees and ; 31.14 degrees, as against of fii-iul readmus at the weother st.ition-on Diebv Island of 44.29 dcRrrc.i and 29.07 degrees. The clo.senes of her estim ites mekes Mrs. Pierce this week's $25 winner. 'f Hi.' i i 1 1 1 -'s v.ilh :"' t ihlivs Were pliic-d 'I1 I he siic-f'llell I're,i-' iiu rreeivi (I n wis eon-" fur which 1' Mi. II. I!'t; were "n a-r.ui.e-ivere Mrx. K :r;ndet, M,. M-I.can. fsh'er. vent were ';la, finicy-veltiM. 11 Mvs. h ee of (.,,. " 'liile Mrs. c- H.ilverson vi'k table "'veitv hunt n he C lli:'duui inl Explorer yee F.irey In Kids of the ' ' -; " -t i:"'---'s '- readers "YOU HAVE A DATE" with the Kpien Consumers Co-op Credit Union, at their annu.il GefVral Mectlne;, March 31st, 8 p.m. Civic Centre, Common Lounrte. Refreshments will be served. All members urged to pttrnd, and to brinj your friends. (76' Fualty brakes cost lives . . . adjust them today! BE AMONG THE FIRST in Canada tn own and drive siunnniH new 1954 lord "Customline" Sedan! The 1954 Ford ith a longer, lower, wider look, sets a new styling irend. You get superb interior trim, appointments and upholstery. Y ou have a new kind of ride tliat's smooth and easy, yet stahle and safe. Y'ou have easier handling, easier parking. Plan to win a magni- . fuent new 1951 Ford! tnter today! at SUPER SERVICE PTA Discusses Plans To Curb Horror Comics A move ucain.xt crime and horror comics was discussed nt this month's meeting of the Prince Rupert Pnrcnt-Teachet Association Council. The council receivco a reanet from the B.C. Parent-Tcuche; Federation asklmi that committees be ft up to maintain r witehiiyj! brief en such comic i "n local newstiind,. The request was referred to Individual associations heie. ; The Rroup planned to write eiiy council on a request from Ithc Borden Street P-TA foi marking of crosswalk lines on j Hiiid Avenue nt Ei-iht Street. " -h re students found crossing ; diffirult en route to and from school. Final plnns for the trio next month's B.C. P-TA con-en ion in South Burnaby by S. 'olinte, Rupert delegate, were 'il.srussed end the Invitation tor Mr. Holirate to respond to open-'ns preetincs at tie conclave was accepted. JUST LOOK AT THE WONDERFUL PRIZES YOU CAN WIN! Q,.' EVERY 2 WEEKS o I winners Hft,r forioweeksi V .Youil certainly ogrce that orty one of th- prize is wll worth , wnhng 25 words for! AND Rf MEMBER YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO BRAND MW 1954 MODEL nn m -Xi I: 5 FORD "Customline" SEDANS W IS OR EAT AS ANYONE ELSE S . . . just long oi you t i 25 fabulous Neahi Sewing Mathines ENTERING IS EASY! In 15 words or Iss eomplet th ntnc. i I m glad I switched to Blu Bonnet Morqorme because ..." Moil with end-flaps from two Blue Bonnet Margarine packages (each t wtrh Good Housekeeping Seal) and your name and address o ' Sec Your . oiue onnef 5ue, f.u. Bo Toronto, Ontario. 'tlu- am.iinK Ntvthi 111'" J tiititM'icin has huih-in im-I r with triitnin lnvc (no iniant cnntrul fur rwap.l and rcfrsf stwin; ..rih hvii aiht'Sinu'iii tor ii ( iil! M.H.E ur AIKXH O Ho-rowing a fashion rate from the Mexican peasant hi h;s colnr-t"l onr h ' '"h.irle's C'-'e-l of London drapes a voluminous machine mantle over a tweej rire?s for spring. The gray-and-go'd tweed "poncho" has a deep, kangaroo pocket at the front. NEW CONTFST EVERY TWO WfEKS, for ten weeks? These ohle prizes go to Canadians every two week, for ten weeks. I Ford Sednn, 5 Neccht Sewmg Mochmes, 5 G.E. Ironers, 20 Marconi Radios. 155 winners tn all! truing; hmlt-in knt-t tun-tnl; many oilur fxclnsivc Local ROOFING and SIDING Experts : v i ,s staued nt 'irdav night, ' Vulhall.-i ' i-ueepssful ' P"t dan-e features.- 25 Automatic Rotary honors 700 MARCONI 5-Tube Mantle Radios GREER & BRiDD The innK-r that II ts you it down on lc joW No lire-some pushing and pulliriK. Hatwnrk is so easy a child can do it, and even tan, ier Krlstirui inson. l'owcrlul MijurliLfcroifv nc ct hv Marconi tiu )rtAit't name in radio! t cclicnf mnc unil selccti-uv. HuiN-in liHip iiitcnna. pr-kltnK nhite public case. LIMITED Phone 909 215 First Ave. W. TAKE A CUE FROM THE KANGAROO . When you move, be sure your things are ,ar k ;e safely. Plume G. LEAVE IT TO . . . pieces are quickly masierei. ENJOY BLUE BONNET MARGARINE ENTER NO W ... P O Be 3170 Torente, Ontorie fitue Bonnet Sue 1954 Cart Centos t - ''' CncfoiM' pienio find, comr' ?3 WiX-rf or hit, th nnhunm "I'm ghd I iw'h to f fc flonnet Mnrqonn bam ..,, Ado two nW-ftnpiI eoiri wirh Good HovittMpfng 5ta', hm eadk0M ot Hvm Sonnet Mornonno, er tottimihu MY NAME IS Competitive Prices , Instalment Payment Plan, jV Guaranteed Workmanship Large selection of asphalt shingles, asphalt siding, asbestos siding and shakes to choose from. You'll love the sunny jiweel Havoroffanada's ltuc-tiialily all-t'vgtta bit margarine . . you'll appreciate its valuable nutrition . . you'll save money . . . AND YOU I AN WIN TERRIFIC PKII V indsayh MY ADDRESS IS. . t nrca; MMMMMB f9t winners' list write P O do". 2 ISO, Teren, On. bb ut ,