flmCc XVUfv'iL LJii:V ltw.. Thursday, April TJ. iao4 gi:o!'(;k fvfs AUCTIONEER RADIO DIAL CFPRi24c uc. 'Subject to Change) R!K and Rod 127 Pbone R!ac Prirke George Voting May 14 ; PRINCE GLOtfO:::, B.C. K:-Ratcpayprs In Prince Georje ex- 1 i pert to go to the )j:!! . May 11 'a j vote on a eontrovi tsial S'.OOO,-: BUSINESS And PROFESSIONAL 3:15 Brave Voyio'e 3:30 H.K-down 3 :4 D C. Rquet Pnjrid'i 4. If Vixuii and y.Xfu K Q'u.r, 4:U0 Nor'h (or A'tvei.lui" ft:(K) howdy liofwlv 5:15 l-itli'. Snt,' I line 5:40 Inltrnal,, ,r.al Cc Tnlv 5:45 t HO No',-: Weather 5:55 Interlude fi:ti() 0 :.')0 7 fi(J 7:lf) 7:iO n:00 0:45 (1(1 0:30 1(1 CI) THOfiSD'Y Sll(MT ScrcnarlJ Vv'avnp t nrl wr.ufitfr ( BO Nea ClJC Ni'Wi Uoumilip Fvc-n' idi- P'iular Arts in America Til" O'.lrnnfKlDrfR CMC V- H.'tniv-. r ennrrt Fu'hfr K(jo'8 Best OK) News Wiii:iiif(,r Drnma-Meathfr lii'tMirr Anyone 1. lsu iiiittf ? M''ii-oir inrnAY 000 school expansion referr iitum. The date must, b" approved by the provincial i;overnment. ' Mayor Cordon Bryant lias saiJ the city cannot jifford the pro- ' gram. I ! VL TANKS NSW JEADLIHE FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 4:30 P.M. DAY PREVIOUS l' j i n 1 ! V r.sl T:,' l!nOO ij,. 'rnnlt HO.flO o .i t..i.k . . 76,or 12 Cia i;:e s-eel 3 Extra., I.NT.rSTRIAL WELDING CO. fJrei n 8S4 - 221 1st Ave. E. tfff"' r-rrrrrtrer nm,.. . . . . .. nmiiiif 1 OTTAWA DfAKY CHOP SUEY . . . . . . CHOW MEIN Open 6 p.m. - 3:30 a.iji. I 16 LOST ! 31WANTFI) MISC F.LLANEOI S ! ACTOMOBILES j Ossified Kites 10:15 ll:ul 1 ' :0d A M 7:0(1 7:15 7 :a(l 7:M." H:00 Hifi 8:45 HOMEMADE brown leather box style purse, with personal papers. Leave at Dally News Office. Reward. (101) IK HU P WANTMTm.U..:" (Continued from Page 2) . : ' ' prices is acknowledged to be the current high level of taxation. ! ' But whenever lower t:ix;iion i talked in the Commons, the ' government comes up with the : : answer that, while 1U desira- I CASH FOR ' Scrap. . copper, Vass. batteries. radiators. Phone 543 Call 630 8th Ave. West. (c) 33 BOATS AND ENGINES TWO-TONE green, 1953 Plymouth club coupe, 5 puncture-proof tires, radio and other ac-csorie. Fveiiont condition Phone. Red 769 evenings. (101) 1940 CHRYSLER Sedan, very Hollywood Cafe Mrs. Rowe . DRESSMAKING iri Third Avenue East, over R'ajx.i! nailery Shtip. Phone CiVK 1-C- , 4:30 p m. day previous word P" ln- , ,n vt ,liUliuiiim zMTHe SO cent UMth Nolle-.. Funeral jYrrtase "'' Engagement .''mm'. '-',,n' ,:Bf double Pr,0-Nll Mm. 'Is not ifepr. wronslbllKJ . id! ln.,'Tt'l mcorrcctij rlinae 13: For Outside Ordc: bility is in no sense disputed, it ; good running order, new tires. ;b practically impossibl c, in view ; at $495. Cheap transportation See Dave at 112 Taxi. JANITOR for Port Edward ! 35-FOOT "Thrasher." Combina-Sc iool, heating certificate not; tion halibut, (roller, complete, required. Applications must he in j Apply 415 llth Ave E ' writing. State, qualifications, bk (insi and marital status. Mrs. M. M Roper, Secretary - Treasurer, i 3t ROOM FOR ItF.NT School Di.stilct No. 52 Box 517 j Prince Rupert. 1 101 1 , FURNISHED rooms. 