iv .; UBC Backs BEG Choice For Pool Weanesday. March 2b, lHbb notice the downtown Interest ODE TO A CURLER university Is owrB ,! f or- .... pie protesting the billeting of BEG athletes at LUC'S Acadia Camp " peopie object to the He said the games are a prov Ince-wlde undertaking and the 0" provincial land ? i VANCOUVER (CP)-Officials of the University of British Columbia have come to the defence of the British F.mplre Games committee for its decision to build the BKG swimming pool on the campus. Vancouver swimming clubs attacked the decision on the oiounds that the pool, to be . t THE AULD GAME By MARGIE MATTHEWS THE LEAD ... He knows the Ice and he knows the speed. Of course, next year he will Skip, not load, There's nothing to curling, he tells at a glance The shots to make, and the weight and stance, And he's onto the broom, with navy a slip, But Gosh! What a drw-back' A dope for a Skip! Milt Schmidt Chosen Craftiest NHL Veteran By JACK SULLIVAN . Canadian Piws Staff Wrlttr TORONTO (CP) Milt Schmidt, pushed into hockey w hen his mother wouldn't allow him to play football because it was too rough, is the craftiest veteran in the National Hockey League. He edged out Elmer Lach, another smoothie, for the accolade. Sports writers nnrl sportscast- j built with public money, woum be too far from the city to be of any use to city children after the games. . THE SECOND... Now this lad's a knockout, and one of the best. He wipes off hU rock on the front of his chest. His Skip wants a guard, but he goes through the house. For he'll have you know he's a man, not a mouse. His opponents, he knows, would be easy to take, If that pin-headed Skip would g' jump In the laU. THE THIRD... President Norman A. M Mac- j kenzie of UBC told the Alumni Association it should do all It could "to dissipate the impression" that UBC Is nn entirely separate entity operating outside the city. The university, he said, plays an important role In the financial life of the city, contributing some $12.000.uu3 to Vancouver every year In trade and business. Bob Osborne, physical education professor, said "I do not He's rinht on the beam, without any picMiiuf, Scacu-anvs Crou u Rtul ! 1 i $ WinRs; playing-coach Sid Abel, Chicago Bluck Hawks, and Paul Ronty of New York Rangers, who didn't make the big timi' , until 1947. It was a two-way race between Schmidt, who has pla cd nil his bia-leapiie hockey witn Bruins from 1936 and interrupted 32 years by war duty .and Lach. with Canadiens since 1940. Schmidt ended with a one- vote margin. i Both "Miltie" and Elmer are great competitors and playmak-ers. Both are handy to have around when trouble starts on 1 the ice and practically in anv given situation when their ers or the six nhl cities gave the nod to the Boston Bruin oonir today as a belated birthday gift. He was 35 on March 5, second o!det plnyer in the league. The oldest, is the much-cut-up Lach of Montreal Canadiens, whose birth certificate shows he was born in Nokomis. Sask., Jan. 22, 1918. OTIII K SMOOTHIES Six others were named the ailing Max Bentley of Toronto Maple Leafs; the Bruins' Bill Qiiackenbush and Joe Klukay. Bob Goldham of Detroit Red North Stars Rally to Tie - 1 1 ScArrnm $ V.O. 1 Scn(vnmsusr ;3 Max Bentley. Flies Home Just look at the notches upon his broom -handle! One side, Is for all the games that he wins The other, for when the excitement begins: It's hard on the dentures, he'll say. with a glow, But it's much better fun when you let yoursHf go! So stand back there, audience, give him more room 43ut, If you know what you're ri"inn, don't lent: liir yi ut broom! THE SKIP . . . Turn on the spot-light, he's there at the hack, Now he's giving his team a few pointers they lack. His delivery Is solid, the turn Is real nice. The reason it's off is that hole in the ire; 1 1 if Scnetvanvi Kind's Plnu I TORONTO (CP) Max HentUy. ailing centre Ice star with Tor onto MaDle Leafs, left suddenly GEORGE (SONNY) AGAR, 33, has reached the small, select group of players who have scored 300 goals in professional hockey. . The centre for Calgary Stampedcrs of the Western Hockey League broke into the money ranks in 1939 and has played all his hockey In minor leagues. He won the scoring championship in the Coast Hockey League last season and the 1947-43 title while with Houston of the old United States League. Maurice Richard of the National Hockey League and Wingy Johnston of the Tacoma Rockets of the WHL are the others in the 300-goal circle among still active players. for his home in IX-IMe. fiask..j fi 5cajvams Spctidl Old I team is shorthanded, when the opposition is shorthanded and when the heat is on for sorely-needed scoring punch. A couple of selectors said Schmidt was better than the ice cuties of years ago Frank Nigh-bor. one of the greatest defensive centres of all time with the old Ottawa Senators: Nels (OI& ' Tuesday and Leaf nttk-lals fljj-iiio he has ();tit bin-time hockey i Bothered with a sole back (during most of this National Hxkey League season, Bentley It-tt by plane shortly before the ,!.eaf club gave a "farewell" din- tn.'r for players. He waves and he hollers and begs them to sweep. Oh, a team such as this would make anyone weep! His hot terms are melting the ice. without doubt. So we think it is time thai we tippy-toe out. Ah, what a game, what a game, to be sure! 1 ! This tlrrtisemrnl is not published or displayed kj tlx-1 C ontrol Hoard or hj the Government of British (4 le Series Cagi Do you wonder, as I, that they go back for more? Poisont Stewart of Montreal! Maroons fame, and