THURSDAY TQ SA ice Rupert Daily News ei.liie-.ciav. March 24. lto-l 4 , Jf t 9 3LACKWOOD or BRIDGE Commons Votes Down Motion Rapping Government Powers; OTTAWA CP The Commons Charlie Gillis CCF Cap-has rejected a strongly-worded Breton South) sided with the criticism of the governments government in opposing the mo-wide powers under the three- tion. backed by other CCF mcni-year-old Emergency Powers Ac, bcrs rind three Quebec Ind"-' Liberals and one CCF member : pndents as well as the Progres-TuesdHy defeated 134 to 68. a ' sive Conservative and Soel -' 'regressive Conservative motion Credit groups, describing executive powers un- The Kmenrency Powers Act icr the act as "repugnant" to 'passed !n li'il to met eondi icspon-slblc government. j t ions ar!..itig out of the war h' By EASI.EY dLACKVOOC Tliivcrs liattle To Avoid Taking Trick Contrary to the usual practice, today's hand was a battle h'twetn ?.Ir. Pale and IIr. Champion, the former trying to ;;ie away a trick and the latter Korea, w is renewed l;.sl year t May 31. trviny to avoid v inning it. Robbery (Continued from page 1) the The field uf battle wis jocrr- k Opposition Leader Dr tv. 'h offered the niotien Monday., said the govcrnmcn 's govcrnor-in-counoil powers und r the ac have been 1'buscd. He said Parliament, should not be ask.'d to' extend the art beyond May 31. Prime IvTinister 31.. Laurent re ToOT- heart suit ;in:l M '. Di'.,- won oih because he s lu-kr enough to have been! tho deuce. Mr. Champion oi-rwd the quwn of spadi s end it was ducked a!! around. After looking over tho riiuiimv lie fell! Yesterday afternoon, Petten-i7.zo completed cross-examination of Ouellet and Mr. Brown called four other witnesses be plied that the government hopes fore trial adjourned Defence counsel referred to " win not u.ive .v. nsn ior an evidence given by Ouellet at the j extension. No decision had been : nreliminarv hearlnz last January made yet. but if the govern- i ., ." 'M A Uf, i Somh dt'.'ilt'r Neither side vulnerable North (Mr. A Ixl S -K 7 6 3 H 8 D K Q it 6 2 C K 8 5 est K:it Olr. t'liuinpliitl ) (Mr. K ) S Q S A J 10 B 2 H-Q 8 3 ' H 9 r 8 7 5 l J 10 4 3 C A Q J M B 2 C 10 7 4 smith (Mr. Hale) S 8 5 4 H -A K J 10 7 5 4 2 I A C 3 The biiiumu: Sulltb West East 1 H ! C 1 L Pass H Ail Pass K iff 4WM "FDDIF CANTOR STORV," with Keefe ErasHe la Dove i playing the famed comedian, starts tomorrow at the Capitol Theatre. Because Eddie Cantor has five daw liters, uny Rupert family vlth five denehters is invitr-l to h mest. ef the theatre on opening ni':ht. The lavish tcihnirolor musical will be shown Thursday through Saturday. n.. ' k 1 MM 1 26 in which hp said accused had ' ment decided on an extension !a "bone handled knife." because of the International sit- But under prompting yester- uation. Parliament would have dsiy, Ouellet was unable to tie- an opportunity to debate the finitely state whether Ha.'hka I issue. . ,v ' t ft l jvv ' . Cjfh, "In, ANCIENT COLLEGE ! St. Andrew's Unlversltv ! founded in 1411, Is the oldest of lour univ.'i iitics in Ss-Uand. "V ;;A' Ti British Tighten Island Security pretty gloom y ubout his chances : of beating tin; contract. Hp; could .see (ine spado winner, cn heart ana cue club, but no mure. li. fcr no tnsi: At tile same '.in-,.' !Ir. W s f poling p-jviirtis'ir; t' his chance? ef miking the contract. With nu entry to the board, H. sc. mod th .t ha wouit. lvye to a H I). : .; eo spjjcs itl.d pns.