Pimre Rupert Dnil i Wednesday, M;iy 5, UK4 TODAY TO THIlDCriAv Cheaper. Food , aSEMSS Cannot...lWillrJM b ' N N Countering Rising Rents OTTAWA (CP) Living costs are resisting the Adults .... 75c Children . 50c .tr 11 li j impact of rising rents with Rebel Delegation Chief Active Leftist 29 Years T'ARIS (Reuters)-Than Van' He remained in Canton for a Oong. 48-ycar-old lcad-r of the year, .studying at, the "agitators Jnrio-Chino.se Communist dele- school" formed by I!o Chi Minh piitlon to the Geneva conference, there, and at the end of his has become a key figure in the course b'-cume a Communist and Vletminh rebel movement only returned to Hanoi as a teacher Since 1!M9. ' in a private school. But for the last 29 years Ivj : Ke quickly became one of the hfis been a most active fiuure in most active Communist propa-Indo-China's extreme left-wing pandists in Hanoi and was ar-imilonalist circles. ; rested and sentenced to six years Than Van Dong was born in hard labor at Poulo Condore, the Annum, of a wealthy culture i ; iind tieienlion centre for Indo-manrlarin' family. His fat'i, r Chinese extremists, wan Tor a t'.. secre'ury to the i After his release he is rx-lipvco" Matinee Wednesday 3:45 Adults 50c ; Children 25c T.OTE? A F Wllil -I.- . ... lower food prices. The yardstick for measuring food costs made Its fifth consecutive monthly decline in February, dropping to a nine-month low. And Vhile rent and home-ownership costs rose" to a new hip.h, the consumer price index, measuring rod for living costs generally, slipped by a fifih of a poini to 115.5, lowest in tight months. The March survey of the Index, b nrri on 1010 prices equal emperor of Aniwra. Duys-tam to have' spent several years in Your favouriti televiiion I I A'Vi jJ couplt. $tar of "I IOVE I J f JT IUCY" or in 1h moviet XT " V. TWng first atlracled attention' Russia, vheh, as a Hanoi law student in schools attending courses at for overseas Commun k yiftW ling, 100. likely will be jjubli'jlud ! ror mm rirw iim roqetner. 14. m tm xm . 1- - . 1.. i l v. 1 mvm "-1 .A' 1925 he helped to organize a strike to eommomorate the death of fin Annamite nationalist lead- ists. In HMS, he r'-turned to Indo-China. mid for two y . ars helped toon in a housa-on-wheels J? 'A j k ... in beautiful COIOR. " 'd (O, a Communist French-newspaper, Volonte or. Police issued a warrant fui ; put cu his arrest ,and he fled lo Canton. : laimua1 Wednesday. BEEF DROPS Pork, coffee and fruits lumped In i February. hu beef on l I.esh ve"' .able i-r-'ererl wiin China where he joiued a small : lndo-Chinoi.se. In liCH. threatened v ith re-'arrot he fli il to Chin.) with Ho group of exil;"' Inoo-Chincse nationalists, .' .el'idi Ho Chi Mini,. overbalar' ing dro t tutting the i (.KAY-IIMItll) Domlnick BruKnolottl checks one of the merry-go-round organs in his huge shop in Brooklyn, N Y. Ever since 1391, when he first came to the building, Domlnick has' been repairing hand organs, street pianos and carousel music-makers with a doctor's skill and devotion. Today, when such things as ha nd organs are ading from the scene, Domlnick is one of the few members of his profession still active. While people still love the magic sound of merry-go-round music, though, he will be an Important man. Only recently an organ was shipped all the way from Spokane, Wash., with the plea that Domlnick make It play again. food suli-indcx by a f-. point to 1 10.7. Thin Is the lowest since i ; Chi Minh and helped him f- rra the Vi"tminh