All TPArtK In A,iL r 1 luce Kupeit Uo.iy iNew-Santraaj, June a, 1V54 'i-? Musial Tops Homer List To Pass '27 Ruth Pace Bv BEN PHLEGAIt I two singles. A full quota of games 1, . r ,U1'Q scheduled fur Sunday in u, ' , &n, w 1 Prince Rupert Senior Baseball ' " the "t gam. ' I League League with with league league leadim. leading 1 1 Dahl Dahl w ,. '' "I Jim p. u A meeting Esquires at In me W( WOMEN KECLERS BEST MEN IN FIVE-GAME CHALLENGE Five of Prince Rupert's top women bowlers bested a team of male experts 5.467 to 5,425 in a five game total points challenge last night. Bob Vuckovich rolled the highest score of the evening with 1,192 while Agnes Pierce was runner-up with 1,150. In the total of first three games, the men shaded the women with 3,466 as compared to 3,220. Gals taking part in the challenge game were Agnes Pierce, Jessie Shenton, Alice McMeeking, Lois Keays and Mary Postuk. On the men's team were Bob Vuckovich, George Shenton, Rusty Ford, Ian Dunbar and Johnny Comadjna. VI1U Vans. .1 t. . "". 11 rvuu.-ct:ii. ruin ana commercial " .heT" sevelt Parl Park , IN THIS CORNER DICK AYRES Hotel making their second trip to Terrace for a rioohio , ,JP and anfl ,n first TV, ,' ' 1 . ' -it Tar,. : r r "cnucr. ePt m,,i...... For Q St A, Freddie Ch, ui i . . """""ay Assooi.iiod Presw sports Writer Ed McGhee drove in four runs' Stan Musial, still denying he's Bs tne Athletics temporarily won . aiming for the fences, has taken their battle with Baltimore to over the National League home stay out of last place. The Oi i-1 j run lead and is ahead of thejoles are now in the cellar by a I lecord 1027 pace of the great game and a half. j I Babe Ruth. , carl Erskine. Brooklvn's win-1 sen will start, with his opponent i doiil e v. , 01 U on the mound likely betn fi Tl H Jackie 8harpe. For Commercials . "nut ; Hist game. Sauer of Chicago and ninpct nu-hor I Hank Willie Mays of New York are ed up his career in Wrigley Field when Roy Campenella singled home Jackie Robinson in the i sixth inning. Passed Balls Prove Costly As Gyro Gain 3-2 Decision - "- k (k l VKMK Max Surkont tormented his former Milwaukee teammates, giving them only six hits as they lost their fifth straight game. '"di,. cowleo,, ,. even with the schedule Ruth followed when he hit his 60 for the New York Yankees. The main reason Ruth';- tecord h:is remained unattainable was ihe 13abe's tremendous spurt in September when he hit 17 in !!6 games. It took him 47 games to get his first 17. Friday the Cards beat Philadelphia 5-2. New York took over second place with La 10-6 triumph at Cincinnati while Milwaukee was bowing 4-1 to Pittsburgh. Brooklyn won its sixth straight, 2-1. over Chicago. In the American League Cleveland lost its second in a row to the Yankees, 8-3, and Chicago climbed within seven percentage Although Gyros only got -two hits off Elk pitchers last night in a scheduled Pony League game at .Roosevelt Park they managed to manufacture a 3-2 victory with them and three passed balls. In a tight ball game, remarkably free of bobbles and walks, Star's Reliefer Stops Sea Kings To Gain 6-5 Win Kelly gets the win. going the full six innings and giving up the two runs on three hits and two walks. Elks starter Lambie was replaced in the top of 'the third when the gamp was tied 1-1, so righthnnder Lindstrom gets the loss. , BASEBALL SCORES tt'KNTKKN INTI:RNTI0NI. Wenmchee 8. Sulem S HjKikane 6. Lw!ston 1. Yakima 7, Tri-Clty 3. Vancouver at Calvary. toMDoneri. Victoria at Edmonton, rxMijioiied. pteirir ro.T NIEUW AMSTERDAM Mijhty flagship 0) tt,e tiPFti rtlttt acrct ol fleas for iporu and rpi-atton, twimming pooli. shops, cinema, mght ciub, dvmnanurti, tulanum, sumptuous salons. North Star relief hurler Tul