o A w Daily PROVINCIAL PHCTIHCIAL LIB'AS MORROW'S 118 VICTORIA t B. C. .-TIDES dny. June 23, 1953 lIjc standard Time) 11:00 15.6 feet 22:37 189 feet NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER ... 16:27 4:48 5.9 9.3 feet feet Published or Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" VOL. XLII, No. 144 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., MONDAY, JUNE 22, 1953 . PRICE FIVE CENTS "zr: -r- . f n ...I. Mm Phone ol 1mm km uce ; X ' fostoiieiia z w voting 'Unanimous j infers Again . . Tirrf'..ii(JlHn Press ,.. . ! ,'(' - r V .. tt . if On Latest Proposal UI,. Gen. Mark United Nations -I t -hiy Hi The salmon fishing strike is over. Announcement at press time that west coast milcr, said today r salmon fishermen had voted "almost unanimously" auumnzeu io sign an arirnsLice even to accept the latest price proposals was seen by union officials here 'as an end to any further disputes in the salmon industry this year. th Korea does not to it. i "who" u,.to In opppnt Ay. i mil s:y whether he pound for soekcye crrtts a n the Irii'-e: "Thtt dc- Noted Pioneer, brines to an end the week-old strike which began with the I 1 " - - ... , instrue lions from my nt." V the statements after c for sin hour nnd a opening of the Fraser River sockeye season. Other fish Mrs. Wrathall FLAMES AM) SMOKE Billow from a warehou e containing more than 3,500 tons of newsprint on the Quebec city harbor front. Damige was estimated at more than $400,000 fim the fire, believed started by spontaneous comb istion. ' Capt. Aurele Frascr, Quebec harbor master, said an inquiry will be held into the cause of the fire. prices also have been BettleQ. The Skeena and Naas rivers. i South Korean Presl-inirm Rhee. Laid to Rest United Rhee docs not wiere the season officially opened p.m. yesterday, will :i to yank his 18 Korean have its first fishermen string Funeral services were held V from the UN. whether a truce could Reduced Marine Insurance Saturday afternoon for a pio im4 with South Korea neer bride of northern B.C. who made her first home in Hazel- ing nets at 8 a.m. Wednesday. This hour has been named by the union as official opening of all salmon fishing along the roast. ,1'ion .Gen. Clark re- ilypnthrtinilly. the an- ton in 1908. arriving there by Rates Sought Along Coast t ... way of a Skeena River steamer. s It could be obtained, it is violated or not Is T. E. Parkin, union organizer She was Mrs. W. W. (Lydia) One of Britain's top aulhori-i The former head of Booth tain B. L. Johnson, Jr., representative of the Vancouver Cham thing Wrathall, who died last Wed here, said picket boats are patrolling both the Naas and n ran ters soucht to Din lils on "hipping, Sir Clement , Steamship Company of Liverpool ber of ShiiTOhHt. They were t tt hu ho mrw Jones, chairman of the Com- Skeena rivers and that any fish nesday at the age of 65. Services were conducted by Ppw ITrprt Antrnhns of First ucht before 8 a.m. Wednes guests of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce. day will be declared hot. by Lady Jones; Captain J. W Kerr, head of the nautical division of the Department of Transport at Ottawa, and Cap- ((I :if ti-r his talk with monwealth ShippiiiR Committee, ',e mieral said he could sP''''l lle dav ' Prince Rupert j thnt i Sunday getting a first-hand look . .surface, it would ftp-! at this city's port facilities. Baptist Church from Grenville ' "We don't want to see any one IumD the gun. The delay GRACING A HUGE STONE on the sands of Mimi Beacn, Lana Bashama appears to be a lovely Lorelei Just waiting to lure an unwary beachcomber. The original Lorelei may have had longer hair but Lana's attractions are Just as obvious. Chapel at 4 p.m. Many menus and close relatives attended, and the floral tributes num between now and Wednesday Arriving on the Princess Norah, the group was taken on a tour of the city and docks and held a brief session with the port committee of the Chamber ul Commerce. mornine has been named to bered more than 100. dive fishermen time to get to He recalled Mrs. Wrathall's "long-time and valued mem- trk U"t. from Rhee a ' niiiiinitment not to ' FiOK tnwips from the ! i;ii);itid without prior j wn nor to make any ! .it wnuld stir up open between Allied troops ; th Kuiean troops. j The Commonwealth Shipping hershln of First BaDtlSt Vhurcn Committee is a fact-finding eiimnilt.tee which hears repre and called her a woman of the grounds. . 