.1 f pooce court hi rrau, Kuperr Uu:ly News .SU.ij t A,. 1H Ij..-.. enticton Catches Fire I PH ATT CLEARED OF CTTATtCE i NEW WESTMINSTER, B.C. f, i A rekle.R driving charge . j Bpiunsl former NilL star Walter! i i Babe) Pratt, was dismissed in sbna hi,. il 1W3 1, n tin! Oaks and Padres Stay in Lead With Easy Wins , 'or. , into a ai Worsky Hurt As Stamps Square Series In Third To Win Finals VERNON, B.C. (P Western Canada will be represented in the Allan Cup final against Sudbury Wolves by Penticton V's, a team that fought its way through Penticton ran away from the Okanngan senior league in the regular season but struggled through 10 playoff games before capturing; the league crown. In the B.C. senior championships, Nelson Maple Leafs, winners of the Western interna- CALUAKY u.r t aigary nuuii-pedt is, building up a full head of strnm under the cheers of a h o r.i p-tow n crowd, bucked ih inch a stout Vancouver rie- Ilr I April Sllli- K it in a meal, hhiii cm i, . I'-iru.uhirly ,n it's ,1 ,l ' in ; Oakland and San Dl ';o are' giving indication tint they in- j tend to stay right up wVre th"- i are now in the Pacific Co?' I league standing;-, first and ! second place. j Oakland retains a hulf game i margin by reason cf an 8-4 win j , Wednesday night over I.m Angi - i i les, its second In a row. Pan i Diego kept pace by downiuc; I Portland 5-2 and Saercmen'o 1 it TS. lli-rr's diio stv 11 1 lit. kulwicc mMt. H,n, tional loop, had V's by the throat ; until the Warwick brothers. I Ktvc Wednesday" n.ght to g.iin ja 4-3 decision over thQ Canucks and square their Western Hockey ' League best-of-sevcn s' lics at : tv.o caiiies apiece. ' It looked like a hopeless task 1 lu-ond and drumfd T. '? 1 "fflti n 1 medium oiaon, l.noly i..1- "naa.j, "PimU " '-'I"U4 UZ An .11 v rrr i.iu) irauo meat in Blternatt , '. "f . '-' ' i" .1 "'It Inyw wild ,,';' ,'? "" ;''"" ' l"P with ..rjlr-,1 . Uke m J8 play-off battles for the honor. ! The Okanaan club became j western Canada amateur champions for the second straight ! year Wednesday night when they i hammered Winnipeg Maroons I 5-2 here In the eighth game of ft j jLoheriuled seven-game series. V's took the series 3-2, while ' three games of the nerve-wrack-t ing series were fought to a 4-4 stalemate. Grant. Bill and Dick, led them to victory in eight games. Winnipeg Maroons had the V's wrapped up and ready for the heap when the Warwick's al ly in the i clung to third place with a 5-0 j This odverfisemenf is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Booed or by fhe Government of British Columbia for the Stanipcders second period when they were t win over Seattle. Hollywood shir. ! I Ml tl'l'l'C trf IIHIII 11.111 iHH.klit, h,' H'0lt Si' ',"j '. Simfilr wrilp to '.inluli nnully initri, "il t., out San Francisco 8-0 in th Ali il. 1 1 Ml , Jttr your free enit) For quick results try o Doily News Classified It'Yn., Tl.'.l. . thtfftulil ItiuttliiiK in the burden 4.111 -M(' . . .tti't my , n tlv snort end of a 3-0 score. But they rallied for two second-period gee is and two more in the third. ilie L:-s was a double blow to !be Comrks who nKn Imt th'1 other Wednesday game. Bill Thonmson pitched S.o Diego to the decision over Portland. He held the Ports to live hits while the Pudres 'v. ip - fumiiy 1 lit civ ;h I' i.t.li-(p-lirihs iit-uHr rntt itw i fur f IN ST A t cnssi : St s.w- t i li.init'" 11, ,a ''!'"'