V r ey h "J Pllii'Jr rfu;j':i' ij i v : , f rf' x 1 1 1 b I x A rmri l '11 LL&V i ! ! ; : ' Moririay, Jiinnarv IK. lw4 Garner Rink Downs Moore To Retain Cup Neely Moore's rink oi h:m--( !f. Leon Blain, Bnbby Anderson aiid Jack Mitchell failed to wrest the Youns Challenge cup lrgm the Garner rjnk yesterckiy a.s Ed Garner and his three cohort came from behind t.- t.'.ke tiie close game 8-6. Moore was leading -5 at. tli conclusion or the ei'.Mtli end but 1 1 1 1 "'., -Y r!. '. '' - V V i if if a m 5 1 f 1 9 i I DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 4:30 P.M. DAY PREVIOUS 'fill Tiu i, THE DAILY NEWS" CIRCULATION I 0 TJ Jb.." , u fi' ' I ,J X, ;,.' ' HOIXYHOOHandTVaremissinffabetinChicago. Basketball official Jim Enright shown here exhibiting some of his court drama during the Bi Seven tourney at Kansas City Meaning of the .signals Heft to right! ; tripping foul, basiet ,.,! Icau.-e of travelling infraction foul for pushing. v TODAY YEAR AGO II BUSINESS PERSONALS COl-ORING books, large sclec-tion now selling lit HALF PRICK lit THK VARIETY Red STORE. 1 17 1 39 SKATE sharpening and saw tiling. All types or saws. Pre-el.sion Saw Kiting, 215 1st Went. - , (41i THE ELEC'TR ICIA N 'u.'ciiiyalt. House wiring and electrical repairs. Nil nth Ave. West. I'hone R.-d 165. 1 38 i WORLD'S PIN EST CLEANEfk- ELEQTROLUX. Phone Blue 70 for Part Sales Service. (e) PUBLTi: itCmillMTA KT . r,m. 1 Tax specialist. 8 O. Furk Htone Bulldlnt!. Red 593. 20rrr'- - WILPORD Electrical Works. Mo- tors bought, sold, rewound and repaired. uf) DRESSMAKING and nltera- tions. Phone Red 224. (311 MAOAZUfES, uorelde. Jtddle' ' Newt BUmd. (c) CARS? Bob Parker's of course. I 40 NEARLY everybody use 99. I It LOST i FIRST FOUR WINNERS DECIDED IN BASKETBALL HOOP SHOOT First session of the Civic Centre hoop shoot Saturday night saw four winners decided as non-playing basketball enhusiasts took their chances on ten free shots. In the first contest Tony Crawley lost out to Bill Lambie who sank 2 shots of 2 in a sudden death replay. Jack Evans outshot Sheila Hicks In the second contest when he made good on 7 shots out of 10. Slim Davidson sank 2 out of 10 to best Tom Naka and in the final competition of the night, held at quarters between the basketball games. Bob Armstrong outshot Rusty Ford, sinking 5 shots out of 10. RADT0 DIAL I CFPR 1240 Kilocycles ' (Subjec t to 'liangrt ' MONDAY PM d-oo Lux Radio Theatre 7 (HI CM: News 7:lf c:n: News Roundup ' 7 m fiM-inc I'Uinolorte 8:0(1 'Presenting Htift c.HC Kyniphonr Oreh. BOO National rami Itartlo Forum 9::i(l i'ule C.nl In. lll:il 1010 CHC Ni w lu:r Provincial AtfiUrs io-;io Hon M' Mnllui Khow h m Ueiither Ifi'fHirl Mn.li'al l:i'i-rplece Mli-lc Till MHInltlil ''.'"' SlKN-.m Tiiijiitty a.m. 7 H is C. H':lK-rmcir llroiulcast llilrnl l lM'k cm; News; wwithcr Mn-I.al K k 5 : ( " MnrnlriK IM-viHIiirm I 8:00 CUO News; WenlliCT i 8:10 Here bill Cloud i 8:1ft Breaklat Club 8 :4ft l.ntirit I.U1. 0:00 liHC News and C'omty. 9:1ft Aunt I.ucy ::; I tune U InU luy fl :.VJ Tune Kmnal 10:00 MornlnK VWt 10:1ft Huppy tiau 10:46 The UeulKh Khow 11:00 Your Good Neighbor 1113 Kindergarten oi the Air 1 1 Messme Herimt 1 1 : C.lrnation l;nter(ln P.M. i I MKI ItArn X mrK Too Knon 13:16 CHO htwn 12:96 12:30 BU Kurm BriMuIcat I!:.V1 InlrrltMl " l:ft HH'nls for Voii I ::m H4nrrt Album j 2:00 B.C. H-hool bn.uclcftst . 2:a0 Huns-Cftitada MaUnce j HI6 Hruvw Voyage i.M IliWflim ii 3Ai Yejteri(u' avos4V4-- . 4:1! The bunu-y Potu Kliow 4:a0 Alice In Orchestrnlla HI. 81ieiyt,iine Slory Teller .VIM) HfiN'k i)tinIaliflilN eittlsc " 6:15 InternktlonaJ Qomty. i 6:20 Cbc New; Wtaiher I 6:30 Ai Home with tl.e Lenniclu ! 