1021 2nd C C. Fishermen's Eroadcaflt Miisirnl CKfCk CBC Nf-ww; Weather M11-I. .1I ( lin k -Mornhis llcvolloni) t'BC Ni-w:;: We;.lhcr V-:t'.. i::r. Co 1 TUP BrcukfKSl ('lull l.eftiivi-rs LUC u:irt Comty. Amu Lury , . l.iuM'a I.tci ('ttnsp What Mny TlniP Siynal Mornlnx VWt The H;-lpv nan' MuMn.l Kitchen ' Your (lood Wi ililvir Kiiidcitiarti n ol the Air Mrsti' I'rrlml and Talk tiv linliaii sii(. n(itft Mcl'.s Khchen riiC Nowr CHC Showcase B.C. Farm Broadcast i1i,.riioie Records lor You Record Album Nat. Si hool Broadcast Tran-Canada 5", tine1 U03p) ifflH ciawlneacou mnrm i nf r'uc.'i ermrs U received Ji,ouri of l''1 ' luaerti-jn. 1951 "2-TON Ford Pick-up. Heavy duty transmission, ra- OHCMETRIST KEITH H. TUCKER 10 Fourth Street Faonc 212 i):tm !):15 a ::. 0:r 0 :f.H in (10 1 0 : )5 I 0 :45 I I :ll() 1 ) I l::m 1 1 :50 f ivl. lair. 1 2 -if, 12:30 . ...l 1 :00 1:30 2 '00 2 :10 TRUCKT driver Annlv e,,,H. Canada ' . 1UP' i dlo and heater, etc. Phone Black t Packers Ltd. 412. 104 1 101 1 ROOM, board if desired. 317 7th West. (1041 1!) Help Wld. Male female of the nation's internationp.l and ; military commitments. With the lengthening yhadow : of Indo-China events, the reali- j zation is growiii!; in ParlUiment ' that Canada's existing commit- : ment.) in the international field ; are right up to the limit of what I the nation can afford, if indeed, ', they have not already passed ' that point, For that reason, j Canada's Geneva delegation is I likely to spe."." iuch of its time I on the Eideliii'r LECAL AO'I'IC'S 'ANT AD REPLIES 5th East. tlOlp) '53 BUICK Hard Top convertible. with dynaflow and power steering. 8.000 miles. Phone Red 806. i 103i ROOMS for rent. 427 THOSE wishing to appjy for t he ; position of Playground Direc- imrT, tor for the summer months may " """t" M"c Kl e holding replies CAf'LING I RUCK LINE staves Pr. Pupert tor Smithers Svtry Tuwdti? nd Frlda7. For .'onnectfor.s Phone 632 . suuuni in writing ineir uoplica-' , i 4 BTUDEBAKER Sedan, new tion to Mr. F. Jones. Parks Su-I THREE-ROOM ut w bungalow, furn-i paint, new rubber, radio. Verv pervisor, co the Civic Centre, ''snpd' Der month. 221 9th reasonable. R. Green, New Floats. M.aung qiiaiincallnns. experience! ttuipi. (103pi following News cs: 925 i;itu tiu-t reierenc?. :A Kl'ITKS FOR ItF.NT 1100' - Broadway Cafe t'52 CHEV. Coach, low mileage, excellent condition. Radio, heater, etc. Phone 863. (102) ! 25 Sitmtions Wanted Female ' THREE-ROOMED . unfurnished aparimeni, cenirauy iocatea Dlie. must b-' down town.-R. B. ,Mort,lmeis.353 truck ririv- j YOUNG man want, 1950 CHEVROLET. Good condition. Phone Black 906. (lOOp) d h-r in person 3rd Ave. Phone 88. ( 1051 ihg job. Annlv Hox 937 IkiMv 'F YOU WANT A CUTSEIt bPJVEWA ROCK OR '.ONCRETF WORK Rent of Tt t,i k a:id Eouipment Ph. Biu 'i!h M. J. SAUNDERS News. (KIOpl !2fi U lUiINf, M.ViritlALS ioMiv. rvr.vTs TWO-ROOM furnished nnart-ment with private entrance. Phone Green 890. (104) 1953 AUSTIN A-40. Low mileage. Phone Red 978. (104p !o v i.tvn Kn.iMm act ! Ke: f'erlidiale of '(Hie . . ; ! to Lot Thlrteeii !::. !!!., k (;iepii (II), Vlllaire of t.t(-H,ir(. Mail SIS ' WHEHEA.S .sr. i isfac'.. rv f,rm! (A. loss o( the aho'.'i- r,-v; ii i :, .. ol Tit Issued In the name ol Minnie Fan- sen has been filed tn this olliee. i notice is hereby given thi:t I r.n.ill, i at the expiration or one nionlli from the date of the first publicailon hereof. Issue a Provisional Ocniti-Pflte of Title in !r-u ol paid 1' '-. Certificate, unless in the mea-itirnr valid ohjectlon be made to i.ie t:i writing. DATED at the Lani Re,'l'-:Uy Office. Prince Rupert. 