Prince Rupert Daily News Thursday. April 29. 1954 TODAY TO SATUrBaT Base-Stealing Redbirds Within Game of Top Spot "Bonus Baby" Back From Army f SAN FKANCISCO " Bobby Bui he hopes to put In to fcrown, a one-time $35,000 bonus months as a Yankee third- baseman before he quits baseball - m ' - . -it ... w' 'V ' . . ... .. baby Who used his New York Yankee pay to put himself through medical school. Is back home after 19 months far eastern army duty. for medicine. "If the Yankees want me until July 1 I am ready," said 29-year-old Bobby. By BUN PHLF.GAR Associated Press Bports Writer St. Louis Cardinals are their way back into the National League pennant picture. Running bases with an aban- Cincinnati Redlegs, who replaced the Dodgers at the top Tuesday, stayed there with Wednesday's 8-4 verdict over Pittsburgh Pirates. New York Giants moved into a tie with Brooklyn by niuping Milwaukee 3-1. CAPIT01I A famous Plav... v Evenings ... 7-9 p.m. Sat. Mar. 2-4:15 ..................................... 5 WALLACE'S DEPARTMENT STORE m ROD AND GUN CLUB DRIVE FOR MEMBERS UNDER WAY Prince Rupert's Rod and Gun club's drive to swell Its ranks is well underway and club officials hope that whole families wiU take the opportunity of taking out a family membership. More than 100 letters have been mailed out by Betty Martin, secretary of the club, over the signature of Tona Armstrong, chairman of the membership committee, listing the benefits that can be derived from belonging to the local group of sportsmen. High on the projects planned by the club is development of the Lake Oliver area where a new clubhouse will be built, a trap shooting and .22 rifle range constructed and instruction in fly fishing will be given young sports people under 18 years. "Family memberships are the backbone of enthusiastic organizations," president B. J. Bacon said today. Hard-Up Calgary Ball Club Ready to Try Second Season Rain and bad weather caused, .he other five scheduled major; league games to be postponed, i Spectacular relief pitching by' Evi-ni'iS T55 .... .. Saturday Mating ,J" TOgAY 'to SATURDAY: Bob' Hilarious At The Mtnaco Of Vonici! THAT rrrtiA i don no Redbird team has shown i since the last St. Louis flag win- iner in 1946, manager Eddie Stanky"s club has moved to 5 1 within a game of the top. j In 12 games the Cards have ! stolen 12 bases. They need only l half a dozen more to equal their ; total for the entire 1953 season. i hut Stanley claims there Is no little Jackie Colluin preserved the Cincinnati victory. Ruben Gomez pitched six shutout Innings and drove in the first New York run at Milwau- CASAUoVA's between the kee before leaving the game with I radical different' BlCWGRTCt 4 . 1 TTrvitnMAn r" a wrenencu u;h-k. base running tu';:!cs of the 1954 I outfit and last year's club. I 'MOTHER S DAY"-Sunday May 9- J MOTHER she asks so little, she gives so much. J Color by TECHNICOLOR. ill l 1 -I Mill FOOTBALL A steal figured directly in the m i result of Wednesday's game H j when the Cards edged Brooklyn i 6-5 in 10 'innings. Bonus baby I Dick Sehofield. running for Ray You'll find the gift of her choice right ot Wallace's, of course. Bob hope Joan Footne' BASIL RATHB0NE AUDREY DALT0N HUGH MARLftwt MM ft K-m DM , IHnw 1 KIM MM I. M y. : abltmskl who had walked with WALLACE'S DEPT. STORE two out. stole second on pitcher TOTEM Also . "Ol'T K)R FIX" "I.MI'OSSIBI.E POSSI'M" This Is one in a series on (he Western Intern-tional lcii;ue. written for (he Canadian Press by the sportswritcrs who follow (he learns thro--'' it the season. Bv KAl Ol' AY CulKarv Hernia Bnort-.wrUfr CALGARY CP The Committee room battles were, of more interest than the possible player material for Calgary's S'am-peders of the Western Interna-tioiu l Baseb I esi'Mte dut'iiur th" past few month. . Culgury had set a minor league recoid for attendance. fcti'ninecli't's hive not vet a fi" roster