i - Kupcit Uu.ly News Thursday. April 21). 1954 -,. . (A: mm U U I' U U U v jssians Feel Sorry For Canadians" le Content To Do Without i n Building For Future -AT- comforts of our life than In our 1 canti" Press staff . ...nirnfi ',,i,pd id to to Canaan Canada THE UNIVERSAL the Soviet in FRASER & PAYNE LADIES' WOVEN GINGHAM DRESSES ' " ,,.rv one Of 1 1 Ruisluna think , wiwt BILL BOSS Prc Sl" Wrlter politics. What the Russian reelme thinks, as stated by Its officials and the controlled Communist oress, is less clear-cut. On one hand are repeated professions of friendship for the Canadian people. On the other are expressions of astonishment, verging on annoyance, that our government should participate- SHORTIES for Cana- Assorted styles. Guaranteed to wash well. ftS fQ Sizes 12 to 20 SPECIAL J .70-,;' surry j re They cannot understand that a free people without aggressive intentions would be in NATO or the European Defence Community. Any suggestion the USSR might have been even In part responsible for their development Is stupefying to thtm. EFFECT OF PROPAGANDA On a train trip in Soviet central Asia, I met a lieutenant In the Red army, a university graduate. We talked about Canada and Russia. He said life in Canada sounded good. "We would have bv now all L "V - Am e arc exploited by Jinnt and "the mon- ny Say - "J"" i-iiiiLitiiy contrary to tu the me will win oi of the me Can- uan- .. . i GIRLS' BLOUSES LADIES' BLOUSES to get rich' dl"n People-in American "ag- Come in and see bur large selection of budget - priced shorties in the newest and smartest styles. s of someone else's (jresslve preparations aimed at the Soviet Union." "We always draw a distinction between the people and the ruling circles," one official said. BrotuiciuUi and Rayon Crepe. Tail- : A big range of ladies' blouses. Plain, tailored and trimmed style hi Nylon, Broadcloth and novelty ... fn.n rn. ored and trimmed styles in - plain a $1.90 fabrics. Long and short sleeves. Sizes 12 to 20. SPECIAL..- white and pastel shades. Sizes 8 to 14 ... SPECIAL $28 m n to live fuller l, () HTl'KK iVars from now," .said OFFIC IAL LINE BUDGET PRICED, Each Soviet newspapers carry only $19.95 occasional articles about Can ' ' 1 " - , 1 f :-;, . , . -H ' .. .. -' t'k ' ; ' i vfith whom i u.sea to cuiivt'isation.s, "our , will have It it yours that you describe If there hart been no war. And now you want to have another one. Or do the people of Canada and the United States want war?" "Of course not," X said. "Then it's Just your leaders?" "They don't either." "Then why are you building bases around the Soviet Union? And what about Korea? Why did the Americans attack there?" "LEADERS KNOW BEST" Later he said: "Another war would be terrible. There is no need for another war. Nobody wants it. Would CHILDREN'S BLAZERS English flannel. Cord trim. Navy and Red. Sizes 2 to 6X SPECIAL ada. The line at present is that Canada Is being sold down the river to the United States and is really an economic vassal of America. The Canadian Tribune, Toronto Communist newspaper, is often quoted. As I left Moscow, Izvestia, the I mti nt to g-t on with $2.98 DRESSES vhile building lor uie 1 nict in railway sta-.un.s, in restaurants, ,ic interested in the GIRLS' DENIM JEANS Red army newspaper, printed a long story by Simeon Scherba-tykh, former Tass Russian news agency correspondent In Ottawa who since his return to Moscow otems 9-ouncc, Tom-cat denim the denim with the nine lives. Canada use the atom bomb? Our newspapers tell us Canada Is an has specialized In misrepresent- Outstanding wear. Strengthened with nylon. Sizes SPECIAL $3:49. lng Canada to his Soviet read- j important country in atomic rc- Plates i-i. nc aiu uie u.o. is trans- searcn Our spring and summer dresses are now at their best. Come in and see them this weekend . . . In Misses' and Half Sizes. 