. '" fl" mi uly ! Wiii you 111 a L 0 a !.'.t!it ni -i-i In VP I III' ". rii ilia tVlV temporarily, of! ting nine off four rival flinders. Lome Worsley, I Fletcher Robbe hit a homer In eivice.s, at lea rcgulur goalie 1 ii 11 ,1 c. j.ir 1. no llnltL', cufi'rt . , ;,nti ! A tt'l iticn .11 ri r. in'. ? ,! 1 ill" li.in.llf. sparked their team to another thrillir.g comeback. SPARK COMKRACK I The first game was tied 4-4 I and Maroons copped the second ! i 3-2. Playing with onl' 10 men, Penticton surged back into con- I . tntion with a 7-1 upset sparked ; i by Warwicks. i ; Winnipeg took a 2-1 edge in ! ! games with a crushing 4-0 shut- ; out. Willi two games tied, the j Maroons needed a single point ; j for the title. They never got it. I Penticton fought for a S-l win In the seve.ith game and set up i Wednesday's fracas as a final ! affair that would have ended in sudden death overtime ifneces- ! sarv. I Maroons, smooth and smart, I took a 1-0 first-period edge at rvi'ln- '' 'l-"i m' nviliv- -inn r-i,i.i li'iit' aii.i iinrruw !. jr- -I .-'Hill 'ln Uy it, Willi! r-ul who suffered wh.it was b to be an injury to a vertebra in ihe hibi, peii..'. :.i a .1 ocr;inible. Worsley was taken to hospital and there was no immediate report on his condition. His place was taken by Lucien Dcchene. Vancouver, although outplayed by a wide margin, went ahead 2-0 in the first period on goals by Rill VVylie and Billy Dea. They increased the margin to three t.oiiU when Cy Iimiv? potted another in little more than 30 I'll the Portland cause. Sacramento stayed In third place, only two gamei off tu" pace, by whipping Seattle. 1h: Sacs laced out 12 sjfetie.; while Chick Pleretti gave up nine. Mel Queen held S-iii.Fr.in ;eo to five hits while the Stars thumped Tony Ponee an:i DIH Bradford for 11. Oakland got down to its player : limit Wednjsday by disposing of six players. Bo Palica, Geor-i Stanlch, and Rick Eotrlho. pitchers; inf.elder- Tony Mono and Tony Rivu. j.ni eatrh": ilarry Bartolomei - vc Uifiylti if. ill whom vjy In '' " m-r Jfroninl i-.(T. r. i.hi-i th't J: wh il 1 1t-it nit nti In ilit ii 1 i 1( Av-JiIbIi roffrr (Mi. 1-') mi run -re ut ,nt Chi-r iiittti lo jfinr i':iri;iv 'rii-n.iii-M-i.il' hx C'fU .cup. w i'it 1' , iniM. m'tMtiu fir irtriy, '.No fic Imll-or ciilirr!) o .nv1 tin- Urns ri'rtl f(.Vro io your f-Mmlv. Jfijoy v iKvr-'-wj.fm'n'; Lit wiiMt if i' ii-U ilrcm in, itrntti fin.!-! ..!' iiin u'c-K ! den ui iirnt ill,; A'lll i f 111 Zll'I'l.lJMnl )rc; n .IITI.IIMi.l' for j-onr vf : Siirnrr Hon Vromt rnfvt 4:44. Tiie visitors added another it 11:53 of the second. It was then that Penticton "audit fire. Jim Falrburn let fly a shot Maroon goalie Don Collins couldn't tag. George Mc-Avoy cut loose with a goal less than three minutes later. FAST RELIEF FOR in n. l'ttl fvri w-mci r-n . M(n,M" M..ri.--. hnW l-.ujc l it M. f vmi I , uft.j in r v.'