Careless held Llpsett Sea Kings to one hit and kept them score- j points of the first place Indians' less for three innings as his team ' mates racked up two rims to overcome a one run deficit an t take a 6-5 decision last night In YNDAM-MS Pl'lfy jii-coBd'MwM m,aeni-l,aiunfi flH .' Gyro batters connected with a j triple off starter John Lambie . In the second and a single off : Charlie Llndstrom in the third, j Gil Chow's triple scored Lcn j Girbov who had got on with a j walk, got to second on a passed j ball and stole third. Tom Lindstrom's single, a ! nicely laid down bunt, moved ', Billy Smith who had bunted j Wesley Kelly around to third, ! into scoring position and the j Gyro backstop came In on a passed ball with Kelly ahead of Regular Mlfings tiom Npw Yofh to SOUlHAMPTGN-LEHAVftE R0ITtHUM by NiMJrt AMSUHUAM. MA AM, AM and KYMUAM . . . DifCt to HOIIHt-0AM b? deluxe one class motof-twmi WISHRDAM and NOuWDAM Mmtniy sfce to C0HH, iHfiANQ, by tha NY NOAM Of MAAOAM. by beating Boston 7-3. Detroit: 'edged Washington 3-2 and Phil- adelphia defeated Baltimore 7-6. I j Harvey Iladdix of the Cardin-j als pitched his third straight complete game and ran his record to 8-3. Bob Keegan of thej White Sox survived an 11 -hit San Francisco 7. Portland 6 (10) Seattle 3, Los Ant;eleu 0. Seattle 9. Lon An?He 8 Mil. ukland 9. Han Diepo S 1U. HnllfuoiKl 6, Sacramento 'Special Soiling tron v a scheduled Little League game1 at Aljoma Park. Trailing 5-4 folng into thoj fourth. North Star's K. Cameron j who singled, tied up the game RYNDAM-JU Boston attack for hi eighth vie- j on a wild pitch after taking sec- I ; ond on another wild pitch and ! going to third on an error. ! ! lilirrartl Mreel. tmin.iitrr I, B,( . fm 1 iitrU tt ii mi tn ti.iitirfitl. 1. id, mm n . tory in nine decisions. A three-rim homer by Yogi Berra in the first inning off Early Wynn put the Yanks on the victory trail against Cleveland. Roy Sievers u'iove in the two Senator tallies with a homer and Tomorrow afternoon at Roosevelt Park should toll the tale. To be or not to be a senior baseball league, that is the question. If Thursday night's game between Commercial lintel and Esquire's Men's Wear is anything to go by. then a successful baseball season may finally be launched. Thursday's encounter was as different from last Sunday Terrace-Gorilon and Anderson debacle as night is from day. It was a pleasure to watch.. The game teed off on time, the umpires were there, there was a minimum of belly-aching and both clubs appeared intent on serving up a smarter brand of ball. Now if Gordon and Anderson and Esquires can do the same thing tomorrow afternoon, all well and good. After a hectic meeting this week, the three town clubs seem to have realized that even for a modest 35 cents, the customers are entitled to their money's worth. But there is another serious aspect. This iijuvt-naUon shouldn't be a Hash in the pun. just so everyone will say nice things about the senior ball clubs. There should be conscientious effort on the part of every player, coach and manager to strive and maintain a better standard for the kids coming up. There is no use whatsoever, in nearly 30 city men and some women giving up their valuable time and effort to Little League and Pony league, if when they graduate first from one and then the other, they reach senior baseball to find themselves in a shambles. T'.