Vrr.zs Rupert Doily Ne5 Wednesdav. December. 16, 1353 Canucks and Stamps Tied for WHL Lead By th cnnadi.m Pre- club Into third plare over the Idle : Vs dumped Koif.,- . '! KenWatsorfs A .i-xiKI irarfio lnm L hnihl- Rovals. 6-3. r i Omeoas, Morth Stars Stretch Win Streaks Irs: Mi i ing up around the top rung of The Ktampeders have a chance the Western Hockey League. ; to begin unravelling the tieup Sharing first-place honors are j tonight when they invade Ed-Calgary Stampeders and Van- ' muntun for a game against the i couver Canucks with 39 points : tail-end Flyers; who boast two j Tempers were high and mw ment. back in action, were apieoe, while Saskatoon Quakers straight home-toe victories over technical fouls were handed m never headed in the Inter Aland New Westminster Royals the Cowboys, to teams and players in two tilt With Rav McKay and Rod are just six and seven points.: In B.C.'! two major Interior cage games as referees tighter.- Talt making floor -length passes ' respectively, behind. hockey leagues last night Kim- ed up on play last night." Man- oay off and Art Helin as bucket I Twin victories by Saskatoon ; berley Dynamiters rolled up a Kin's Omegas extended their :)nin the Bottlers took the game 1 and Vancouver Tuesday night, 9-4 vsrdict against Spokane i ------I j i. 'V' I ' v "tm KEEP YOUR CAR UP TO PAR Cold weather's no excuse for poor car performance! See us NOW for a general check-up and tune up . . . and we'll w interize your car too. You'll be pleased with our service. t lis': ip. l n. 1. - i 'INTERNE THE OUT-TURN Article No. 12 ! able game in the St. Paul. Min- total to six bv trouncinsr 10-10. 18-8,20-8 and 18-14. Mor-: both on their home ice, created ; Flyers and Trail Smoke Eaters Kow we are back to the utter ' nesota bonspiel, and the reaction 'n rnnfiiinn dpnartmpnt trvine to Df mv lead man who had curled ljuu vk.- v.w.. iwu-u n.. v,.. " , v i"- " " ofHve mfndl i one Ml tarv eame In his life orlor the Senior B. baskerbxl nd Watts & NU kerson s bench : ped Victoria Cougars 3-1 to edge Over in the Okanagan Senior piel It was the lat end jiAtiii,r iunn oiar norif1:? m-m. iu n-u m oitt lummunu - Up mungMut 3itiivt, tuvum, .uii(fuvfp.3 Ji.- uu m about the all-important question i to this what turn shall we play? j of the eight gaints piaeu. n.nu - s. va, o( mrt 10 f ?i f r i nllnbw ...uu fi,,,. .oi iu cmi. j i a-ac 1 houinner Than iwii o view iui - tilcir iA-il -J1-" wiaur.- iv w i revciSC UUlll VUURCla- uflTvna uuuwh -njuic wnn i ui Cltwa One of the sports writers in i ing that he Winnipeg intimated to me last ' given him nothing but in-turns ..o,.. tl-.., hA hnd raorhoil th I Hiirincx thp 'nip) 7ft nf them, to sanK 8 In 22 tries Reactions to the stricter ref Superior Auto Service Limited noint where he felt that it would I be exact. The score was clo.se ! ?re mixed . with Satterfield Meets Walls Jan. 13 it J i I if 'i 1 l!llll be a simple matter to organise and an in-turn simply could not . an -Outlaw the Out-turn So- I be plaved. I signalled an out- 8amesShow-ciety," whose main purpose turn takeout. He looked at me mtlct;;ie itouehCtC L ' S lU',lMtS UlOUIll 1.10 -,,IH k. .h. n,,l.thm i,tr im7nnl thptl turned Sunrise Grocery staged an upr set in the Inter B fixture clobbering league leading Manson's M.'