Prince Rup?rt Daily News Saturday, June 5, 1!54 Bumper Season HALIFAX fc If Inquiries by mail are a good indication, Nova Cleric of AYPA Record Total of $192,571 Spent by IODE On Educational Program During Ldst Year ..urliciiii minister ONLY cation to fit our children to be useful, patriotic citizens, and also equip them foi a profession j or trade," she said. ;rllcr was the guest r.lUrsdliy at the Seal nlnnir uith Scotia is in for the best tourbt Hca.son it ever had. says a spokesman for the provincial infor-i mation bureau. A tourist official said there was an unusually large proportion of inquiries frtm Ontario, Quebec and some of the western provinces. During the year various chapters have sponsored art clubs, musicians and orchestras, concerts and lectures, tours for school children, special classes for blind, retarded an immigrant children, and many other 45 WIN. TO SAINT JOHN, N B. The Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire spent a record total of $192,571 on educational projects in the last fiscal year. As an organization primarily interested in "the welfare of our country," it is obvious that much of the activities of the IODE must be in the field of education, said Mrs. O. M. Martin of Toronto, educational secretary, in a report to the national meeting of the IODE here. "Today, Canada is confronted with the task of how to provide a sufficiently broad general edu- v, w. O'Connel of kcr gave a short "l,is church work in dcvclopnirnt and ,n f ,'roup plans for the ' l Auniit an Church, said he wanted AYPA in Terrace. '..,,nion thanked the ,,is uoiiiK away gift ALASKA At present, she said, there is a division of opinion about the road education should follow. But the IODE s reply is a highly organized program of student assistance. EMPHASIS ON INDIVIDUAL Much general educational assistance is given, but the emphasis is on the Individual. Scholarships were given for advanced study In English, history, The national film convener, Mrs. D. W. McGlbbon of Toronto, reported that the IODE pulled out all the stops in purchase and circulation of films covering the Coronation. Titles such as "The Queen is f. 'T ,?.' : .was given uy nirn. rt Tipton. r outlined for a science, music, art, agriculture, nurse and teacher training. In all, 1,060 students were aided, 201 of whom came from 4,rn Dance at Seal Via SWEET AND LOVELY Lovely Lee Phillip, Chicago television actress, wears a "candy crown" hat after she was selected as "Candy Queen ' by a group of candy manufacturers in the Windy City. She has an all-day sucker to match ;the chapeau. United Tea And Sale Successful 11. Prior to tne fling, a baseball iyod. member this week Dean. COME AND TEST OUR 1954 STUDEBAKER STATION WAGONS For a good economical car try our A-30 AUSTIN. A complete car with a low price ef only $1495, that includes foam rubber seats, leather upholstery, directional signals and heater-defroster unit. SUPERIOR AUTO SERVICE Crowned," "House of Windsor," 'Coronation of Her Majesty," and "Canada at the Coronation," were among films in popular demand. Eric Grant Gets Promotion Eric O. Grant, chief clerk to the district freight agent here left today for a new post in Saskatoon. The Winnipeg man, who was stationed here for two years, will be 'chief clerk to the divisional .freight agent In Saskatoon. Replacing Mr. Grant here is J. M. Hill of Edmonton, who arrived here earlier this week. Saturday Sermon AIR LI homes of ex-service personnel. The IODE library plan, which has just completed it first year, is working well, Mrs. Martin said. In 1953, 1,086 libraries were placed In-schools. A primary chapter in Quebec provided $300 for a school reference library; one In Alberta donated the $6,000 contents of its own chapter library to the municipality. In British Columbia, a chapter contributed $1,600 to the art centre of