of players available, but with the help of the league's pust-presldeni, Bob Brown, o-Vancouver, hope to 1 ne up a strong team for the lengthy schedule. Former Pacific Coast League ilocucr Gene Lillard is back at the helm and, even though pushing the 40-nmrk. will probably ,ake an active team role again this season. Splitting the catching ussign- LONDON (Reuters 1 Results of Wednesday'1 -.ccer matches Inter-League match English 4, Scottish 0. SCOTTISH LE AGUE Division It Ailoa 5, Qucons P 1. Dumbarton 3, Third Lanark 2. Other Matches Hartlepools V 1. ' wea-sUr u 1. Manctrs'er C 3. ivlaiichcs. cr U 2. AlAVK.lKrMVKRSTHUn Jim Hughes- and rode home on Steve Bilko's single. Stan Musial of the Card.s collected two singles and a double, driving in two runs as he raised his average to .358. The defeat, Brooklyn's second in a row In St. Louis, dumped the Dodgers into a third-place tic. PRINCE RUPERT TO Hear: MR. L. AOCDOUGALL, aninixirt, Saclulchrn, April 29th to Moy 9 Kw.-pi saiua,, :0 p.m. week days; 11:15 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Sonta EVANGELICAL FREE CmjRCrT Ambrose and Sislh Avenue Kast kcMEMBER Vv HEN Tlie men who gained a itagtie nieni witn Don Hrickcr last year. 'franchise for Calvary last yetit j Gene intends to revert to hts By 1 in' C'HUHdiHii Hrr h Tommy Gorman, after leading' h"d a rough financial time turn on tnu niouna this term, working as a steady reliefer. Brieker will report early in June. At present he is studying at the University of California. UiipiiiK ii'jjuitu o'j,ui'u including purchase of players and all equipment needed for a first -year operation and were leery Chicago Biack Hawks to their first Stanley Cup triumph, signed a five-year contract to manage Montreal Maroons 20 years KETCHIKAN -$15.00 of making another stab at It. Stumpedcr.s are set at first ago today. Gorman became the 0 ELKS It wasn't until a special league , blist. wU)l Jlm Whi;1 puixhasf d enly man to win the trophy two successive years with different teams when the Maroons beat meeting was called a few weeks back that the officials marie up tVRAXGELL $27-oo , Toronto Maple Leafs in the 1935 I cup final. from Vancouver last year. Also , returning will be second base-; man Don Hunter, last season's ! league-leader in hume runs. The Stamps have yet to acquire a shortstop and have eon-' v.ii i.....n...H n ,i... . their minds and decided to try again. Revising some of last year's plans, the officials appointed local men as business manager I'ETEIISBIKC $29-70 i Cor. 2nd Ave. and 6th SU CIVIC CENTRE and public relations offices and i "."u ' ' . ' V ,V. ' -,m 7 .,.uv,f TliniTedesco into an outfielder. Gus EVERY FRIDAY Him WHEN YOU FLY JUNEAU $41-40 park in Caigary is located near fttt th "ly h'dCVCr the pasture. the Bow River and even on a warm summer night it gets For pitching the club has IK.,..., D..U C7.V...I(n ......... tVHITEHORSE POTPOU THIS chilly shortly after night games . '"- " ' , . . , of la.t season with an ailing arm. $56.oo get under way. CI I IC AIR Music by ? THE WESTERNAIRES i i All unescorted ladies admitted free' i before 11 p.m. HOT DOGS SOFT DRINKS LLL.I J along with righthanders Eddie Kapp and Bill Stltes as well as other prospects trying out for bertlui. Officials also remembered that in the old days, when flood I lights still were a thing to come, j LINES SEATTLE 6500 AFTERNOON 2-5 EVENING 7-10 w Phone 266 'Office opposite Post Office) Third Ave. Jeannie Warren The club has received help ' from the Cleveland Indian chain which has optioned catcher Ron King, first baseman Al Smith j and third baseman Dennis Luby. It also has a working agree- ment with thj San Francisco ! Seals, but has yet to receive any player help from there. els New High Batyqtn of the year: f, n .Women's Loop '.J - ' ''i . ...r .. s r': . i ' " T,r."-V; i- a,? , ,irv ff',! 1 ' . .-.' 'Vi ' ! .... ., ... H .. . r ''l---"-rj ...... 