6:66 Have you Heard? ' j Russians Win i Speed Titles i j Australian Trip Planned By Brundage LAUSANNE, Switzerland Avery Brundage, American president of the International Olympic committee, may make a .flying visit to Australia in the next two months to check on the organization of the 1056 Melbourne games. "I'm seriously considering it." the top Olympic executive said today. "If I go it will be before the IOC meeting In Athens in May." The last obstacle In Melbourne's fight to keep the games apparently was eliminated Sun-jday when the Olympic executive committee declined to take acr tion on a proposal to move the ( vent elsewhere, Anuelo Bolanaki, Greek member of the IOC general commit-i tee, had suggested a change In 'site because of Australia's quarantine laws which make it im- possible to hold equestrian com-i petition there. The executive committee, which cannot make decisive moves but can merely recom- mend to the IOC, referred the equestrian issue back to bourne for "comment and ad- Rangers' Win Over Detriot First Since January, 1953 By The Cnmtdhin Press Edgar Laprade has fifth-place New York Rangers ' since he emerge:! j LADY'S heart-shaped watch'Tr lust bunday bet ween Ormes , &na 8tn East. Finder nlease phone Green 687 or 910 Alfred. rV1. . Tly three-bedroom nw J- 114,' Immediately a .. . . I hoiLse, flose in. Contact J. tt. SILVER bracelet between Bus i Stnnn, Kitimat, B.C. (17pi from retirement early this Vernon Drubs Penticton 11-3 j ! j By The Canadian Press .vice.". . , NO RI LE CHANGES ,7rr""u' a" maH i Brundage that Australia offl-nificent Russian team, racing ;claly had advised tne Olympic in a driving snow, won the 1954 commiUee that the eountry been a kev man with th ! month. . j He scored his first soal aoal of of the the season Sunday night ai the Rangers up.-iet the lea'-ue-lead-' in Red Wings 3-2 in Detroit. It was Rangers' fir t Detroit victory since Jan. 22. 1953. In two other game Sunday, . the third-place Toronto Manie i goal,.atsy4n. ha-OBrJ Jjetiud BriUjts. Bdr.'tni$sWd Vmttjted on a rebtimrtt-tn' ttie'K 's peWod lor Montr ar ana, Dave Crcigh-ton scored -for Bosttfli ' early! in the second. ": ., ' i - ijepoi ana Beat Cove. Finder please leave at Bus Depot. (Hp) It HELP WANTKIi MALE IF WE SEND YOU YOUR OWN SUfT WITHOUT ONE CENT COST TO YOU will vnu wear and show it to your friends and take their euy orders, making a handsome profit on each one? i You need no experience. I show ! you how and Kupply big woollen sample kit free. But act quick. Write us a . letter tellina all nbout vourself. Send no money. Department 304. Mayfield Tail I oring Co., P.O. Box 68, Montreal J18.25I j 15 SITl'AI IONS WTO.- Female 1 EXPEHIENCED reliable day worker desires employment. Please telephone Blue 939.- (16i PlilU-O-fr. EVITT it CO. LTD. Phone 651 or 6r2 Inquire ulwiut our budget plan for your home investment. No down payment. $1110 to $2,000. 6 to 24 nios. to pay. I'M 17 MR. FOR your fuel requirements: Oil "Shell" Stove und Furnace. Coal Foothills and Bryan Mtn. Gas "Pacific'' Propane. Bing Juckes went on a ramr Leafs beat, the last-place Chi-page to score five goals and out- j cago Black Hawks 3-1 and the sf ore the entire Penticton V's fourth-plaae Bpstch Bruins edg-hockey team in Vernon Satur- J ed the ascond-place Montreal rtoy as Vernon Canadians drub-1 Canadiens S-? before 19.635 Bos-bed V's 11-3, in the Okanagan i ton fans. . League. i jn two gamer Saturday, the Kamloops Elks drubbed Kel-, Leafs blanked the New Yorkers owna Packer 5-3 in Kamloops