!'h a third onnrtpr rally from which the Jewellers never recovered. The grocers took the tirsi quarter 10-4. dropped the CHICAGO (API Bob Satter-jback after an in-and-out eicht i field. Chicago heavyweight has year career. morMy as ' a !! ;ht learned a Jan. 13 Chicago Stad- heavyweight, lum match against Earl Walls of j BE A V from curling rule books, on the to the other members of the on' the"s-rivine arhi'; grounds of perpetrating such team and asked what I wanted. j Coafn BU, MpChesney was torn mental anguish among the curl- Mv sgnai was absolutely foreign )elween two fires as Irs Wit's ing fraternity that it might ser- J to nim when they told him he & Nirkerson crew wt nt down t iously affect the level of national j was t0 make an out-turn, he defeat his digusf was evic . n sanity. He may have a point frrowled to them. "Who does he But it was a different tun' second 9-n. took the h'l 7-4 heavyweight champ- and were edged in the nnal . . ofT hta W frame 7-0. The win gave Man-!,on- sons their second lass in six!nlKnt- Montagu Acquitted HOTP0INT FLOOR - tarts and tied the grocers with! sattertieia. im, KnooKea nut-',-knn Rrnlhp with twn wir.S !Rav Augustus, Topeka. Kan., 17'l, WINCHESi'ER. Eng. iReulersii mere, ixommg auecu, uie iiunu think I am . . . Houdim.' Iroiii-. Oineeas chilkert nn t.air POLISHER of the novitiate curler more than ' Ca!ly he made" the shot." He still' cHive win over Pod Pay's Puii -rd three losses' in the loop; in the hurt round of their ached- -Lord Montagu of Beaulleu. 27, uled eight-round feature bout, tndav was acnuitted when his skip, with arm out c eli.ii'. treasures the eiderdown he w-on. Millers. CITIZEN SAIU IN THE ROYAL CANADIAN NAVY (RESERVE) : litter It League smashes floor-L 1 Heavy right-hand f commlttln a sexuar offence It comforts him whenever he Following the Senior B tilt l Nsii-k -A. StrnlKl 2. M An- A thp tfnean tu-ifpln thp final thinks of an out-turn. 3. c. Enckson io. A Hod!-;pn,ln . anA h. W!U! ...,b,, . rlse against a uoy bcout last Aug. 3 kin.-vm 3. Manusson. W Setlpwick. The jury disagreed on a sec- ' stretched in a terrible Frankenstein manner, signals for that horrible turn that seems to require contortions which the human anatomy is incapable of performing. Never will I forget a memor- after the second knockdown. Satterfield Is making a come- K (iinv T.Hal M SI Mllst. J McLeao end charge of indecent assault.; 18. B .Next article . . . "Switch-Hitting" referee Vern Cicone turned in his referee's shirt and announced his intention of retiring. However, after determined persuasion by, basketball commission members he agreed to stay on as a referee for Inter A gamrs untl posvtliiv junior fixtures. Ri u-h I) Rf-ict. A Turcotte . E. M:.h 3, U Hiuicler.schild 7, R. San-key t Tiiwl 43. Ititer . Leaftie VOKIII --I4K-D Nickerriun 6. W. M.irrisoii 12. R. Bkick 7. R. I)jnlft- Last OUTDOORS Will. VUj o.uu leuone. i aim i nunu iml 14 Toiui 60 taking abuse from players m 11 ii iv t it ktH-iiw piewiii the heat of the moment, or from ' i- R. Christ-it f 5. B Mcf arlane 3. K. A The RC (Reserve) c knives, cartridge belts, shell . angry fans but when I'm ' 'oiii ' Wrwh ri N F"rman- a. sheppur t ' vt Mnnrnlnrx (these verv iiu Za - M "' S- PsrwU 7. O istj of ciuen-wilor' By ERIC MARTIN One of our newer shotgunners has recently acquired a fine lauiiij aim rtiLt'l ( till- ' Hr-cfr-er lntal 40. training increasing tl niucii uuji in ijnit auu ui icauj siuerauie tnougnt. mat I don l minute reminder. dont forget Coke for holiday arnvi vnlnp imnnrtpfi frnrri thp bm-iw mi-wi t. u knowledge of the ni and crahs of the sti tr Senior It League MWsoV. u. Hurtisi 12. A. Ol-ii li It Spnrin 18. U Bill 6. M servetraining isimpiir m H..lj,-tl 9. J. Walsh. D. Hill. B Me- j r.m:.ne 3 Total 54. :ni I I H H Marshall 7 E training and derm "'"' '"S"" Orientt, or maybe a gun cleaning time to quit" as to its capabilities compared to kit wiu fm that big old sock! " Manson's turned back every the much used twelve. First ' more . ,, err ,ffnn n .i .1, . CCC effort to their Among the smaller necessar. gain fouiui ,rn-,vc comes .ho the fact f,t 01 r.r the v, Hiffinitv diificulty . , . ,r i ,iri t-e. D.,ir, ; les for the sportsman are a good win. The Pulp Mulers crew r v,(i.,i .hp inorio of obtaining the larger loads, a n.t t,rp nlaved their hardest to n