Thursday, April 29, n, Thf erSianadian loungsters hace . ; i : j.r . .... Obiii xCP Ah airplafae now L betnsrused to direct the hunt for Wblves who have been, ravaging reindeer flocks In Norway's northernmost province of Flnrufirk. Bleak Future Says Ireland Francois Area , Seeks Power From Burns Lake Special to Trie Dully News TTPANrnTS T.AKIT PnssihlHfv Board Allocates Roosevelt Park Playing Times people around to make bathing huts pay in this Kent seaside town, so the council Is closing ! them. j An intellectual Sahara as the inheritance facing today's children was forecast by Willard Ireland, provincial librarian and archivist speaking here last night, as he ribbed Canadians for their smug approach OUR POLICY We Sell to Satisfy We Serve to Please Times for the use of Roosevelt park were laid down last night I of obtaining electric power from : PRE-FISHING SEASON by the Panes poaro. wun me URe f tbJs dlstrlct was Senior Baseball Association get- . , to Canadianism. annV." annWlanV. 1 .1 ' ' ..J . ; - .t,. v v Speaking to the Prince Rupert ' t"ThTVh. , Z cherished the advances of Can-Canadian .,,n r-iu .v.. Club the on topic, rfi .,, m.. ting the lion's share of the alio- " " " "-"""b cations. the Farmers' Institute, attended Letters from the Senior Base "Something to Cherish, Dy i;yru oneuura, muv. Mr. Shelford promised the 50 maternity wear infants' wear CHILDREN'S CLOTHE era. SUB-TEENS ball Association, the Pony League and the Prince Rupert Tootball Association were read asking for time at the Acropolis Hill park. The seniors wanted Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sunday afternoons; the Pony League asked attending the session that he would look into the matter, suggesting that the power would probably be made available if local resdlenta were willing to work on the project, preparing All This and Service Too Friday, April 30 10-2 a.m. The STORK ShopW that Canada was giving its children, through the schools, an appetite for drama, music and art, when it was not prepared to give them those things in adulthood. He said that Canadians had three main approaches to Canadianism. There was the "tourist" approach of people who cherished the beauty spots of the country, each becoming sentimental over a lake, a mountain, a marsh in his own neighborhood. There was the Intellectual or Legion Auditorium Jake's Rhythm Kings And finally there was ihe businessman'3 approach, Whose proponents went Into raptures over statistics on Canada's production and potential wealth. There was nothing wrong with any or all of those approaches, said Mr. Ireland, but they left much to be desired In a nation which was defined by St. Augustine as "an association of reasonable beings united In a peaceful sharing of things they cherish." Defining "cherioi."' ns more than just love, but a willingness to do something for the thing cherished, he said that Canadians failed to cherish their form of government. In their w.a. United Fishermen and Allied Workers' Union for Monday, Wednesday, Friday holes for the power line poles, and Saturday afternoons. The j The member also gave a brief football group sought playing talk on improved conditions in time on Wednesday, Friday and Central B.C., after which the In-occasional Saturday nights. j stltute business meeting was The board granted all the held. senior baseball requests, allowed I the Ponv League Mondays, Frl- I FRANCOIS LAKE Weather is days and Saturday afternoons continuing cold here and the and agreed to the football asso- lake remains frozen, with the elations bid for Wednesday's Ice still in use as a road across and Saturday afternoons but not the lake. However, Clarence Fridays. I Durban broke through the Ice near shore lulu alklnB The board refused an offer from Hyde Transfer for any of , recently. KIDDIES ! PERSONALS failure to exercise their right to vote. 2,000 yards of fill at $2 a yard, Frank Calder. Atlin MLA, ar-j rived