4, t ;- if-- i- v r A r-' 'V- - 3... ;, 4? . V. ' 1 ., T. a. " . . .. " 1C- A. ' .. TO .. HOUSEWIVES DON'T FORGET The Weekend Specia iiBinai l Jeannie Warren set a new high single for the season Tues- . day night in the A Division of tJie Ladies' Five-Pin Bowling ' League when she rolled a 356 ! game. High three was scored by Mary Postuk of Dom's with 733, and Clara Bellamy, Bea Hardy, Alice McMeekln and Jeannie Warren ' also rolled 700 for three games. Art Murray's took team high single honors with 1128, and New Laurel rolled 2912 to capture team high three. In B Division Meg Schuman rolled 284 for high single, and j PR Plumbers' Isla Hague took high three with 625. Manson's ' with 957 took team high simile and the Plumbers rolled 2791 for team high triple. i Results: guaranteed first-quality - 60-gauge, 15-denier t a k i I flip ot SKEENA GROCER! and ONLY Don't spoil your holiday. Be sure' your (ires are In top shape See . . . on I'sed Tires" "Liberal Trade-in Allowance SUPER SERVICE WILLIAMS GROCER "A" Division G & A 4, Sun- (almost half price-regular I2S value ) j rise 0; New Laurel 3, Cloverleafs 1: Lyons 3, Dibb's 1: Dom's 3, j Stars 1: Rupert Radio 3, Bulger's i 1 1; Annettes 2, Art Murray 2. "B" Division Skeena 4, 75 i I Taxi 0: Manson's 4, Co-Op 0; PR ' ! Plumbers 4, Cook's 0: Hi-Flyers j i 3, Big Sisters 1 ; 7th Ave. Mkt. 3, ! j Toilers 1; Wallace R. 3. McKay's ' ,1. i with yellow end flap from any package of Kraft's Parkay Margarine When packing lunches, here's a tip That's sure to meet with favor-Wrnp sandwiches in H;md-e-wrtip To keep that fresh food flavor. j Last Night's Fiohls i By The Aesocliit'd Pri - s ; NEW ORLKANS Raloh Dunn . 137. New Orleans, outpointed Dennis Pat rady, 138:ii, New York HO. SYDNEY. Austral'9 Tommy Burns. 143' j, Australia, outpoint- I ed Americo Agostlno, 140, Australia, (12). . , Choice of two of the seasons smartest shades Complete instructions for ordering on every Farkay package! These arc the very same Nylons . . . glamorous but 'i t i Jong-wearing . . . lhat John Robert Powers styled W 'for his famous Cover Girls! i And every pair tears the seal of approval of one or the world's largest testing laboratories! Their 60-gauge weave gives more fine stitches to . the inch . . . that means they wear fur longer tnan 51-gauge nylons . . . and they resist snagging. They're sheer and flattering for the dressiest occasions . . , yet practical for everyday wear. . Ordinarily you'd expect to pay as much as $1.95 pair yet Powers Model Nylons are yours for only a fraction of this if you mail your order with the yellow end (lap from any package of Kraft's delicious Parkay Margarine. COME AND TEST With new, trancpnrent Hand-e-wrop You do the job with leas work What's more, it lets you see inside With nothing left to guess work ! .is, ' ' Hand-e-ujrap II CETTjP UJRXED PR PER I OUR 1954 STUDEDAKER STATION WAGONS For a good economical car try our A-30 AUSTIN. A complete car with a low price of only $1495, that includes foam rubber seats, leather upholstery, directional signals and heater-defroster unit. SUPERIOR AUTO SERVICE i- .: -.-; " f .... . : '-" v r I I f ' i p., s j ' ' r ,r. y . ' I ' ' I ,.' . r y I i farkay Margarine spreads smoothly even when ice cold ! JYou can actually take Parkay Margarine right from your refrigerator - nd cut it into neat pals for the table ... or spread it instantly without tearing a thin slice of bread. And what flavour! Parkay always has a delightful freshness. It's the favorite margaiinc in millions of homes! llanl-e-Mrup i Din 'Jmcc I liniiigh1 - Mini patM-r. More Iranxpurrnl. more iilialili', mom mwii-liirr roif. (Jcl it in the blue rnrlon with I be handy culling edge. for rxlra iitln, get iit(-e-'-n; refill. 1 oil mw lite cot uf thv ;ori(uiner mvery timet L Come in 200 foul roll PA B K AY MABGABINE fS MADt IN B.C. BY KRAFT FAMOUS FPU QUAtlTY FOOD PRODUCTS