r.v.ii v. hole heint d init t Mimre. S Sctaerk 10. D Scherk 10. and eftnrt. G. Cameron 1. W Sunberg g. F . O. Dumaa. Vot&l 40. l,,, v.vjiiiu7, nil lAua pvn-ntk m. - - --- OOUt .... . .,....!... ; Aftoe h fi f thing which was brought a Cririu-nst-n a sewing Kit. a snarpening stone. o...5 mv MU.u ,n . a leather change purse of plastic 13-8 they came back to take the or waterproof in which to store lf'ad momentarily in the second ear kevs when nlaced in a hidine outscoring the league leader, by tie inability of many gunners to stand up to the heavier recoil of the ten for prolonged shoots, and the consequent reduction in Reg. SM.50 TO ( LEAR entertaining Ex-Boss of Yanks Dies Aged 85 PORT rHFSTFB V V Vrl- place when leaving the car on !3-l in tne second stanza a!- numbers of its .w users. However ,.,.ri.irt, Khthonthm uiougn mey iranea L'j-'Jl ai ! EARN UP TO the ten is to be preferred for the ,"...' -o.h the half. Don and Sid Seh-rk these keyst, hard rubber match "l""-" p.tceu iin?Ward G. Barrow, 85, who as gen- 1 32 DAYS TRAINING excellent way it maintains a tiyhtiy choked pattern at ranges over fifty jards, and for its better performance on geese in boxes i good for small quantities lu tr5 wno J.si grouna as tne ; Prai manager built the New York of salt and pepper) one of the Proceeded. The CelJuK-'e ; Yankees .baseball, empire. . died ; PAY PER YEAR new soft plastic flasks -is also .r .cu iw .m Tuesday night.- - - , particular and the ...v. -s,,,.. bigger breeds -. Just guide it. Let if do all the work McRae Bros. Ltd. -The Store Thai Service Built" Phone 6 or 36 , Harrow was business manager, ;aullu"' ""'" uuiu :ai nf rtiir-lr rlnp tn Itn pvtra nnwrter e000 Ior Carrying mrrvinir vinegar Vinegar (boil IDOU jj K,, . , . opRprai ,,.., anll ..a,., j String your country in : ;rt"h"t i some in the fry pan to take away "" ' , "'"PI"'" ,, oatn. .'. 10 lose uu j and shot. . . ... r , , ouarter 11-9. 0 Manson s s parsed j your spare-time u ilv 1 a prohiahle duty. ou i will be paid reguli- of the Yankees for 26 years. He retired in 1947. During that period the Yankees won 14 American League pennants and 10 world championships . Navy rates of pay fur I the time you spend in & training. t . r ! BRIGHT HERE IN Primarily it is for use In the aa by Don Hartwig with 12 nts .blind, not the uplands where its P001" Jln 50 l"at tne. ,goo and Ray Spring with 18 pi;, led wnst moael slel al weight and sometimes added may -, lurther ahead in th? final q.jar- ! length would be detrimental; if 1nome- ter as they scored 20 points to making a new purchase your o vu have the notion that the CCC s 10. columnist would prefer a twelve airscrew propelled shallow Technical fouls were hand, -i chambered for three-Inch sheVLs,' draught boats are a fairly recent , out. to Danny BilL t2), ..Mickey but would not hesitate to buy departure? Not so, for I have Webster and Don Scherk who such a pretty weapon as the one lately examined photographs of collected three. Manson's wi in question when offered at an. s"ch craft tken in the Prince nicked for 10 fouis to CCC - H attractive price. The matter of George country 40 years ago. and sank 12 out of 25 free ;hcU ! choke has purposely not been ' The 50-fathom hole between as Pulp Millers netted 8 out of considered in the foregoing, but Pig Island and the new floats is 15- generally speaking, the ten has paying off with spring salmon to North Star at lull strength , about had its day now that black trailers, resrardle.is of tide; the . with Bill Morrison, absent last nowder loads are done, and who old MacMahon spoon is doing the game due to a boxing eom.n;!,t.-can figure distance, flying speed, trick. We to 0(1 8' 8 ;'ii K11 'J'jr. DAN ion T01 Ci in Sun m 3, 1A1 3uw lurs rite ttr ir '.u 'hi ll. or PIh TH I III I lit m 8 Mil There is a Naval Divisi I near vou. Find out h' J vou can serve' vourcoi t- try and prepare vouf J -.1 HT;'; it ... J.' I ' , ... r n . .1 i . " i v f : -- -:-v , if " '.i . vv. VH-.