-ro it no point in these same men and women working haie to impress the rules of baseball on youngsters, teach them t.jortsmanship and fair play, only to have them reach the seniors whefre griping, flaunting of ruli s, arguing with oflicLUs is apparently the order of the day. Yessir. You 45 ball-players up on the hill have a great responsibility. You are examples of how ball should be played to some 250 minor league players. - What you do they will copy. If you think you're hurting the umpire's feelings by flinging your bat against the dugout in a fit of temper because he's called you out, think again. All you're doing is showing the unip, the spectators and your team-mates that you haven't grown up yet. We don't expect you to be models of decorum or a bunch of panty-,waists. Keep the chatter going, have your jokes, play hard and fast, but leave the decisions to the umpires and the appeals to the managers. Let's just have some good baseball so that kids coming up will have something to shoot for. There is one thing, before we turn to other matters that we'd like to make clear. The opinions in this column tire not necessarily those of this paper. They are Dick Ay res' opinions. And if a play, manager or sponsor has the idea that we're being loo hard oa his boys, don't take it out on The Daily News. Expend your wrath on the lads under fire or on us personally. We don't write just for the sake of writing. We try. as any editor should, to be a conscience for the people, to protect the' public, to boost worthy projects, to give praise where it is due and damn where it is deserved. We report what we ourselves see or our reporters tell us. POST SCRIPTS While in a soul-searching mood, we must make an apology to North Stars of the Little League for accusing them of using a pitcher too soon earlier this week. The LL rules state that no pitcher who has pitched four or more innings shall pitch again until he has had three calendar days rest. We were under the impression, before North Star coach Pop Pay expressed disapproval of our "cutting remarks." that the pitcher in question had pitched three innings and to one man in the fourth inning, before being relieved. Unfortunately the score-book doesn't show clearly where the changeover took place. Sorry Pop . . . Hope that the fence post holes on the edge of the Roosevelt Park ball field get posts In them soon. Andy Marshall and Nick Pavlikis both nearly dropped out of sight while going for high flies Thursday night . . . Anyone wanting prices of tickets for the BEG in Vancouver should contact Art Murray. He received a flock of info Friday that should give holidayers planning to take in the Games just what they can see and when, and how much it's going to cost them, and we do mean cost them. To IUROPC by Nthrlond Governmvnl Vtl. I nm lata Uiah ataHfi. Tile winning run was score! ' by R. Holland who got a base oa ! balls and wa.s walked in. I The lass is charged to Mik3 1 Greene who took over from Sea Kings starter Bruce Kerr in the iourth when ;ity still had a 5-4 edge. Greene only gave up one j hit, but wild pitches and bases I on balls gave the game away, i The right hander was as effect- afds et Dutch sramdi snip, cieanhne&s tvA traditional tnendii nesa. Ample room tor recreation and tun. rraai meeec to Soulhampiw, tt Haw im R'lllfffluffT Cfoitte oet June 1? Mm Z OiOenbrffmnwH ui 10 To Soutimruum Rolttffdjm John van Otijf nijdinf.fii u, t. C'oote ber Aug. n. htm Utm ivt ,i Southampton, te Hdre anfl Hot tff flam. Grant Hvr l.Ih fi, y..,,..-. .. .. l ()K THAT EXTRA SPECIAL PRINT JOB CALL ON DIBB PRINTING COMPANY Good, plentiful menu him. Elks got their first run in the second when Jackie Rudolph ; got on with a passed ball, stole second and was hit in by Charlie Lindstrom's single, the first of the three hits that Kelly gave up. The second hit off the Gyro southpaw went for nothing when Harold Hill, who hit the safety, was tagged out in the hot-box at third after stealing second. In the fourth, Rudolph tagged Kelly's offering right through the mound to centre field, stole second, went to third on a bad throw by catcher Smith and came home on another bad peg by centre fVlder Freddie Major League Leaders nv The Associated Press p.rectorate-C"nefat o (Mmistri van Verkeer en tertun " - - - ' lin, H(fniV ive as he was wild, striking out '.mi Kit an i.i:ti;l t PHILIP M. RA (Surct-Nsor to Dybhavn & Hanson l.iil.) 3f)4 j Avlla. Cleveland j Posen. Cleveland Tuttle. Detroit Busbv. Washington .346 I .345 ! 