movmenl m Ij41. , In 1!M3. lii'iit! returi : .i to , ; 'do-China to lake pan. in anti- ".;" Japanese v.wi rilla warfare in the CTr Timkin clilla. He emerged In BADYS HOT LITTLE HEAD ; the 110.1 of April, ID..:). In coiilrust, the shelter column w'hlch includes rents' and home 1 ownership costs, continued Its i historic climb to a new high of 1 12.1.0, up a fifth of a point from i the previous month and Uuec j points in a year. . III I.ATIVK STAIHI.ITV ! The mipowiiK moves between Canadian Furs On Display At U.K. Fair S CALL BLACKWOOD on BRIDGE By EASLEY BLACKWOOD mi WHKN your Hut.y's li.-ad f-U Imt it may h- hwmnw of tmiU' ffver ''"Hinnni t ?wm rtitrmr baby Hilmcnt. If sn, Hnliy's Onmi ThMpIk will hi-lp rt 'lu'-f' this smtpU- fi v r by Hearing harmful wir mil .f I v vtm. If bnliy'i fi-vir ti nol promptly fi licvi'd, nonsuit your physi inn. (Me Midland, Ontario Mother has this h. nay: "Wv ini iit,, i,r,ri, .,t A. gate hrT li;iu' V.iln.-t W tt'tkt-tim hr wis up mid art'W'iJ " 'Ruliy'd Own TahU-Io air sweet.-tHsMnK. phhV to tnke ni havi Ixhti u d with rrtwfulctnf Hy muOicni f-tf over "" yoars. Ntt'Vlwpy"iit uff noilulliriiiHTiTt. Kiiually pH fr rPMlfMnc'ss anil .peevishm: r-ullinfi from irregularity at t'thing Mmf, fur onnst ipat inn. diKexiivv upsi-is nd other minor infant tniuMes. (ici a paekmre today at yuur druiticmr. DcSl ARriAZP food and rents, In some respects, l owlinw i r, . ti... 'k M S M l ,., ... . , ,, (jive me appearance oi a pcrioa Queen Mother and Prinress Mar-! . ,:., , ,,,im i n.,i-. ; Id1;") as a member of the "Viet J Nam people's republic liberation I committee" and the leader of a ' tiny Communist-inspired party. ) the "Viet Nam Dan Ch'.l Dang" ; democratic, popular party. ! lie bi came finance minister ; and secretary of state for de-; tence in the Ho Chi Minh kov-. ernmcnt'set up in 1U16. In June. ; J I' Mi, lie was presid"iit of the : Viet Minh government delega-I tion to Paris. When the Indo-China war be-; Kan in December. 1943. he went underground wilh Ho (Mil Minh. j In 1941) he was reported to have ; been made vice-president of the Ho Chi Minh Roverninent and . president of the defence council. 1. it tiood Trump Management Requires Imagination l "ulct lingered at Canada's dis- I play of mink. fox. beaver and In many situations where the winning play fori riir"'l1 ,furs ,wl?f'n, !hcV.'uu,'d , , . , ' ,. j the British Industries Fair In declarer is to postpone i i leading trumps, the necessity j London yesterday. for that action is far from obvious. In today's deal,! The futrsV ylu?d a ,2,?-ono- j ) wpr nart nf the minis hit Com. Ul IIIUUTI; ObULttlbJ 111 llVlllg costs. The drop of a fifth of a point In the consumrr price index In February compared with no change in January and a drop of a tenth of a point last December. And "there Is nothing In the for example, it v,as completely hidden as far as- nmnwcaith display concentrated! 5 MARJORIE MAIN REENAH HHH in the Karl's Court, stadium sw- w', says B icuerai economic. Mr. Muzzy w as concerned, anyway. The best way to avoid a trap j linn of the two-week annu il!"'0 indicate ny major shift i shop window of British expor's. j trom this period of general stn-I The fair Is as usual split Into i bllity In the next few nx-nths." J three parts two in London, ei Other shifts in the consumer j Karl's Court and the giant In- price index during February: ; door arena of Olympla, and an- T),e clothing sub-index eased 'other, the engineering section. ;tn 109 8. as