- . V ; .: t , 1 .-.v : ' J' for advancement. j Bottle OJ Write, telephone or i Carton Jv 1 H.M.C.S. Cho and lead required for birds ; Next time you are caught with-, much further out than fifty j out binoculars and need to get a ' yards anyway? ! closer look at some far distant Very little action now that Tobject simply push a pin through the moose season is closed, a few j a piece of paper or cardboard , ducks are coming In. and one and peek , through, you will be , father and son team braved the 1 surprred at the amount of mag-S rough weather to take some good i nificetioa thus obtained, partic-; erey cod from the Yacht Club j ujarly bv the older eys. Marty Christmas. Service Prince Runiii Phone 51 t uimU4 htfAm Co-Cola vndw centracl wild Coca -Colo Lid. NORTH STAR BOTTLING WORKS Prince Rupert. B.C. Phone 132 "Coke" La a rffristered trade-mark HXC333: floats. Here is a season tnat always carries a pair of square-never closes, and not enough ; nosed pliers while fishing, they advantage is taken of it; the are about the best device for chance of tangling with sonr? j removing hooks from fish, scrappy salmon or halibut is al- j CHANGE OF SCHEDULE ways present and should b sought after by, more of. our out-i Dill iHflrita . oVjdfWSr-rrWSSii'She winteK. .Dlll'liUiyalt; - t whisky S.S. COQUITLAM will cell ot KINC0LITH for Arrcndalc, Milf Boy and Naas River Points DECEMBER 1 3th instead of December 25th Subsequent calls at Kincolith will be January 6 and 20 tind foitn!f;htly according to current sailing guide. LES SMITH PRINCE RUPERT AGENT 511 Third Avenue Phone 568 K0.1eed to M on- get,tjr,g.the T : f "JL -j proper hTCrtTrtufn'peop this Christmas, the stores in t ' 'r '.- town are well stocked and a gun- ! B'U Holgaie topped Civic Cen- tote to hang on the back part of I tre rifle club marksmen la.,t ! the front seat in the car is one 1 ni?ht '! a score ot 93 out of ! splendid item, there are all sorts 100 wnlle Wayne Crowe and ! Glendon Smith tied for seconi of rods and reels, and more may , be quickly obtained from whole- I w'tn "2. ' sale stocks locally. There is a Other scores were John CHb-i full length rod and reel attached I belt. 88; Joe Kraupntr. 87. ; case to be had, this for the angler At next Tuesday's shoot, three -at a popular ho prefers to leave the setup ; trophies will b presented. Kaien "ether. Duckboots and foul Co-On hi"h score hanrlicnn .eatlier clothing of many kinds. I shoot, Manson's Jewellers for e iTt'Trrt-i'trr-m : hunting coats with or without best grouping of season and Ru- Biiuiiii.i'iiim game pockets, some with detach- pert Radio trophy for highest able game pocket linings for easy . score. Also to be won will be a cleaning (an odor-ending trick turkey in a luck target shoot. In-which meets the ladies' appro- ! structing last night were Di; ! val), hunting and skinning Paul and Tommy Boulter. Enjoy a REAL Time This Christmas FLY... : Wholesale & Retail Phone 372 li H li A A A A A with Sfieoa?0 l """"" toy v5S MEUCWEDINWOOD GIFTS for MEN We carry a complete line of IMPORTED Pipes, Cigars, Cigarettes and Tobacco and all other SMOKERS' SUPPLIES "Mm ELLIS AIR LINES to ' 1 and for the LADIES I ID V niTumi iti ...'Hi TffiTri I A Good Supply of BOXED CHOCOLATES All the best known brands. Both Domestic and IMPORTED KETCHIKAN Connections to All Alaska, Seattle and Whitehorse Phone 266 Or Call ot our Office Opp. Post Offic '1 HJ - r DISTILLERS 0F THE FAMOUS "ftaTUZdlan tluS- GROTTO CIGAR STORE This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board Government of British Columbia. , or ty it 1 ' 1. kkk,,li.;Xk.li.jikI.j,.Vi,i...iV,,,,,,,,kx,,k:i,i If II-