I - '" Toronto and Canadiens in the only other OSHL game, j edged the Bruins 2-1 in Moulin the Western International real- ' '.' League, Spokane Flyers ended a I Gordie ' Howe scored the two five-game losing streak by white- ! Detroit goals. Paul Ronty and washing Trail Smoke Eaters 5-0 I Wally Hergesheimer scored the i Sunday, after Trail won 5-4 Sat- j otller Ranker tallies, urday, both games being played ' At Chicago, Eric" Nesterenko, in Spokanp. ! Ted Kennedy and Harry Watson Kimberley Dynamiters drubbed ot the Toronto goals. Al Dews-Nelson Maple Leafs U 4 in Kim-j buV tallied for Chicago, berley. j At Boston, rookie Doug Mohns. In Vernon, Jticnes' team mate i Jonn Peirson and Joe Kiukay Johnny Harms scored two of the sror for the Bruins. Paul Mas- j other Canadians' goals and Tom- I nick and FIyd Curry tallied for my Stecyk, Dave MacKay, Bob j Uie Montroalers. , Ballance and Don McLeod got j The Leafs humbled the Rang-the others a.s Vernon took 2-2 Prs Saturday before 12,8S9 fans, and 5-3 period leads. Watson. Tim Horton, Tod Sloan , Giant Warwick. Bill Warwick and . Ron ptewart were the and Kevin Conway scored for mill'ks"ieR- I'enticton. At Montreal, it was Geoffrion's Garner, Oeor;;c Morgan, Hill Vance and Bill Anderson tied it up in the rinth. The tenth end saw Garner's crew place two .scoring rocks, which', properly tcunrded, made il imimssibli- fur' MiHire to score. Nexl week Jack Laurie's rinl; A..1 . .I--! .nLJl uj 111,1 Ullmi five-game win .streak. , rniiii i i i" ri 654 2Sc pi dnt pt6 fM cotpuct. Pitt it I I Mvt thtm rMdv whtn the Aivr tt U I ; i Th...d, dvrtiifflct4 n t published Of di!plYd by B"'d " b tiTc. Z, rr ' ' "'. . . tt IMhSS And PROFESSIONAL OPTOMETRIST KEITH H. TUCKER 210 Fourth Street Phone 212 CAPLING TRUCK LINE Leaves Pr. Rupert for Srqlthers Every Tuesday and Friday. For conncctior.s Phone 632 Investors (Syndicate of Canada Ltd. and Invrstors Mutual of Canada Ltd. T. M. CIIRICTIE Ph. 3G4 315 Third Avenue W. Representative for Prioce Kupert Terrace and KKjmat fF YOU WANT A CINDER DRIVEWAY ROCK OR CONCRETE WORK Rent of Truck and Equipment Ph. Blue 939. M. J. SAUNDERS 'I Scott McLarfn CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT James Block, SOS 3rd Ave. W. Prince. Rupert, B.C. Phone 347 P.O. Box 374 Cooey Chrome To dress up your kitchen ... to give it that completely new look, pick a super-stvled Chrome set by COOEY. Easy to Clean and Keep Clean SETS I ROM $0950 up ANDERSON LIMITED J Classified Rates Mm 4 :S0 p m. flay pravtom (klhllmttoo. ge l, 3 cent per word per fen; minimum 3harg 60 mnti iNutlcea, fto cents, - Oarrta of til .in, s, Death Death Nol Notice, Funeral t. i, Marriage Marriage an ana cniagemeot 2uncpinent,n, 92.0 2 00. ' Oi-plny double le prle. J NO Refum Refunds no accept accept responsibility fe-.mea ads Inserted incorrect) j rr wrong classification unleaa Hon of audi errors la rmliM .4 hours of fin t Insertion. ANT AD REPLIES 'lore holding replies lie following News boxes: 52 865 878 885 38 Replies must be cilled for in person OYONG LVEMU ::a;dr;il Spring Sale, April (371 I.r-fcn Auxiliary card party, n. t ;ind 20. WAof the U F A W.U. Dunce" n. H Legion Auditorium. fciify V Sunday, Jan. 17, ,0 fm. Civic Centre. Film uo f i 'inters only. Ciinlilmn Legion W A. Valen-le fcancc, Feb. 12, Legion j1itium. Valentine Tea, Feu. Lutrjfran Jay(fe Valentine DanfO, Pel). . I yt invitation only. Tickets Jerk's Barber Shop. ILFORD Electrical Works Deal for Ekolite Sounders. I (3R) Unitatl Church WA. Valentine "a, V-b. 11 at Mrs. L. M. rci-ii;,. 