1 LADIES' NYLON DENIM JEANS n o - Rt quests for a j emblem on 1905 B.C. lirenct plates have (t.-d by the cabinet, forming Canada Into a springboard for aggression against the Soviet Union and the countries of people's democracy at an Increased tempo." Soviet newspapers ln.ilst the "low standard of living" of many Canadians is due to high taxes needed for the arms race . .1 ' Well made, blue serge, 9-ounce nylon denim . . . Zipper I said Canada isnot ihifcing atomic weapons; tStni Canadian research is entirely peaceful. "Why don't our newspapers tell us that?" he mused. Finally he ended our conversation. "There must be an answer somewhere," he said. "But our leaders must know best. We Russians are Jast little people after all. Only the Kremlin $3.95, . president of the Society said Mon- fastening. Sanforized. Sizes 12 to 22. . PAIR $95 :it maple leaf emit letter prefix will FAMILIAR THEME FROM The working class in Cinadi i knows. In nirttired n livinir in nnvprlvi :ng when the licence $ro production short-1 . prison. GIRLS' PEDAL PUSHERS Faded blue. Sanforized. Plaid trim. Elastic waist. Sizes 8 to 12 PAIR $2.49: while a few rich men who exploit the workers live in luxury. :11 be produced ause the govcrn- und aluminum tabs j Tis' 'or 'n;s,tancV Par l ? , ! lon? description of life In Mont-; war cost almost as OPTOMETRIST Fred E. Dowdie 303 Third Ave. W. Phone Green 960 SWEATERS "DALKEITH" pure wool I duce as steel plates. real puouhneu in irua, ine nus-"lan trade-union pfwr: Children's DENIMS Children's T-Shirts: in wide assortment sweaters a C UJjUI 1 1 1 11 II I "On the slones of the mountain arc aristocratic quarters. Lux- j ; ui lous private residences are Plaid, boxer style. Ladybird. Made In England. Plain $7.95 City of smart deep tones and pastels. Short and long sleeve pullovers and cardigans. " Sizes 36-38-40 FROM T ,' Woven roven denim. denim. $j.97 colors. Sizes 2 to 6 SPECIAL, ach Sanforized. Sizes 2 to 6. PAIR 79c s burled In the dense verdure of , 4 gardens. Comfortable cars of' i the latest type are at the gates.! 'The owners enjoy all the bene-, j fits of life. , I "Closer to the port and In the Robbery mooo l.-il-MINHTER .CINCHEOEIIS mm socks 1954 Frigidaire Refrigerators UuJi-thu picture is. complete t colors. ' Durene cot- different. Squalid littl houses I ', and masked eun LADIES' ; SLIPS ' , Cottoil pl'sse slips. Eyelet trim top and bottom. White only. Sizes 34 to 40 ....... ..... SPECIAL " fhu 11 with more than huddle ckise eKiiins! rn? pnnther $1.98 79 c Wide elastic cinchers with sold colored metal buckle. Sizes S-M-L U arid and NJlon. Nylon..-. m I Siavr iwvr 9 to 11., - . , I tn J Poir for ., .. ..: ?l ? 3 LAD ES' RAYON NIGHTGOWNS !' the Sixth Street In the dark and narrow streets I'lie Royal Bank of th-rc are puddles which ncv.r i" today. A fourth dry " ! i the wheel of the IMSTOIUT.il VIEW 1 i V.nvt : U'tents T rv-t kmnv, entered the bank where Canada Is. but their lde. ? after it opened nt cf I's status Is conditioned by the j V stood guard at the party line. ! It le two others rifled "The Dominion of .Crinirta SKIRTS f c;nn Cotton "print, skirts with elastic waist . . . Large yJ variety of patterns to choose from EACH 1 $2-95 Assorted shades. Plain and trimmed styles. Full cut. Sizes 32 to 42 SPECIAL n?e. The bank em- that means you are a Bntien forced to lie on the colony," they sny. Or: 'earing stocking "Canada is a country bein? dressed in striped ( xpltiited bv America und ex-rned blac k auto- posed to American culture." NYLONS "First Quality" NYLONS 'Substandard" LADIES' SWEATERS Pure wool. All perfect merchandise. In a good variety of shades. Short sleeve style. Values to $5.95 SPECIAL ' Canada Is a NATO country , $3:98 I und Joining with America in i $1.19 i 54 ?auge, 15 denier. Take ad'T.ntage of this low price. Sii'.es 8"s to 11 ,. 