-,i,;y :. '"earl. ...$ tu.u .1. ...... i .ua.:l ui pu u6 the bc-t no.-Hihie d fon.v. A! tk'ick two he ca.-i'i' d the a e if cfubs, then sniit'd to th e"i'KJ of diamonds. Mr. Dale m Willi the ace cf tlbuioiiUs and i actually had a knife in his hand j when the scuffle ensued. j ! "It was something like a knife ; . . . a hunting knife or skin i KKI I-FCTS ON PARLIAMENT As dibtite en Mr. Drew's motion continued, Justice Minis; cr Garson said it casts a reflection on the derision taken by th" last Parliament. The opposition was asking "that this Parliament In 11)54 move a vote of pl'iylnst the six spot. Mr. Dale's worries were not knife,'" said Ouellet. r -yet. Whaf if Mrs. Keen GIVES DEMONSTRATION nine of hearts was a false-card? He demonstrated for Judge What if she had two small Fulton and Mr. Pettenuzzo how KeeffBrasselleMarilyn Erskine VIU O0f Ik arts and Mr. Champion had he forced Hashka to drop the want-of-confldence in itself for the queen rioubleton? In that j "knife" after the two men began ' what it did In 1953." NEW YORK (CP)- The Nr.; York Times says todav In a Madrid dispatch that British authorities in Gibraltar have expressed 'deep concern" over the possibility of "serious incidents" during the Queen's visit May 10 The Madrid story says exceptional steps are being taken at Gibraltar, at the southern tip u: I case, the next, heart lead would ; wrestline. Donald Fleming IPC Toronto Eglinton) said the legislation no realized that tii o'.'y wiy i. to bo a .small one, not At the request of Mr. Brown, TODAY ONLY "He Ron All the Woy" "Three Husbands" Lost Showing 8:15 p.m. CAPITO (AMOlKriAVKRSTPlJ he could gt.t tilu: ( iiree trick- Ouellet showed the Judge a scar granted powers which would the kinn. In other words, -Mr. Dale had to lose a heart trick as he would on his left hand which he said mal;e any dictator envious. The tmto I hi aikermi-mc-m i nl nuhhlicil ur was caused oy ine Diauc ui a early on the morning of be s.-'t if he led spades himself i knife iiispidyccJ by (he Liquor Cumrol Hoard or hv the Govern mciif uf Brtnh C.ulumbia. en the board was to threw Mr. Champion in and hon return a rlub or a diamond. At trick fu,.r .ie una ilo'vn the c.ce of heans. Mr. Cliani;:ion. sensing the true situation, started to get out of the way. Jan. 17. at the end of the hand Advertising in the Daily News Brinas ReJ "sweeping and arbitrary pow- Spain and overlooking the crs could not be Justified by any stfaits dividing the Atlantic and world emergency. The act had Mediterranean, to tighten sccur-! all the elements needed to ity measures, transform Canada into a die-j "The British preoccupation lie tatorshlp and its confederation, mainly in that underground or He said also that he did not : wish to "go on a drunk" on the j night of Jan. 18 because he! planned using the money from I his pay ehpque to pay a private j loan at a bank. j Constable Massine told court i He made lur right play. He cashed tne king of hearts, Mr. Champion dropped the queen but then the dear v s 1 d and 1 Mr. Champion had to '-in with .the trey. Here cither a ..ab or a diamond return would put Into centralized government. AOUtT INTIITAINMINT PI uiANn-MnnvciiiT... A NOVEL OF UNUSUAL DISTINCTION.. A MOTION PICTURE OF OVERWHELMING EXCITEMENT! Dale i of meeting Ouellet in a cafe early o' in and cnabl" Mr DEBORAH KERR - FRANK SINATRA - DQNfU tB: to discard nis .u'.'ti siaoes. ganizations opposing the Span-I Ish government or merely unti- British hotheads' coneclvm,. i might seize that occasion to . .