t 1- - rtetmesday, Decmor 16, 1953 LAST NIGHT'S HGHTS By The Associated Press Miami Beach, Fla. Willie Pep, rzT WM PHONE MISS WANT AD AT 748 DEADLINE FOR WANT ADS 4:30 P.M. PREVIOUS DAY - 1 THE DAILY NEWS "CIRCULATION- 11 If- vl o 1 "-'. 1 -9i 129, Hartford, Conn., outpointed Tony Longo, 130, Baltimore, 10. Los Angeles Cisco Andrade, 135, Las Angeles, outpointed Bobby Woods, 13434, Spokane, Wash., 10. Toledo, O. Pedro Gonzales, 164, Pittsburgh, outpointed King Solomon, 164, Chicago, 10. i Butte, Mont. Bobby Bickle, ! 137, Topeka. and Santiago Este-1 ;ben, 137, Los Angeles, drew, 10. i Sacramento, Calif. Art Ara-igon, 147, Los Angeles, knocked out Art Soto,' 147, Oakland, Calif., 10. Calgary ,(CPVBill Brenner, 158, Vancouver, TKO over Joe Agui-! lar, 168, Seattle, 9. ! Deaths Yesterday St. Augustine, Fla. Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings, 57, Pulitzer prize winniri? author of the novel "The Yearling." Port Chester, N.Y. Edward G. Barrow, 85, who as general manager built the New York Yankees' baseball empire. Luxury Steamer Prince George SAIL3 FOR VANCOUVER and Intermediate Ports Each Thursday at 11:11 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY Miirnighl Comfort and Service Vot reservations write 01 call City or Depot Office, Prince Rupert, B.C. DINING PLEASURE in SPARKLING NEW SURROUNDJNGS i Commodore Cafe TODAY YEAR AGO ...... RADIO DIAL CFPR 1240 Kilocycles (Subiert to Change) WEDNESDAY PM. fl:IMI Mupper Herenade 6:30 Smiley Burnette Show 6:45 Introduction to Wednesday Nlttht 00 CBC News 7:15 CBC News Roundup 7:30 Canadian Chorul .Music 8:15 The Little Gold Shoe 8:00 The Hand and The Mirror 10:00 CBC News 10:10--CBC News 10:15 My Find. Novel 10:30 Music of Schumann . 1I:MI Weal Her krpnrt Min.iral Masterpieces 11:30 Music Till Midnight 12:00 Sign-off THURSDAY AM 7 :C0 B.C Fishermen's Broadcast 1:1.1 Mn'hal (link 7:30 (JBC News: Weather Report 7:3.1 Musical (link 8:00 CBC News; Weather 8:10 Here's Bill Cood S:l.1 Morning Devotions 8 :30 Carol Program 8:00 BBC News Commentary :I1 M11-I..1I Manli-I'ast 8:30 Morning Conrert 9:6 Time Slunal 10:00 Morning Visit 10:15-Carnntion Entertains 10:30 keyboard and Console -10.45 Jimmy Shields Show 11:00 Your Good Neighbor 11 :16 iCindergarlen of the Air 11:30 tfewige Period 1 :4.' Ncaiidiiiaviau Melodies P.M. Horn X Years Ton Noon 12:15 CBC News 12:26 CBC Showcase 12:30 BC. Fnrm Broadcast ri:.1.VKe'4trded Interlude 1 :00 Afternoon Concert 2:00 BC. School Broadcast 2:30 Trans-Canada Matu-ee 3:1s Rei-ords fur Vu 3:46 Hit Parade 4:15 As Tunes Go By 4:30 Hudsrn Bay Express 4:45 Talking to Teens 5:00 Stock Quotations Vocalise 5:15 International Comty. 