3S3 177 159 1:19 18:) 1B0 lour in the two Innings he pitched. Sea Kings led off with a flurry of hits in the first, including singles by Chris Downing and Oeorge Jones and doubles by Bob Meighen and Bill MeeLod, all issued by Ray Oakey, whicn accounted for two runs. Oak"y was tagged in the second by Meighen who clouted a four INSURANCE AND TRAVEL AGENj P.O. Box 70 315 Third Ave. W. PhJ A. S. V.A ' "';! ' -r. t .. .? . - V -;... s. - v ,,' . . - ; hi.1 f IV- ' ' ' ' i '. ' .. it. '"Mi. I I it- .1- ;. . y. V, Minoso. Clueimo .33:) Runs Minoso. Chicago. 44 j Runs Baited In Rosen. Cleveland. I 49 ' Hits Avila. Cleveland. 68. Doubles Venron, Washington. 13. ; Triples- Minoso, Chicago, seven, t Home Runs Rosen. Cleveland. 13. ! Stolen ttas Rivera. Chlcauo. 7. i Pitrliinis Branca. Detroit. Morgan ! New York and Stone. Washington WE HAVE SO MUCH TO P R OTECT master with Downing aboard, by 1 Gary Ogilvie who singled and'i McLeod who, doubled, scorin I Ogilvie. " , North Stars got to start:r I Bruce Kerr for three hits in the ; 0 N A !) 70. Pot 380 i : 3-n 1 ooo i strikeouts -Tvirley. Baltimore N TIOVl. I.t.ll.l K i AB R H ! Muslftl, St. Louis . 173 48 68 Jiibionski. St. Louts 194 27 73 , Mueller. York 1KB 32 63 Hamner. Phlla. . . 168 21 .fll ! Robinson. Brooklvn 104 16 37 first which inc.jded singled bv j Cameron and Thorn and a d;juh'.! ! hr n JTi alrn 1,,U .3(6 .373 ;358 i runs cross the plate. I I Huns Musial. St. Louis. 4B. i Runs Baited In Musial. St. Louis. A single by B. Kangas, a double by N. Patrick unci a single bv i , 59 Hits Jablr.iiRkt. St. Louis. 73. "",u"". lorce out, 01 Doubles- Himier. Brooklyn Hnd Ja-1 Maskaluk at second accounted I and Musial, St. Louis. IS. Triples Mavs, New York and, St. Louis, five. I Hume Huns- Musial. St. Louis. 17. i Stolen Bases -Bruton. Milwaukee. 1 10 j Pitching Raschl, St. Louis 5-0 j t OOO. Si .-ikeimts--Hadtlix. St. Louis. 85. ior two North Star runs in tic second. " Kerr gave up four runs on seven hits and struck out two, Oakey five runs on eight hits while striking out seven. Careless, the winner, fanned seven. Games Tonight In a scheduled District Soe-eer League game tnniRht al i:4." at Roosevelt Park, the Fori Edward eleven will meet I. a Gondola. First Steps Taken To Organize Little League Farm Club Teams First stops toward organizing the players. In a discussion n i the farm teams of the Prince , vhe proposed reversal, it was d?-H u pert Little League were taken elded that the Little League tx-last ni&ht at a meeting of the : ecutive will get In touch with tn. executive with league managers! Senior Baseball heau.s io feel oui, pud eoalies at the Civic Centre, reaction to resumption of Thu:-On a motion j by .Ralph . Pay, tiay games FeclitiRs of the sen-.Abi; league approved fauHsha.s of tor-gfoup will be brought back plavin-r equi)ment, which whl to a meeting of the Little League enable the farm teams to take to' tor action. the field. ' Most ot the meeting favored a The meetiii" learned that 12 1 ''''"''" to Hie original seh'-dul". i ,i(.',,i.,.ii i.i....,;,,.. ,.r .i,. . VANCOUVER 5 Hours $4485 One Way Phone 79 Popular Steamer Prince Rupert :' SAILS FOR VANCOUVER ami Inlcrmetliale Ports Each Thursday at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY Midnight I um,'l " """""" -""''" I...I-.MIIU iiirll.M.1,.,1 I,iu.i. AIRLINES 4 coNrj.vf sn coMvsmts i casada in (leu hn;', vith Umpires came under fire from players ue'nl Art Williamson. :iO -lined out that an example should be .set for the youngsters. est iii loukiii!? after farm teams i and a motion wa.s passed that! the present Utile League! coaches will donate one hour of j Comfort and Service For reservations write oi The meetiii" reviewed lules -all Ctlv or Ilepot Offlc Prince Itnpert, B C.