Ncwsv La- HOCKEY SCORES Will. Quarter Finals i loode. firebrand Montreal Ma-I roons old-timer. j ALL-ROUND PLAYER j Lou Walter of the Detroit j Times said Schmidt's "great all- Seattle 6. Vancouver 5 first game best of five series 1; Edmonton 3, Calgary 2 (first game best of five series). North Stars last night nosed out Fraser & Payne 35-33 to tie up the Inter "A" basketball playoffs with one win each. But the climax was as tense a moment as could be hoped for in any ball game with the losers standing a chance to even the score in the last few seconds of the game for an overtime period. F-Ps, who won the first game of the best-of-five series last week, led the scoring 20-14 at half time but at three-quarter time had been staggered by a terrific comeback by the Stars. A solid check by Jack Evans' Stars in the last quarter held down the scoring of the Hart-wig-coached F-Ps and nosed ahead with two points in a fi.erce, fast-breaking rally. round ability, coupled with smartness," made him "superior" to the three old-timers. Bobby Hewitson, Toronto Telegram sports editor and former NHL referee, said Schmidt "has all the answers in a pinch" and is "as good" as Lalonde, Stewart TiYn and Nighbor. Here's what others had to say: Sportscaster Joe C r y s d a 1 e, CKEY. Toronto: "He's just lite.; Old Man River; just keeps roll W IBS Lb 0 ing." Sid aWi, Chicago Black Hawk coach: "Wonderful player with Then came the big moment for Rodney Tait, F-P forward, fouled hv Ynuriff in attemntine to shoot the rookies." fox the basket. S Vlnce Lunny, Montreal Herald MUFFED t'HANtF.S sports editor, called Lach added: "He's the best veteran v fix. Jr in the league, too." Other Lac jacn 1 supporters were Red Burnett of j the Toronto Daily Star and Dana Mozley, New York Daily News. J Bentley caught the eye of 1 DMPtSISDM f y t i ' a7 s - v t. M ' ' ' Hn-n'rr sportscaster Foster Hewitt of j CKFH. Toronto. "Max is small j ..... . ?l ., v- . ' , . - ''isT - , -' 'i' . ; i - 'H ' J .4 , " "? ' , -. - "- ' i- I 1- , ' - t- v.. . . ' vK ,; 4 . 1 1 . 1 " I . With only four seconds left in the game, Tait could have tied the game for overtime by sinking both free throws. But he muffed it and the game was over. When the foul wa.s called, F-Ps took time out to discuss the situation with coach Hartwig. Aftef Tait missed his first penalty award, the strategy was evident. He would play next shot off the backboard for a possible two points from a rebound shot. But one of the Stars players got over-anxious and stepped across the line when Tait shot, giving him another throw. This one fell way short, under the basket. North Stars' win stretches the series into at least four games. Spectators last night were enthusiastic with the brand of ball five feet, 8'2 inches and 145 pounds and a guy who has gone as long as he has must be crafty," Hewitt said. He figured the belisle, Sask., dandy was better than Stewart and &wmm (sake) ntwo(S Red Wings Dump Bruins In Opener DETROIT (CP) Detroit Red Wings brought out their scoring artillery Tuesday night to bring down Boston Bruins 7-0 in the displayed by the fast-breaking, ball-hawking high school cagers. It's the fastest basketball in the city today and provides a continuous series of thrills throughout the game. If the ru mored high school all-stars ver sus senior all-stars game mater USED CARS FOR SALE 2-W1951 Austins --k 11950 Austin 1 1949 Anglia Coach 1 1943 Dodge Sedan FOR TIIK MAN WHO Ki:U IKFS CHEAP TRANSPORTATION 11938 Plymouth 11937 Plymouth lioth in Very Good Shape Superior Aulo SERVICE LIMITED 3rd Ave. W. Phone Green 217 ializes, it will no doubt be an interesting battle to watch. Stars and F-Ps provided the material to make up the high school rep team which stole the show in the B.C. high school championships in Vancouver last . f"'V-Vjlif., I opening game of their bestt-of-seven semi-final of the Stanley Cup playoffs. At Montreal, a fighting Montreal Canadicris team downed the Chicago Black Hawks 3-1 In the opener of their semi. Lincmates Ted Lindsay and Marty Pavellch each scored twice as Red Wings, NHL champions, overpowered the Bruins. Zooming in on the Boston net from all angles, Wings scored SPEEDY ESSO-MATIC GETS YOU ON YOUR WAY FASTER three times in the first, once in week by breaking three scoring records. Third game of the playoffs Is next Tuesday. In the junior league playoffs, Maple Leafs walloped Annunciation 37-20 for a two-game edge in the series. Lineups: Fraser & Payne Ford 12, Kristmanson 6, Nickerson 2, Tait 10, Christcnsen 2, Ciccone 1, Sheppard, McAfee. Total 33. North Stars Morrison 7, Le-tourneau 7, McKay 4, Sankey S, Young 7, Cameron 5, Becker, Helin, Black. Total 35. the second, and drove home ! three more in the third. 1 1 V ' ' fA ASPHALT ROOFING And SIDING Consult Your Local Contractor For Estimates HERE'S THE SMART, MODERN WAY TO BUY! Youll get fn8ter-lhan-ever service at your Imperial Esso dealer's with Ksso-matic the new credit card service that sjieeda up all your purchanes of Esso gasolines and Marvelube motor oils! The whole transaction is completed in seconds, right at the pump. EsBO-matic is the smart, up-to-date way to buy . . . the modern credit card system that gets you on your way faster! Ask your Imperial Ksso dealer how to ohtain your own personal Esso-matic Credit Card . . . honoured in every Imperial Esso (service station in Canada and at leading petroleum dealers throughout the United Stales. IMPERIAL For the Fines! in Office Supplies GREER & BRIDDEM LIMITED SEE DIBB PRINTING V COMPANY Phone 909 P.O. Box 721 I r 1- .