PROVINCIAL LIBRARY pRROW'S1 TP c l ORMES ;ides mm tm PSOVISCIAL LIBRARY, Daily Delivery Ladard Time! Hi April 30. 1S leei TICTC3IA, B, C. il 3154. : . ,10a 19 3 NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Phone 81 21.7 feet 3.9 feet 4.9 feet 23:39 5:20 17:27 Published ot Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest". VOL. XLIII, No. 100 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C, THURSDAY, APRIL 29, 195 PRICE FIVE CENTS -DRUGS 14 '$mmai u n no .pff' pTj 1 r 1 'i : : ...... . , U.S. Brands Scheme Puppet Regime Plan GENEVA (Reuters) Australia today urg: the Far East conference here to give "careful consideration" to North Korea's proposal for re-unif yin A-Bomb Aid For French Suggested WASHINGTON Represen Korea. tative Bob Sikcs Dem.-Fla.t if..- " " l: i I N , P I Lim proposed today that the United ... - 4 ..Mix i 11 I- JJ f ! States supply the French with atomic bombs for use in IndO'' China to "get the war won so we won't have to send American I I' - -,. - y-:J ' I boys there." hi: 1 'We have all kinds- and all f 1 RRY SLIP, at Prince Rupert, is aw siting first 20-car ferry, twin towers silhouetted ;lt Morse contain machinery for rai sing and lowering ramp to facilitate loading of fcu-vcr the tide. Also in the towers are navigation lights for local shipping. New Richard Casey, Australian external affairs minister, also e -pressed the hope that the So ' Korean government would cept Korea-wide elections ' .' they were in the interests of final settlement." State Secretary Dulles of 1" United States Wednesday cV. for elections In North Korea cr1' and blasted the North Kor ; . re-unif ication plan as a moot Imposing a "Communist p . pet" regime on the entire p n-insula. Gen. Nam II, North Korean foreign minister, had proposed Tuesday that the North and South Korean legislatures net up a joint commission to arrange Queen Defies Death Threat Of Mau Mau ENTEBBE, Uganda U The Quean defied a Mau Mau death threat, flying to Uganda Wednesday on her world tour, and thousands of Baganda , tribesmen, ignoring nationalist demands that they stay away, turned out in a tremendous welcome to the young monarch. The Mau Mau threat came in a letter from Dedan Kimathl, a leader of the anti-white terror rry slip was built to accomodate p uip shipments from new $60,000,000 Ketchikan i d Cove, Alaska. ' (Canadian National Railways Photo) I sizes of A-bombs that have never I been tested in convention war- fare," the congressman said In ! an interview. "Let's see if they j work." ' He added that the Indo-; Chinese war, in which French ' and native troops have been J fighting Communist-led forces for more than seven years, "Is ! becoming serious enough so that 1 we had better use every weapon 1, Park Lawn Projects Launch War at City Board Meeting we've got to win It, Slkes, a member of the House appropriations sub- committee which handles army funds, said society In neighboring Kenya. Later, Queen Elizabeth opened the new 20,000,000 Owen Falls SAItrNO SHIPS are fast disappearing from the Atlantic seaboard and the forest of spars which once graced almost any Nova Scotia waterfront are no more. Famed fishing; schooners are also on the decline, giving way to modern trawlers and draggers, and these three at a Halifax pier present a rare view. In the foreground is the stern of the powerful deep-sea salvage tug Foundation Vera. and supervise all-Korea elections. Casey said that if South Korea agreed to all-Korean elections, lt "would be a gesture which would not only be in keeping Vicn iik iking Pole tie opposes sending U.S. forces Speed-Up Urged On Grass Sowing to Indo-Cluna without prior dam near Jinga at the head congressional approval, but Citv Works Sunerinten- wouId back maximum material with support of democratic principles, but should, if the other waters of the Nile river. City Rotarians Off to Terrace ckrft George Beaton came, ReDresentat)Ve John a Ben. side is sincere in its approach, lead to a peaceful solution ot the Korean problem." Mission House Fire Prelude To Alert Bay Celebrations A motor cavalcade of about under fire again at last'net Rep.