'Most fishermen are prepared to leave almost immediately." Voting on the latest price proposals began Saturday with the announcement that a new price BOXER CHANGES MIND; WILL. APPEAL SENTENCE VANCOUVER Pi Defence lawyers said boxer Charles Matthews has had "a complete change of heart" and will appeal his conviction ou a charge of murder. Matthews, also known as Sonny. J.oncs, has been sentenced . hi be handed Sept. 29 for the hummer -slaying of Mrs. Los Angeles Smith, 44. Construction of Diesel Unit Approved by PUC Power" shortage in'Prince Rupert tlurinir winter sent ations bv Commonwealth countries on shipping matters 1 range for salmon had been "sterling character, greauy esteemed and respected." "Her devotion to her family and to her home was a tiling of beauty. ' ' "Thprp nre nmnv who will re bv operator and inference invitation of ' the Vancouver I members or the joint negouai Ine committee for fishermen chnmiier of Shinuinu after hear months should be "a thing of the past," an official In Prince Ruoerl. the voting te Set member . with warm gratitude her kindness and hospitality I115 representations in that city was "highly in favor 01 accept concerning marine insurance rates on ocean-going ships trad ance." said Mr. Parkin, of the Northern B.C. Power Company Limited salt; today. He made the statement while also making and the sincerity of her friend- j ship," said Mr. Antrobus. j The I.peinn hall where voting July 8 Wife of William Walker Wrath Riots Still Continue In East German Zone took place yesterday, was "plug ing to and from B.C. ports. Ports north of the 50th parallel on the mainland are subject t additional nremiums. with the all, she arrived In Hazelton with N t The Bermuda public the decision of the Public Utilities Commission to approve an additional diesel installation by ged to the ,nill, saia rarmn. "Everv fisherman who could be her husband, pioneer telegraph of the Western Big ii (men Jiilv 8. the office there, was there and voted." operator there. . In 1913, the exception of Prince Rupert when the company at its drydock plant. ' parachuted saboteurs into the Wrathalls mbved to Prince Ru additional unit.i "With the Minister Churchill an-! BERLIN East Germany's Sunday: j desiwrated ruling Communists nil will leave for Rer- I admitted today strikes and vio- pert.' veloped through hydro-power Other fish prices which were settled by the new agreement are : Cohoe, 11 cents (round), and 13i cents (dressed 1 ; pinks, 714 ocean-going ships come here ana :ail from here by way of Dixon entrance north of the Queen Charlotte Islands. Besides her husband, she is there is every reason to believe that, regardless of any emerg Russian zone to keep the flames of rebellion burning. A statement by the Socialist Unity iCommunlst) party's cen- and not cnesei. .ard the British battle-! lence still eontinu against their survived by two daughters, Viv The comnanv claimed thai encies, the city should always have sufficient power," said T. However, ocean-going ships - - w - ian and Audrey; four sons, wu-liam. Jack. Dick, and Kenneth, :5iiard the night of June Kremlin puppet regime ana ill reach Bermuda "in! charged "foreign planes" have cents; summer churns, ov2 cents, fall chums, 6 and eight cents. addition to its diesel plant already Installed at the drydock was the most economical and B Black, general manager of Mill rUlilll!llbI.C ilUlllllHU I.HWU 1.1 the sixth day of martial law car- that come here by way of the i,., diction rruirK and Inner channels or through the all of Prince Rupert. the power company. Active pallbearers were bod Last years price Tor sockeye wax 25 cents: others in the same :.. ....; i 1 i Hpente Strait are subject to most feasible means of nroduc- The new diesel unit to supply Barclav. Bert Bartlett, Phil ridillonal premiums. lng the needed reserve power. 