945 Borden St. Ffffes Magnes America's Violinist, Wednesday, m. 2f. i 30. An Alaska Musie ail sV.ricert. lerian Burns Baiifiueti 21. 1 CWl c:,id Pmty, Feb. II. (3b " ilifVI Guide and Brownie kc Sale and Novelties, Street. School Kr.h A 5 J Ii' PERSONAL at her (jRE AT F M at the InSCULAR baptist j CHURCH I 1 CONTRARY' ' WINDS' minute color film of ST..JJI.EY, who, like Noah, "tl to escape from God 3b 4(1 the "Contrary Winds" "dsday-8 .p.m. EVfKYHODY WELCOME Pstor L. A. THORPE, i'- Sixth Avenue E. (ltc) T Alcoholics Anony-(3H P.O. Box 343. - i fINESS PERSONALS IF IT'S A -UBR1CATI0N "u want, you'll find the best at SUPER-FRVirF 1 w-. iww cc cr of 2nd and 2nd Were the service 1 IS r.t0ND TO NONE T-If In Doubt Jtors of all metals, U- high pressure, air, relilgeratlons. Sllm's f Works, Box 57?, Ter- Phone 91 Q. ti5 reminded to come to imny shoe Store RESALE. Warm up with a Warml llneri ruhlwn lit redltcorl rtrlAc, oni 'No, automptic oil heat- f" 30 Bth West. Letour-i (o i Bottle collector, flreefi (18p), 3530 3081 ROOMS AND ISO. It I) ROOM and hoard for working man in private home, l'liolie 140. mi HOMES FOR RENT i ,.w-..iJjv,fY.,jvi iuiiy lumisncn I house. Automatic f u r n a e c. i Centrally located. Available im-J mediHtely. Phone Green 88. i ' 1 19i TWO-ROOM fully ' furnished ! cabin. Heal Cove. No drinking.! Phone Blue 825. (lb HOUSE and garage. Phone Black 277. i l.ii Sl'ITKS K)R HKNT T11REE rooms and bath. 533 8th Avc- w- ,Jno,le Gren 932- ' (15pl ,,,..,. FURNISHED suite, warm clean, r ""'table for couple. 1 160 Park suite, suitable for counle. Apply Seal Cove, No. 7. ' ilflpi SUITE. Phone Red AB4. (291 HOMKS FOK SALE SMALL 4 Wartime, furnished, Full cement basement. Oood 'location. Phone Blue 394. i25r WANTE TO RENT , :: - -- RAILWAY officer Just arrived wishes to rent two-bedrooii house. Phone 2'je, tiai 40A Housei Want' g to Buy WE HAVE several cash buyers lor houses up to $12,1100. Im-1 mediate inspection H. .-Hflfferson & Ltd. R""1 Estate and Insurance 21" (h Street. Phone 96 r Wilson, Black 197. evM. t19' 46 Bl'SIXESS OPPORTUNITIES : IViim 111 nnivirliinilff" Cflfr. and bakery for sale. Oo ,;. '"g encern Mmithly turnove.- five thousand. Good location. Reasonably priced for quick sale. I Terms acceptable. Reply to P-O. Box 261, Burns Lake. DC. (19) I 47 AU'lOMOMILES '46 BUICK coach .-.merican rus- torn. Radio, healer, all good rubber. Cheap for cash. 935 1st osU 1.. 1950 FORD 4-door custom, radio and overdrive. $1250. Phone Blue .r)R3 after 6 pin. 1I61 LEGAL NOTICES IN UK RSTATE OP ALHEKT JOHN-hON. DKI'EASP.D. NOTICE Admlnl- others tiftviiiK claims aRalnst the saUl sll.,, M , tn0 mmr to mf, pTOp. dehtednesa to me forthwith in. ii .i Pro, Knnert Bf! this I6ih day or January. 1854 ci. l. brodix. i Deputy Official Administrator. Prince Rupert. B C. (J16.18.33.26I1I V1 1 H I" ))' CAM'IJ.I.ATION ANIt )T.IU.IHIIII.NT ) KIM KM: Notice Is hereby given that pur suant to Order-ln-Counc.ll No. S770 annroved December 14. 1953. the re serve on certain unalienated vacant islands in the harbour of Prince Rupert. Tucks Inlet, Shawatlans Passage. Luke Morse, Lake Bacon, Porpoise Harbour, Venn Passage and Metlakatla Bay, reserved by Notice In the gazette of April 31. 