-i danger the Queen's safety oy some irresponsible acts tiMt would lead to a grave crisis i:i British-Spanish relations." the dispatch adds. "These relations already at tcn:c." Noted Newspaper Doubts Wisdom Of H-Bomb Tests j on Jan. 17 at which time he laid : a complaint and later accom-; muled him on a tour of the area where the scuffle took place. In the hnnp nf finriintr Hashka and Firemen Celled To Bush Fire I Dora McNeil. j DIDN'T MENTION KNIFE ,' t In answ" to Mr, Pettenuzzo, ' (onstph'e Mn--' te said Ouellet1 I did not mention a knife at that time, but he told Mr. Brown that t'' ItfMVM- ' " J f P 'i- I ., ,t mm.. i - .'g''., SPORTSMAN'S LONDON i Reuters I A leading British newspaper, the Manchester Guurdian. says today that United States hydrogen bomb tests scheduled to be held in the South Pacific next month should be called off. The paper expresses doubts! over the wisdom of holding the j tests In view of the effects of : A miniature bush fire on East Sixth Avenue seat city firemen cut yehtertiay nftenioyii, but no oaniape was done. A grass, area in th" 1300 block was set ablaze by a resident burning ru.i'iish at 3:10 p.m. and fu-emen wers called to the spot, cruushini; ..e blaze within a few minutes. DIGEST TffcTP M starts - Storp it was while Ouellet was washing his hands end face at the , police station that he .said a wound on his hand "had been 7Ii 0 mm IVI TfiBlV Adults 7fc Stuilcnls 50c t hildren 25c A t.t.VHM s I'l.AVIKS IHKAIKI SELECTIVE XSET' FOR PREDATORS inflicted by a knif!.'-' ir vintpt Tvssso waitress told , the March 1 H-bomb test nil TAINTED WEAT OO FISH- Doily Nf-vvs CUs;ifiec. r,vt that, Hashka and Dora i Bikini Atoll. It said flatly that! McNeil were In the cafe where this time American scientists ho worked between 2 a.m. and would be moving Into the realm 4 a m of the unknown. ; ; . Jrir-ntUvtmr I'ashka as he st The Liberal paper's editorial j 1 . .... o n the witness box. she said he says the effects of the weapon wnt the person who gav her a exploded March 1, which raiii-wit fnr 'be food the pair ate! pd radio-active asn on 23 Jap-ancl loft without waiting for his anese fishermen. Injuring some cll"W. TV bl'l wns for 1. 65. i of them seriously, "were far She plso Identified Ouellet as greater than the scientists had the nmn who telephoned RCMP . expected." SET TBAP SLAB OP ON TOP OF POLDED CHAIN AND Its STAKE f ROCK TO ,i CLEAR TRAP I! irom me pnone in me ciue .usi, th": socn-" , was denarting. i She did not hear whether the "Do the scientists, rqally know Wnl ...111. .......' .(I.. .... C ret tfu1 f 4flI I DINING PLEASURE I wucti, win Happen iiiu:t nis im Persons read tlie Daily News evei day in March tv- r-"-v nok" o pah oher. plosions wnicn they nre planning fn mnke In the Marshall Taxi driver William WrathalL tn'd of "nlek'n" un" Hashka and j Islands in April? In Washington in Dorn M"Nell outside the cafe. It has been announced that the THIS CAMPPIR6 'SET' ALLOWS yOU TO PIRST SEE IP STRAY DCH5S OR UNWANTED ANIMALS ARE USINQ AN AREA BEFORE TRAPPING IT. DlS AND SHAPE PIT SO IT HAS LEDGES TO SUPPORT A SLAB OF ROCK ABOVE TRAP. LET A FIRE BURN TO AS.HES, THEN ADD BAIT. IF VISITING TRACKS ARE PREDATORS, REMOVE SLAB, RE-BUILD FIRE TO ADD ASHES TO COVER THE SET TRAP, THEN RE-BAIT. t OJ :) j device or devices to be detonated "T"Ve,v uf told rv. to take them for n ride. Mo dc;t)natloo SPARKLING NEW SURROUNDINGS ! then will be four times as pow- thc one exploded on whs oaiien, sain vvriimii. 