- .... ,,auirr se.wions 10 j.veriiin:; Little Lcaiur pitchers the. hum leanw until regular i whu.h sUl(,? in ,)ia.t Umt i.inn team couches available.! are u,tm nuust haV(. livt. ,; t) t t .'ci Under the .set-up. farm teams i pitchers when the sixth game of will practice for the first hour,! ihe season Is plaved; tint if a with the senior teams taking; the! pitcher pitches four or more inu- seeond hnur on scheduled prac- ings he must have three calendar ilS Set. .ixt St. Phone 2n tice nights. It was emnhaslzed days rest; that a pitcher, cannot pitch two consecutive days. that senior team members must ue In attendance during the ' farm team practices. Uniforms i will not be worn at practices. i Names submitted to the meet-. ing of those Interested In .supervising farm teams were Charlie1 Maundrell, Lloyd Rice, Frank Frost, Des Careless and Bob Bone. North Star coach Pay said that he understood that the Legion could supply eight men : as well. The league may shift back til its original schedule of making : Wednesday the day of rest for : Special Policemen .L tnO .with w lor "hiw '" j. .' "':t Milium .''' '!""",', 9 HMJorJi (1 "' ' '"jj lo hi ll'is 'l"i t'ZL.. " ,oUn. Ul W lik, other eru P '- 'Jfy, Jeroleolhe.'Y'l Ihe, repreief t"''V,i, example ol ihe . diteienl P"'l, rJeivouS men. In the Army, intelligent and ambitious young men will find every opportunity to build careers for themselves through excellent schooling and training; almost unlimited opportunities for advancement ; the challenges of travel and adventure; the financial stability of good ab " V serve Ren .AC C.o"' ever - vn-" VI fV ' 1 I form our n""' lnos'!," . Sut Wr V pay and pensions. The safety of Canada of our young people of our way of life . . . this is the first duty of Canada's servicemen. In a sense, all Canada's Soldiers are international policemen for their main task is to help to keep the peace. . The job of "keeping the peace", of deterring aggression, is a huge one. Geared for this operation, the Canadian Army has already made major contributions in Korea and in Europe. But, we must not relax our defences! There is still a vital need to keep our Army strong and able to act. Thl means that there is a continuing need for good V. Fast Passenger and Freight Sailings from Prince Rupert (All times Daylight Saving) To Vancouver Friday -and Sunday 8:00 p m. To Kitiniat Friday 8:00 p.m. To Kemano Sunday 8:00 p.m. To Stewart, Alice Arm Saturday 6:00 a.m. To Masset and North Queen Charlottes Thursday 6:00 a.m.; June 3, 17, July 1. To South Queen Charlottes June 10, 24, July 8 Passenger Reservations Freight Bookings LES SMITH Prince Rupert Agent SO!) 3rd Ave. Phone 5(18 & .IC!) serving B.C. since 1881) non4 .rf"' Serve Canada and Yourself in the An A tt4 ' T b fllflbl you muil b. 17 lo 40 yoae, of oq., ikilM Irndtinw Whin applying bring birth crtifltat or olhr proof ot og- AfH1 IIIOHT AWAY for fall MormaHon Hti " tht Army Ksernlfln? Cnrr tarmt Jfolir ol vaneni"rr-Trlephnnr Ni. 11 Personnel Depiit. 4!0I lint 3rd Avenue. Herrv Sill r The Army Keiriiltlni! Hlatlon or llenerve t ime 'Armoury nnirest '" Tnh advertisement i rot publisded or dispUyed by the Liquor Control Betd or by the Government ol &Jl CLr,l. - Tev e 2KZJW