-Mich. .meanwhile. . , , i prepared for Introduction In the nights parks commission j House of a resolution aimed at meeting, when two com-1 barring U.S. troops from Indo-, . , . : China "without, prior approval missioners complained of ; and consent of congress." SHOULD BE FAIR n aniuiint of " by the city in the hand-inee Rupert's m poles was night by I Commission-Jalapno, while the board sur-'iles in Totem scheduled to leave Prince Rupert "We, bflUeve th"J the election should be based today for the charter meeting Despite, a raging fire and the I .The tire started about three- narriwscapc from denti.Hv.tJj.; muirtei- pf -w hw blo v'1 ' i 'tt-K . h r Club Inh at at ferraep Terrace. - .... -, JSeUtition between lwKU I anniversary rites were to begin. ! aged women missionaries, the and tlie south that a free at However, after the disturbance of the fire, the celebrations were Officiating at the ceremony will be Rotary's District Governor Dr. Bruce Gordon, of Court- mosphere both before and during the elections must be assured by specific guarantees and that 175th anniversary of the found-! Ing of the Anglican mission and I residential school at Alert Bay, I was celebrated quite successfully. ! Indian Superintendent F. E. field said this morning. . , Parks Budget Not Too High Says Forman idow progress in provision of lawns in the lower part of MeClymont I'ark, Despite Mr. Beaton's assurance that preparation of the ground prior to sowing of grass seed was proceeding according to his schedule. Commissioners An. Murray and Bob Ebv felt that re-scheduled for 2:30 p.m. and went off without a hitch. , s Taking part in the church enay, wno is in rnnce Kuperc today to make the trip with the local delegation. Also In the group are four members of the services were Rev. Allan B. the election should be held under United Nations supervision to ensure fair play." Meanwhile, shaken by Red .dp (auLJI ViJirau.. Mt 1 Hi I mill ; imp ot the an- I lyintj in pieces L IW Rotary Club at Ketchikan. Tony Mr. Balacno told Prince Rupert Parks board is I C. BALACiNO charges carelessness Crawley, president of the Prince ! thn lawn should be "in" bv the i not too out of line in its $36,674 At 10:30 Sunday morning with more than 750 persons in attendance just prior to, starting the anniversary celobratloas, the old mission house caught fire. ''Within 15 minutes it was completely razed" Mr. Anfield end of Muy. and could see no budget this year according to Rupert club, will head the local representatives. . China's "Asia for the Asian", blast, Western delegates waited to hear Foreign Minister Molo-tov's Russian policy declaration today on Korea. PRIVATE TALKS other commissioner that tne i ......... . i fiirures for Darks and recreation- standard poles which support ' I al facilities in other British Co- the hard-shell of totem carving NEED SIX MEN ! lumbla cities. Parks Board Chair- ndrnt George; "that pole Was bring lowered." there." the city. ' retorted "It was .lit way and when the weight at sawn off." Cheales,' principal of the residential school, Rev. S. Hayhurst formerly of Kltwanga; Rev. Hee-ber Green of the Columbia Coast Mission and Rev. A, J. Roberts, representative of the Archbishop of British Columbia. Also present were officials from the department of Indian Affairs. Mr. Anfield was there in a two-fold capacity, that of Indian agent and also as vice-chancellor of the DLsocese of Caledonia. were quite strong enougn 10 noia ; if Mr. Beaton had three men man Pat Forman said last night. said. "Luckily the two elderly As the Korean deadlock ground tro poles ior a goou long urne. i W01.kmB down at that part of thel Reading from statistics he had .missionaries, Miss Kate Dlbben "Not with the prevailing winci Dar. and wouirin't be readv bv obtained from official sources, blowing from that direction," j d f June then he should Mr. Forman said that in 1952, Mght down for re- on Molotov and France's Georges Bidault continued their private talks on arrangements for a full-scale parley on Indo-Chtna. So Mr. Balugno answered. "The put slx mpn down there gnd en. A dance will follow the ceremony at Terrace tonight. City Clinic Needs $500 by June Further clarification on the financial status of the Prince Rupert Dental clinic was given this morning by president J. S. Wilson. "We are in the 'black' at the 79 and Mrs. Charlie Wilson, 84. of Fort Rupert, who lived in the upper floor of the mission house were downstairs getting ready to go to church," he said. when Prince Rupert with a population of 8,546 was allotted $20,900, Port Albemi, with only 7,845 persons expended $32,391. wnoie conecuon snoinu ue lanni ; sure that lt would be scededi clown and stored until we can j tnpy asserted 1 th-,m again under cover." put up j ,.you ca,t get CMUa, Iabor for Later in formal session In the that knd of wwk," Mt Beaton far they are negotiating on composite proposals for a temporary cease-fire to permit evacuation of French Union wounded from 'Kamtoops, with a population He "ow!. Slrt tSS ! r Sf'322 that "eM" city council chamber tne paries 1 ics Dudoward. is 'Pair Mr. Beaton however, was nut 8 to two otlvr s he asserted thnt if plumlj and the moved back and i r ." he rlulmed, 'id be tix-ed firmly besieged Dlen Bien.Phu. "Drunken Impulse'' Thefts Prove Costly to Masset Man Other comparative figures show that Kelowna with .7.191 vik. miivj iiaun v uvtii utii- ipd 'for ycar,.and tjliit great -1 1 . . ... I U.. 1 moment," Mr. Wilson said, "but need $500 to keep going until Neither east nor west are offering any compromises to unify Korea. Making his debut in the world Ul-.M VI pMll.UBUUll ".viiccuru: ., ,44c0. Won.. for n good lawn June. There are three organiza ' Imo with 7,196 persons spent not be hired for a few days and Samuel McLaren, changed with A "drunken Impulse" cost Wil- $31,180; Nelson with 10.548 had forum Wednesday, China's pre 'h.nir.