Prince Rupert Daily News i'lie lust iegular Caiiailluii' Alter' uivi u !u.,tiil service started in 1734 be-! Upper ai ,t Vo-"'rrl!"n tween Quebec, Trois-Riviere and flr.t Lower cinZ? Clr'y's Montreal. at Quebec ln Kay Reflects and Reminisces Every week-enrt, the CBC hn. must have been an ndvantaire. Janeiro or Tokyo but were less See It As I Monday. September 28, 1953 An Independent dally newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert . .. mid JJortUern and Central British Columbia. Member of Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulations . Canadian Daily Newspaper Association Published by Toe Prlnc Rupi rt Duilv News Limited. ! J P. MAGOB. Prt-sirtcut H. a PEHRY, Vice-Pnsidi nt SuttoctipUon Rates: , !, '.' ,.-5 : -i .(more been broadcasting Canada's Her phenomenal speed couldn't familiar with the land they had, i wooden ship building era ap- be explained. Winning around in childhood, seen first. proximately a half century, it the world races the making of tell? a helpful and informing money maintaining a prestige IRON AT LAST story, for there Is still much left that knew no decline the Marco One of the larcest wimljam-to describe. How many Canadian Polo's record was without serious mers In the history of the ln-school students and possibly rivalry, until weakened and worn, du.stry was built at Schubena-son i e adults know what's meant her days ended. The clrcumstan- cadie iN'ova Scotia) at the head when you inquire about the Blue ces were not without drama. Not of the Bay of Fundy. Her launch-Nose fleets? on some strange, foreign shore ing took place in 1873 or '74. and tiid she lie, but back home or hud a long and distinguished MAKCO POLO almost there. The Marco Polo record. And thus it went. So it Long ago, before most of Utt!('riive on the coast of Prince Kd- went until the inevitable, when The Vo:u Selling Electric Shaver PHELISHAVE 12 SeU-sharpenin. No pulling w irr,( to the skin Compirte with gent. P' carrier Per week. 25c; per month. H 00; per year. 10 00 l!v mall Per month. 7&c: per vear. H.uO. if ' I IV. 4V-"'-' if- if ... 5 A;Uliorl?ed fii secoud class mall by the Pof.t Office Department West ('oast Opera 1' Repair The Drydock WARNKTT KENNEDY! birth, these ships, built and; ward Island. iron vessels gained mastery. To- Mttili auru "i vaiwuiuia, vojageu the ' day, uunaua s marine uusineas is t OtOLllSIl 'iri-'h U t Oil t I 1 , ; ; ,Mp;iti- it the wnrlrl All fli i.i .....4444.11 itii. r ....cilv ncBalpr vpt it. lncks some- is . .. case TEN I'AYS FTIEF N'f obligation" $3 Down $3 Monthly V." $9075 iijri-. Mil ( VMU recently moved to B.C. in;"utcole eusy- i England, oak - " .rau"" !? Canadian shlpplng-ln her McRAE BROS. LIMITED UMlf Willi ,buin. w their skill and endurance noted. Not in a lifetime have crews climber aboard the Black Bui! liners and sailed awuy to adventure as well as hardships. We have sailors today, of I'lUise. but connection with the Duke, "jf- f0 ol Westminsters vast in-.J otl,er ldeas to!WilS being pushed ln the Marl. ilustrial development near ! .times. - . , i "Why sell us to Ontario and i k, uiimii H""'" mcra the city ot iew Westmin- ;out west?: cried the ship build- wt(. ' L .I, I, frfE,, r an0 'as- ers, "our future is here." And lor Ul- r jsenger oiall of the uay. the , "the Store that Service Huilt" fliiint ( o,l,ilaili,lm,,ulu llil41 i,11K, , ,,. .v .v UU'Y Hie. ii'iinnii iiwi CREDIT Those of us who visited the, Ma" roto, was launched with U,. ' i,,hii A Macdru.nirt hdd hirt U t,r who went before Festival of Britain saw some of some misgivings at St. John, in I , f "hf; 'n,p w". rvi-iiiif-ujr a aillftlllg wulft III " .... " 4ji lire fsiiiiiria's east i'on:i. nrnsiwred UNION the strong industrial buildings. foties. It was thought shins, ships and more ships from (i()OI) BVE The alternative Idea casUiii? has Ivmg been in ballet a siur-e fits asiigiuneiit was to tell the liai" bpe defect In de jt'ape Breton and Nova Scotia to . ... v.. ,UH.,;v..i u4 ..I-, - - -,4 oueuec. young leiiows who of unnuvaliee in Brills i i.onnu- MEETING ' miulit have been farmers absorb- : bia. but it's not ';oing to la. t Guest Speakers U.5., Britain Reach Agreement For Atomic Tests 4fd navigation and studied the much longer. For this relief pr.iy world from San Francisco to Cape accept the grati! ude of a pa-jTown. Youngsters in many a ti"iit public While no down-j down-east home attended school ri-ht announcement has beeti 'on the ocean and lost nothing by made at the legislative opening. !the change. In after life many the country knows the last hus j cuiild picture scenes around Mel- been seen of. what amounted to bourne", Hawaii, Bombay, Rio a .stupid nuluuiice. Gordon T'.mith. Manager, Credit Union Natina Asvn latiiiii ill Canada. jusiiy in Britain, and he made i a masterly job of it. And vast ' ii umbel's of small boys all over the world have become "Space Ship