1910, Is con-celled insofar as It relates to Block 6 of Lot 251, Range 8, Coast District. Plan 3246. and said Block 6 of Lot 251. Range 6. Coast District, Flan 3245, situated at Prince Rupert ts reserved for the Department of Transport as an Ionosphere station for so long as required. C. E. Hopper, Deputy Minister of Lands. Department of Lands and Forests, Victoria. B.C., December 14lh, 1953. (ltc GEORGE DAWES AUCTIONEER Phone Black 846 and Red 12. Fred E, Dowdie OPTOMETRIST New address: 303 3rd Ave. W. Phone Green 960 world specd-rskating championships Sunday. , Citizens In this capita) city of Hokkaido, whose coastline if , f m f Russlan- Kussa"- 'l:.J ,., l t i. isiuiius, iusi- y as the Russmng . swept th: three top places for a smashing v.in over the Scandinavian i, Slgge Ericsson, Sweden,' finished lourth. The s((.n Ru.v1un skaters und ,.i(,ht coachs presented a picture of happy., .affable co- uoeration "A'; V r ; '. j It ' 1' f ; " I hf . f ,1 h 1; ' ,t ' 1 ...1''' I' K ' i v ' m K ; l" Jf 'I " 'i 1 .. .': V- ! t , - 1 ' 1 fl r r, '. ' Nine Canadian Skaters Seek Honors at Oslo Nexi Month IlHtLPOTC ICVJTT &j COL,Tp.:.'imtl)Fi.rtUtv. TAK Vliat an tto Court WJi'W'fe'ftWWaJive OItnaOHPni.;'.U.WWV.ftWtf?1the 1 none oji or ojj ol xhc Mlnle f Albert Johnson, who , '31)aiKi Bt Stewart. Province of British saip" " Oolumbin, on the atiiu ty of Octo- 9rrnvii-rn""i.;rp ZI IIHMUKE ri.K S.ll.e. b'r. 1953. 1 require all creditors und CHESTERFIELD suite, chrome I suite, hostess chair, torehlere ,ny verified, at the address meti-lamp; table lamp, 2 Hollywood tinned below on or before the 1st day beds. Simpsons-Sears, Phone or March, 1854. after which date 1 460 Eves. ' Red 280. (lip) "ball proceed to distribute the estate : . . 'to those entitled by law. hnvtnij re- D1NING room suite. Blue 325. j gard only to such claims of which I (14p) shall then have been nottned. - AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE t9A SEWING MACHINES that all persons indebu-d to the said , i . . . . I estate are reiilred to pay their In- CITY TRANSFER LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE FURNITURE MOVING Phone 950 CRATING PACKING STORAGE First Avenue and McBrlde Street would not change its quaran tine laws for the games. Also, Brundage said, the International Equestrian Federa tion had suggested the competition . be moved to another place. Australian laws prohibit entrance of horses which have not undergone a six-month period ol quarantine. Brundage said 17 cities including Toronto have applied for the . JU60 Olympics, which will be awarded in 1955. Cnndiaiv championship; Peter DimJielc!,: Toronto- Skating Club, who is getting back into competition after a short absence; and Douglas Court, also of the Toronto Skating Club, 1953 junior champion. WON LAST IN '47 Canada hasn't had a world figure-skating champion since Barbara Ann Scott scored her sensational victory in 1947. The United States took top honors for both men and women last year. ' anaaa mis year is Damcing heavily on four girls, two from Toronto,- one from Ottawa and lne 0,ner fr01T Calgary. n the 0,510 wil1 be Bar" baia Gratton, Toronto Skating Club star, who won the 1953 Canadian senior women's championship. With her will be Sonja Currie of Calgary's Glencoe Club, last year's junior champion; Carole Jane Pachl of Ottawa's Minto j Skating Club, and Ann Johnston of Toronto's Granite Club. The latter two placed high on the list in the 1953 Canadian meets. The , world skating meet Is scheduled for Oslo Feb. 15-19. But while Canada's skaters are In Europe, they will also compete in the Paris festival De La Glace, Feb. 26-27, and take part in many exhibitions. On their return to Canada, they will move to Calgary for the 1954 Canadian figure skating championships, March 11-13. Prowling Lynx ST. FINTAN'S, Nfld. CP Nicholas Qullty found one of his sheep killed and another so badly Injured It had'to be destroyed. Tracks indicated the attacker was a lynx. SPARKLING CLEM . Elks' ..'Jim-. Flemi