-...n p..t 1?,... I $30,590 in 1952; Vernon with Ham George Hilton ot Masset lainng 10 me an income ui re-7.812 persons had $63,102 for its fines totalling $250 this morn- turn for 1952 was fined $25, costs parks and recreation facilities. I ing in police court after he or in default 14 days. Watson Mr. Forman said that on a pleaded guilty to three charges Island Stages also charged with boai-d decided to' the Prince j Rupert Museum board If it would like the sections of the broken lutein pole for display In the Museum of Northern British Columbia. If the pieces were all put. close together, then the story which the totem originally was meant to tell might still be followed, board members fell. The pole, apart from being extensively weather-beaten, is completely rotted in the upper half and the wood of the lower hulf has no strength In it tions who usually donate $100 each and we hope that several other groups will come through with the remainder before we go 'in the red' again." THE WEATHER lieht-meter count Prince Rupert of theft of goods valued less , iaiung 10 me an income lax re- then let out," he said. Mr. Eby moved and Mr. Murray seconded that additional men be put on the job ,'i complete the lawn by June. "SI1XV MOTION" "That's the silliest motion, I've ever heard In my life " Commissioner Charlie Balng,.t said. at present had a population of Mian $25. half w;,y Up om !1 swayed it buck Mr. nalaeno. n to tlmt," Mr. "fd. "That will all t when the pulis I hen told the Hilton told Magistrate W. D. about 11,000 persons for parks ihat had been neglected for more than a decade. North Coast Region: A few clouds over the Queen Charlottes and mostly clear along the Vance, prior to sentence, that he didn't know why he had taken appliances from cars belonging mier-foreign minister demanded that all foreigners get their troops out of Asia and leave tha continent's problems to the Asians. ANSWERS DULLES Chou En-lal spoke in answer to State Secretary Dulles' declaration of the Western position earlier Wednesday. The U.S. secretary said: "It Is our task here to show such strength of honorable and non-aggressive purpose that the Communists will find it acceptable to grant unity and freedom to Korea." northern mainland today. In creasing cloudiness Friday be turn was fined $75. Prosecuting was W. N. Poole. Blscotti Dominic, of Kitimat was granted bail of $1,000 In two sureties of $500 each, on a charge of robbery with violence. Dominic was committed for trial at Kltlmat after a preliminary hearing in which a tight following a poker game was described. Gerry Pettunuzzo, counsel for to Burns Pierce, George Cioutler and Norman Kinslor. coming overcast with Intermittent rain by evening. Winds WANS VOTE "WET' Mr. Beaton said "if you're going to trust us to do the work, then trust us and we'll do It." "I'm not suggesting the engineer isn'l capable," Mr. Eby stated. "Well I don't think that suf "I'd been drinking," he said. "I must of done it on some sort of impulse. There was no re-sale value in what I took," he said. Police testimony showed that I 35 YEARS AS "DRYS" light variable becoming southerly 20 Friday afternoon. Low tonight and high Friday at Port Hardy 30 and 46, Sandspit 35 and 46, Prince Rupert 28 and 46. the accused, indicated that the accused would elect speedy trial. RIA (P-Thls not boasted so capital city, which has n advertising "licenced premises" since shortly Rufus Dudoward Dies Aged 68 Another link with the early history of this area was broken last night with the death of Rufus Dudoward, ranking chief and greatly respected leader of the Port Simpson people. Mr. Dudoward, who was in his 69th year died last night In Prince Rupert hospital after being In falling health- for the past two years. Son of the late Chief Alfred Dudoward, Rufus was a ranking --..v. ,Ttti, weuiiesuay vuieu ovi-rwiiciuuiigijr ' "ie drink. Big Tree on Highway 16 Felled To Retrieve U.S. Weather Unit 'W" conceded the vote on all lour types of licenses nquor act at 10 p.m. PDT. 1 has sold liquor of all types but only in the so-called dubs operated for profit and requiring meinber- uted on four types of licenses, cocktail bars, blankets, car fixtures and gadgets and a compass were taken from the three cars. The police chased Hilton onto a