5:20 CBC News; Weather 5:30 Musical Program 5:45 Canada at Work GEORGE DAWES AUCTIONEER Phone Black 84S and Red 127 3424 i 3150 ELMORE PIIILPOTT 1 Continued from page 2t THE OLD MAN hi the liuue warned dad that the furnace wouldn't work. He couldn't sell it, i to us, becau.se our family had no! money. He rented it at $12 per j month. A year or two later he I actually sold the house to dad ! for nothing down. 1 - j I Mother says she raised herj I thirteen children, two cows I ! which calved every year, two 1 horses, pigs and chijkens in I great numbers. I The sale of the fruit paid for i the holtse, and half fed the fam-: ily, for mother "did down" hun-I dreds of jars of fruit every year. I The old house saw only one I death saw a family which came ! into it with not a cent send out I twelve of Ms thirteen children, in spite of wars to sire forty j grandchildren and I don't know! how many great-grandsons. j Good old house. CHOP SUEY . . . ' ...CHOWMEIN Open 6 p.m. 3:30 a.m. Hollywood Cafe For Outside Orders Phone 133 ' WORLD PEACE Chop Suey House 909 Third Ave. West Phone Red 878 SPECIALIZING CHINESE DISHES Orders To Take Out Open 6 p.m. to 3 a.m. Daily GIFTS FOR GALS EVENING SANDALS Silver Black Red High Heels VOGUE SHOES LTD. 508 3rd Ave. W. Green 5D5 YULE-TIDE GIFTS at your SINGER SEWING ' CENTRE Sewing Baskets, Pinking Shears, Scissor Sets, Hi-Low Metal Ironing Boards. Many other sewing For Third Ave. W. Phone 604 Moke Xmas Merrier with CUT FLOWERS or PLANTS from PRINCE RUPERT FLORISTS 300 3rd Ave. W. Phone 777 Remember your friends and t relatives overseas with Flowers by Wire HELP WANTED -L FEMALK 32 JUNIOR clerk - stenographer. , Apply Northern B.C. Power j Ltd., Room 15, Besner Block, i (296 1 1 SITUATIONS YVTB MALF poR Jobs and complete Janitor service, phone Green (MP) 11 SITUATIONS WTO. Female RELIABLE baby-sitter. Ca'l Blue 127. 1 304 -no 1 1 BI'ILDINU MAlkBIALS PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LTD. Phone 651 or 652 3 Inquire about our budget plan your home Improvement. No down payment. $100 to $2,000; to 24 moths to pay. .301) 1 FOR your fi""l requirements: Oil "Shell" Stove and Furnace' 2 Coal Foothills and Bryan Mtn. Gas "Pacific" Pro-nnne Phlluott. Evltt & Co. Ltd., Phone 651 or 652 (301 1 ; 1 Fl'RNITl'RE FCR SALE Twn love seats: 7 cu. ft. refrig erator; Deluxe Bendix; blond 1 hnnkraMw: . combination radio. I Thi dvcrt.wnwm t flo! pubLihtd o dtvAwtd by lk Uqiw Control Bori Of by ltt Gttwnmtr Or Bf(tit Co)mb P RUSINFSS- And i . . . . . PROFESSIONAL i ' ' OPTOMETRIST KEITH H. TUCKER 527-3rd Ave. Phone 212 CAPLING TRUCK LINE Leaves Pr. Rupert for Smlthers Every Tuesday and Friday. For connectior.s Phone C32 InveRiors Syndicate of Canada Ltd. and Investnrs Miltunl of Canada Ltd. T. M. CHRICT1E Ph. 384 315 Third Avenue W. Representative for Prince Rupert , Terrace and Kitimat XF YOU WANT A ! CINDER r-RIVEWAY ROCK OR CONCRETE WORK Rent of Truck and Equipment Ph. Blue 939. M. J. SAUNDERS scott McLaren' CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT James Block. 608 3rd Ave. W. Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 34T P.O. Box 374 By ZANE GREY Classified Rates Closure time 4:fl0 p.m. day previous to puhltmtlon. Cin.-.sm.'