ng. and Andy, ctovechotr sai H'd:CtWd. each-nd Chuck Hender son ftfit-'KnmlrtrW other . goal, Joe Coli nbrs 'tmrl Mike Durban scored for Kelowna. In Kimberley, Dynamiters' Cal Hockley. Les Lilly and Buzz Mellor all scored twice for Kimberley while Barry Craig. Buck Kavanaugh, Claude Bell, Ray McNiven and Don Campbell got singles. I-ee Hyssop got two for Nelson, with Bill Haldane and Bob Burton getting the others. Gerry Fodey's shutout for Spokane Sunday was his fourth tills season. Wingy Johnston got two for Spokane with John Reeve, Red Tilson and Red McNally getting the others. Saturday. John Bailey got both early Spokane goals, with Bob Grebinskv and Tom Hodges getting the others. Mike Sha-baga got the two Trail goals that tied the game the first time, with Terry Cavanaugh and Bobby Kromm adding the others before Moe Young's game-winner. Little Leaguers Annual Meeting Tomorrow Night Election of officers and formulation of plans for the 1954 season will be the main items of business when the Prince Rupert Little League baseball associa- i tion holds its annual meeting tomorrow at the Civic Centre. The meeting is scheduled for the board room at 7:30 Tuesday night. The future of Little League baseball in this city depends on the support it gets from local citizens. President Art Williamson said today, as he urged that anyone interested attend thei meeting. OTTAWA Uln e-iCnne 'joanrj Canadian blade experts from Toronto, Ottawa and Calgary will seek laurels for Canada at the world figure skating championships In Oslo next month. " Charles H. .Gumming, secretary-treasurer of the Canadian Figure Skating Association, today nnnounced that the team will be Frances Da foe and Nor-ris i Bowden, last year's Canadian and North American pairrskat- nig enanipions. This Toronto Skating Club nartnershii) missed the world's championship by a fraction of a I point last year and "thus we are looking forward to great things i this year." Mr. Cummlng said, j Seeking honors In the men's' division will b a three-rnember ! team consisting of Charles Snell-lng of Toronto's Granite Club, runner-up In last year's senior Doug Hepburn Again Named Top Athlete VANCOUVER CP)Doug Hepburn, 27-year-old world champ-Ion weightlifter from Vancouver, Saturday night was named B.C.'s top 1953 athlete at the first annual Vancouver Sun Athlete-of-the-Year banquet,. . Chosen earlier as the top athlete In two polls, Hepburn won the 1953 world championship In Stockholm, after travelling unheralded to the championships. He was selected athlete of 1953 In a poll of Canadian sports editors and sports broadcasters I conducted by The Canadian Press and was Also selected by readers of the Vancouver Dally I Province as B.C.'s top athlete. lALESReDalrs Rentals. Singer ! Sewing Centre, i'houe 864. 32 FOR SALE MISC. 2 ASTRAL refrigerators with stands: 1 MeClary electric rangetle; 2 hotplates: 1 flirting bed. "Phone Black 893 after 6 p.m. dtp) TWO Siwash sweaters, sizes' 38 and 40. Reduced prices. Phone Blue 833. l)5p) CIiraT of drawers, bird cage. Phone Black 989. I J4p BABY carriage. Phone Red 110. (15pl 34 WANTED MISt'ELLANEOI'S CASH FOR Scrap, copper, brass, batteries, radiators, pnone s cau oju 6th Ave. West. (c) J6 ROOMS FOB RENT LARGE, furnished light housekeeping room, l'i blocks from Post Office. Phone Blue 727. (18p BRIGHT light housekeeping room, furnished. Central location. Phone Green 241, evenings. (17) LIGHT housekeeping room; no drinkers. 742 7th West. Call a fter 8 p.m. U 6p LARGE housekeeping room, reasonable. Phone Green 727. (19) ! 7.7 -fl i GORDON & Phone 46