here yesterday aboard the Prince Rupert for a brief busi-i ness visit. He came from Bella i Coola where he has spent the i past week reporting on the leg-' IkIhMvp RpjiKinn s And aill return In International -elations Canadians were inclined to be complacent about their reputation abroad, second to no other nation. Instead of cherishing Raying that they had no need for that type of till at the moment. The Rotary tennis courts will be rolled and the board approved a motion to buy a new nylon ARCH-PAL RUNNERS for ploy and everyday CUSHION HEEL ARCH SUPPORT CUSHION INSOLE ill r$g I ) For economy ( 1 1 I south tonight to Ocean Falls that reputation, they complained ; where a meetinir b r.eheduled about the cost of the Colombo While nei aim iiwurvea inr c,iy ores plan uhich, helping to nrevent. mmmiinUm In harlrn urri , department to install It. A fish -e tor,. . countries. al.o b.Htered Canada's ' net " '1M ?e 'eJ to P- , remits inn in tlin-e rninJiiex. , ict the apartments adjacent to for Monday night. l Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Hill, 1413 Eighth Avenue Fast, returned home aboard the Rupert yester- ! dpy from a veek-iong stay in i Vancouver, where ;they visited Snug heel fit, lots of toe room. in colors of: In the field of arts, he said, ! th ' couurts- ', , , , people were smug about the In- I 7,ewb(rd agTr" toJ'Y. dividual accomplishments but ba.r,bccL,wlr " ,th b,?f ' failed to support those arts. bcll,m the cl,-v. Ha' , Se"'lce . . park to prevent children from Canada s dominion drama fes- m Qver th ed tlval would have collapsed if a . " ' brwrry hadn't underwritten it ?Ruby, Plaid. Blue, Green, BrownRed, Jade. T Sizes 4 to 2. Priced from $2.69 to $2.95 Mrs. Hill's brother. '; . ' t :. f Dr. S. F. Carr and nurses of the Skeena Public Health Unit three vears ago. Tlie national ! Pnnort I AnSMI staff al?o returned aboard the SURROUNDINGS I I ) I CAHNCD FOODS Commodore Cafe)! V --" D Rupert yesterday from an Easter art gallery In Ottawa in 192 had FASHION FOOTWEAR a complete staff. inriiHtin" ir.i Card Series Ends week public health conference tors, of four. The civic art gal lery in the city of Toledo, Ohio, ' had a staff of 28. Canade's Ubrari?. too. were ' The final session of the Can- j adian Legion weekly card party scries was staged In the Legion hall last night with nine tables ! In play. Scries prizes will be presented at a wind-up party,' scheduled for May 5. . j Shingles not cherished. In some provin- ces, 80 per cent of the people uu no library facilities. Finally, he said, Canada's soul in the south. 'sn nrrivio" ?ibnrd the Rupert wre the Ven. Edward Hod- on and Mrs. Hodson of Nanalmo. Mr. Hodson. former archdeacon f Caledonia, will be Incumbent 't St. Andrew's Cathedral here for the next month, during the bsen':e ot toe Hev. Canon Basil Proi ktpr who is visiting former parishes in Alberta and Saskatchewan, i Popular D. R. "Doc" Allen has taken over purser's duties on needs some cherishing, and left ' 'lis audi-"" with th' words of I you -never even Queen Elizabeth when she urged a'i i hi mild m i t -r m ill last night's play saw Mrs. Lena Amoth and All Jensen take Women's and men's honors In whist. Crib winner were Mrs. M. Simpson and 0 K. Olsen while topping bridge players were Mrs. Peachy and Mrs. Molly Montgomery. ' ., . t The committee In chaise ln- r'uded Mrs. Buttcrlck, Mrs. L. i Franklin and Mrs. Montgomery. thought of ine Kupert lor the summer season. ' I 1M AVOUITi CIOA fOU tVMT OCCASION ; -if the Commonwealth to go lor- ; unwavering faith and a quiet heart, with the covrage to ven-ur beyond the s.ifelies of the past. "WIVES SHOULD BE WELL EDUCATED" MONTREAL ff Higher edu-'ation for women Is the answer to "many of the Increasingly serious social problems" of mod-;rn Canadian lue, a Roman Catholic trirls' college said to-lay. A brief prepared for the Que-jec royal commission on constitutional problems said well-educated wives