Prince Rupert Daily News Si a i i1 d Thursday, April 29, 1954 rsaaers ''. ntre rH-pannifiii, Wall at McClymont Park Reported 35 Complete DUKE WILL HELP j show at the Empire pool July 8 LONDON CP) The Duke oi ! Commonwealth Games Anneal. Edinburgh will attend an ice i.n aid of the British Empire and four and six i three ''' Half price recorcU-sale now on at McRaes. (101) WANT A PERFECT HOME? Take time to find the one you want and be sure your roods are stored safely with a responsible warehouseman. Phone 60 THAT'S in, with the ( Hor Majesty, The rock retaining wall in McClymont Park Is 35 per cent tt, II, that ap- f ' "j uuifl iiimi inn lit vir i rif'H Min mn inn warvo Legion Card Party- tonight, 8 ' p.m. lt) ! Attention all Men's Five Pin Bowlers. Banquet, Friday, April 30, Valhalla Hall, 7:00 p.m. (It) I ti.p fivP-fPiit stamp board nlht. . publicly April 1. : iue stamps will 1 dlf- He expects that the wall will be completed by the end stamp . , .u un fivr-cent 1 i (he of June. I .mis and denomina- For New Construction and Repair Work SEE GREER &BRIDDEN m,m of one. two, uiree " as iu wnemer ne , c...!j nrf I ,eilt wej lfjfiUeSi thought a rock wall was more economical than a concrete one, f '""'l temp will be , Mr. Beaton said that he did. Local and l.onj instance Moving i Saturday, an old favorite, Dixie Taffv cake. 50c. Don't forget "It's far ahead of a cement the wall," city superintendent co-Op Enriched Bread, your best 'Leove it to Lindsay's" Your "Allied" Agent LIMITED Phone 909 215 Is Ave. W. f !''''(! Uie sovereign saId- "You necd a rook staining wall to halt the erosion In j buy. Ask for it by name at your ' the park. There's a certain amount of give to it." i grocers. (101) Advertising in the Daily News Brings ResulH j i rr f t a a a a a m PLAYERS and EXPORT ZC . purtK-VALU .np 1 ASIa airltr krinkf trA rnriAnr !ninriA I HIUC QlJlOr Ul lyi-il ailU LJC1UUU3 niiciiui . . . . CIGARETTES 2QC 1 IMIU BV AM II f is. Package SUP2R-VALU FOOD STORES SPEOALS GOOD UNTIL MAY 5th Laiyc Tanciy ui mien iuuu ai iuw tuii . . . . Five modern checkouts for fast service ... Easy to locate merchandise . $2. Carton of Ten lischmann's Yeast 4 for 19cu '4 39c MARGARINE GOOD LUCK Pound 37c BABY CEREAL Heinz, 16-oz. . BABY MEATS Strained, Heinz ...i JAVEX : 64-oz. Deal 20c Raspberry Jam Nabob 24-oi. Jar 40c 27c 45c SOAP PALMOLivE Oatmeal Cookies Dad's Package with 5 coupon attached )PADFFRIIIT llllfF IT . Very Womans" Moy issue 5c k!( Pepper n. 3 Tin . . ... . 2tc itant Coffee n.,.!.. $1,90 itant Coffee m'm.j-. 65c arts & Wieners Purito'n, Tin .... 31c lian Olive Oil Pure, Pint 76c tracts 2-oz. Bottle 21c kled Beets 16-oz. jar 34c ;Hsh Heini Hot Dog, Jar 40c Oiks Nifty Fried. Pkt 29c PEAS 2 tins 25c JL J C Nobob' 2-OI-2 Tins Q Bars Assorted sizes Cherrio THE WONDER BOOKS OF KNOWLEDGE SETS ARE NOW COMPLETE 71c DUZ MIXED PICKLES Sweet, Primrose, 16-oz. Jor ;. TOMATO JUICE Heinz, 20-oz. Tin . .... . 30c 15c Giant, Box 55c PASTE WAX SHORTENING JEWEL Johnson's, V: - 25 c 71c OXYDOL ion Cheese Tumbler 31c Giant GLADIOLA BULBS ASSORTED COLORS Dozen In A Box CLEARANCE The following DIABETIC FOODS fr Brcokfost Flokes JAM WESTMINSTER TISSUE Ml 1c 0 L DlfHITt Why not visit St. Peter's Curiosity Shop at the Pot Pourri in the Civic Centre April 29, 30 and May 1 I Sugarless Swcetner 59c Soya Flour -V PUDDING Each BEAN STARCH t ja I . , - 24c Pound Pkt. Burns 1 SUCATED STEAKS nd 69c eakfast Sausage Pound 50c ORANGES J"" 344s3 Dozen 05c CELERY no. i. pound 15c ASPARAGUS No- Imported, Pound 2.9c i '. AVOCADO l..9. toch 1 7c PARSLEY 5c RADISHES 2 bunches 19c GREEN ONIONS 2 bunches 19c FIELD RHUBARB 2 pounds 25c BANANAS Go!de" 2 pounds 45c F0?D2inis25c KiStGHUP-.29c PEACHES S i8c AAargoriinie 3c AiWBURGER Fresh Ground, Pound 39C .0RK JOWLS No. 1 Smoked, Pound 47C CiC HAM Burns Midget, Pound 69C Fresh and Frozen Fish 3c police Burns, Tin MELTS Frozen, 1 Pound Pkg. 32c f jOD FILLETS Rock or Pacific, Pound 35c reein SeoiniSK12c DIP CI I I ETTC r iik dl AOr ,- rikbEl I J rroieni r . ARRIVING FOR THE WEEKEND STRAWBERRIES WATERMELONS I CANTALOUPES HOT HOUSE TOMATOES TEAiASr..55c Cream Corn DEW KIST 2 omis 25c iACK COD Smoked Alaska, Pound 49C pNng Salmon Fresh' o$ ovaiiabu, Lt69c