Minded'' partly because tins versatile Scot designed and built an imitation Space Ship for the "Britain Can Make It" exhibition in 1946. Wainett rather wistfully admits that he knew absolutely nothing about what Space Ships might look like when he was given the strange commission by a British government department. But before he could make 11. C. Cmllt CiK.ri-i Sterlini;, Field Man, Ui.ion I.eae.lie. feu?, O Vii' Hill, Fxtension Department, Univertity of 3 TOPS CANBERRA iReuters) Aus- ! tralia today welcomed signs thut the United States and Britain are drawing closer together on atomic co-operation. It was learned here that ARK1VAL at Fvitimat of two vessels of major tonnage carrying equipment from ovei'seas for tin Mean project awakens the realization that the ujiT" is close at hand when tin's district will he veiled frequently by wean-going vessels. ; further long-haul supplies are .scheduled to come by water to complete construction and, when tile Hiielter goes into operation, next spring ships bearing alumina from the tropics will arrive almost daily. ' There is reason to expect that Prince Rupert, too. will have a greater share in oceanic trade. Ecsiile? the possibility of Kitimat-boiiml vessels looking for return cargo here, there is the already increased activity of Prince' Rupert as a grain port. , On top of this, there are efforts being made by the Central B.C. Associated Boards of Trade to have the federal government promote this city as p t receiving point for incoming cargo. Noting that rme of the .'17 ships which took on grain here during the six months ended last June discharged any cargo at Prince Rupert, and that this port has an advantageaus position relative to the Orient, their resolution calls for a closer study of the matter. It suggests that potential shippers of goods t) Canada be kept better informed of the sailings of ships intending to take delivery of grain here : r.d that Canadian representatives aboard have more active responsibility for disseminating this information. In view of these brightening opportunities for attracting deep-sea trade, it is important that the Prince Rupert drydock be put into fully efficient working condition without more delay so that visitinr; ships may be assured of complete servicing facilities. . To those acquainted with the developing picture of activity in the northwest coastal area, this observation merely points up the obvious. It has been emphasized by politicians, shipping officials and others with less specific concern. What disturbs us, however, is that all the discussion has so far failed to ignite any spark of action. The wait-and-see highest-level agreement was between Washington a convincing looking Space Ship j reg(.nc( readied Sponsored by Prince Rupert Fishermen's Credit Union Kaii n Consumer:;' Credit Union C'elco Credit Union k iff r m&- w i f sxs x1 SERVICE vss rr4V fcjr s and London for the dispatch of two U.S. B-29 "flying laboratories" to aid in Britain's forthcoming atomic tests at the Woomera rocket range. Australia announced today that the planes are due In 'thus country today, and will help secure final data on atmospheric conditions. The weather findings will play 414; iiau lu AljrilU II1UIIL11S 1111U- ing out what a Space Ship would have to be like if there were any such things as Space Ships in which we earthmen might take off for the moon. MR. KENNEDY is a man -of many parts surely a new type of Scot without bagpipes. He Is helping to bring to the CERTIFIED APPLICATORS OF CANADIAN LEGION HAL. a large part ln setting the actual west coast of Canada a solidly tlme for tne two major aU)mlc based international opera com- explosions slated for early Octo- rri' . i1'- The plan is to have this com- Australian experts, who have pany play year after year on a been kern clnselv informer! m, BARRETT ROOFING PRODUCTS Consult Us For Free Estimates . . . TERMS CAN BE ARRANGED EBY & SONS LIMITED 400 Third Avenue East Phone Blue 156 Eves. Phone Blue 393 Sept. 28 8 p.m. EVERYONE WELCOME A Nf.Vf CREDIT UNION FILM WILL BE SHOW REFRESHMENTS WILL BE SERVED British - American negotiations seven-city circuit from Portland in the south to Vancouver in the north. over the last months pointed nut this 1r th f.rct hrAotr in iho . The first 1957 appearance of, dose security guard the United this company in Vancouver will; states has kept over all aspects be on Monday, October 19, when0f its atomic knowledge. Even Dorothy Warenskjold will sing 1 weather data In the highly spe-the lead in "La Boheme." The For quick results try 0 Daily Newt Clossilie sold out signs are indicated in ; has security aspects. The United L Tacoma, Portland, Yakima. ; states U known to be far ahead t Olympia and Everett. It may or! of other countries In the devel-: may not be true that west coast : nnment nf pmiinBi.nt f,., .m,. I .jglh.jMp&bf0itsef& ece h British CoIqM -T' -. I1 ;tS:- " get: !' r-,..f s ! ''tJ, i-O- 'v-n jf-j t (J , ! r ,v!t if; t. -' -,,'. .!',''!' . Visa people are almost as eager to : pheric and meteorological obser-1 " :t 1 , 1 go to Grand Opera as they are vatlons. Officials here Interpreted to- i day's news as a sign that the , two countries may be taking first i steps toward integration of their ; ntnmin W.W 1 E &-Cr-1 ; to the newspaper-sponsored lec-! tures by famous doctors. haps the people of the six American and one Canadian city are so astounded at the thought Ii,u44i4i. icicoitij turn CAjin iiuril- . mat somebody intends to give tatlon programs on the same . attitude, so comfortable in circumstances where one is contemplating the, future, is being exploited to its fat and complacent maximum. According to thi3 ! line .if thought, if the need materializes, then ! someone do . may something. - t Unfortunately, the drydock meanwhile is rot- A mem real opera, not just once basis operated during the Second World War. In June, J908, Imperial Oil operitd ("miada's iirsi service nation in Vaiuouver ... a one-room building jih pump nude from a hot-aicr lank wliiih fed jsoline 10 wailing cars from s length of garden hose. From lliis Miiall luginning Imperial Oil lia kepi pace wilh BC's ioduMriaf progress and oow bring 10 the to'au H.C.'s lirst catalytic cracker . . . the most in a dog's age but several times a year, every year:" -EUGENE LINDEN of Seattle is the general director of the Northwest Grand Opera Association. He points out that this Is a serious combined effort by seven cities to produce opera on SEE PIULPOTT Page 5 No American observers will ! witness the tests. But scientists j here hint that the Woomera ex- j plosion will provide them with technical knowledge not yet pos- ; sessed by the United Slates. i It Is felt that this will heighten j ! Britain's bargaining position re- gardtng a possible .sharing of ; atomic lnformatloh. ! tmg away and the chances of serving that need are going with it. The choice between delay and action is all but gone, and the first is making the second more expensive all the time. nrr modern refinery in all ( New hso and Io I xira producti of loco' "clc live riZ .' OTTAWA DIARY By NORMAN M. MocLEOD traiking" will give surg power . . . flashing acceleration . . . tup mileage . . . finer overall perform. nte than you'v tvtr had from any gatoliite t Ibid in b C! .5. n fchi goeaD1 mil Official Ottawa witnessed dar- ,as the newiy-aripointefi rJew':Y6fk ing the past week probably the Times correspondents in Cana- ' most significant private function; da, and also to announce the of the post-World War Two era paper's plans for vastly expand-MuJ.. , . . , ling its coverage of Canadian il wa:i an elaborate luncheon 1 news " tne Patiou? banquet! To' the ordinary individual the ii,te of the Chateau Laurier. A news that the husband-and-wife h!r,H f r'!toSal wrlUl team ot Raymond Dan- : at i the head table with a repre- iell and Tania Long had been sen turnout of the heads atlye assigned to Ottawa probably of foreign missions on Embassy , would mean little or nothing Row. Another 150-odd guests ! But In journalistic circles it ?s represented senior government i an announcement of major in-oHicialA and the top level of the ! terest. For Raymond Daniell and ( apital s business and joumalis- Tania j Lonp are the top corres-tic circles. pontlents of the New York Times In brief, the gathering was the ; foreign staff. They have headed most Impressive cross-section of j Its London European Bureau for the Capital's government, dlplo- ! the past ten years, during which math;, professional, journalistic ! they have trailed events of world . LADIES' PLAY SHOES $1-95 $2-95 $.95 BOYS' '. : BROWN OXFORDS $395 MEN'S Brown and Black Oxfords FASHION FOOTWFAR ",,u t.u.-,i.ics me assemoiea. in i importance in Paris, Berlin the one place in a long time Athens, Cairo and continental bring yOffha But if the guests were significant, the host was also a world celebrity. He was Arthur Hays .Sulzberger, publisher of the woild-renowed New York Times. Apd the occasion of the function was to both Introduce Raymond Daniell and his wife, Tania Long, Europe generally. Their by-line on foreign news despatches is perhaps the mast widely known Of any in the United States. It is only a matter of a relatively few years ago that Ottawa news had relatively little interest for world diplomacy. ) ran m 5 ITC IMPERIAL Announcing D,ftfnn "A" Transistor" thenew UCllUllW Hearing Aid The greatest new invention in 47 years ' for the Hard-of-Hearing. , No "B" Battery. No Tubes Battery costs slashed 80 Clear, brilliant tone Vp to 1000 hours opera t Inn nn one "A" battery. Now on demonstration at RUPERT RADIO AND ELECTRIC 313 3rd Ave., Prince Rupert . Phone 641 r k SUPERIOR AUTO cut mi SERVICE LTD. MORI CANADIANS USE CSSOAND SS0 EXTRA THAN ANY OTHER CA$'' .-v-.f-.- ' af J