(J. 3 cntt or word per In j.rtlnn; minimum charge AO nnti. jjrth N'ltirp, 60 cents, Cardi of Tft.uikH, Iath Notice, Punra. s Marriage and Engagement A; iiuunrt'inentJi, $'2 00. (v.i.u Display double prloa. ' Nu Refund v.v will nut accept responsibility lor clarified ads Inserted Incorrectly -g iiii'iT wruiiK ciaaiftcatlon unlew w,iil -at ton of auch errors 1b receltod iii.mu li iiuura tX fin t UimmtUuo WANT AD REPLIES We ore holding replies to the following News ad boxes: 807 ' 828 850 852 854 865 871 Replies must be colled for in person COMING EVENTS Canadian Legion Cord Party, Wmii, I'sday, Dec. IB. ('unudlan LeKlon Christmas TV fur the children on Sun- itov. I o. 20, at 2 p.m. in the aids. t-mrifS. 639 !'iHA. Christmas Tree Party, 2 2:00 p.m. P Sims of Norway Christmas Doc. 28. N.w Year's Ball, H.M.C8. allium. For Invitations con-1 members of Naval Reserve phone 526. Presbyterian Burns Banquet, Uiuurv 21. - Vim Girl Guide Company In- irutional Dlrner, Feb. 13. . (280p) BIRTH LAVIONE Born to Mr. and i H. J. Lavlgnc (nee Market 20 Murray) in the Prince S'jw-rt General Hospital, a son. J'jrray Michael, 7 lbs, 3 oz., a I mason for George and Meg. Co. Utpi IS PERSONAL 1 24 DANE, Friday, Dec. 18. Legion Auditorium. Music by the twkv Mountain Boys. Admls- 773. ion Si 00. (292) 25 YOU need a Sardls Nurseries Catalogue as a guide to fair jri'-es when buying plants. Free nqui'st. Sardls Nurseries. Sardls. B.C. (It) 26 CMACT Alcoholics Anony- P.O. Box 343, Phone 3: iP D.',9. (8) lor il BISINH PERSONALS 0 national Machinery Co. Lim ited. Distributors for Mlnine, 27 iiwrtilll, Lo-'Blnii and Contrac- Jurs Equipment. Inquiries ln-'Hid c-ranvllle Island, Vancou- 1 BC. (tt) IIIMNEY, furnace, stove clean mi; and repairs. Furniture, f repairs and paintln-i. c! metal and cement work. fcliliuncp rnnnlrs Reasonable 28 a'is Plume Blue 331. (291p) ''HI-KMi'.N For repairs to all li.iki -. of marine and auxiil- ',v eiit'ipc.i, eall Finning Jracr or and "Vmilnni'vot Co. Ltd. phonc 577. (299) 'IIIMNEY,. furnace, stove clean ing, rcpuirs. Furniture, house 'I'airs, pulntine. Sheet metal, 'mi nt work, appliance repairs. "asoniib e rates Ph i Proutt. ?hne Blue 331. (297p) WE ELECTRICIAN-bTouyatt. niiii.se wiring and electrical ?l'"irs 149 9th Ave. West. 1 'Jjiii. R,-d 185. (12) THE ELECTRICIAN D. Guyatt. Mouse wirl'iK and electrical lillirs ldU Oth Auo Wout. fii'itie Red 165. ' (292) pl BUc nCCOUNTANT. Income Tax specialist. S. G. Furk, """e Buildinu. Red 593. (20n)' KfiART.Y evervbodv uses 59. URR? Bob Parker's, of course. m Numbing, automatic oil heat-. lie. fhpet metr.l work. Phone . Call 630 eth West. Letour-(c) WORLD'S FINEST CLEANER tLr.tTROLUX. Phon Blue flO for Porto Qnloo Rprvlri (C) 6AW FILING All types of saws. Precision Saw Filing, 215 1st w. West. (10) Wilford Electrical Works Dralor for Ekollte Sounders. (12) ' ' .tSSMAKINO and altera- . I (Ml Electrical Works. Mo- tors bought, sold, rewound and Palfed (tf) MAQAZINE8, uoveldes. Kddle'i .J'ews 8Uud. (c !.5 FOUND fPYTTight brown with white Strlno , -"re uuwn iace. Claim same BLONDIE Dogs in the Manger By CH!C YOUNG :ii:''"iHi"' I I , .'U'ri'Mihi .,iii1' I IFTI'ISn 1 I MAN S BEST FRiENa''' T i 1 T ( 1 . XV WAKE DAGWOOO) f .? ? GET np V FAMILY GIFT FARE FOR MOM OR JUNIOR