Effective Living Count Hrince Rupert Daily News Monday, September 28, 1953 Unite and Rita Rites Dick 4$ Douks Jailed ; VANCOUVER f Forty-five grim-faced and sitent Sons of j Freedom Doukhobor Friday were , sentenced to three year the j miximunv-for nude parading, i Ex-Premier of Egypt Pleads Innocent to Treason Charge Criticized Again in 3 Former Rupert Citizen Receives RCAF Award lnated. Seven others got lesser sentences, i VICTORIA The department of education's effective living course came In for more criticism In the British Columbia legislature during the debate on scoff at , the utea Pup W their KhooU f Sixty-four men and 57 women , miraded before Magistrate: '. H f -v ,-. 100. 100. 94. The course dealt with electronics and the theory of radio and radar. Thirty-two years of age, Mr. Love was born and educated in Prince Rupert, ana served with the armed forces in the Second waste of time ia mr of the effect!,,? Bhe called for ,nir of the course bv later Mrs. Tilly RoLst(e 8he said opposiu,nlf nold Webster in his v" LAS VEGAS. Nev. (AP) Rita Hayworth and Dick Haymes were married here In a three-minute ceremony that looked more like a Hollywood press conference than a wedding. The bride's two little daughters, Rebecca, 8, and Yasmin. 3'2. sat on a divan while their mother and Haymes went through the ceremony in a hotel. The children kept turning their heads from the photographers back to the wedding ceremony a 1 m o st as though watching a tennis match. Graham Ladner In a make-shift (courtroom In suburban Burnaby j following trial and conviction on charges of appearing In public while nude. Of the men, 35 received the maximum three years, one got two years and one four days. Ten S women were sentenced to three the throne speech. Mrs. Lydla Arsens (SC-Victoria) said even pupils "scoff" at many aspects of the course that came under fire from J. Allan Reid i SC-Salmon Arnn In his controversial "s e x textbooks" charge In the legislature Just his wife, and Ibrahim Farag, ; former Wafdist party spokes- ! man. i Hadi, who has held many high government posts besides the ; Dremiership, was accused of high treason, conspiracy with foreign powers to undermine Egypt's regime," and various : abuses during his term as head of the government. j Hadi's indictment charged: j further that during his premier- i ship he had "created a rule of i tyrannv and torture" and taken . i action 'which led to corruption , of the government. 1 CAIRO (API Former Premier Ibrahim Abdel Hadi pleaded innocent Saturday to charges it high treason and instigation il corruption before a special court. .-evolutionary Hadi, Saadist party premier luring the 1948 Palestine war, vas arrested with 23 other persons earlier this week. He was he first of the group to appear fore the military tribunal, whose powers extend to pro-immeins death sentences. Others rounded up include former .Homier Mustapha Nahas and (1 A Prince Rupert man has re- ceived a coveted RCAF award. He is James Evan Love, sec-ond son of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Love, formerly of Prince Rupert and now of Vancouver, who received a radio engineer's book for achieving the highest rnarks in RCAF exams at. the Provincial Institute of Trades. Toronto. Mr. Love achieved an average of 93.5 per cent, and his marks i in final exams were 88, 88, 93, issif World War. I He has now started another ! seven-week course at Clinton, after which he hopes to return to his wife, the former Francis Crossley. and baby daughter Marjory at Victoria. uuuiir QtDale ha-that ' communism Into schools" h, hi( plaining communism should not be obieru, long ai; it was nut acta seven months ago. 1 Mrs. Arsens praised some parts of the effective living course but 1 said much of It should be elim- years, one to one year, one to thre days and two to one day. The others were remanded one week. pi First and Third Prizes Have Been Claimed MRS. DEINSTADT 134 7th Ave. E., has won $10(P MRS. ALEXANDER lit 1 iil I 1 A I II Get Tku EXTR MILE Out oik TIRES m it-rj i&j mtfij&t&vqk . j. V7 1 o tj JACKPOT Beach Place, has won HOLDERS OF TICKETS 5610 2nd prize 3953 4th prize REMEMBER . . . TO WIN THE JACKPOT, YOUR SALES SLIP MUST BE FROM THE CURRENT WEEK! HERE'S HOW YOU CAN WIN CASH ! READ THE FOLLOWING VERY CAREFULLY BEFORE YOU ENTER 13.651 have not Identified themselves Sc WMtifir Whl It using Hip mml , equipment, ' tlx terrrt. They Should Call At IDEAL CLEANERS For Their Money We have justsJ equipment DUCHAINE ORIGINAL Call in today bl FREE ched For the Best in Laundry PATRONIZE YOUR LOCAL 1 In the ads shmn on this page ycu will find, three clur.pcr week as to the Identity of a world-famous personality. 