create a "solidar-y of family life." Oailr Sf wt Want Alg Get Kejulls 5'". : s.' i "-. ' . t-; 'I V '-f t -,i ; UCI v. in; : .. '" " - -'V r A! 1 1 : a few ' ' -is I A J1: i Standing directly between you and the - weather, the roof is the most important J element id your home. ; Therefore you need a roof you can trust, made rom shingles you can count on. Shingles that are right for your roofs -shingles that fit in .style, colour and per- formance. , Barrett makes a sliingle style for every type of roof imaginable . . . and some you never even thought of. Giant, three tab strips a yard across . . . shingles with built-in -shadows, shingles that lock together, sliingles that are light and shingles that are heavy. 'Shingles specially made for re-roofing. 5; And these shingles have colour. ihAtnT' f GRASS SHEARS mmm I Spumlcss steel tray. fUAWNMOWERS Tempered tool steel blades with keen rutting ed!es. Hardwood, handles. forced rolled edges. W steel handles. Ban-bear-" disc-type wheel. Col wish our von Fngineered. adjusted for fast ruttlt:?. smooth running. Precision built for years of troublo-fre)f -service. Five spirfll-cuttlrg blades of finest Stiff field .steel. Rigid cutter bur with precision ground ,llp Vclgc. Securely niouiited DAYLIGHT SAVING OR STANDARD? TIME WILL BE LOCAL 1A T - V I hardwood lnnd roller. Quality needs packaeed by reputable Seed Houses suarai hiuheiit possible getniinatlon. For the best seeds see selection now. , , !21-75 ybu'd seen before Soft, pleasant pastels with frost-white overtones. They're known as Frostone colours. ' ;In gray, green, red or blue, they're perfect for ranch-style homes. i t Deep, full colours, blended with shades 3bf the same colour. They're known as Full-v3one colours. In Mack, green, red or blue, liey're right for larger homes. If you're planning a new roof, it might 3ie worth your comfort to see your Darrelt VChere there's dirt there's germs. But 2 tahlespoonstul of "JAVKX" per gllon of cleaning water . . . DISINFECTS os it CLEANS, WHITENS REMOVES STAINS BRIGHTENS and DEODORIZES TIME GARDEN HOSE Qood quality rubber reinforced wllh strong fibre cords built into the rubber. Tough, durable and flexible, It will stand up to years of use with normal care and attention. (dealer. From Barrett has offices in Halifax, Montreal, .Toronto, Winnipeg and Vancouver. "JAVnX" gcu things thoroughly clean, safely sweet and sanitary. 1o save countless steps . . . SHOVELS THI BARRETT COMPANY, LIMim 1 n u ... 4 D ... On and after April 25th (when many Canadian and U.S. communities adopt Daylight Saving Time) all TCA arrivals and departures will hequoted in l.ooiL time. That is either Daylight Saving Time or Standard Time whichever is in effect in the city of arrival or departure. This step is taken as a convenience to our passengers. . TRANS-CAN ADA AIR LINES Strong, steel blade, 12' J" by 9". anchored to stout hardwood handle. .ruuer oi, Vancouver, K.C. WITH Each "Itetween lit? ITurht 4nd the M ca(itr since JiljV 8'd Trodt Mark 100 PURE PAINT 2Sf ' i j yrTJ 1 each in bath- t'V TW A 1 room, kitchen Hill i J nti lHundrj' . . , f Win 'ur daily use to Ey. MARTIN SEYNO'JR Snvc on decora ting costs with these fine, ca.-y to miply. paints. In all the modern A Hu" your faiu-' SEPTC TANKS .75 Albert & McCaffery Ltd. jg 57 shades lo match any decor. SEE FOB VOritSl l.K GAU.OS 1.70 1.70 2.75 80c n AICC Reinforced 13'V' steel head has 14 ivAlCjl teeth. 5-ft. hardwood handle MACC Pcl blade has a solid shank for llvC J added strength. 5-ft. hardwood handle rAfJIC polished sines forged from spring IvKlXJ 'steel. Sturdy hardwood handle . . Reinforced metal head. Flcx- I 3Un P)kP ",1c sPrlnK steel teeth. LUnll AUlXV Hardwood handle Prince Kupert. B.C. Thyne 116-1 17-58. Terrace. B.C. Phone 1U1 ' EBY and SONS LTD. 400 Third Are. East Phone Blue 156 APPROVEO BARRETT APPLICATORS J Enquire about our easy budget terms GORDON SANDERSON Phone Zli becond St. Phone 620