-ii.' rn .ot,i,.ii!l!ti ln Stiif! itrvl itf rf ntn o t.ti ,i,n nni ,lti;n. IrtH rnK- i ,??if l-ir' Ithir rntJ nf-" vu t-f n '.'w 'MIC l.'umT tW if v. iu, irv il iv i !nic. v mi Ii P' lll'Kl ll-fiPl'.Ulfl.tv Uft-fMfl i ll'!!,- n,f-,t I Si Y1RI ! GETS W1VXFU Grant Warwick scored the win-! nlng goal two minutes later. si conds of the second period. ' Slampcders seemed to find the range after that and George Pargeter and Kid Flirev cut the1 margin to 3-2 bei":e ine period ended. Archie Krolt came up with the : Ivini: coal at 0:12 of the third-P' nod mid Kay Harry scored the winner unassisted Willi lcs than . lour minutes remaining. The Vancouver club was with-, out the services of regular forward Larry Popeln, sidelined , with an injured toe. i The fifth and sixth games ore slated for Friday and Saturday 1 nights, and any further games ; rill be played at the coast. to rn:tkc itn m wltifr. I.:.hnIrv KhKn. n niilt r fi!i rnlirf ftlnto wi-h. I or u whiui- I my ItrrKUT HUE, llnpfihirMA. It SrrniM To M . . . n c-n;ial ft IW j.i' v.i.v I . .'in I 11. it iv 1 it'tiiiiilp like m , arn ;M:ii. fut If) t0 in. ri-lU. hrl'ti'ijl. ronnrnt'tl -rtT,-v ilSSSfil illii '4-MLk to a HI w 1 :;IJ v v v s i mil iS;'-' . . ; J' I il Ml -.HIT HAN. jnr -fAt' M'Mt J''iu iiittiitri my tflintly lo know it! in fii 'Hf a jffioo ntit. .rnolMk,--.iii'l t i- ili!t"ul. fiinn'lt lv mofilh. on! 1 AicAvoy whipped in his second goal at 12:14 of the third and Jack McDonald screwed the lid town with another at 10:24. Goalie Ivan M c L c 1 1 a n d, a standout performer all through the series, was almost unbeatable. V";i. who retained the Patton --!-, rpib'pin of th we.suTn title, play host to Sudbury in a oert-ci- ;.v:.n series that ripens in P:iii' ton May 3. !,:.-. 'I t('Hi-.iMh" 4i Mthnc tvr. hxi, 'C l.ll l (Miah In-- M''il Vim. I tc v iuim - ilw: "v m ntnl. ihrii'ty v:ty oi vi.ii'ir. A-t; VOl 1STI US to i ro.iii- 1:1 ar -too pounds age. eitht nio-.tlvs r M , . J mm Piilir I ts - --X rev ul Brown leather uppers. ftl 4 ' I Sturdy Ncolite soles. fl! , v - i Boys OXFur- Z&W?f .. rn 1 NiN'ti'.v-' , A variety of styles with y : " " v xg. ;pecial .,,, ij:M rr)y Children's Crepe Sole SANDALS J$(j LuAJluf, j f yJ j ' Green, Brown, Red or White. A j.u,mimpJ lmm,i A long-wearing summer shoe ay f if y I combining light weight with 3jss' yj y A & m J J durability. S k " irW-' ,nfantS " Children MnQ ' Children's Crepe Sole OXFORDS jjll!W; JmF ' ''";-:' 'J&'fPh Oxblood Uppers M&Z&ffl' ' You'll knov why it's the f in the West ! ' AV SADDLE OXFO w I ( fV- Children's Blue and White Saddle ' I HMA with Neo-Crepe Sol iA?A GIRLS 1 ... LOWING 4 i i V i I . "B-y.. I I XiAVU - t-'V, Intnnfs Sues ii I f-fr - f f.S,"vi i - 5 70 7., sizcs41,to9. - f ' .I" Folks want rich flavor in coffee. The fact that Nabob is the latest selling coffee in the Westfirst choice with thousands like yourself . . . well isn't that convincing evidence that you'll get the flavor you wan from Nabob? Try itl If ! Xiks. Childs' Sixes Black and lfi3 J II XSt .R to 10".. white. S"71 1 S Misses' Sixes $1-95 special 'lZJ'. 11 to 3 " ......... r, . . ra wm .Tr I Tfl I BOB PAilCER LTD. hAM SHC) ! S UKC u.U Prince Rupert, B.C. Terrace, B.C. fi i i