2 Whon you think you know the answer, write It on a piece of paper or on the buck of a Sales Slip or other proof of purchase from one of the stores advertising within the contest, and send It to: VIP, Daily News, Prince Rupert, B.C. Tires are NOT o si. HIGH HEEL PUMP Pepper Green - Kid Suede Embroidered leaf pattern on vamp. s with us,,. and Dryclcaning CALL 858 WE SPECIAL!; CONTEST CLOSES 11 A.M. NEXT FRIDAY KA CD ( -4 A KJT 3 Don't forspt" yu can wln $5 but if you enclosc the sales sllp I lLIVl l I J -nt1 can win .wp the jAfKPOTi jaiki'ui1. Fntrv wury must musi be oe In in this mis office umcc by. uj- KmUW! you IDEAL CLEANERS xPrice $2.95 SALES & SER AND LAUNDRY "The House of Better Cleaniiif" THE CENTRAL TE DEALER Phone Red Ml 811 f' they served you best VOGUE SHOES LTD. WE FIX FLAT We Pick Up and Deliver Phone Green 595 506 Third Ave. W. Do Without A Newspaper? MEMS eelwooi --V ' I If' " -S. ... 1 " If ' " ' t,. - , . yf,!,.' i- "I'i ... fc-v .1 i .... , -1- r. " - . 14 .. .r "'; . H- .-, ' ' 'J;''. Tl't - :-J 'it ' I. .if -is. ' "i. 4; . u- 1 ..-Jk.1. 2 1 -'s:..7h6.. : r -. r 'IK , i F RADIOS and RADIO-PHON0GRA! eleven a.m. each Friday following the appearance of the clues. 4 Ten letters will be selected at random from the VIP entries every Friday, and the results will be made known In the Daily News weekly. 5 The first entry opened and having the correct answer will he declared the winner. Any money left in the Jackpot will be carried over for the next week's contest. ' ' ,1 7 Judges' decision is unbiased and final. 3 Contest is open to all, except employees of the Dally News and their families. 9 Entries can be sent by mail or brought the office of the Daily News, 239 Third Avenue West, Prince Rupert, B.C. in PRIZE MONEY H SIPPLH D BY TIIK IMi'lU'HANTS AND BUSINESSMEN ' OF PRINCE RUPERT AS ADVERTISING WITHIN THE CONTEST. SUPPORT THEM AND GET IN ON THE JACKPOT. This Is The FINAL V.I.P. Contest . CONTEST CLOSES 11 A.M. NEXT FRIDAY I Should 'Say Nol! V B. S. (Very Important Special) PURITY CAKE MIX COMBINATIONS Quality Proluct at i Srnsiblf Prat 5 Combination Models available in Walnut, Mahogany, and Limed 0r.l "We cut corners in a lot of ways, we save pennies like all get out . . . but we always have a paper." i Priced from $124 50 to $22 BROWNIE Movie Camera f 2.7, 8 mm. $47.50 ivi SEE THEM AT White and Gingerbread "Buy From the Man Who Knows Rato'" 201 Third Ave. Opp. Tciltm Theam "It's our contact with the outside world; it's o form of communication." Clue No. 1 VIP is a Canadian Statesman. EACH DAY MORE THAN 13,000 PEOPLE READ THE DAILY NEWS pkt. 27c BROWNIE Movie Camera f I, 9, 8 mm. 59-25 J SEE THE MANY OTHER BARGAINS ON DISPLAY AT YOUR INDEPENDENT FOOD STORES BAPCO IRONOIL An idea! finish foi Floors, BUCKLE and ZIPPER OVERSHOES. is the time LYON'S FINE FOODS McKRIOE at FIFTH Phone 250 Red 465 BROWNIE Movie Projector 8 mm. $82-50 Linoleum or Oilcloth. Wipe It On OR Brush It On n THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. t To Pick Out That -) GRUEN ELGIN j BULOVA MIDWAY GROCERY tiTII And AMI1KOSE Phone ;.r9 Get set for the stormy weather ahead with a pair of sturdy overshoes from our lari'e stock. ALL B1ZE9 AND STYLUS RUPERT BUTCHERS And GROCERS LTD. PHONE 21 WRATHALL'S PHOTO FINISHING (or Christmas. USE OUR CONVENIENT LAYAWAY PLAN PRINCE RUPERT... The Gateway lo all m SKEENA GROCERY OPP. HOSPITAL Phone 581 and 5R2 The Best For Photography" See Them Now at Geo. Hill & Sons Ltd. Third Avenue (Next to Commodore Cafe) 209 Third Ave. W. PHONE GREEN UG WILLIAMS GROCERY 2ND And PARK AVE. Phone 6.-.B for P1'1' travelling If vou are on business or I contact r GREER & BRIDDEN t STILL ON HANI) ... a small quantity of PITTSBURGH FLAT WALL LP ELLIS AIR GRANTHAM Electric Electrical Contractors : NEW CONSTRUCTION REWIRING OLDER BUILDINGS Clue No. 3 Ho was elected National Leader of a Canadian political party In 1944. Office at KEICl PRINCE RUPERT LIMITED GENERAL CONTRACTORS and BUILDERS Repairs and Construction Equipped to handle all major repairs or complete construction. Asphalt Roofing and Siding Weatherproofs, Insulates . . . Requires No Painting. Foundation Work Concrete foundations renewed or complete concrete basements built. Floor Sanding Floors sanded and finished or sanders rented. Windows All types of modern windows made to specifications. PHONE 909 FOR ESTIMATES Phone"-, P.O. Bo 10) Opposite Post Office Phone 266 . .m unitsr A"" AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES . Clue No. 2 He was a school teacher. See them ai our Uptown Store 505 McBride Street Albert & McCaf fery Ltd. Phone Blue 820 WITH CONNECTIONS TO Vtim , jff in IN TO " 1 WRITE, PHONE, OK 'oU We will be glad ro help yu :tf, , Till . 844 Summit Phone Blue 293 7$ 1