Kodak Duaflex FLASH OUTFIT. A lifetime of fun. Wrathall's Photo Finishing 20!) Third Avenue W. NOBLES YOUR GIFT HEADQUARTERS for RECORDS RADIOS APPLIANCES 201 Third Avenue West (Opp. Totem Theatre) HER . . . AUTOMATIC IRON ' Regular $14.50 Now $10.75 SIMPSONS-SEARS 313 Third Avenue West Phone 460 THE DAILY NbWS GIFT SUBSCRIPTION FOR SALE MJSC. Simpsons-Sears Christmas Sale i Continues : OCT AOONAL COFFEE TABLE RcRuiar $58 95. now $29.50 FOLDAWAY SOFA BED, Regular $259,50. Now 99 00 SERVIS WASHERS . . Regular $219.50. Now $164.65 SUNSHINE GIRLS' BICYCLE Regular $02.95. Now $48.20 AUTOMATIC IRONS Regular $14.50. Now , $1075 3-PCE. VANITY SUITE Blonde. Reg. $146.50. Now $97.65 I SPECIAL IflCT Timers and automatic ovens. ' Regular $295.00. Now $245.00 jlnlv $10.00 down, $16.00 monthly SIMPSONS-SEARS 312 3rd Ave. W. Prince Rupert Phone 400 (293c) HERE'S PART OF OUR WIDE VARIETY OF IMPORTED FOODS TYTTEBERRIES Jam MULTERBERRIES Tins ANCHOVIES Round ANCHOVIES Fillets PICKLING HERRING . Hy-Wave FISH CAKES, BALLS and PUDDING (Norwegian) GAMMEL-OST (cheese) GOUDA OST (cheese) NOKKEL-OST (cheese) GOAT CHEESE LUTEFISK made in our own plant LAMB FLANKS. Inquire about our TURKEY POOL 200 Birds PRINCE RUPERT FISHERMEN'S CO-OP ASSOCIATION FAMILY GIFT FARE HOSTESS ROCKERS without arms $28.50 HOSTESS ROCKERS with arms $32.50 . All beautiful wool frieze covers. 7 EXTRA SPECIAL! Large HOSTESS CHAIR $19.95 A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE LTD. 308 Third Ave. Phone 775 TOYLAND XMAS IS ALMOST HERE A CHRISTMAS TOYS A CHRISTMAS CARDS A GIFT WRAPPINGS A DECORATIONS Drop In and find all your Christmas Shopping Needs at THE VARIETY STORE (Opp. Capitol Theatre DANDY FOR DAD 1 SLIPPERS THE IDEAL GIFT Bee our complete selection NOW. All sires and styles. GEO. HILL & SONS LIMITED Third Avenue West to.,. .-.. S2A FOR KENT MISC. SUITE of offices, centrally located. Phone Red 593 for details. (292) 34 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS YOUNG pup,' male, Boston Bull preferred, but any kind ac-. jcepted. Call 747 from 9 a.m. to 5 P.m. and Blue 127 after 5 .vi n m. (296-nc) ,sdL viAl'L, cottage tyue piuiiu 111 good condition. Phone E. N. Davis, 975 or evenings Green 976. (294) CASH r"OR Scrap, cooper, brass, batteries, radiators. Phone 543 Call 630 6th Ave. West. (c) STEAMER trunk in good condition. Phone Black 551. (292p) 34 ROOMS OR KENT HOUSEKEEPING and sleeping rooms for rent. Phone Red 297. (2951 TWO rooms furnished. Call at 522 Fulton St., Apt. No. ,3. (292) ROOM for rent. 317 7th West (295) NICE sleeping room for rent. Green 819., ' ,' (292pl HOMES TOR KENT PARTLY furnished, 3 bedrooms. Parlor, kitchen, bathroom. Monarch range, Quebec heater, tables, chairs, etc. Apply 1035 1st Ave. West. (294p) TWO-BEDROOM house on Fraser St. Furniture for sale. Phone Red 806. (292) FURNISHED wartime four. Box 873, Daily News. (292) 39. Sl'ITES FOR RENT SUITES for rent. Red 984. (299) 40 HOMES FOR SALE NEW modern insulated four-room bungalow, hardwood floors, cement basement with utility loom. Garage. 