the University of British Columbia; another offered a bursary In theology for the first time. Phone 266 The First United Church hall was the scene of a nicely arranged and popular spring tea and sale Thursday afternoon. The Rev. L. G. Sieber officially opened the tea, complimenting members of the Women's Association for their work in preparing for the event, and Mrs. G. Ciccone and Mrs. Sieber received the many guests. Featured at the event were Office Opp. Post Office GROWING A DWARF TREE 9 v III V. I.. O. SIEISEK, First fnited ( hurih Ivrays been Interested in the results of modern land-;iiiK It is wonderful how folk can see ahead what can by using lawns, flowerbeds, dwarf trees and tall trees, ivfly places here in Rupert as well as in Victoria. And at dwarf trees has fascinated me. Advertising in Daily News Brings Results 3K3 tne small trees are sales of fancy work, homecooking and plants as well as a fish pond, proving popular with the give a plunged sixpence to the beggar." There was a soul cut back to a dwarf. We can let it happen to ours and to us. The same is true of religious responses. God speaks to us today Just as surely as He did to those of old time. He speaks to a child just as surely as He spoke to Sampel In the Temple. When our responses to the voice of God and to Christian teaching are minimized and cut back and all; and sometimes loosely dwarfed. I tnose deliberately s the other day. that in Japan the I trees has been ir generations. Four irs ago a pardener nnc tree in one inch tallow dish. As the r cut back the roots rhes. When he died I'd the tree and so , generations. This itsrew its dish. To- stands In the Ku-s in Tokyo, a pat- ' other things are given greater youngsters. In charge of the tea room were Mrs. J. Marchant, convener, Mrs. W. R. Melghan, Mrs. K. F. Harding, Mrs. R. G. Lewis and Mrs. Kemp. Mrs. A. Thompson was kitchen convener, assisted by Mrs. Don Ritchie. Mrs. A. E. Carlson and Mrs. C. Young, while in charge of sandwiehes were Mrs. E. Pederscn, Mrs. A. Dominato, Mrs. E. Pierce. Mrs. L. Eby and Mrs. S. Tordlffe. The fancywork booth was convened by Mrs. D. Santurbane, assisted by Mrs. A. Dominato, Mrs. F. Eby", Mrs. R. Boychuk, Mrs. H. Perley, Mrs. E. Pcdersen and Mrs. O. R. Green. Mrs. R. J. Pollock, Mrs. J. Young and Mrs. M. Skinner were at the home cooking stall while Mrs. W. Davidson and Mrs. Owens were in charge of plant sales and Mrs. A. Oswald and ffiiches high aw! 36 importance, it is cutting back the tree of our living. The child asks for bread and we give the stone "of material things, social advancement, or popularity. Then there may be written over our lives and the child's: "This should have been a noble CTeature." Respond to the voice of God, give expression to the finest impulses that you have. 1 WMI of years old and ties high means a ob of dwarfing a inn a tree miss its p little tree shouts to us because the Grow into full stature physically "Grow Rn WW IHUf UCC, YVC tail ., J l , !,,., !,!.. 11 gldlC ailU 111 MIC Mill w inp,; of our Lord and Saviour Jesus A 3 -SPEED fish Christ." "Grow into Him in all ! Mrs. Tindall operated the We ran do it to our-jc can do it to our the generous itn-soul are cut back llowed to express pond, things . . . even Christ. Cashier for the tea room was Miss Joyce Facey. Rifle Club spiritual dwarf will i Thus If a child Is i to express his gen- i 1 apathetic- impulses Dr-rt tiAric 31st mi July 1 i gowi iianvj'i 10 srtfd into a pair of nds. John - Gals- t,f Forsyte Saga tells own Forsyte comply of his grand-i bright boy he is to 1 HERE'S HOW: ECTORY J ,n rlnirrlir at 1 I a.m. , o. Hiiitilny Hi IhhiI at BS HllMWIt. Slated June 15 Final meeting of the Civic Centre Youth Rifle Club and presentation of awards will be held Tuesday, June 15 in the Civic Centre Auditorium at 7:30 p.m. Also scheduled is the showing of two