'BC, ll.js 24t 1 day of February. K1.14. . j". mwn' Union Dance, i PHILPOTT, EVITT Si CO. LTD. LEGAL NOTICE Phone 651 or 6: April 30. :ilnrniin FURNISHED apartment. Must be quiet respectable person. Phone Green 928. UOlp) j INQUIRE about our budget plan ! for your home improvement. :g tstow, nire tn. M'iv 1. No down payment. $100.00 to SMALL furnished suite. Private $2,000. 6 to 24 ri'os. to pay. j both and entrance. Phone (107) I Black 255. (101) SCOVi McLAKEN OHi.RTERKD ACCOUNT Jamr.3 Clock, 608 3rd Ave. W- friiice Rupert, B.C. Phone 347 t-.vj. t..x M Sale, 1 AunimaKe EEST OF FOOD . FINEST OF COOKING FOR TAKE OCT ORDERS Phone 200 SS1 II I' T . 27 Fl'FL SUITES. Phone Red 984. (107) This dvfftiinl i not puhl,ltH w intytA hi (he Liquot Control Board or by tar Oovfrnman l Sr'liili CokrmW p, PRINCE KITI.RT I.tND KICOKIHM; DINTRICT TAKE NOTICE that Kelley Loggtng Company Limited of Vancouver, occupation Lodging Operators. Intends to apply for a lease of the following rieAcrlled land, situate In Shannon Bay, Mantel Inlet, Graham Inland, adjoining Lots 457 and 458, Queen Charlotte Land District. COMMENCING at a post plantod at high water mark on the easterly nhore of Shannon Bay. distant aouth-westerly 464 feet from the northeast corner of Lot 458: thence N. 49' w ANDHEW 'I HOMPSOS . Deputy. Keisti'ar ol Titles. llJUUC) in Lri'jon Card party HOMES Hilt HALE 40 By' CHICK YOUNG BLONDIE '.'.r liazaar 17 Try Clean, Hard, Hot BRIQUETTES In your FireDlace, Cookstove or Furnace S24 40 Ton Delivered ALBERT & McCAFFERYi LTD. Phone 116, 117 or 58 I FF?L LIKE I COULD $1000 Down Move Right In i Newly re-decorated two bed- room home, in good location. 1 Large living room with cheery ( vone:;ful Bceakfast- LICK TME WORLD TODAY J -( I FttL FINE THIe 1 f-. --'y .A - v : A3 1. T, i ...I- 1 800 feet, more or less, tn the shore incr. M.iy 8th. Legion Invitation only. Jerry s B.irber Shop. I !""- "'." -""" v "J !r : Rn Wand known as L. 457; thence i two good bedrooms and i batli. i fniin,n ,h ,,h,i dh ...ill... f U, 1.1. I . . . . . ' ' "mw.j shoreline o( Lot 457, 340 feet; thence . Day lea, May N. 35 30' W.. 250 feet; thence N. I iiuiuij uianuy itjiii Kill vile r.o chen. Full basement, hot water I heat. Must be sold. $4200. ; 3 Bedrooms. Close In R. su' 'V $3 ' Ufl r-ty hmm iF' few MW- A r5t:ir tnc siurii 54' 30' E . 250 feet: thence S. 48' tt 445 feet; thence N 33" E, 586 i feet; thence S. 67 E.. 170 feet, more or leas, to the easterly shore or , Shannon Bay; thence southwesterly 1 alone the easterly fihore nf Shannon- Your agents for McLeod River Hard Coal 1 105) iFOk your fuel reauirements: Oil ''Shell" Stove and Furnace. Coal Foothills and Brv-an Mln. Gas "Pacific" Propane. PH1LPOTT. EVITT & CO. LTD. Phone 651 or 65? (107) i Itf-'ITl KE FOR SAIL U'i;i'in i(iminiae : .