2,750 additional horsepower to Lyons, Pete Peterson, Bruce Wil order were 13, eight, 5'j, 6V2. and eltrht cents. Chum prices re the company s output has been son and John Comadlna. welcome President Eisen-t.d the French represen-n July 7." said a state-ul by No. 10 Downing "iiferencc was originally d by President Eisen-' vrrid weeks ago. ' 'iwer. Churchill and the "we needed tms additional power source which would not he effpeted bv weather emeru- Crowds Jam Strikebound Fruit Store Honorary pallbearers were r. mained the same as last year onH ore termed the "money secure . . .". I Reports flew that the Russians I were about to . throw out the sat-i eJlit.c Eu.st German government I of Prime Minister Otto Orote-i wohld. a major controversial issue between the citv council here and Representations were made in Vancouver and again here concerning this situation and offl-eials expressed the hope that the Commonwealth Shipping Com- in i t t op ill London will give the H. Linzey, H. F. Glassey, L. C. Khv and C. O. Campbell. encies to safeguard supply of the power company during the fish" by gillnetters and seiners. At the same time that fishermen were busv getting their nets past year. Mrs. J. C. Gilker at the organ power, said Mr. macs. we don't know why the city should nlnved the two hvmns. "Jesus The PUC's aDoroval. dated si;c i kitv tiiki:atened rremier were lu nnvv; i n,.,. have fought this mqve. . , Lover of My Soul," and "Rock of June 3, came despite vigorous aboard in readiness to head for the Skeena and Naas river sock- 'The enemy," the Communists subject due consideration, and if they consider the time opportune w 11 nlace it before the Mr. Black said tne power opposition from the city coun Ages." " .aid. incited "millions" of East ml the middle of this VANWUvm v - . crowds jammed a .Hike, sut the get-together was hungry warehouse here Sat- bonuso of the mall of bound fruit T bin tthFr'e is I urday when $00,000 worth of ru t pvp arnlinris. citv merchants and cil which has asked the B.C Germans to take to the streets company's application to the city for support to increase its ' services was approved in April, businessmen neavea a sign 01 Pnwer Commission to take over m wild disorder and "threatened roHef and vegetables went on sale at Floating Shrimp supplying power here by expro- marine underwriters organiza-in London, where most of the marine insurance, rates of the world are fixed. 'lout a government. the security and lives of workers 1B52. rinnris of another prolonged Dr at ne the company's plant. of the East German democratic "Then they (the council) slashed prices. Pickets didn't like it and there wime incidents but gener Cannery Razed The decision was authorized tie-up In the salmon industry such as was seen last year had republic." A lnrpe nercenlage of the by a government order-in-coun- come back the next year and say they're going to oppose it- Reports Reports of of hundreds hunu.eos 01 01 oeau ncau - on the Unlled -Alaska I ally police maintained order at after we already nave iinancea many of them viewing the year's futitre with pessimism, A good year in the industry JUNEAU A floating shrimp cannery burned to the water's edge at Moorage, two miles north of Juneau. Saturday night with pates of the wholesale una ui fleet is covered in the !ftates the protect and ordered the i;le and Stewart, Ltd cll dated June 16. The move by the power company was fought by city council on the basis that plant expansion should be de- lc to Pass equipment. Warehouse workers have been livisions ringing the east zone. 1 " -Economic experts in West Ber- Hit Clement, who rose from a would mean "all the difference In the world, hare," said one off i- loss estimated at from $30,000 ..iriirn vime Tuesdav after a to $40,000. "Installation of the additional unit wss also approved by our consulting engineer, and PUC i.nriliaiion board wage award) 'In said obviously plants mat wiWniB Company, . which, ; , k clal cial of of a a laree large city city firm nrm h,H hern working exclusively on, Booth Shipping ough Rupert a,r tinned rtown OV union .1.. Cn.u tinin hri had extensive trading connec- own top engineers, the city'3 exnoris mi nn- cw.t umv.,, I .... . 1:... UK n..., 1 It- o en n rilrpp- III" IIIW in. V The bargain sale was adver (.7 jeen knocked out by tne aozens uuns ui...., .0 and that the flow of finished tor of British Overseas Airways -ienn eoods to Russia. Poland Corporation,, and for the past 1U. Aliiska. '(CP) Plans IM)ment of a submarine cable for the Onummicatlnns Service tised Friday when the company ,,u fneerl with the threat ot . j ,.... 