scattered decreases TRAVEL TOPICS jfV We Save You 4 155 J Time and Dollars Sample Fares: frlme Itupert lo: One w;iy llrtui n l,OS AXCEI.KS.... M.r.f) 1XK.S5 fllK'.Mid ..: M2.X0 275.85 215 Second Street. I'lionc G20 Consult Vour Local Travel A;;ent CRAWFORD MOORE TRAVEL AGENCIES of this kind is to pause before playing that first, card from dummy and plan your play. Forget about overtricks. Concentrate on the safest method of pi jy which vi'l brlnj.'in enough tricks for your contract, figuring on unfavorabl. distribution of i in the industrial city of Birm few haved it by a fifth of a point. 1 iiiL'hain Higher prices lor dry-cleaning. Smith Denier Both f,)drs vulnrrnhlr North (Mr. Dil i ) 5 7 HA Q 8 . D Q III C 8 7 6 3 Wr-t f Mr? CtiMmuloii ) (trN Kern) A J 10 2 R Q 8 S 4 H5 4 3 1! 7 J t 0 4 1 - K 10 8 5 3 C Q 92 C .1 10 iMilh lr. liir.) 6 K (i 3 H K J 10 0 6 D A J C A K a The bidding: soapt i rlrst visitors to inc uon.oou j ;,undry services and industrial show window warned ! i.tnnned thn ' house hold I the opposing cm as. opera tions sub-group by a tenth of a ; VktiJ J ' cover more area point to a record 117.8. ! that while the goods look fine, I the price tags arc too steep, j They said heavy Dutch and ! Herman competition will rut into 1 Give TOajr bafor I j Look at whnt happened to Mr. I ' Muzzy in this hand. Mr. Champ-1 I ion led the nine of diamonds. I the deuce went on from the board and Mrs. Keen promptly I ' ! ducked. Mr. Muzzy won with the I jack and smiled happily at thisj i favorable lead. ; I ! sabs. British delivery often l.s . WHALING PORT i too slow, some added Dartmouth, across the harbor F.nst Pass South West North 1 H Pass a H 4 H All pn&s i Some 125.000 business men j from Halifax, was sn active fiom 100 countries are expected j whale fishing port in the late to visit the two-week fair, which ,18th century. WALLACE'S DEPARTMENT STORE . spreads Itself over two large Lon- Ml'ZZY OPTIMISTIC reason to use a trump to enter j He could S'C no danger. As he ' ti1ummy. ..lcad a sttdc "p t0 a : analyzed it. he had one club COME Exactly." said Mr. Champion. spec loser and either one or two spade losers. If the ace of spades were on his right, he could lead up to "With a weaker holding in spades you would have made AND 1(1 ' t'on halls and a third In Birmingham. F-i-crt goods from 2,400 British f;rms are on display. I Buyers eyed the exhibition i stands criticauy. They saw the ! products of every facet of British industry, from giant earth-moving equipment weighing several tons, to delicate jewelry weighing fractions of an ounce. Irs kin- and win a trick with your contract. You used a viui TEST that card cn the first or second ,rumP at trick two J,lsl because round of the suit. He could then lVs usually the correct play tu ruff a spade in dummy, and ac-! lcad UP to 8 kin2- Oood trump tuallv make flve-ndd management requires enou-tn MOTHER'S DAY "- Sunday May 9 ; OUR imagination to see the need fcr But to lead up to the king of snades he had tn nntor Hummv u,,u!'u'" P,a I,uw a" MOTHER she asks so little, she gives so much. You'll find the gift of her choice right ot n Wallace's, of course. " That was easy and he led the; n.ne of hiarts to the case. Aj ll t l, spade was returned and the kimi tViailOCK JCcKS Second Appeal put up. Mr. Champion won- with the ace and led back a trump. : WALLACE'S DEPT. STORE 1954 STUDEBAKER STATION WAGONS For a rood economical car try our A-30 Al'STIS. A complete car with a low price of only SI1I, thai inc ludes foam rubber seals, leather upholstery, directional signals and healer-defroster unll. SUPERIOR AUTO SERVICE Seal Escapes MF'I.UN, France. (Reule'-si- A baby peal flipped out of Its un-feneed pool at a fair grounds !"