(purr Shop, May 15. Spacious family home, one bicck to schools. Large living-dining room combination. Cabinet kitchen, three good bedrooms and bath. Full basement. Hot nie firWi'ice. Terms to suit. Full price SfiHOO. A R MSTKONO AGENCIES LTD. 342 Eves. Red 953 1 100) Bay 710 feet, more or less, to t.te point of commencement and containing & acres, more or less, for the purpose of dumping, sorting ani booming Iocs. Dated April 12th, 1954. KELLEY LOOOINO COMPANY LIMITED. Wilhelm Sverre, Agent. (A-2D, M-6, 13, 20c) ira Festival. Tickets and iv.iilable ft i' and Civic rid lira : 13, 14 mi ic Shir KITCHEN set table. 3 chairs. By AL CAPP LI'L ABNER .. . JIW . , , ... , - i ., in, -,r a - r-.m T-irniii-n 'ssTriwiisTrnsi "isi iinnm ' if m ii i - t " 'i 1 1 i buffet. Fairlv good condition.' Apt. 6, Killas ft Christopher Ants, j Bazaar, Phone Red 631. itf-nr) 29A SEWING .viAClllNES I liple S;i!"ng Y - WOU TALIOHT V May 15. AfN IT.r.r NOPP WORK WLL yQctR WAV is tzz 1 US TMZ , Kt-Li i e. I v:'s Earing Bazaar,' VCXJR ri(l'K HI I'KRT I M Ki t (IIIIIIMi IIIMHH T TAKE NOTICE that Kelley Lo(!glnc Company Limited of Vancouver, occupation Lopping Operators, intendi ft IS so- THE CRUMMUHISTS, SAf.FS Repairs Rentals. Ringer Sewing Cent;?. Phona S':4. h POMF OF GOODBYE A GROUP OF GOOD BUYS Two on Graham Ave., swell homes with a lovely view. Nice home on Fifth Avenue near McBride with good grounds. Large revenue home near city cen"e. Sec these before they ro T. NORTON YOUNGS Real Estate and Insurance Phone 451 Let us have your listing fdr quick action. (102) rVV GOT A ' DlFFEReNT FOR TH y i.ui Mi.'.'i, LIDDLE NOODMIK- nary Tea, (122) FOR S L Misc. i 32 "A ' - .I ' tii. 4 t i . .t ... . " i . t 4 1 '-. ... , tf ' (. .. I y i "ii, 4 T- i " 'i t' i r1 1 Hazanr. May 27. to apply for a lease of the following described lands, situate on the eatst i shore of Justleatla Inlet, Graham Island, adjoining Lou 1023 and 1625. Queen Charlotte Land District. I COMMENCING at a post planted I at High water mark on the east j shore ol Justkntla Inlet about 132 feet. km SOLID oak exten.sion dining table and four chairs, threa bundles fibreglass Insulation :i".''ivly-ri"Y Sale, May If M iv 29. (battsi, draltlng table. 4 ft. by Extra Special 6 ft. with adjustable base and I six-room wartime, four bed-Mool. drafting instruments and rooms, all in excellent condition, scales, rust proof metal straight corner lot, Price S4500. Terms ar- rj -fji' fi l ify ft:i:il!S southwesterly from the northeast corner of Lot 1623: thence northeasterly along-the shoreline of Juatkatla Inlet 720 Iwt; thence northwesterly 300 feet; thence southwesterly parallel to the shoreline 720 feet; -thence southeasterly 300 fort, more or less. ranged. Exclusive with idge, eight steel tapes in feet or chttins. 100 ft. to 300 ft. long, beam compass in two sections, steel rock drills und jack hum -Born to Mr. and Mrs. Ui28 2nd Avenue pt Prince Rupert Gen H. G. HELQERSON LTD. Real Estate & Insurance to point of commencement, and con By STAN DRAKE THE HEART 'CP JULIET JONES 216 6th St, Phone 96 or Black 197 j talning & ncrea. more or less, for the ii on Saturday. April mer, steel dies, letters una iiiim- sorting and ,4100) 1 purpose of dumping. evenings t , ,1-- it ,':i ':,. ia 1 tn; irn-i w.i . i- . i 'N. ' .' J son Robert Wayne, bprs two desk lamps. One II brother for navtrl i,i,ihi OA t.oi-cic ii- ieii. linn WAL...I NE5PMY ' W HANt?6 TO BXT Dooming qi.ioRjT. ,. . Dated. UttaAMU r 1954. '. vkv sensitive vees- LOVtLV. AIL ffkJHT.. LISTEN! TO HAL, HONEY IP "tOU G;F3 .