1 ,n h.H imn eiit ! four vcurs has been chairman toml loss of huge stocks of per of Chatham House, also known 'immured Friday by Col. nrf nr Kpriiuislv diminished ishable fruits and vegetables. An PKl.lmated 5.000 persons engineers. 1 ' "Meanwhile, the Power Commission has made absolutely no eommentment In this matter." The $380,000 Installation when in operation by the end of October will augment the company's capacity for a total of 10,500 KW, almost twice the peak demand so far this summer, said Mr. Black. "We will continue to give the best service we can, regardless W 1 swarmed through picket lines in as the Institute of International Affairs of which Canada is a member. Sir Clement is a' personal friend of several high commissioners in London and his bro ntui. commander or tne "'tumunicatlon system, "f m.tnlMng tlic coaxial '"tii Hiilnes to Prince nnrl to the U.S. will be malelv r son noo. the Or Thousands of Red secrQt police ont.lnued raids on homes of sus-oec.ted resistance .leaders and there Is no way nf knowing hnw many had fallen before Russian "Irine snuads. At least 20 such dead had been reported. w. (lR9t , JkSs. J their hunt for bargains. Potatoes sold at $150 for a 50-pound sack; bananas at 65 pounds for $6. and $4 a crate for jumbo slxe watermelons. ther. Sir Vincent Jones, formerly s;li(l. and will take about 1rs to complete. was president of the Anglo-New- fnnndiund Develonment com of the city's application to -VN , iff S BEING COMPILED: pany, which owns a targe puip the Power Commission here," he said, adriine that there was nr. 5 (. and paper mill at Grand rails, vr contemplation at this time to Nfld. edalitis Disease Strikes Again Sir Clement's "neuhew is the request an Increase in raw-s. KM1 iM? Ml ni-nipri forces contingent at and writing In their ca.ses present Anglican bishop of St. Albans diocese In England and Is the Queen's almoner. Protest Planned themselves. ... . . 1.. 1 From a civilian stanupomw On Maundy Thursday, the day before Good Friday, the Queen makes gifts of Maundy money to the poor. The number of recipients is governed by the age of Into Dismissals VICTORIA (CP) A delegation of Victoria Social Crediters, lec by W. A. Scott, Is reported tt be planning a protest, to Premier Bennett over suspension o: the reigning monarch. (On this occasion the Bishop " t v the Coronation itself have al-renriy received them. A reporter asked defence headquarters what other tary men can expect to get them. The officer at the tller end of the line said he Just isn't saying. But he said enough to indicate that the same-passion for a free medal is Just as rampant among the military as It Is among civilians. The lists should be out in a few weeks if you'll leave the powers-that-be free to prepare them, ;'AVVA (CP) -Government u p n t I he outbreak of 1 but infrrqucnt. disease alitis. Pt.nm: A yen to gel one ' medals struck to com-T1,e the crowning of win 11. 1,1 of persons both in clv-ai"l military life are re-' . succumbing to the an-''"'p of a medal now that thousands of them are to be handed out. "V are using the old fam-v"ts, having their mem-I Parliament take up ! ilflll JMMJ'uJI of St. Albans is in attendance on the government has handled this hcadarhe neatly by asking a multitude of national organisations to recommend recipients, There will be no Individual civilian awards directly decided by the government. The armed forces are drawing up their own lists. Bill Boss, Canadian Press correspondent In Korea, re-porte dtoday that 185 Canadian Army men in that theatre have been recommended for the medal. Members of the . nnniu nrcivr.vrn tn tfarh 'urn vmiM. the Jacksonville. Fla., Safety Council , has the Queen and assists In making the gifts.) Captain Kerr has been associated with Sir Clement on pre two civil servants. , Finance Minister Elnar Gun-derson said in an interview tw civil servants were suspendet for one month for failure t follow laid-down regulations to; handling tenders. ire e f nuunnn ,,,..., vj .... v ' n . launched a- series of traffic lessons for children of kindergarten age. Sgt. O. P. McCulley, equipped with a portable set of traffic control d:vlccs; shows a group of "drivers" how to cor-rectly read a traffic light. Although some of the kids had trouble remembering whether green meant stop or go, the lessons are reportely .going along smoothly. vious occasions and has appeared SEE MARINE Page 5