1259 Park Ave. (293p) WARTIME 6. Cash. Phone Phone Green 205. 297p) 47 AUTOMOBILES 1950 Mercury 2-door, $1550. Owner leaving town, must sell. Phone Black 937. (303p) LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF CANCELLATION" OF RrM.HVhS NOTICE it hereby given that all reservations on coal established under authority of former Coal and Petroleum legislation, now superceded by the "Coal Act." 1944, are cancelled with the exception of the lwrve placed upon the Peace River Land Recording District and that part of the Fort George Land Recording District north of the right of way of the Canadian rJatlouul Railway. The effective date of such cancellation Is January 18th. 1V54. R. E. SOMMERS Minister of Mines Department of Mines, Victoria. l.C. KING OF THE ROYAL MOUNTED .til' ' 6VfS6 Hi CAM tC,7 W 4 n,,ri Wnoftrn f umttw, 4827 6Uiai'SljtiSHINE rr S1 '."i 1 By AL CAPP LI'L ABNER Keep It Under Yer What! I W M'urer W JlMtf Ti. I I a, ,r.TBTu,r IX S VORE PWPPV O CUTE JO WIDDER I (LllTV(OUNS WIDPER.'.'-HE "wmupO tAT NIGHT, ME '., BlNACTIN'INA IN 5 OONES-J ' bSEP TOGO MILK OOTA H6 .s,$m lfT 'rrETJ J UN AMERICAN M THET 1S f" HATOH.'.'- . J y- w yiM TO 'Vu.-.-- DO lT.r- WAV, UATEUV. 71 HAT. Jt3$$ V j ( ,- j HEN ah , 4Tt watch. ? ,ZdJt Juf r7K-? 1 TTT ' ' i QIVE HlM H -7 r-tJ-Z W'!'? 1 JBf-- Xsk 'zXl ' BATHTHNlAVIN:r!SSW-'A 1 S At -K S A ? 1 HE GOT THBOWED CXTO ) -S. I ry y . r slZh. , s?Jr '" townmeehn:fo' S-X-'n I fyy-C A-.-? VoSi ,?WArr -X ' hat when sfz ?; Eist. Phono " Clack' 2176. , (. SAlL"lihTstfieldite;. Reasonable. Phone Green 113. (297r 29A SEWING MACHINES .! JALES Repairs Rentals. Ginger Sewing Centre. Phone 864. (c) 32 FOR S.1I.B MISC. SAWMILL, 90 h.p. dlcscl boat, shop with all equlpmpnt. New living house. John Group, Oona River, B.C. 295p) CHRISTMAS TREES T.M.C., phone 640 .and 530. Order deadline Dec, 22. Have your troe silverized. (295) GOOD BUY Leaving town. Will sell '51 Ford 14-ton pick-up. Excellent con dition. Reasonable. 535 Tatlow St. Phone Red 806. (296p) 12 GA. D.B. Shotgun $75, or what offers? Also Imperial shotgun shells $3.10 a dox. Phone Red 626. (293p) 2-WHEEL blcvcle, lunior size. Price $20. Phone Green 879. (292) COMPACT vacuum and Poi-ishalre. As new. $125.00. Box 872, Daily News. (292p) GIRL'S Standard C.C.M. Bicycle. Good condition. $25.00. Green 2119. -sa'" MAN'S C.C M. 3-speed bicycle. Phone after 6 p.m. Black 700. (294) ALL cream enamel oil stove. $75.00. Call at 623A 6th Ave W. any time (294) FIVE ROOM sk! cabin on Mount Oldfield. Phone Red 430 (293) MOVIE camera, 8 m.m., 1.9 lens. Phone. Red 430. 293 THE HEART OF JULIET JONES . : . . By STAN DRAKE 'i I LEFT A LITTLE V. liSf-l WIU, CO JUST FINE v.f l-.-Ef ,'t'l THOUC-HT 10 SAVE V0U i SJ 00& Vt. 4 EAULY recite? i! 7Yf- Sr ; u', -Yf-- ' i-f-i;-. a utt time e cons 1 I rH. now?; J i there 9 scve smoppims r ' flr. a -i- vi'V'; : . -v-ws seveppiNFcou. IA ! 1 f"s e-r be y. jrtt't. a, mmm sssxsss, MUmt Cow Bay Store cheap. 118 8th Ave. (292p) (293c) December 14th, 1953. (296c) 1146 PiKgott Ave. WASHER, West. and call at (293)