- TVt t - x, ' KLlEY LOOOlNGT MtV a, TOC... JULigT PO pr ' t n CAN AFFCRP CAS EAT IT' NP VOU CAN HJ'E 'r. 9AC fCB A LITTLE 6-ROOM HOUSE, 3 bedrooms, automatic oil furnace, furnished or unfurnished. Phone Black 286, 416 6th West. (105p) COMPANY LIMITED. Wilhelm fsverre. Agent. (A-29, M-0, 13, 20c) IF VOU'LL RJSiSiVE TViE CCEMY " rjuki 1, t ocr ,w,iu - -rue r. one roll drawing: papt i " wide, three bntss plumb-bobs and general engineering and office supplies. Phone Red 8B. (103) WHILE.. r-UIV, WC ni-wiw inu Wel cousH pre it. so toss fAK.-l AVt I rlu KLLw'in r --t ' S. I'KKSONAl, 1 Hie strains of the naires every Friday " km.. Hail. Adnn.s-"iicscoried ladies ari-f lieforc ii :i!ri p. (H) NEWLY built house, 3 rooms and bath. Phone Green 626. (104) In Re t.lule nf Joseph tinmen. 0(hemlse Knonil Jnsepli Hronn lleeeaseil. TAKE NOTICE that as Administra ONE used Condor Oil Range, onej bassinette, one bathtub with1 fixtures, one new 60-gal. H.W. 1 tor duly appointed by the Court nf LARGE revenue house. Centrally located. Terms. Phone Red 297 after 6. (110) the estate of Joseph Drowen, otherwise known as Joseph Brown. Deceased, late of Port Esslngton. Brlti-h Columbia, who died at Prince Rupert, Ali'oholli cs 0. Box 3411 13 1 t . - fii too ou for a .V:u . ' WHAT. HAL? M FURNISHED apartment with sink and range. Call at 522 Fulton St. Apt. 3. (103) tank. Phone Green 959. (1001 SET of Lipsett 6-spool gurdies. I Also steel disk halibut roller for gillnet boat. Cheap for cash. Phone Green 86. (100p) RSONALS NEW 3-bedroom house. Furnish "nd land-scaping, f "i-sreen plant.ng, rock I ed. Full basement. 1119 6th British Columbia, on the llth day 01 March, 1954, I require all creditors and others having claims against the said estate to send the same to me, properly verified, at the address mentioned below on or before the 7th day of June, 1954. after which date I shall proceed to distribute the estate to thorse entitled by law. having regard only to such claims of which I shall then have been notified. By EDITH MEISER ond FRAN!; GIACOIA SHERLOCK HOLMES Ave. East. (103p) 4 iblm nTSsTocations" patios and Red 8(i 103p) BABY carriage $20. Washing machine $40. Chest of drawers $10. 221 9th West. (101p) WE RrZMCFP SIR AUSP.tV FROM VDLii? EFFORTS fteSE HOMELESS. Th AWN IS GIJITE THAT'S "af 0e3WS7CW' right enough, i kniovV him by his witherep 4i?M-SEr?VEi3 UNDER THE THE CASK FOR THESE ARE V HERE HE 15, THE LONDON HR. HOLMES, y1 i DOCKS, GENTLE- -TTirtW V T rVEN.OURS IS "XfAil ' . 4-!- THE NEXT ON it'wV ?i T K the left, v,V-. ARTIFICIAL RES fi1"1 rliesterfield r, - Odd jnh, Phone 1 Mr- J. Kempster. (101) FOR RENT Offices in the Stone Building, modern, steam heated, centrally located. Apply Room No. 3 Stone Bldg. or phone Red 593. (100) PIRATION. H,K. OLD UZZAKL IN McCLARY "Escort" wick burner, white enamel, good cond'tton. 127 8th East. (101p) ONE Eicor Tape Recorder. Perfect condition. Phone Blnrk 902. (101) AFGHANISTAN. Hi5 SOUL -""4 I . . k Mr--rrr I . U llrLS. WANTED TO RENT AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that all persons Indebted to the said estate are required to pay their indebtedness to me forthwith. DATED at Prince Rupert, B.C., this 20th day of April, 1B54. W. N. POOLE, Official Administrator, 4 Wallace Block, P.O. Box 83(1. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. (A22, 29. M. 8, 13) Him 4-29 1 'Jrts-Sales Service. 4 (c) tSCIANn' f-'att. k ,r"K.Wd electrical re- PEDIOREED German Shepherd dog. 15 months. Green 441 after a (104) UNFURNISHED or partly furnished 3 or 4-bedroom house. Preferably with basement. Urgent before May 1. Red 893. (100) i b . r in 'r't i v,. ,? Jia Ave Wnci ah,,. USED shiDlap, 2x4 and brick. "voi, 4 injur: 11 Ke Kstate of HRmuel Brown, (114) Apply 900 1st Ave. w. (104p) Pecen sed Af'Clirikv 2 BEDROOM house, unfurnished. Black 317. (lOlp) Income b,,.r.,M',i"ii II n si a tt Furk, LAUNDRY tubs. Phone Black 248 Days. (102) fRed' (20m 43 LISTINGS WANTED ) rtort M"-iuS. Painting 32 A FOR RENT MISC Bv EOS MONTANA ARCHIE a- 1 r -rt 1 -- tAtitvv aw nir . til SUKE' HOP We have a large list of buyers for houses. For quick sale phone H. G. HELGERSON LTD. Real Estate and Insurance 216 6th St. Phone 96 or F. Wilson, Black 197 eves. (102) D Elect CACZ IN THE PAH-AOi TAKE NOTICE that as Administrator duly appointed by the Court' of the estate of Samuel Brown, deceased, late of Ocean Falls. In the Province of British Columbia, who died at Essondale. British Columbia, on the 18th day of February, 1964, I require all creditors and others having claims against the said eitate to send the same to me, properly vert-fled, at the address mentioned below on or before the 7th day of June, 1954. after which date I shall proceed to distribute the estate to those entitled by law, having regard only to such claims of which I shall then have been notified. v -. -J ARCHIE, Y NC- T CAN Cam r :;u 1 CMLY GO 15 GO ANY ,VULEi AN FASTECA HCXJE' J ITS TRUE.' ONE-ROOM cabin, furnished, light and water, 425 9th West. (102p) 3TWANTEOMisCF.LLANEOCS Mlcht 50VRNOR IN W sold, Th'SILL'. ARCHIE. X CAN WE ClDE I IM VOlK CAB WITH THE J GOVERNOR? ARCHIE AID IN.' I'M HEADED We CITY HALL NOW1 AND tired, ' rewound 1 1 'jn HE'S ED Ih diTT. MAV&E WE CAN eiDE WITH HIM? BIDE IN THE e.rlr!ll w 45 - PROPERTY FOR SALE R4PADE THE STAET OF THE m r WITH THE "ouncprs. V RAkAOE lllll OVEt?NOe MACHINE SHOP property and WANTED TOP MARKET PRICES PAID for scrap iron, steel, brass, copper, lead, etc.. Honest grading, prompt payment made. Atlas Iron & Metal Ltd., 250 Prior St.. Vancouver, B.C. Phone PAclfic 6357. (Hi building. Industrial centre. Terms. 237 1st Ave. East. Apply Novelties; Eddie's jr'-L: to AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that all persons Indebted to th said es 533 7th Ave. West, Prince Rupert, B.C. (102p) xJL?;i tate are required to pay their tn debtedness to m forthwith. Saw. filing, 215 1st ii t 1 DATED at Pruies Rupert, B.C.. this aum day 01 April, 1904. City of Prince Rupert TENDERS FOR PAINTINO " Tenders will be received UP to (116). j p Parker's of course! tr (120) 46 BUSINESS OPI OnTt'MTIES CAFE for Sale. Good location, modern equipment. For particulars apply Commodore Cafe, Phone 17, 628 3rd Avenue West. (100) W. N. POOLE, Official Administrator. 4 Wallace Block, PO. Box 826, PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. (A22, 29, M, 6, 13) May 3, 1954. for painting of Swimming Pools, benches, etc., In v f'. ..- 'rv i - ije tu saws, i "'et jouay "useTli; 1 City Parks. For information ap-I ply Supt. of Works. (100)