color films. One,. a film of RCMP duties in the north, is entitled "MrKenzie Patrol." The other Is a 10-minute film on RCMP basic training entitled "Making Mounties." Last shoot of the season for the club is slated for the Civic Centre next Tuesday, June 8. V i When Mum or Dad Brother or Sister Uncle or Aunt or just Good Friends plan that holiday or business trip .. . - - v . - Make sure they vote for you by planning ond buying at the CRAWFORD MOORE TRAVEL OFFICE in either Prince Rupert or Terrace. IV I Wlll liHU. ( v M IiuiiHniuir 8t. rmintrm R''K H til. I Mux, I '1:00 p.m. ( H Pr.K kUr. R A., B D (Bine 7tm ( H iiw'iisr E M Young ounK A?. Kri'il 1 St. I Anlmbus i (flwrn I I S) ( NII.MtYTt.KI IN j Avenue HhsI J A. WrlRht. D D. I (Ori-rn ItH'.'l So Get The VOTES And Get In The Bicycle Race readers NOW!- l IMIIII i Avenue West I ( ( u U. Oil IM I . lUrwli 6l:t) J "THE SCKNKRY'S HERE" Perched high and dry on a huge chunk of driftwood on Miami Beach, pretty Kathleen Stanley studies the surf and s" bnf"re chanting Into a, swim suit for a dip. Mllll AKMY ( NO ENTRY FEES NO EXTRA COST ELIGIBLE TO ALL Except staff members of Crawford Moore Travel Agencies C.i.sli for old gold Bulger's Moose Whist Drive Saturday 8 p.m. (131) Sonja ladies meeting Monday. June 7, Mrs. T. Anderson's. (132) Salt Lake Ferry ever Sim-rl:iv woathrr permitting. Phone 'iil Mrs. c. Kruyne f School 'j.:m p.m. (Bluck 'J'iHI ) jui i.i mi iin i 11 ul McUrttU. Btri'ia IUv. a. o. Olsen ( IHlHi k !U ( (It) Red 968. THRIFTY-THIRTY FRIGIDAIRE 1 1 H M AM ti II AN Sr.l Cove honl 1 I . tt-.m. Truyrr 7:.i) pin ,trv. Wm. U'lttmuu Iflcillnbciil) All members of Canadian l.rpimi Women's Auxiliary and Legionnaires, are asked to meet Wednesday's boat and are Invited to attend a reception in Mrs. Black's honor on Wednesday at 8 p.m. in the auditorium. fit) '(.Alt lAriTsT I Si-luioi li):4S u rn. ' -slii Sirvlin U:IH) ( ih,.u mm i j From now until the end of July EACH DOLLAR spent for trove! by AIR BOAT BUS ot a CRAWFORD MOORE TRAVEL office con represent from 10 to 250 votes (see rules) for a boy or girl in the vote race for this bike . .' . It's as simple as that ... so GET OUT YOUR VOTE. - Post Entries and Progress Reports will be a nnounccd in your local press. Contest rules, ballots and entry forms may be obtained at either Prince Rupert or Terrace offices, , TRAVEL PURCHASED HERE COSTS NOTHING EX.tfA OUR SERVICES in helping to plan the tour or trip business or pleasure reserve hotels ensure itineraries anywhere in the world ond attend to oil the little details so important to the traveller are FREE . . . Even free ticket delivery if required. WATCH OUR ADVERTISEMENT "TRAVEL TOPICS" FOR SPE CIAL TOURS. IRST UNITED CHURCH Morning Worship r3' "i f35-J I nun 1 1 in L r " hcimon- "The Christian Imperative. Children's Story "At Work." Air C'ndcts of Squadron 559 at tending Morning . Worshln ' f1 Evening Worship sermon "The Company of the Holy Spirit. COME AND WORSHIP Schools At First United, Kindergarten nnd unary at 11 a.m.; Older pupils at 12:15; at Comad "THE COMPLETE TRAVEL SERVICE" "W Hall, all at 11 a.m. CRAWFORD MOORE TRAVEL AGENCIES CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY N Avimiiii. Win) Prim Kiinrrl. H.C, ilrli of the First Church of Christ Scientist, in Boston, Mass. tl'UII'IT, SEE IT TODAY $339.95 $.14.00 Dnwn $17.00 Miinth McRAE BROS. LIMITED 'The Store that Service Built' Phone 6 or 36 TERRACE OFFICE Lakclse Avenue , Phone 133 YOUR LOCAL TRAVEL AGENT Reservations . . . Tickets . . . Information Travel Service to the Northern Troveller PRINCE RUPERT OFFICE: 215 Second Street (Opposite Bus Depot) Phone 620 P THE ONLY CAUSE AND CREATOR' J Services every Sunday at 11 am. Sunday School every Sunday at 11' a.m. 'nesday Evening Meeting on Second Wednesday of each month at 8 p.m. mS Room open Wednesday and Friday 2-4 p.m.