1 erf ill as lie n)H ivit rliiH"?; the rlde.'varrh 1 5: V. tho dispatcher for his company I -How crcat an area of th t 4vcrtiitmcnt 11 not published or displayed by (Commodore Cafe te liquor Control Bead or by tht Government I Columbia. P'9 moo p "r"""" o tV counle i (Kcan wm De conlnminated and! in his car and "the man said how far mav the vaters audi fish move? e iii it x a i II he'd like to get out. Of the car." He as "about ?5 or 30 yards from the corner of Seventh and Fulton" at that time. The scientists are moving now into realms nhich are unknown, and the consequences of their! be most scr- ' "The man paid me with two experiments may Si bills. He Ihrew the money on j0UH Wollace's Department Store GLOVES THAT HIGHLIGHT YOUR EASTER OUTFIT. the front seat . . . "Is it really wise to proceed with these explosions?" V1S1TFD SCENE The Guardian's apprehension told court of Constable Hill m M n . K to H H U B Kl W m m m N H B IOR THAT EXTRA SPECIAL PRINT JOB CALL ON DIBB PRINTING COMPANY visiting the room where Hashka, ' is echoed more strongly by a Ouellet and Dora McNeil had German newspaper, the Frank-Tone after rating in the cafe furt Abendpost.' following closure of the beer "What thj whole world Ins parlor. ' - feared has now happened," says He said he and Con.'tpbie , Abenduot.t. "The explosions are Plot and Irving arrested Hashka beyond control." Persons read k Daily News eve day in March 195' 3 New Gloves For Spring The right color, the right style. Your Spring Accessories at and Dorn McNeil "about 11 a.m II urges scientists to "realize l ow far they can vo" and not let themselves be lorred by politics to use their work in a way "which leads to the end .-f mankind." on the 17th" and In a search of J . the room located two billfolds which were submitted as ex-a .Dibits. 1 1 Con"-tnbte mil said investltta- j tion showed Hashka was rctris- Wallace's Dept. Store I B E E i C1 terod in the hotel under the jnnmo of .t-ij-nes T?olrl. "b"t fter he was shown letters with the name Fdwnrri "nirH-i hp admit 3 More readers than ever before t i HOUSEWIVES DON'T FORGET The Weekend Soecia ted that was his name." ADMITTED NICKNAME j "He also admitted that a billfold with the inscription "Chicago Ed" 'embossed on it, belonged to him. He said that was a nickname."' Constable Hill said one of the wallets was found In Ilashka's trousers pocket.. In it, folded In nuarter wavs. were two $20 bills, one $10 bill and one $5 bill. It a loo contained a driver's licence ml Hi " m wm id the contract ad you platf rea LIGHT AND TENDER AT NO INCREASE IN COST OVER 1953 V J bearing the name of James Reid and a membership card for the Western Sports Centre In Vancouver with the name Eddie Hashka. "fconstablc Irving also found another $3 In $l-bills which he said he found -In accused's coat." "Hashka said he brought the iliiMln fffliA'jA.ijtljl 1 4th e SKEENA GROCERY WILLIAMS GROCERY ColcLiloted on daily average circulation March 1st at 3.3 Persons per Household. l(S)l umimmncAKEMx money up here from Vancouver i r 1'. .3 1 l'!iUiljl w.lth him," said Constable Hill. .The billfolds and contents wure all submitted as exhibits