97c 51 gauge, 15 denier, in smart new spring shades. Sizes 8V2 to 12 building bases around the Suv-let Union for aggression in a new war." LADIES' NYLON HOSE 1 - 1 , 1 .1 '. - rl . . ...... j i - 1 ... -- i 'I ' 1 . !., j r 1 . i J t I wmSx " J(ltUivS 'iMHiiizafion ifJi-knbv.Ti popular make All perfect. Recrufarly sold at BLOUSES .' J I-ESr.50 pair. Plain pack. PAIR .'. AS LOW AS $26995 Models lo Choose From muuc-iNs Acri nrul . Terms as low as ' $26.95 ',own $14.50 mun'l,, "The Store that Service Built' McRAE BROS. LTD. Phone 6 or 36 u2 nr ' 3 pair for $3.50 Toilored style, m white and pastels. Pearl button?' Sizes 12 to 18 ... .. 1..: ' 1 MEN'S and BOYS' WEAR Rayon gabardine 1 jl Boys' White Broadcloth Shirts, sport style. Each .... $2,39 -r JACKETS I l.i. ..Krtii.i'rii-iil Ik mil IMI bl I v hft) Uf tisenhower style . . . P health authorities f u,,wd parents to t ''hlldrrn given the 'I'uiizatiem and vac-f'ies before school all, " of the Skeena 'h I'nit appealed to of pre-sehool age fo-opernte In the f' that completion f '"illation series be- ' ,r' is in the bt ' -he child, health i Wd lri,l. 4 , dlplavt) hy the l.itnioi Ctn fol HotrtI I I by the In Boys' Plaid Shirts. Sanforized.. Sport style. Each .... $9! Boys' Gabardine Shirts Plain shades with contrasting out- Columbia. Zipper front. Fully lined. Good range of colors, rail JJ Sizes 36 to 44 FROM 11 r. side stitching. Sport style. Each "... $9 98 BOYS' T-SHIRTS MEN'S T-SHIRTS MENS WORK SHIRT SPECIAL 79c $1-00 White T-Shirts. Made in England. Sizes S-M-L.' EACH.... Reduced from regular stock. All sizes. CLEARING AT You Get Value Twice Over With DOUBLE-EDGE (Gillette BLUE BLADES ; liere is a shirt suitable for work or play. Made from a woven denim. Assorted smoll patterns. Sanforized. Two-poikot s'.yle. Sli'.es 14' j to 17 $3.95 f" wk through their 's r through the r 'so were reminded ;,bv "lles for In. r"-srhool-age elilld-!;ld,;t the Skeena 51 ""'''s every Wed- l Thf.layS, from 2 BOYS' JEANS BOYS' DENIMS MENS DENIMS Sixcs8ond TOyrs $319 Sizcsl2rol8yrs $395 9-ounce nylon denims. 5. Sanfori: Sanforized,'! fastening. ining. . Triple-knee pants. Zipper fastening. bluscrge. Zipper Heavy ) 1 -ounce nylon denim. Ziopcr fly. Sanforized. 1 J!,, Sanforized. Sizes 8-10-12. FAIR $25 $4-95 Sizes 30 to 42. PAIR With Gillette's double edges you enjoy extra convenience, extra economy. You change blades ess than half as often . . . use them more than twice as long . . . as single-edge blades. When you use a Gillette Blue Btoile in your Gillette Kwror, -tough btiurd comes off in a jilTy -and your face feels smooth and refreshed. 20 Blades $1.00 Boys' Sport Shirts ...Men's Sport Shirts MEN'S WORK SHIRTS Knyon gabardine In oil colors. Sanforized. Siios 8-15 years. 4.95 all colors. Washable. CI Sizes 3-M-L-OS r Mnp back drill. Rood wearing quality. In assorted ed tii vr ?XTRA (ECIAL INT JOB UU ON colors. V J ?J " SPECIAL 'JW.T Sizes 14i to 18.. Regular $4.50 - 10 Blades 50c h D'piHr! With Regular Poikoje-5 Blodes For 7Sc THE UNIVERSAL I FRASER & PAYNE Third Avenue West 1 nird 'Avenue at Sixth Street iri v 7ID OUT COMH IN OOtS