!" Monday ninht, flapped down the road and flopped Into an aim choir at a furniture dis-plav. Ten people Including a pollcenmn who got bitten for his pains were needed In get the seal back in his pool. riONKKR Sr.RVK T.S Th" first regular Church of England services In Canada wen-held In 1710 at, Annapolis Royal, M.S. Worried now, Mr. Muizv won i VANCOUVER Cf A scond a;?-on the board and led another peal may bo bunched on beh.ill spade. I of convicted Vrw, : i": f!eor:e Mr. Ch-mo.on w n with th-1 M:,ll,l k- lhls ,ln,c Hie au-teji and led the last trump off "'""' ,voul1 uf (-'n id i. I he board. Now Mr. Muzzy had I . Malloek is beiiv; held In Oa!s-to lose three tnude.s and a club I alia pending a decision on ali plication for leave to appeal lo a ' $m i !' ' f- J T- M i . y J 4 ', ?TT?f$ farV,- tor down i . "Did yoo think you bid five, Muzzy" asked Mr. Champion. MI ZZY S MISTAKES "Certainly not," replied Mr. Muzzy holly. "Can t help it if the ace of spades was behind my kint, V" Mr. Champion grinned wickedly. "In a word, ye, ' he said. "Jn fact. I Ihink I can ..rove Uvt you were trying to make five-odd. Tell me, what, woulr" you have led at trick two if you had held three very small spades instead nf three lo the, king?" "I'd have led a spade," Mr. f .judge of the Supreme Court by I his lawyers. . ' I Mullock's appeal against the h'.H-.ycar prison sentence Imposed I on him was dismissed by tin; ! B.C. Court of Appeal which con-j finned the sentence. Pamphk '.s Ffrjnd COPtNIIAflliN 'l Pi.ii.i.nleis In Hn --ian v :re lound on Ihej Ii;iivi isianc of Moen this week alter planes of iiiikiiocn na-tionalUy flew over the area Kun-day'nle.ht. The pamphlets weiv sent to Danish Army Intelligence lor Investigation. t ..5. 1 i . i ; W' -nm. - ' .n r Mr IN SPRING A YOUNG MAN'S FANCY . . . It u.cd lo.tiiin lo love and poetry but in this day and age, it seems to he love and a jalopy. I, over lioys don't seem lo lie. writing poetry any more and, from what wc recall of our youth, it's probably just as well. So now that the sap Is beginning to flow, most of the young swains around town Kcem to have their eyes on some dame, or some jalopy or both. In either case we fsh them luck. We hope they all get, both. But about that Jalopy whether you want some old boat to pole around in or one of the slecB newer models, we've got 'em. These and many others to choose from. . Muzzy admitted. Thcre'd be no MATTRESSES J fJ ' A Jj tiood quality mattresses with resilient steel coil springs. Padded wilh soft layers of colored cotton felt. Firm border wilh rolled edges. 50 Pontiac Tudor Heater. Low mileage. Not a scratch. Only $1465 v. 38 Ford Sedan 52 Monarch Sedan Automatic transmission. Light green paint. $2295 49 Ford Sedan Ixiaded with all accessories, including twin stacks. $1225 1 ha" " ' Covered with panel damask licking in assorted patterns. Well-venlilalcd. Standard length. Good 4 new Motor jtor tires. es. $195 BURNETTS WHI" SATIN GIN 539-50 FROM BURNETT'S iU2!LEI GIN rno LTD BOB PARK GORDON & ANDERSON YOUR FORD-MONARCH DEALER BOB PARKER LTD. . ' "THE HOME O FRIENDLY SERVICE" Tern Thi$ advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control farH nr bv 0vrn"rt of British. Co'ub'a, Prince Rupert, B.C. Phorto 46 ' 1 ' V X r