boat at the dock and while at first Hilton denied the offences, after two and a half hours of questioning he admitted that he had taken the accessories. Magistrate Vance sentenced him to pay a $150 fine plus costs or in default two months in jail on the Pierce charge and $50. costs or one month on each of the other two. If the fines aren't paid the jail terms are to be concurrent, the magistrate said. TAXIMEN REMANDED 's, dim. ficient effort is being put into the lob," Mr. Manny said. "If. artisans are needed then get them and let's expedite it." When a vote on the motion to net the lawn in by June I was taken Chairman Pat Forman, said it was a tie. Mr. Balagno and Mr. Forman voted against it, Mr. Murray and Mr. Eby voted for it. Actually the motion passed since Mr. Forman shouldn't have voted unless it was tied without his vote. Even after the motion was declared defeated, dtscussicr continued. MANY LAWNS HEKE "I could take you around town and show you 20 persons digging up lawns and re-seedlng them," ig rooms and public houses. chief of the Eagle clan at Fort Simpson. Qft Show Described by both his people and Indian department officials as a "wise counsellor" Mr. Dudo m Today ward is survived by his widow t lvic Centre Rs afternoon as t.hP Gas Kills Two In Vancouver VANCOUVER Pi Two persons died of domestic gas poisoning in a rooming house here Wed-nesdny and city plumbing Inspectors opened an Investigation. Police said Mrs. T. Fraser, 52, pjurri" trieve the object, still unidentified at that time. Several shots with a rifle failed to dislodge the snagged article and aid was enlisted. With the help of Bob Hansen, proprietor of the auto court, Jack Parker and Nels Carlson and Parker's power saw the party felled the tree and found the object to be a United States weather instrument complete with printed description and instructions as to its disposal. The parachute is made of orange paper strung to a wicker hoop about a foot and a half in diameter. The box, which is nine Inches deep by 10 4 inches in length and 4V2 inches wide, contains a radio transmitter and is called a "radiosonde." Sent up attach ed to a weather balloon from a U.S. Weather Bureau station tne radiosonde Is In contact with the station until the balloon bursts 84.000 feet or 16 miles up. Before the balloon bursts the' radiosonde transmits the temperature, pressure and moisture of the air through which it passes. Marked "fragile, handle with care'i the box, complete with radio antenna, has a message on it asking the finder to ship back to the nearest U.S. weather bureau station after removal of vae aerial. The box and parachute was brought back to Prince Rupert by the two Dally News men and will be on display for several days before lt is returned to the VS. government. A mysterious object, first sighted in a tree out on Highway 16, Is now reposing in the window of Super-Valu after a series of events involving three Prince Rupert persons and three Rainbow Lake residents. - The object is ine radio instrument off a United States Weather bureau station balloon which came to rest in a cedar tree about 400 yards east ot the Rainbow Lake auto courts after dropping from the heavens prior to last week-end. The orange parachute with lis attached white box was first spotted 60 feet up the tree, by Alan Sheardown on Saturday. Late yesterday afternoon Gerry Woodside and Leo Pawlicki of The Dally News staff went out to Rainbow Lake to try to re crafts show Molly (Mary) Dudoward; two brothers Fred Dudoward, paramount chief of the Eagles at Port Simpson, and Charles In Prince Rupert; a sister, Mrs. Alice Watson; sons Wally, who is flying from Vancouver, Rex and Jerry and numerous grand- Bruce Brown, appearing on behalf of T. W. Brown, QC, city prosecutor, asked for a remand in the case of the Crown versus Burton Loucks, taxi driver, who Is charged with illegal sale of the show, which ?ht, tomorrow onH Wild B n,IJ. .. . . Mr. Eby jald. "I'm putting in a lawn myself and lt will certainly Ieaturtng sales of be ready by June 1 and I'll have I children. .is. Dudoward was in as eood a lawn as MeClymont I Prince Rupert at the time of park will have." apparently turned on a gas jet to muke breakfast, then nt-glect-ed to light it. The escaping fumes killed her and spread to the quarters of Joe Russell, 75-year-old , railway pensioner, killing him also. - liquor. Mr. Vance set date for the hearing at 2:30 in the afternoon of May 5. Case of taxi driver James Thomas Moran, who faces a similar charge, was remanded until May 4. .a room, and a her husband's death. Funeral arrangements, In the hands of B.C. Undertakers, have not been completed. "I don't see wbv we can't tell the engineer to ""u the work faster and he can't get it done." maturing game8 I i